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> Stars Without Number: Scions of the Stars, Ex astris intellectus
post Oct 28 2013, 10:38 PM
Post #126


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"I've talked to a few of the folk that live here, but haven't discovered much. Far as I could tell the Saving Grace stopped here as scheduled for refuelling, then left as scheduled with the full crew. There were a few issues with some crew members not returning from R&R on time, but that's expected with such a large crew."
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post Oct 28 2013, 11:10 PM
Post #127

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She nods as he speaks, looking to the others to gauge their reactions and to keep herself keyed into the mood at the small cramped table.

"Do you think anyone here might have known their next point after leaving here? We could ask around or see if people here who deal with the comings and goings of the ships know where they left to?"

Evident on her face is the struggle to translate a space faring craft's departure with something like an ocean going vessel. Those that know of her home world know their tech was low by comparison.

"Do they have to tell someone where they are going next? Or is there a way to track a ship if we know where it left from here?"
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post Nov 2 2013, 10:32 AM
Post #128

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Following spike drills are a lot more complicated than simply following realspace engine trails. The metadimensional currents are always changing, which is why navigational computers are needed to make sure that a ship does not accidentally crash into one of the metadimensional anomalies that Ezri showed you earlier. However, you do remember that spike drives can leave "shock waves"---a little like how aquatic boats leave wake as they travel. The size of the wake is directly proportional to the power of the spike drive---the bigger the class the larger the residual shock wave. If you performed a metadimensonal scan of the area where the Saving Grace drilled out of the system, it is possible that you could find the wake and plot a course to follow it.

As for drill procedures...Ezri normally handles those things, so you are at a loss of where to start.

When it comes to station sensor procedures...you're certain that they must have scans of something. Alas, you have no idea as to scans of what or how long they would keep them...
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post Nov 12 2013, 06:26 AM
Post #129


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"Well, the best we can do in terms of tracking them with tech is get station readouts or try to check their wake. I can try and track down the readouts - Ravenna and Alice, you may be our best sources of information. Perhaps we can split up, Iorund and Ravenna, and Alice and I, and see what we can get from the few people that are here on the station? We have to spend a few days here, we might as well make them useful." He looks to his companions as he speaks, looking for affirmation or negation.
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post Nov 12 2013, 09:32 PM
Post #130

Great Dragon

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Ravenna nods in agreement. She looks to Iorund when she speaks.

"How skilled are you at small talk? I can certainly verify the truth of what they say in most cases and perhaps even see if there is more there to pursue. Can you steer the conversation towards the crew and the ship we are after?"
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post Nov 12 2013, 11:01 PM
Post #131

Moving Target

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Alice nods, as she looks around,
"Sounds good, let's get started, Iorund, are there places you haven't checked out yet?"
She stands up and looks to Sereth ready to head out.
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post Nov 13 2013, 04:38 PM
Post #132


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As Sereth rises from his seat, he focuses on Ravenna for the briefest of moments.

I trust that you can handle yourself, but the station isn't that large - if you need help, let me know, and I'll do whatever I have to to get to you.

He smiles and sketches a bow to Iorund, and offers his arm to Alice as they step away from the bar.

"Where to first, do you think?"
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post Nov 29 2013, 05:39 PM
Post #133

Great Dragon

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The Bar
Nodding to the others as she rises she moves to a more central area of the ramshackle bar. Centering herself and breathing evenly, she opens her mouth and begins to sing a joyful and light song of free spirits and crafting one's own destiny - trying to appeal to the frontier spirit of these souls around her. Her face radiant as she reaches out to connect each person she sings to. She flows one song to the next, keeping the mood light and fun. After a few songs she selects the most responsive people and offers to buy them drinks. She shows genuine interest in their lives and their histories as she begins to build the trust she needs to ask about the Saving Grace. She waits for a few rounds to happen before steering the topic around.

"Have any of you heard of the Saving Grace? My captain is chasing it, trying to deliver something or other to their ship and until we find it we keep wandering around. Any help would be appreciated."
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post Dec 5 2013, 12:56 PM
Post #134

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The people at the bar are genuinely pleased to see someone new, talented, and fairly attractive take interest in them. All of them are quick to accept Ravenna's offer of attention. They happily spout out the details of their lives---from mining space rocks to settling on board the station. None can offer any information on the whereabouts of the Saving Grace. However, they tell you what they can of the crew that they met. Most appear to have been genuinely surprised by the discipline and politeness of the crew.

The bartender soon proves to be the most valuable source of information. He offers a few points of insight that the others failed to mention.

"They said they were headed towards Bolgium with a stop in Welkin. Unfortunately, spike drives don't give you straight shots from star system to star system. You might try checking with Zax to see if the station has the old drill charts. It's a shame you can't find them, most seemed fairly polite. All except for one, a Lieutenant Fel. He seemed to have a bulkhead brace jammed up his ass."
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post Dec 5 2013, 06:58 PM
Post #135

Great Dragon

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The Bar
She reaches out and shares the infromation through the mental link she has established. The bartender's observation intrigues her.

"What was it about Lieutenant Fel? Did his bad attitude seem to have a focus? I know a lot of deep spacers can lose the shine and ease of interacting with people when they come station side."

She keeps her voice low and conspiratorial, as if engaging in idle but fun gossip.
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post Dec 9 2013, 04:52 AM
Post #136

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The bartender shakes his head.

