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post Feb 7 2013, 05:13 PM
Post #776

Moving Target

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I think Tundra Wolf does.
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post Feb 7 2013, 05:33 PM
Post #777

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Uhhh, no. In fact, he has Incompetence: Demolitions. It's why he has a cybernetic torso and arm.
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post Feb 7 2013, 05:34 PM
Post #778

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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Feb 6 2013, 01:17 PM) *
The explosives plan would be last resort, as one of you two would have to do it (TW has Incompetence: Demolitions). And I like the informant angle.

...No he doesn't

So I think we risk it without the explosives over Fiona's head...

...So let's make some rolls for finding a proper patsy--I mean distraction.
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post Feb 7 2013, 05:44 PM
Post #779

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Damn. I forgot that.

Can we lay siege to the place? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

Alright, so a distraction. How about if I tell some local folks that one of the adjacent warehouses has.... a huge supply of weapons? BTL? Electronics? Just waiting for someone ballsy enough to grab it and profit.
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post Feb 7 2013, 06:03 PM
Post #780

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Weapons would be my bait. Nothin' like a cache of stolen AK-97s to get the local meatheads all lathered up.
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post Feb 7 2013, 07:51 PM
Post #781


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Ok. Describe to me who you're approaching to start this rumor and give me a Con roll so we can get this moving along.
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post Feb 7 2013, 07:55 PM
Post #782

Moving Target

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IC post incoming.
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:32 PM
Post #783

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I was afraid that if I told that there was X stuff in a warehouse, that when they busted into it and discovered otherwise, we'd have a tough time getting out of there afterward.
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:34 PM
Post #784


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That's the best con you could come up with? Sigh. Guess I'll roll with it anyway. They are too drunk to remember that is the paranoid and very violent Jack Turner's place (also they glitched their roll). You've convince 3 orks to go charging off down the street after some free loot.

What are you doing now?
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:43 PM
Post #785

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Note the highlight regarding which warehouse in my IC post.
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:47 PM
Post #786


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QUOTE (Dak @ Feb 7 2013, 02:43 PM) *
Note the highlight regarding which warehouse in my IC post.

Sorry about that. So, what exactly are you trying to do. Smugglers don't exactly stick their necks out for each other. At most you are going to get Jack to look out a window and/or have his orks open the door momentarily to see what's going on and then ready their weapons in case the trouble moves to their building.
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:51 PM
Post #787

Moving Target

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I'm hoping for a distraction.

We kicked around a few ideas to try to lure people out of the warehouse, but we all agreed that short of waiting for someone to go out for food, its unlikely that they'll just all decide to go for a nice stroll.

No, I'm not expecting any of them to come try to stop any looting. I'm hoping that Jack and his goons are paranoid enough that anything will panic them (like a well dressed fellow coming around asking to purchase stuff) All they need to do is keep an eye on what's happening across the street, and maybe we can sneak in. Or not, and we'll all die. Limited resources, limited options.
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:56 PM
Post #788


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QUOTE (Dak @ Feb 7 2013, 02:51 PM) *
I'm hoping for a distraction.

We kicked around a few ideas to try to lure people out of the warehouse, but we all agreed that short of waiting for someone to go out for food, its unlikely that they'll just all decide to go for a nice stroll.

No, I'm not expecting any of them to come try to stop any looting. I'm hoping that Jack and his goons are paranoid enough that anything will panic them (like a well dressed fellow coming around asking to purchase stuff) All they need to do is keep an eye on what's happening across the street, and maybe we can sneak in. Or not, and we'll all die. Limited resources, limited options.

Ok, you've managed to get all the orks on guard with weapons ready. You can see movement at one of the windows upstairs, the one from Jack's bedroom. So maybe he's watching the comotion.

Now what?
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post Feb 7 2013, 08:58 PM
Post #789


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Oh and one of the watcher spirits went through the ward when it started happening, but will return after a minute or so.
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post Feb 7 2013, 09:09 PM
Post #790

Moving Target

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Now would be a good time to get the spirit to hit us with the Concealment power, and Gardner or I go up the 1-story building next to Jack's warehouse then onto the roof. At that point, tie off the rope and Errol Flynn through the open window. If it's her in the room, we get her out as best as possible. If it's Jack, maybe he values his life enough that being told to call off his dogs at the point of an assault rifle will work. If not..well, TW always knew he wasn't dying in bed at an old age and there's one less smuggler for KE to deal with.
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:02 PM
Post #791


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Lets assume the Concealment is done. Give me a climbing check for anybody climbing up to the roof and then tell me which window you are trying to crash through. There is one window on the back of the Jack's building that leads into the living room where Mr. White talked to Jack.
The front of the building has two windows, one that leads into that same living room where Mr. White has seen already, and the other leaves to Jack's bedroom(this is the window where you could see the curtains move.
None of the windows are open.
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:04 PM
Post #792

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Go in the bedroom window, guys!

