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> Gnome ex-Corp Street Samurai, skills,skills..
post Nov 23 2012, 09:55 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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My Gm is starting a new campaign, i decided to play gnome street sammy.
I would like to have your points of wiew of my skill's decicions
(126 p)

Athletics SG 1
Automatics 5
Blades 1
Dodge 4
Etiqutte 2
Infiltration 4
Negotiation 1
Palming 2
Perception 4
Pilot G.craft 1
Pistols 3
Survival(urban) 1(+2)
Unarmed Combat 1

..so any opinions??.. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cyber.gif)
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post Nov 23 2012, 04:20 PM
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Shooting Target

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A litt;e unusual, in my book, but my guys tend to be skill mongers.

Is he a patrolman? A detective? Former SWAT or fast response team? High-speed pursuit specialist?
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post Nov 23 2012, 04:41 PM
Post #3

Shooting Target

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Survival seem a bit odd, urban survival implies that he knows how to forage for food/build shelters in a city, essentially living on the street. Which can be really interesting if you come up with a story to go with that.

Having a point or two in Electronics never hurts for bypassing electronic security.
Which goes well with how much you invested in sneakiness.

With 1 point in both unarmed combat and blades you might aswell change that to close combat and get clubs aswell.

What's this guys story? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Nov 23 2012, 04:44 PM
Post #4

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Nov 23 2012, 06:20 PM) *
A litt;e unusual, in my book, but my guys tend to be skill mongers.

Is he a patrolman? A detective? Former SWAT or fast response team? High-speed pursuit specialist?

former member of security patrol
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post Nov 23 2012, 06:02 PM
Post #5

Shooting Target

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D'oh! Read "Ex-Corp" as "Ex-Cop" ... well, now *that's* a different story! Alrighty then. The type of corp can make a difference, since, you know, a Shiawase-raised corporate Samurai has an entirely different vibe than an Ares-raised "Security Officer", so, I'm going to pick one similar to what I *think* you want, and go from there.

I always start with SKill Groups, so let's see.

Athletics 2 is a good, solid base for an athletic-minded character. It's "Good natural talent/high school-trained" atheletic level for someone who had good physical abilities when young but never wnet into professional sports.

Close Combat 2 follows ... you get some stunstick training, some basic unarmed courses, and you pick up a little Kendo on the side, since, well, Samurai, right?

Electronics 2 is a gimmie ... you *have* to have Computer and Data Search if you're a modern guy, and you might as well pick up hardware and software for virtually free.

Skip Firearms for now.

Influence 2 is another nice one ... you need some etiquette, and leadership fits in the corporate security level. Con and Negotiation, just 'cause. (Somebody wins the poker night games with bluffing, it seems!)

STealth 2 is my general "You're a Shadowrunner, act like it!" level, a sort of basic training that all Shadowrunners should have. Picked that up after leaving the job.

So, we've gone through 100 points thusfar. Mechanics isn't a bad choice, nor is Outdoors, depending, but, for now, let's go to nromal skills and come back later if there's wiggle room.

Automatics is the skill of choicefor an Ares-trained guy, with 3 being professional quality, so we'll go with a 4 since you're a hero. Pistols 3 since you're a tad better than the 2 a normal guard would have, but the automatic is the gun of choice. Throwing Weapons 1 for some grenade drills, but nothing huge.

Pilot Ground Craft 2, because everyone should be able to drive.

Intimidation 3, because you're a hard man and a good growl can keep you from having to draw down.

Perception 2, since you aren't a detective but are trained to keep your eyes and ears open. Corporate trained, so you rely on technology to boost that.

Armorer 2, since you tend to work on your own weapons, and First Aid 2, because, well, everyone needs first aid.

Top it off with Artisan 1 for a hobby of some kind.

That's 20 points of skills, for 80 more used, putting us at 180 points of skills ... a tad lower than I usually get, but more than you see in most Archetypes in the book.

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post Nov 23 2012, 06:18 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Nov 23 2012, 07:02 PM) *
Influence 2 is another nice one ... you need some etiquette, and leadership fits in the corporate security level. Con and Negotiation, just 'cause. (Somebody wins the poker night games with bluffing, it seems!)

Con or Negotiation is also used to "defend" against a con attempt, that should be standard education for security personnel. The same goes for intimidation.

QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Nov 23 2012, 07:02 PM) *
Pilot Ground Craft 2, because everyone should be able to drive.

In shadowrun, it is kind of uncommon for someone who is not a dedicated driver to know how to drive.

One thing to OP: Ask your GM if you can use karmabuild, this would make low-level skills considerably cheaper.
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post Nov 24 2012, 07:34 PM
Post #7

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Nov 23 2012, 12:02 PM) *
Pilot Ground Craft 2, because everyone should be able to drive.

Armorer 2, since you tend to work on your own weapons, and First Aid 2, because, well, everyone needs first aid.

That's 20 points of skills, for 80 more used, putting us at 180 points of skills ... a tad lower than I usually get, but more than you see in most Archetypes in the book.

Pilot Ground Craft: everyone can use it untrained, first off. Secondly, a more realistic way of representing that would be to take 1 rank and a specialization - for example, I can drive very well in a car, but I've never ridden a motorcycle or a semi truck. A skill of 2 means you're equally skilled with all ground vehicles.

First Aid 2: everyone needs a medic, not everyone needs a blundering fool who can't properly repair a scrape. Skill 2 + Logic 3 + Kit 6 = 11 dice, assuming an average roll of 1 success per 3 dice means you get 3 successes, which means you heal 1 point of damage.

You usually use more than 180 BP on skills? I rarely use more than 100. Wow.
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post Nov 25 2012, 06:42 AM
Post #8

Shooting Target

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Heck, have you seen my 320 point characters? Even *those* guys break 120 points of skills on a regular basis, and 160 isn't unheard of.

Skills are *so* important.
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The Jopp
post Nov 25 2012, 09:36 AM
Post #9


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QUOTE (Lionhearted @ Nov 23 2012, 05:41 PM) *
Survival seem a bit odd, urban survival implies that he knows how to forage for food/build shelters in a city, essentially living on the street. Which can be really interesting if you come up with a story to go with that.

I can see how he grew up as a squatter, turned runner and later went into a corporation that then folded during corp wars and he went out of a job.
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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Nov 25 2012, 04:50 PM
Post #10

Prime Runner Ascendant

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QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Nov 24 2012, 11:42 PM) *
Heck, have you seen my 320 point characters? Even *those* guys break 120 points of skills on a regular basis, and 160 isn't unheard of.

Skills are *so* important.

Indeed... Skills, Skills, Skills. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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