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> Dragon's Dogma, Anyone played it?
post Apr 12 2013, 05:11 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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I know it's a year old now, but has anyone played it? What did you think? Pro's, Con's?

I'm looking at buying it for something other than BL2 to play (and it's cheap). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Apr 12 2013, 07:27 AM
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QUOTE (DMiller @ Apr 11 2013, 10:11 PM) *
I know it's a year old now, but has anyone played it? What did you think? Pro's, Con's?

I'm looking at buying it for something other than BL2 to play (and it's cheap). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I played it and enjoyed it, although the main reason it is cheap is that on the 26th a standalone expansion is coming for it (which is the original game + content, not a DLC or anything).

It does suffer a bit from really trying out new things and not doing some of them great. But it was nice to see Capcom try something other than Super Hyper Street Fighter Alpha VI.
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post Apr 12 2013, 01:04 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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From: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Yep, played it hard - you'll be doing a LOT of resource juggling as you realise all those potitions you've been making have ingredients that would go better toward making your armour (or, more honestly, your Pawn's gear) better.

Oh, and have a pawn as a magic user as your hirelings will either be muscle (while you take down the baddies from afar using precision attacks - pft, yeah right, button mash for the WIN!) or healing/debuffing. Rogue-ish types can unleash a LOT of hurt, only equalled (and if the gears good, exceeded) by a 2-handed warrior build.

But as all it costs is experience/knowledge to respec yourself to something odd (I love some of the rogue/ninja/fighter "feats" you can leave locked in while you respec to longbow-arrowspew rangerhood) so do read up on the changes and try things.

One of the best pawns I hired was basically a greedy Rincewind. Stole loot constantly, didn't get hit but was occasioanly useful hindering the baddies. But because she was looting like a mofo, I had a constant supply of endurance potions and could stay stuck to the monsters all the while hammering my combo buttons - worked well.

Some things to consider - the bigger you are (physically) the more you can carry and the wider your hitbox vs opponents...and the same goes for the opponents versus you. If you're big, you're going to hit and get hit. If you're small, you're not going to be able to melee well but ranged/melee have it harder to hit you.

Most mages are 13-year old murder machines and the meatshields look like they like to eat Aurochs on radioactive steroids. Rogues have it both ways, tending to taller if they're using longbows. (weird idea, works though)

Best part is, if you're friends with someone with an uber pawn, you can borrow them free of charge and just get your murder on like it's on sale at the Dollar store.

Good times.

Also, ~7 days before we move into a new home and I can unwrap my Bioshock Infinite.
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