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> Storm Front is out!, Leading to SR5!
post Mar 22 2013, 11:20 PM
Post #701

The King In Yellow

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Edit: For those short on time, patience or attention span, I added individual ratings to all chapters (save one, because there's not really much there to even be rated). I also added a tl;dr rating at the end.

Being impartial and try to stay as objective as possible for example.
Your personal opinion will of course always show through, but that should be kept to a minimum.
In this review your dislike of the product and CGL is clearly visible and everyone who reads the review to inform himself would always wonder if the book really is that bad or if its just you using hyperboles because of a personal vendetta.

In media reviews, impartiality isn't as important. That said, I do give props where props are due. You didn't even read what I wrote, so you making claims about the content of my review in total is a bit bold. And you know, your own opinion is showing here. Just as a heads-up. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Mar 22 2013, 11:28 PM
Post #702

Moving Target

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 12:20 AM) *
In media reviews, impartiality isn't as important. That said, I do give props where props are due. You didn't even read what I wrote, so you making claims about the content of my review in total is a bit bold. And you know, your own opinion is showing here. Just as a heads-up. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

I do not know what media reviews you normally look like, but unless you are talking among a group who you know have the same opinion as you a more professional tone is much more informative and convincing.
And I did not read more than the 1st chapter and a few glances of the others because I honestly couldn't stomach all the vitriol even though the underlying problems in the book are real.
Presentation matters as much as content. And in my eyes the presentation of this review taints to content so much so that it is unusable to use it for information of the product.
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post Mar 22 2013, 11:31 PM
Post #703

The King In Yellow

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So you read things superficially, and judge them then? That's amusing on so many levels, considering what you complain about.

I do not know what media reviews you normally look like, but unless you are talking among a group who you know have the same opinion as you a more professional tone is much more informative and convincing.

Like? Not mentioning flaws, so it looks more fair and balanced? Maybe a little undue praise?
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tasti man LH
post Mar 22 2013, 11:33 PM
Post #704

Moving Target

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 22 2013, 04:20 PM) *
In media reviews, impartiality isn't as important. That said, I do give props where props are due. You didn't even read what I wrote, so you making claims about the content of my review in total is a bit bold. And you know, your own opinion is showing here. Just as a heads-up. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Impartiality is kind of important.

ESPECIALLY if it's the kind of review that people look to on whether to decide to buy a product or not. It's kind of hard to take someone's word seriously if they're reviewing a product from a company that they do not like. And while adding humor is fine, having your entire review dripping with snark will leave people with the impression that you aren't taking things seriously (or that you're taking one too many reviewing lessons from the Angry Video Game Nerd or the Nostalgia Critic).

(and for the record, I DID read your review in it's entiriety. and considering the rather divisive opinions on Storm Front, my personal conclusion on the matter is: "I guess I'll just have to pick up the book (the dead-tree version, not the PDF) and see for myself".)
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post Mar 22 2013, 11:35 PM
Post #705

Moving Target

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 12:31 AM) *
So you read things superficially, and judge them then?

As do you when you believe Pepsi.
And I do not call my judgment a review.

Like? Not mentioning flaws, so it looks more fair and balanced?

I forgot to delete the like. Guess that qualifies me as a CGL proofreader.
But interesting that you bring up fair and balanced. That review certainly fits their style. And personally I do not consider that a sign of quality.
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post Mar 22 2013, 11:38 PM
Post #706

The King In Yellow

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ESPECIALLY if it's the kind of review that people look to on whether to decide to buy a product or not.

I will post a shorter review (with a lot less of the things I want to tell the writers) on DriveThru and other RPG sales pages, if that makes you feel better. This is not a review primarily intended for potential buyers. It is equal parts feedback to authors and a general posting of opinion on a fan message board. A potential customer could care less about my concerns for the line's direction.

I would mention the bad editing, though, since that is product quality.

As do you when you believe Pepsi.

Yeah, because people with a chip on their shoulder because they don't like being called out are a good, unbiased source.

You seem awfully preoccupied with personal attacks. Do you take personal offense in reading (or rather, not reading, in your case) opinions you don't like? And you demand fairness, but give none. Love blanket statements, but dodge responsibility for them. That's funny really. You sure you're not a fan of them? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Mar 22 2013, 11:40 PM
Post #707

Moving Target

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 23 2013, 12:38 AM) *
I would mention the bad editing, though, sicne that is product quality.

