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> Borderlands 2, Why you (no)mad, bro?
almost normal
post Oct 16 2012, 05:59 PM
Post #176

Running Target

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I felt like BL2 rewarded and punished the wrong things.

It seems off that in a game where guns are supposed to be over the top fun, they punish the gunzerker and make certain areas of play near impossible, and his specialty of wielding two guns nearly always gets him killed. Meanwhile, they decide to reward cowardly 'Dur-hur, can't find me gilbert!' zer0 play, which doesn't use guns at all.

The game doesn't let me get out my aggression like the first one did, and with XCOM and Dishonored out, I just don't find myself even wanting to play this failure of a game anymore. Shame, too, the first one was so fun.
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post Oct 16 2012, 06:12 PM
Post #177

Advocatus Diaboli

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It's obviously only a failure to you. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Oct 16 2012, 06:57 PM
Post #178

Deus Absconditus

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QUOTE (almost normal @ Oct 16 2012, 09:59 AM) *
I felt like BL2 rewarded and punished the wrong things.

It seems off that in a game where guns are supposed to be over the top fun, they punish the gunzerker and make certain areas of play near impossible, and his specialty of wielding two guns nearly always gets him killed. Meanwhile, they decide to reward cowardly 'Dur-hur, can't find me gilbert!' zer0 play, which doesn't use guns at all.

The game doesn't let me get out my aggression like the first one did, and with XCOM and Dishonored out, I just don't find myself even wanting to play this failure of a game anymore. Shame, too, the first one was so fun.

I admit, I haven't experienced this at all with my Gunzerker. If anything, I find him more survivable than any other class except possibly Gaige, since I haven't gotten her high enough to see yet. I wonder if this is because I am just more cautious than the average "BLAHURRR! KILL!" type person, tho.
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post Oct 16 2012, 07:18 PM
Post #179


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QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 16 2012, 02:57 PM) *
I admit, I haven't experienced this at all with my Gunzerker. If anything, I find him more survivable than any other class except possibly Gaige, since I haven't gotten her high enough to see yet. I wonder if this is because I am just more cautious than the average "BLAHURRR! KILL!" type person, tho.

I know Zer0's survivability is horrible when playing in the Sniping tree. It almost requires you use the Survivalist (I think) class mod. That's the one that grants health regen and a health boost. You really need a high capacity high recharge rate shield

I have to play with his melee tree, but I suspect his survivability is significantly better in close combat since you have abilities that grant HP on melee hits. I really want to try him with Love Thumper equipped (Roid Damage shield that has a 3 minute recharge timer).
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post Oct 16 2012, 07:52 PM
Post #180

Advocatus Diaboli

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It seems like the Gunzerker has tons of tank options, so I wonder what kinds of builds we're looking at.
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post Oct 17 2012, 12:34 AM
Post #181

Freelance Elf

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Playing as Axton while Mrs. Crit plays as Gaige is...I almost feel lazy. Like I can just find cover and pitch my turret out over the top of it and hunker down, she can send out Deathtrap and then go get a soda or something, almost. Our mechanical murder machines do so much of the work for us, it's pretty hilarious.
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post Oct 17 2012, 03:57 AM
Post #182

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 16 2012, 07:34 PM) *
Playing as Axton while Mrs. Crit plays as Gaige is...I almost feel lazy. Like I can just find cover and pitch my turret out over the top of it and hunker down, she can send out Deathtrap and then go get a soda or something, almost. Our mechanical murder machines do so much of the work for us, it's pretty hilarious.
"And that's why we build our own friends."
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post Oct 17 2012, 01:27 PM
Post #183


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Respec'd my Zer0 to melee. Found him doing around 3k hits at level 38 which is comparable to the ~4k damage I am dealing with non-crit sniper rifle shots. Didn't really mess around too much with trying to get various modifiers to apply.
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post Oct 17 2012, 03:58 PM
Post #184


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QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Oct 17 2012, 06:27 AM) *
Respec'd my Zer0 to melee. Found him doing around 3k hits at level 38 which is comparable to the ~4k damage I am dealing with non-crit sniper rifle shots. Didn't really mess around too much with trying to get various modifiers to apply.