Mr. White is going to hurry around to the back and bang on the security door a few times once the ruckus starts. Maybe distract at least one of the orks inside from what's going on upstairs.
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:18 PM
Post #793

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Dak @ Feb 7 2013, 05:04 PM) *
Go in the bedroom window, guys!

Mr. White is going to hurry around to the back and bang on the security door a few times once the ruckus starts. Maybe distract at least one of the orks inside from what's going on upstairs.

Chaos from all fronts, nice. And yes, I vote bedroom window as well.

In preparation of this, I do have climbing gear, including gloves, which would normally give us a +2 on climbing. With that in mind (let me know if I'm incorrect), I will aid Tundra Wolf getting up and then follow myself. I figure my height should let me make it pretty darn easy for him to get up. I'm also being careful to skirt the edges of the roof, putting my weight on the wall and no the weaker areas in the center of the roof (I don't need explosives to make a skylight, I can just jump up and down!! >.<).

Climb: 3 hits

If we can get in without breaking the window (i.e. just opening it) then I'd say we go for that. Otherwise we might have to swing down and try to smash through...
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:24 PM
Post #794

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Waiting on confirm from Slacker before I make my roll, since it's going to be a default roll for me.
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:34 PM
Post #795


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Sure, go ahead with the climbing roll with the bonus dice.
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:36 PM
Post #796


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QUOTE (Kiirnodel @ Feb 7 2013, 04:18 PM) *
If we can get in without breaking the window (i.e. just opening it) then I'd say we go for that. Otherwise we might have to swing down and try to smash through...

Since the bedroom window is the one that had activity at it prior to you starting to climb, you may want to skip checking to see if it can be opened and just crash through it. Since somebody could very well be standing at it right now with their gun ready.
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post Feb 7 2013, 10:48 PM
Post #797

Moving Target

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Climbing 0 + Strength 6 - Defaulting 1 + Assisted 2 = 4 hits.

That was...unexpected. 15 dice earlier with 2 hits, 7 dice this time with 4 hits. Guess it all balances out, neh?

So, up to the roof, let Garder set the ropes since he apparently knows what he's doing, hit the mental "reflexes ACTIVE" switch, and then through the window feet first. Hopefully whoever is standing there likes the taste of combat boot.
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post Feb 7 2013, 11:42 PM
Post #798


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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Feb 7 2013, 04:48 PM) *
Climbing 0 + Strength 6 - Defaulting 1 + Assisted 2 = 4 hits.

That was...unexpected. 15 dice earlier with 2 hits, 7 dice this time with 4 hits. Guess it all balances out, neh?

So, up to the roof, let Garder set the ropes since he apparently knows what he's doing, hit the mental "reflexes ACTIVE" switch, and then through the window feet first. Hopefully whoever is standing there likes the taste of combat boot.

Give me a gymnastics roll for trying to seeing down and crash through the window. No bonuses or penalties.
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post Feb 7 2013, 11:50 PM
Post #799

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Gymnatics 0 + Agility 7 - Defaulting 1 = 4 hits.

Wow. Almost a critical success.
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post Feb 8 2013, 12:14 AM
Post #800


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QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Feb 7 2013, 05:50 PM) *

Gymnatics 0 + Agility 7 - Defaulting 1 = 4 hits.

Wow. Almost a critical success.

Quite Impressive there. As Gardner finishes tying off the line and further bracing it with his own bulk. You run and leap off the building perfectly timing your swing on the rope to crash squarely into the window with your boots.

Jack was lucky and caught a glimpse of movement since he was already looking out the window and successfully dodged to the side shouting "What the FUCK!?!"

Time for initiative rolls everybody.

I will say that TundraWolf had time to notice Fiona tied to a chair in the middle of the room. She doesn't appear to be conscious enough to respond to your dramatic entrance, but you don't immediately notice any gaping wounds on her.
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