Of course you should as you should mention all other bad things in the book. Just don't bury them under so much snark/vitriol so that the reader has to guess if those points actually exist or are just imagined.
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tasti man LH
post Mar 22 2013, 11:52 PM
Post #708

Moving Target

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 22 2013, 04:38 PM) *
I will post a shorter review (with a lot less of the things I want to tell the writers) on DriveThru and other RPG sales pages, if that makes you feel better. This is not a review primarily intended for potential buysers. It is equal parts feedback to authors and a general posting of opinion on a fan message board. A potential customer could care less about my concerns for the line's direction.

Considering the nature of what Storm Front is, I don't think it would be the kind of thing casual buyers or first-time SR players would pick up on their first try.

Most of the buyers of Storm Front would be people that are already familiar with the meta-plot of SR, and I would think would have already been buying SR books long before Storm Front.

Unless if you're seriously telling me that there are people out there who buy this book because they think it actually is about storm fronts and other weather phenomena....
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post Mar 22 2013, 11:56 PM
Post #709

Moving Target

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QUOTE (tasti man LH @ Mar 23 2013, 12:52 AM) *
Unless if you're seriously telling me that there are people out there who buy this book because they think it actually is about storm fronts and other weather phenomena....

Or people who want to start/get back with Shadowrun 5E and heard that this is a transition book.
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post Mar 23 2013, 12:01 AM
Post #710

Shooting Target

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Honestly, I'm not quite sure, why all these plots suddenly were required to 'end' or be wrapped up.
I guess, ultimately, this is a matter of creative freedom for the next edition. There is a LOT of baggage coming from 25 years of background, and in the end, I can only assume that this was a development decision.

On another on-topic note: I absolutely LOVE the Seattle chapter. I'm almost finished reading it and having played and GMed some of the Missions (I hope I haven't spoilered [yes, that's a word now!] myself too much) makes it feel like being a participant on the direction this took (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
I hope the next Missions season will be incorporated into the material as well.
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tasti man LH
post Mar 23 2013, 12:05 AM
Post #711

Moving Target

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^Considering that most of the resolved plot threads were fairly unpopular (at least from what I understand, as I have yet to be fully caught up on most of the 4e fluff), I guess they just wanted them done and over with so people won't have to deal with them come 5e.
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post Mar 23 2013, 01:11 AM
Post #712

Running Target

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There has been a disturbing lack of Drop Bears in recent plot threads.
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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 01:26 AM
Post #713

Running Target

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QUOTE (Angelone @ Mar 22 2013, 09:11 PM) *
There has been a disturbing lack of Drop Bears in recent plot threads.

Or the Dreaded Drop-Bear Army of DOOM!
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tasti man LH
post Mar 23 2013, 01:36 AM
Post #714

Moving Target

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...you people are INSANE...

I mean: air-dropping Drop Bears on corpsec as a viable tactical option?! Who does that?!???!

There's pink mohawk and then there's...that.
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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 01:42 AM
Post #715

Running Target

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QUOTE (tasti man LH @ Mar 22 2013, 09:36 PM) *
...you people are INSANE...

I mean: air-dropping Drop Bears on corpsec as a viable tactical option?! Who does that?!???!

There's pink mohawk and then there's...that.

You gotta admit. Corp sec standing around. They hear a 'Foompt!!" and a parachute comes down. They all draw down on it as a box about the size of a trashcan lands. They call out orders. Nothing happens. Finally one inches forward... at about 10 feet a proximity detector unlocks the box and out comes a pissed off Dropbear..... that's one hell of a distraction.
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post Mar 23 2013, 01:48 AM
Post #716

Running Target

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Or just parachuting the Drop Bears right on corp sec. They'll be standing around joking and suddenly they are covered in parachute and claws.
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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 01:49 AM
Post #717

Running Target

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QUOTE (Angelone @ Mar 22 2013, 09:48 PM) *
Or just parachuting the Drop Bears right on corp sec. They'll be standing around joking and suddenly they are covered in parachute and claws.

INFECTED claws. lol
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post Mar 23 2013, 02:17 AM
Post #718

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (hermit @ Mar 22 2013, 05:38 PM) *
I will post a shorter review (with a lot less of the things I want to tell the writers) on DriveThru and other RPG sales pages, if that makes you feel better. This is not a review primarily intended for potential buyers. It is equal parts feedback to authors and a general posting of opinion on a fan message board. A potential customer could care less about my concerns for the line's direction.