Law and Order. Makes a melee zer0 crazy.
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post Oct 17 2012, 11:14 PM
Post #185

Moving Target

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Hoi kids - Tiralee again.

Okay, killed the warrior (Level 52) yesterday on true vault hunter mode with a level 32 mechanomancer and a level 42 Commando (I was a level 50 Maya). Jack dropped some nice thing which were ninja'd by the commando, but that's another story...

Interestingly, the robot consistantly did a lot of damage to the warrior, especially once I cracked open a few chestplates and it could use the lazzzors-O-death. The Chrylisks were hugely annoying (and responsible for the other players levelling up x2) the turrets, when properly placed (and not shooting down those volcanic raks whick I needed to kill for my near-constant second winds) were also a constant supply of pain, as were any seeking grenades.

I also died, a lot. As in I started with 2 million in funds and ended up with $3200. The treasure got me close to 200k again though, which was nice, (before the sell off)

Some more thoughts on killing bosses for fun and shinys -

King Mong is the easiest and simplest to farm: Equip your 5% bonus drop artifact, go to the Eridum blight, Catch a Riiiiiiide! and then drive to his spawn sites, waste in the MG-equipped vehicle, grab a few easy chests, quit and save, wash, rinse, repeat. Tends to drop an artifact (still looking for an ability cool-down faster than my blue level 36 (24% Reduction)) and a grenade, and at least one purple gun.

Saturn (and we all know who he is, right?) has been nerfed, hard, since the patch. No longer is he the pinata of treasure but he does drop a purple class mod and a purple grenade mod each time he goes down. Which, face it, is often as the rabid scags are a lot tougher. (Saturn is the "mech-loader" in Firestone, that spawns on the elevated road and then jumps down to spew death at you. Often gets caught on the overpass infrastructure and can be finished off with rubber-band on your controller and a corrosive pistol if you've blown the lazer cannons off of him first.) Also: a 17-19 x high-level corrosive shotgun can take 5-10% health off of him per shot due to the critical areas. Bandit makes them, but they take forever to reload and I chew through ammo a LOT.

Tried farming Hunter Helquist, drops crap after the patch (used to have a 1% chance of dropping oranges, was the source for the Bee and that orange sniper, apparently.)

Bonehead 2.0 now (also post-patch) drops absolutely nothing. As in ~ $1000 total after farming him 6 times. Pre-patch I managed to snag a corrosive lead-wind and a shock lead wind (Forgot the name) which made the 1.0 warrior fight very, very easy.

Good news! Moxy's guns (tip her at level 50 for the best weapons) still obliterate (Good touch and bad touch, fire and corrosive, respectively) and make the loaders cry like little....robots.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd DLC! (Captain's scarlets' Pirate booty, Arrrgh!)

It's level 30+ so get your "I just tea-bagged the warrior" asses out there. It's also got a nice, unsettling creepy vibe happening as well.
At level 50, my shield was killling everyone so I'm going to have to level out another character (Probabily mechanomancer:)) and get them to wander about. Loot isn't half bad (some nice guns, the named ones are pretty awesome.) and again, great story.

It's really feeling like "Pirates of Fallout: New Vegas" - the Hunter S. Thompson character is a standout for "what the fuck's on the TV" from the lovely.

Also - Loving Gaige's dialogue.

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post Oct 18 2012, 07:09 AM
Post #186

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Tiralee @ Oct 17 2012, 06:14 PM) *
Hoi kids - Tiralee again.

Okay, killed the warrior (Level 52) yesterday on true vault hunter mode with a level 32 mechanomancer and a level 42 Commando (I was a level 50 Maya). Jack dropped some nice thing which were ninja'd by the commando, but that's another story...

See, games like Diablo III make it so that the loot that drops, is YOUR LOOT; only ou can see it. Thus, zero Ninja-looting.

Why don't ALL games do that?!?

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd DLC! (Captain's scarlets' Pirate booty, Arrrgh!)

Awesome fun, though I dislike the weapons setup on the skimmers.
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post Oct 18 2012, 11:23 AM
Post #187


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I am really bored!
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post Oct 18 2012, 04:41 PM
Post #188

Advocatus Diaboli

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Ha, Tiralee, nice summary. My internet's been out at home since before the patch, so maybe I should just leave it off for farming. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) … Nah.
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post Oct 26 2012, 02:20 PM
Post #189

Moving Target

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Hi kids - back again as life's got a great way of tearing off your manly parts and shoving them into the blender...

