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> Borderlands 2, Why you (no)mad, bro?
post Dec 27 2012, 12:19 AM
Post #251

Moving Target

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Too f*ckin MANY Axton drops, IMHO.

Finally had a Siren drop (good one too, +8k hp, 25% burn, 25% burn chance) and the top sniper one, now I've reinstalled the patch and I'm crying as I remember how the bee was pre nerf:(

Keeping score, that's 31 Terramorphus kills (all via Axton, as those sentries draw sooo much aggor, it's awesome) solo and with a sit-in (to see if the drops were different) Basically, it IS random, but biased (~ 60%) towards the one doing the most damage.

Apart from the pitchforks, nothing of note dropped, no shields, not one other unique - lotsa glorious purples though, so that's fine.

Cruised about the lands on the Siren (Warrior kill x 2, so everything's level 50-52) trying to get another infinity drop (From Dr Mercy) but after wasting his ass 40 times, I've gotten a little bored trying for it.

Managed to get a 50 Neogenator off of Spycho (Frostburn canyon) by accident and that sucker's going to my gunzerker friend (when he's high enough). I was running from a level 53 God-lieth loot goon that happily killed every fucking thing in the place before sucumbing to a rocket->face barrage. Gleaning through the wreckage, yep, legendary. (Was looking for the hellfire, as that is sick DOT damge with an elemental-specced Siren with the Tetra mod on (~ 107% burn chance, or something stupid)

Amazingly, got a level 41 Baby-maker off of Madam VonBartably with my Axton (not killed warrior, so not level 50+, mores the pity) first go, but as the Bee's been nerfed, it really doesn't have the wow factor it used to. (It's a Teledor SMG, that when tossed, explodes and spawns another smg, which also explodes. Teledore loads used to get the Bee amp so you could murderize anything in seconds with a gunzerker tossing them at almost full-load)

Uh, stupid me - Hellfire drops from Scorch, not Incinerator Clayton. Oh well, kill them anyway:)

Good hunting kids - share the stories, no one else will believe you:)

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post Dec 27 2012, 01:41 AM
Post #252


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I started a new game with Axton, after realizing I was hardly ever using Salvador's Gunzerk ability. I like Axton's turret much better.
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post Dec 27 2012, 03:38 PM
Post #253

Shooting Target

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Man, I just got this the other day, and unlike BL1, playthrough 1 is no joke.
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post Dec 27 2012, 05:15 PM
Post #254


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QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 26 2012, 05:41 PM) *
I started a new game with Axton, after realizing I was hardly ever using Salvador's Gunzerk ability. I like Axton's turret much better.

He treats it like his girlfriend for a good reason.
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post Dec 27 2012, 06:11 PM
Post #255


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QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Dec 27 2012, 12:15 PM) *
He treats it like his girlfriend for a good reason.

No kidding. Even with minimal upgrades (the talent that increases shots-per-volley and duration), it kicks more ass than I do. I can't imagine what it will be like when I add rocket pods to it.
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post Dec 27 2012, 06:18 PM
Post #256


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QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 27 2012, 02:11 PM) *
No kidding. Even with minimal upgrades (the talent that increases shots-per-volley and duration), it kicks more ass than I do. I can't imagine what it will be like when I add rocket pods to it.

I'm quite content with deceptioning and meleeing the snot out of everything.
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post Dec 27 2012, 07:32 PM
Post #257

Freelance Elf

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The shields are also nice. And so are the longer bursts. And the second gun. And the auto-slag effect. And all of it, ever, that it does.

While playing BL2 with Mrs. Crit and her Siren, I loudly and politely thank the turret -- over and over again -- for being my most useful and trustworthy squadmate, for saving me so very often, for being so competent and fearless in a scrap, and for asking for so very little in return.
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post Dec 27 2012, 08:23 PM
Post #258


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QUOTE (Critias @ Dec 27 2012, 03:32 PM) *
While playing BL2 with Mrs. Crit and her Siren, I loudly and politely thank the turret -- over and over again -- for being my most useful and trustworthy squadmate, for saving me so very often, for being so competent and fearless in a scrap, and for asking for so very little in return.

Were you.... shaming... your wife....?

How long did she withhold the goodies from you for doing that?
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post Dec 27 2012, 09:12 PM
Post #259


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QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Dec 27 2012, 12:23 PM) *
Were you.... shaming... your wife....?

How long did she withhold the goodies from you for doing that?

I bet it would piss her off even more if you were playing as Gaige and using Deathtrap.
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post Dec 27 2012, 10:19 PM
Post #260


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QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Dec 27 2012, 04:12 PM) *
I bet it would piss her off even more if you were playing as Gaige and using Deathtrap.

Oh man... I wish I trusted my computer enough to try and run Brolands 2 on it.

Four Gaiges is hilarious. And by that I mean it's the unholy rapetrain. The players can oftentimes just sit back and do nothing.
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post Dec 27 2012, 11:25 PM
Post #261

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 27 2012, 06:19 PM) *
Oh man... I wish I trusted my computer enough to try and run Brolands 2 on it.

Four Gaiges is hilarious. And by that I mean it's the unholy rapetrain. The players can oftentimes just sit back and do nothing.
Considering how accurate she is, not surprising.
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post Dec 27 2012, 11:43 PM
Post #262

Moving Target

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The 4 x Deathtrap Robo-Fist extravanganza IS hilarious, and beyond messy if there's more than one electro-mechanomancer playing, but having seen 4 x Axtons, mostly with multiple turrets? Yeah, that got wrong VERY fast. (One went full retard, the middle tree, so when he tossed a turret, it set off a nuke. That got everyone's attention, then we tossed out the GF's and sat behind a rock, lamenting that we didn't have a gunzerker for bait/ammo regen.)