To be fair, however, a review should observe a distinction between "not to my tastes", and "bad".

And I do think that there are some connections you're simply not making, too. For example:

[ Spoiler ]

And on a more general note regarding the whole Lofwyr/Alamais thing: it seems to me that the whole thing was about a battle of ideas as much as a military battle. If Lofwyr just got a ton of dragons together to kill Alamais and his followers, it would have proven nothing - and in fact, all it would have meant is that the next time a great wanted to advance such ideas, they'd be far more subtle about it. The point, then, was to demonstrate that Alamais was wrong; interestingly, this backs up Celedyr's edict and advances Hestaby's agenda. I'm not inclined to assume that's a coincidence. Note especially that Lofwyr has been shown in previous fiction to have been pushing for leniency towards Hestaby even while pushing for slaughtering Alamais and his contingent. And that Hestaby launched an attack against Alamais that notably softened up the compound, Alamais, and probably a few other dragons. It's quite possible there was a conspiracy between the three of them, and Hestaby's end of it just didn't work out as well as it was supposed to (it's also possible that it DID work out as planned, as she may now be in a better position to forward her agenda...).
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post Mar 23 2013, 02:27 AM
Post #719

Freelance Elf

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Not to interrupt the argument(s), but FWIW I appreciate the feedback (I don't recall if I've come out and said which bits I wrote, but folks can probably take a few good guesses). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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Pepsi Jedi
post Mar 23 2013, 02:49 AM
Post #720

Running Target

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QUOTE (Critias @ Mar 22 2013, 10:27 PM) *
Not to interrupt the argument(s), but FWIW I appreciate the feedback (I don't recall if I've come out and said which bits I wrote, but folks can probably take a few good guesses). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Which ones did you write?
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post Mar 23 2013, 03:06 AM
Post #721

Freelance Elf

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Oh, c'mon. At least take a guess!
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post Mar 23 2013, 03:49 AM
Post #722

Shooting Target

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20 bucks on the Tír section.
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post Mar 23 2013, 05:08 AM
Post #723

Shooting Target

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[ Spoiler ]

(Man, will all of this even fit in one post? Better copy n paste to be safe!)
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post Mar 23 2013, 06:08 AM
Post #724

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (bannockburn @ Mar 22 2013, 07:01 PM) *
On another on-topic note: I absolutely LOVE the Seattle chapter. I'm almost finished reading it and having played and GMed some of the Missions (I hope I haven't spoilered [yes, that's a word now!] myself too much) makes it feel like being a participant on the direction this took (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Just want to drop in and say... "Awesome!" That's what we were shooting for with Missions. We'll likely never be a major, big time, "OMG! Stop this or the WORLD ENDS!" set of adventures, but we wanted what you did in Missions to feel impactful and meaningful.

One thing about that section that really made me smile were all the little references to "This team I'm working with" and "These really promising up and coming runners that pulled this job". Because anyone who plays through the Season can then sit back and go "Hey, that was me!" Which is often something that's hard to do in Shadowrun. Too often the players end up being spectatcors to the big event, or at best escorting major NPCs around while they do all the important stuff. And we didn't want to do that. Even with my GM PC involved (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

(And as a side note, you guys do realize that EVERY character here is a GM PC to one degree or another? That's the nature of creating characters for fiction, there's very little difference between the two other than an actual PC you actually have a handle on their stats and they often have a much more detailed personality and backstory to work with. There *IS* the danger of making them a Mary Sue where everyone loves them, they always succeed, etc. But I don't like to play characters like that, and Bull is often deeply, deeply flawed, and I try and make sure that comes through. He's also probe to blowing up and losing limbs. It's also why I was against him becoming a Jackpoint Admin, but I got overruled on that one (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

I hope the next Missions season will be incorporated into the material as well.

I hope that as well. I have some interesting ideas for Season 5 (I think), and we'll see how they play out. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

(If you're not subscribed to the SR Missions Facebook page, I posted a teaser of one of the Season 5 Contacts/NPCs there already, and more will be going up in the near future. I tend to use Facebook for most of my sneak peeks and teasers (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

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post Mar 23 2013, 06:10 AM
Post #725

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (RHat @ Mar 22 2013, 10:49 PM) *
20 bucks on the Tír section.

I'm surprised Critias hasn't gone and gotten skin grafts to give himself elf ears yet. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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