Okay - The Pirate booty DLC is INSANE if you've defeated the warrior on true vault mode, yes, everything's level 50+ but they are so...friggin...tough...

But...The drops are also scaled up! Scoring that acid-glob rifle drop by Beardless can dissolve Saturn or pretty much any loader or constructor in a magazine. Shields are...frankly useless as the OF tend to hit you for 5-12k per glancing shot.

Places to avoid post-warrior vh2 mode: Anywhere that you don't have a clear escape route that allows you time to sprint and take on stragglers. The Caustic caverns are an indescrible death-hole, the Highland Stalker-blinds are horrible and the non-stop madness of Opportunity is just foul. So, yeah, if the Foreman drops a shiney unique, chances are, you're better off doing it before trying to kill the warrior, again..

Also - the +5% rare drop artifact doesn't seem to really work much in the last two stages of the Main Quest, but the drops come thick and fast during the DLC. I don't know if this is an intentional nerf, pure bad luck on our parts or some in-game balance I'm missing, but I get better drops from Skags than from the constructors at Hero's pass.

Note: Gearbox ARE going to nerf the fuck out of the Bee, so your "let's go farm tenticulastor" summer days are over. (The Bee is a unique shield that is like the amplify shields (your next shot is amped, but drains the shield a lot) that amps a ton, and drains none. Note: shotgun damage is calculated per pellet, so on true-hunter mode, you're talking ~ 5-8k extra, per pellet...makes a helluva mess) Saw a gunzerker using it to take down a level 52 VH2 mode Warrior in ~ 2 minutes (the cryalisks kept him damaged)

Stream-of-conciousness continues, but wends it's way back to the DLC:
What else? Oh, the 2 "post story" bosses are stupidly, stupidly hard to kill. And no, I've not met a team dedicated enough to kill either one, and I've simply not got the time to slowly whittle down the "HP in the billions" easy-peasy melee one (Saying that only shows you've not damaged him enough - his tomahawks do ~ 100k damage when he's actually hurt)

Killing them will give you shiny new currency, which can be used to buy artifact-level weapons from some guy in Oasis. And seriously, that place is still creepy as hell. Said weapons are very, very high-end, but a bit poorly-thought out, due to the inherent problems of balance within a randomly-generated weapon system.

My lovely and I are now on seperate gamer tags, so if you're on Xbox live and looking for a hand, just drop Retooled Looter a message. (Seperate tags now as we're playing 4-man get-togethers with longtime friends in Sydney. It's basically Snipe, Robot Rape, Gunzerk, Healz all around and rez the gunzerker, rinse, repeat.)

And lootin's:
KingMong is still an easy farm, even at level 52. Just whittle him the fuck down in that MG-equipped ride, ride forward when he leaps so you don't get pounded for 12k a hit, and then finish him off on foot with a suitably-monsterous weapon. Dropped the Bandit lev 50 multiple-launch MissileLauncher tonight, a few nice guns for a level 50 'Zerker and yet more +36% health artifacts. After that, warp to Oasis for the chests, Back to Claptrap's place for still-level-50 Knuckldragger (drops a Dahl rare acid pistol) and then to the Southern Shelf to see if Boom-Bewm is going to drop that insane grenade mod again (Each Mirv splits again. Equipping it on a gunzerker with the "double grenade" skill means there's 36 or do of the mirvs in carpet-bomb mode per grenade, hilarious from a distance, not so good up close)

Skags are a bane of my existance atm - the Rabid scags are stupidly-tough and aggro from a mile off, much to the concern of passer's-by and the odd jet loader (watched in amazement as a skag leapt and caught a jet-loader chasing me, and then I carpeted the area in hellfire)


Good huntin'
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post Oct 31 2012, 11:59 AM
Post #190


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So. Players who hack Borderlands 2 to cheat for better guns and ammo by enabled the unenablable badass hardcore mode are now causing serious griefing issues on the 360 version.


Badass mode was a removed feature (removed in the sense that players didn't have access to it) that caused permadeath but you have much better item drops. However simply joining a game with someone that has cheated for badass mode causes a character to be put into it and a character who has it and joins another game infects all the other players in it.
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post Oct 31 2012, 09:28 PM
Post #191

Neophyte Runner

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See? SEE?!?!?