I also healed (Siren) 3 x gunzerkers - that was pretty hectic as I barely got a shot off before someone was down and they needed another heal/rez.

Was also cruising with an elemental (Helios/convergence Siren) and 2 x assassins - the might have health regen but combined with mine, they were recovering something like ~ 600hp/sec, and that was before I got people stuck in a bubble. The assassins love convergence - makes multiple melee kills easy.

Mixed groups are lots of fun - makes the drops more interesting as well:)


(God, level cap 50, how I hate thee.)

Oh, and Canray - if the Mechanomancer's missing, chances are she's an Anarchy spec and bullet-spewing in order to get ricochets. Another give away? If she's jumping around a lot, yep, Anarchy spec. (tricky, and mainly of use later in - say, level 30+, when she is a bit more survivable)
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post Dec 28 2012, 03:53 AM
Post #263

Freelance Elf

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QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Dec 27 2012, 04:23 PM) *
Were you.... shaming... your wife....?

What? Of course not!

Just praising my turret, is all. *whistles innocently*
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post Dec 28 2012, 03:54 AM
Post #264

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Critias @ Dec 27 2012, 11:53 PM) *
What? Of course not!

Just praising my turret, is all. *whistles innocently*
Somehow I doubt he's going to properly explain the black eye. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Dec 28 2012, 07:03 AM
Post #265

Moving Target

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Or the gold-edged membership to the Adonis club...

And Bigity - wait until you hit "True Vault Hunter" mode. Difficulty starts to ramp up right away and keeps ramping. Bring a friend!

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post Dec 28 2012, 05:44 PM
Post #266


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My new favorite tactic: finding a goliath in the middle of a crowd of enemies... and sniping his helmet off.
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post Dec 28 2012, 07:25 PM
Post #267

Moving Target

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I'm debating if it's worth trying to grab it at 25% off, or seeing if they pop it up for 50% off one more time.
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post Dec 28 2012, 07:27 PM
Post #268


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QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 28 2012, 01:44 PM) *
My new favorite tactic: finding a goliath in the middle of a crowd of enemies... and sniping his helmet off.

Why wouldn't that be fun? The goliath's drop quality increases as he gets more killed and hulks out to even greater degrees. For even more fun, snipe the helmets off all goliaths when there's a pack of 4.
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post Dec 28 2012, 07:59 PM
Post #269


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I haven't managed to get one up to GOD-liath status yet; none of the camps in the early game have enough bad guys for them to kill. Where's a good place?
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post Dec 28 2012, 10:06 PM
Post #270

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 28 2012, 11:44 AM) *
My new favorite tactic: finding a goliath in the middle of a crowd of enemies... and sniping his helmet off.

Yup, my assassin sniper loves this.

I even had one trying to attack one of those banshee vehicles, jumping way up into the air and swinging at it.
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post Jan 9 2013, 06:44 AM
Post #271

Uncle Fisty

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QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 28 2012, 03:59 PM) *
I haven't managed to get one up to GOD-liath status yet; none of the camps in the early game have enough bad guys for them to kill. Where's a good place?

Frostburn Canyon (or whatever the F the name of the place with the train is , escapes me at the moment). Sometimes you need to run the buggers around, a couple of shots to keep them chasing you, then run them into a bunch of varkids. I've heard you get a certain percentage of experience based off of what the goliath killed in order to get leveled up, but the main reason to do it is for the better loot. There's also plenty of goliaths in that region to pop the tops off of, so if one goes down, you can find another one.
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post Jan 9 2013, 11:10 PM
Post #272

Moving Target

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*Goliath Kills*

When enraged, if a goliath kills another (bandit, whatever) and you manage to kill the goliath, you will have 3x the xp of that individual kill (scaled to your level), chained with each goliath "level up", ie:
Bandit 1, normally 120 xp, killed by rampaging pencil-neck, kill the goliath, get 360 xp
Bandit 1 and a baby spiderant, normally 120 xp and maybe 25 xp, total of 435xp when the goliath drops. ((120 x 3)+(25 x 3))
And so on.

This can develop into a stupidly-high xp gain IF you chain high-kill goliaths.
ie: get a Godlieth, piss off another Goliath, almost kill the godlieth, have the Goliath kill the bigger one, wash, rinse, repeat.

And that's how you can accidently get 45-90K xp (MAD XP if you're tagging along with someone a few levels (Less than 5) higher than you)

...Well you could pre-patch, they may have capped the xp to a maximum of ~9k in one hit (going on level 1 characters tagging along for a tetra kill, and many multiple Warrior slaughters)

But yes - get a high-level Godlieth (or a big un) and let it whale on anything as you run like a little girl and the xp drop's rather juicy - also useful to create a diversion if the bandits are getting unecessarily grumpy.

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post Jan 13 2013, 12:54 AM
Post #273


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So, I took a little side trip to Oasis, to break up the tedium of replaying the bits I'd already played as Salvador. I haven't gotten far, but I have to say that Shade has the kind of smile that makes me reach for the reassuring heft of a really big gun. Plus, that whole thing with the townsfolk who are totally not dead.
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post Jan 13 2013, 01:53 AM
Post #274

Uncle Fisty

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Not surprisingly, you tend to get better loot from the DLC. Good stuff there.
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post Jan 13 2013, 03:56 AM
Post #275

Freelance Elf

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Yeah, both DLCs were a lot of fun. The Torgue one had me literally laughing out loud several times, though.
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