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> Kickstarter: Cartoon Action Hour, Season 3, And Bull is a Stretch Goal!
post May 3 2013, 07:29 PM
Post #1

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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So my good friend, fellow forum member, and fellow Shadowrun freelancer Cynthia Celeste Miller is Kickstarting a new edition of her fantastic roleplaying game of 1980's Action Cartoon goodness, Cartoon Action Hour. The game is awesome and a ton of fun, especially if you a 30-40-something like me who grew up on He-Man, GI Joe, Transformers, Jem & The Holograms, and the like. So for that reason alone, you should consider pledging and getting yourself a copy of the game.

But wait! There's more!

Cynthia has lined up an amazing array of guest writers to write mini-supplements for the game if it reaches certain stretch goals, including Eddy Webb of White Wolf fame, Jason Blair (creator of the fantastic Little Fears, Streets of Bedlam, and Wyrd Is Bond rpgs), Steven S Long of Hero games, Shane Hensley (Creator of Deadlands), Matt Forbeck (Deadland, Brave New World), and John Wick (7th Seas).

Oh, and for some strange reason, mixed in with all these amazing writers? Me.

Heh. Go figure. I think someone made a mistake, but I'm not gonna say anything if you won't (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

So yeah, if you wanna put me to work and see some fun 80's inspired Cartoon Craziness, then go here and pledge now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post May 10 2013, 12:23 AM
Post #2

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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Whelp, my stretch goal was unlocked today, so I'll be doing some Cartoon Goodness. If my plans go through, you guys should find what I'm planning to be fun and interesting (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post May 15 2013, 01:28 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Looks like a lot of fun,I trust the the stretch goal stuff be available to non-supporters at a latter date .
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post May 15 2013, 10:32 AM
Post #4

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (Fabe @ May 14 2013, 08:28 PM) *
Looks like a lot of fun,I trust the the stretch goal stuff be available to non-supporters at a latter date .

Looks like most will. Not sure about the Secret Series stuff, but they've now unlocked publication of "After THese Messages", which will be a print book compiling all of the unlocked Mini-Series plus other stuff done for the game, so I imagine it'll be available in PDF as well. But also print for those who don't like PDFs. Including my Mini-Series! Woot!

Also, as a side note... Anyone reading this here? They'll likely get a kick out of my series. Or maybe hate it a lot. Hard to say (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Eitehr way, be sure to pick it up and Kick in. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post May 24 2013, 02:10 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Bull @ May 15 2013, 06:32 AM) *
Looks like most will. Not sure about the Secret Series stuff, but they've now unlocked publication of "After THese Messages", which will be a print book compiling all of the unlocked Mini-Series plus other stuff done for the game, so I imagine it'll be available in PDF as well. But also print for those who don't like PDFs. Including my Mini-Series! Woot!

Also, as a side note... Anyone reading this here? They'll likely get a kick out of my series. Or maybe hate it a lot. Hard to say (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Eitehr way, be sure to pick it up and Kick in. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

OK good, I can't contribute to the campaign but its good to know I'll eventually be able to buy most of the stuff retail. I'm really interested in the anime supplement since 'Robotech' is the only cartoon I can watch today and not say 'WOW this is pretty crappy now'.
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post May 28 2013, 01:26 AM
Post #6

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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Well, we have most of the mini-series' unlocked now. And there are several new ones added.

First off, Shadowrun author Thomas "Wak Shaani" Willoughby has been added as an upcoming Stretch Goal! Very cool, and glad to see more Shaodwrun hands on deck.

Second, the legendary Flint Dille has been added as another Stretch Goal author! Flint served as a story editor for the 1980's GI Joe and Transformers cartoons (among others), and he wrote episodes of damn near every 1980's cartoon out there. He also co-authored the Sagard the Barbarian line of game books, those Choose Your Own Adventure style books that had combat and character advancement in them. Having him on board is very exciting.

the Kickstarter is down to 5 days, and there are still a number of stretch goals left to unlock (Including Wak and Flint). So please kick in if you can, and even if you can't, please share the link with your friends on twitter and facebook and post it up to forums (where appropriate). Help spread the word so we can get those awesome stretch goals knocked down!
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post Jun 1 2013, 12:36 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Well I kicked in at the $25 "Cartoon Hero" level. Looks like that will get me a PDF copy and a print copy of the main rule book and most of the stretch goal stuff,not a bad deal. If any one is interested in this game the campaign end on Sunday so you best invest now.
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post Jun 1 2013, 05:10 AM
Post #8

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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Awesome Fabe! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

And just to update, we've got last couple authors unlocked now (Flint Dille and Buzz Dixon, both veterans and legends of the 80's cartoon scene), plus Wasteland 2010 is now unlocked as a full-length series guide (it'll be a Thundarr the Barbarian Sorcery and Science pastiche).

I'm hoping in the next 36 hours we can unlock at least one more stretch goal, Beyond the 80's. Adding in other era's and genres to the mix would rock.

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post Jun 2 2013, 01:03 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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Well it hasn't been made offical but it looks like we'll be getting "beyond the 80's", the pledge total is up to $17,132.00. At this rate It would not surprise me if they hit $18,000 and we get the next stretch goal bonus.
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post Jun 7 2013, 06:29 AM
Post #10

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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Yeah, it closed out over $18,600. So we get Beyond the 80's as well as Setback and Oomph card deck. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Also, for my series, well... It's something I threw together in about an hour the other day, and my technical skills are pretty nil, but...


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post Jun 7 2013, 11:06 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Bull @ Jun 7 2013, 02:29 AM) *
Yeah, it closed out over $18,600. So we get Beyond the 80's as well as Setback and Oomph card deck. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Also, for my series, well... It's something I threw together in about an hour the other day, and my technical skills are pretty nil, but...



Nice,doesn't really seem like a 1980's cartoon to Me but I guess thats what 'Beyond the 80's' is for (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Jun 8 2013, 02:28 AM
Post #12

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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QUOTE (Fabe @ Jun 7 2013, 06:06 PM) *
Nice,doesn't really seem like a 1980's cartoon to Me but I guess thats what 'Beyond the 80's' is for (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Well, the main theme and thurst of it is basically classic Cyberpunk. The original Johnny Mnemonic short story was first published in 1981. Neuromancer was 1984. Blade Runner the film came out in 1982. The Cyberpunkz Cartoon was "Created" in 1987 (and is set in it's own "far flung" future of 2012... Kind of how Escape from New York has events that happen in 1988 and is set in the "future" of 1997).

I plan to fully embrace the 1980's cyberpunk tropes here and have fun with it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 18 2013, 04:43 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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PDFs go out on the 30th. any one else getting anxious to finally receive their copies?
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