THAT kind of mother-f*cking sh!te is why I resent cheaters who can't keep it in their own pants (which is to say, keep it only to games wher EVERYONE consents to cheat before any cheating happens).


This crap is costing people their whole, entire character - and the characters of anyone they play with after "just leaving". How's that for "your" cheats, having consequences on "my" gameplay ...?! Eh? Eh??

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/mad.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/mad.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/mad.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/mad.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/mad.gif)
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post Oct 31 2012, 10:20 PM
Post #192

Deus Absconditus

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Whoa, hold up there. Order of magnitude of difference.

The first cheat is an exploit used to boost oneself.

The second is a legitimately game-breaking bug used to grief others.

Don't put words in our mouth: nobody said THIS kind of asshattery is okay.
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post Oct 31 2012, 10:52 PM
Post #193

Running Target

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QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 31 2012, 11:20 PM) *
The second is a legitimately game-breaking bug used to grief others.

It might have started as a way to boost themselves, as the article said that it did give increased drops. The first people to use it probably did not know that it would spread. By now it probably spreads unintentionally, from people who don't yet know they got it.

People used it to try and boost themselves, only this time it directly hurt others. No difference, except that the outcome was direct instead of indirect.
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post Oct 31 2012, 10:56 PM
Post #194


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Jesus christ, Pax, take a couple of handfuls of chill pills.

I seriously doubt that anyone is intentionally using this to griff (well, now that it's known and published, they will,) but it was probably accidental in the first place.

I'm sure the devs are working triple-time to institute a patch that strips the badass tag from everybody's save files.
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post Oct 31 2012, 11:14 PM
Post #195

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Oct 31 2012, 06:56 PM) *
Jesus christ, Pax, take a couple of handfuls of chill pills.


I seriously doubt that anyone is intentionally using this to griff (well, now that it's known and published, they will,) but it was probably accidental in the first place.

From the linked article (emphasis mine):

Gearbox warned about the problem on 22 October saying some gamers were using it to "maliciously disrupt the experience and sabotage characters of legitimate Borderlands 2 players".

And: it's cheating, that has had a direct negative (and catastrophic) effect on players, at least some of whom had no interest in cheating themselves.

And I'm pretty sure you'd go absolutely ballistic yourself, if YOU lost a level 45+ character to something like this. Just because you haven't felt the negative impact, doesn't mean there is no negative impact at all.
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post Nov 1 2012, 05:23 PM
Post #196

Advocatus Diaboli

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I seriously doubt that anyone is intentionally using this to griff (well, now that it's known and published, they will,) but it was probably accidental in the first place.
Even if this is the case, that's kind of the problem. Hacking their own setup hurt others. Oh no, they could never have foreseen this… but it's still all their fault. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Nov 20 2012, 09:35 AM
Post #197

Moving Target

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Q: What's your favourite type of explosion?


Enough Said.

-TORGUE's DLC out today, if the fucking interwebs aren't still clogged with BlackShadowOpsIIStabULite players wondering why their games aren't working.

Re: the recent "hack" (enabling of the UltraIronman Mode - that was a bit dangerous to have in the final build yeah.) the patch seems to be working, according to the Russian's with whom I've been farming Levithian. And yep, they get the pop-culture references as well.

Oh, item duping still works as does the skag-sucking Meatsick slaughterfarm XP grind. Frankly, I'm in two minds over this, as I've had the Bee (Level 49, oddly enough as it's on true vault mode and AFTER I've killed the Warrior again) drop after my 134th Hunter Helquist slaughter and it makes level 50 enemies die...not easy, but without using 200 rounds or 25 headshots.

Even with the various Siren shield refresh and boost abilities (The Bee only gives you a ~ 20k shield, 30k with all the trimmings as opposed to ~70k with purple level 50 shields) I have to play a LOT smarter though, using cover, etc, rather than relying on the shield to take a few hit for you.

Oh, and Tetramorphus the Invincible, I went hunting after his ass ASAP after getting used to the bee (and farming the Levithian 4 times, god) and dropped him to 5% before an errant tentacle ended that attempt, so I tried again.

23 times.
Without success.

So, skill also supplies success:)

RE: farming: Ming-mong has dropped multiple Bandit unique rocket launchers now, much to the delight of my Gunzerker buddy who just unleashes electric hell on...well, everything.


It seems the Commando has a big-ass decline in survivability from 37-48, everything was eating me and I was reasonably tricked-out. At level 50 though, the mods and shields and artifacts just combine to make Axton a hurt machine. Speeding up redeployment is a big priority.

Siren: I am kicking myself I've not played about with the Motion tree more (apart from convergence, which is sheer fun-in-a-ball-with-gunzerking-rockets-inbound) after I finally had a go with Sub Sequence (When an enemy dies under the effects of Phaselock, there is a chance for your Phaselock to seek out and affect another target (20% chance per level). Basically, it means that the phaselock rubberbands from enemy to enemy, dragging and hoovering up multiple enemies as each inbound grenade/AOE blast kills the rest in the ball. Stupid amounts of fun and damage if you've got Helios as well.

But for sheer surprise, it was finally specing out of the Best-Friends-Forever tree (Ie: GF-mode) into the "Little-Big Trouble" tree (The Anarchy tree, meh) for the Mechanomancer. Suddenly, the robot's not just anally-fisting bandits (Hilarious and so satisfying), but everything's on fire and being electrocuted....EVERYTHING. Also, telling people to avoid shooting the big electro-ball until it hits a bandit is a smarter way to play. Robofisting is also maintained.
Although I DO greatly miss being able to stack an extra 4% melee damage each kill and extending the Robot's residency time to some stupidly-long time (163 stacks...that's like 652% extra melee damage) I am disappointed that they've still not fixed the Mechanomancer melee damage weirdness. (FYI: it seems that unless wielding a +% melee damage weapon, Gaige's normal melee is ~ 1/10 of what it should be. Eh, like I care, that's what a robot's for.)

Gunzerker, I've not played extensively yet but it seems that adjusting your play to suit your style is the biggest advantage. The health regen is mild (especially considering the Siren's insta-heal via bullets) but the bullet regen is a great way to make friends.

Zero: Eh...as people have said, trying to headshot during lag-happy sessions is troublesome. However, using a shotgun (especially a stupidly-offensive one) with the Sniper tree is an easy way to get out of that, as well as noscoping the big-uns up close from stealth. Melee is..ok, frankly. Although you can really stack the damage with a 'Roid shield and a lot Bloodshed unlocked) Cunning was pretty meh, although Deathmark is so tasty as is counterstrike (see the roid shield reference for why)



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post Nov 20 2012, 12:37 PM
Post #198

Running Target

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post Dec 4 2012, 11:08 AM
Post #199

Moving Target

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According to Randy Pritchard, 6th playable class character incoming.

Torgue's little playtime was fun...and god, wasn't Piston lampshaded? But it was quite fast (Someone tell me how to get the damn explosive sniper, please?) once you finished the main quests and just sat and re-slaughtered the level 52 badasses for enough torgue tokens for those sweet, sweet uniques.

(Note: level 50 Bonus package is instakill. That shit be wrong.)

Still not found a good way to farm tokens yet - but a level 50 commando with the Bee and enough grenades will clean out that bar pretty fast, but those rat-bastards, oh holy shit, I shot one and found he'd stolen ~ 67 million from me. (Much to the delight of the povo buddies I was playing with.)

Anyhoo, time to go - need to level a Mechanomancer enough so that Death-trap Robo-fisting makes bandits explode without me having to shoot them.

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post Dec 4 2012, 02:26 PM
Post #200


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QUOTE (Tiralee @ Dec 4 2012, 06:08 AM) *
Anyhoo, time to go - need to level a Mechanomancer enough so that Death-trap Robo-fisting makes bandits explode without me having to shoot them.

QUOTE (Tiralee @ Dec 4 2012, 06:08 AM) *
Death-trap Robo-fisting makes bandits explode without me having to shoot them.

QUOTE (Tiralee @ Dec 4 2012, 06:08 AM) *
Death-trap Robo-fisting makes bandits explode

QUOTE (Tiralee @ Dec 4 2012, 06:08 AM) *
fisting makes bandits explode

Brain bleach, please.
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