"No, I don't think it had a focus... Now that I think about it, he seemed decent enough at first. Most Re folk are polite if distant. However, a few days into shore leave he seemed like a completely different person. He snapped at one of the serving staff for offering him the wrong drink. Funny thing is, she was giving him one on the house, and she swears it was what he ordered before."
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post Dec 9 2013, 11:14 PM
Post #137

Great Dragon

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The Bar
Ravenna laughs and takes another demure sip of her drink as she does so she deftly reaches out and sifts through his memories for the identity of the server that had the encounter with the Re lieutenant.

"Some people just aren't cut out for deep space work I think, it can take its toll but some people won't hear a word about it. Not being able to hack it."

She reaches out to the other members of the crew sharing her thoughts with all of them.

Does anyone know of any tech or disease that could lead to radical personality shifts and cognitive lapses?
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post Jan 20 2014, 12:09 AM
Post #138

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Three weeks later, at the edge of the Sirocco Nebula...

<<Terra Firma, this is the Guiding Light. Thank you for your assistance in tracking down our lost ship. Ambassador Silas has just transferred your payment to your account. We can take it from here.>>

One week later, at Waypoint Station...

Ezri stands at the base of the Terra Firma's gangplank. She has a backpack slung over one shoulder and a duffle bag at her feet.

"Looks like this is where we part ways," she says. "I talked with some of the other Re pilots, and I've decided to sign up for their academy. They're always looking for new people, and it'd offer me a fresh start. I'd like to thank you for keeping me on board. Goodbyes aren't my thing, so let's just say I'll see you next time."

Four years later, stranded in space...

The Terra Firma drifts listlessly in space, venting gas and coolant from several hull breaches. The helmsman's attempt to ride push the ship into shearspace in order to outrun the pirates worked, but at a huge cost. Most of the hired crew is injured, or dead. Life support is failing, the spike drive is fried, propulsion is down to maneuvering thrusters, and weapons are offline. The only thing that seems to still work is communications.

Thanks to frantic repairs by the surviving crew, you manage to jury rig the spike drive to send one FTL message. You cross your fingers and hope that it works.

<<This is the Freemerchant Terra Firma sending out a Priority One distress call to any Re ships in the sector. We are stranded and drifting in space. Please send help to these coordinates.>>

Seconds feel like hours as you wait for a response...

<<Freemerchant Terra Firma, this is Osiris Pantheon vessel Truth Seeker. Distress signal received. We are altering course to assist you, best possible speed. ETA 2 days.>>

Survival will be difficult, but at least you have a fighting chance...

2 days later, on board the Truth Seeker...

"I have some good news and bad news for you, my friends," says Captain Petr Olumese. The captain is a dark skinned Human, entering the silver years of his age. He has a kindly face, gray curly hair cut close to the side of his head, and dark brown eyes. He sits ramrod straight in his chair as he addresses you, his vocal cadences hinting that he is used to issuing quick, curt orders without ever questioning his subordinates' intention of following them.

"The good news is that your ship is salvageable. The bad news is that it will require extensive repairs, likely costing more than a new ship would. I am afraid that we do not have the time or resources to conduct the repairs ourselves, but are willing to tow you back to a friendly station that should be able to accommodate you." He pauses for a moment, allowing that information to sink in.

"However," he continues, "I can offer you another option. We are currently looking into a...delicate situation that might become complicated by Re's direct involvement. If you are willing to act as our agents, I can authorize your ship's repairs. You would, of course, be compensated for your work, with a portion of it discounted towards paying off your repair debts.

"I am afraid that I cannot offer more specifics on the situation until you agree. That being said, you are free to decline the offer and travel to the station where you will have to spend millions of credits and several weeks to get your vessel into working order once again."

Captain Olumese puts his hands on his desk, lacing his fingers together, and waits for your response...
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post Jan 21 2014, 11:08 PM
Post #139

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Ravenna listens and feels the heart break of losing the Terra Firma, it had been her home now for years and while it was just a ship she couldn't help feeling the loss. There was no way for them to afford the repairs on their own. The best they could do is sell the ship off piece by piece or at least the sections that were usable, in the hopes they could get enough money together to go........somewhere or sign on with another crew and hope for the best. Her pain diminishes at the possibility of keeping the ship as the Re officer speaks.

She can sense the ripple of emotions and thoughts pass through the others, it brushes against her awareness but she keeps herself firmly rooted in her own thoughts and feelings. She deciders to give voice to concerns she is certain others have as well.

"The offer is tempting Captain but I think we would need to know a little more about these delicate situations we would be asked to involve ourselves in. I can't speak for the others but I know I have no interest in doing anything untoward even for the chance of saving our ship. Are these diplomatic situations or something else? We will be required to engage in violence on Re's behalf? There are some activities governments like to distance themselves from that I want no part of."
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post Jan 22 2014, 01:37 AM
Post #140

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Captain Olumese gives Ravenna a tight smile, and places his palms flat on the table before replying.

"I can appreciate your concern. I could list the reasons why you can trust us, but I will allow our reputation and past actions to speak for us instead. As you are aware, Re consists of different pantheons named after ancient Terran mythology. I believe the nomenclature is a relic of Re's original mission, but the divisions still serve now. I see you have worked with the Anubis and Isis pantheons in the past. They deal with diplomatic and medical missions respectively.

"This ship is in the service of the Osiris pantheon,"
he explains, "and we deal with studying and recovering the technology of the past. As a result, our presence in a system sometimes draws the attention of relic seekers, pirates, and other interested parties. Seeing as you have worked with us in the past, I see this as an opportunity to have a third party look into a site while we draw away other scavengers. You would not be doing anything untoward. However, I cannot say whether or not you would find yourselves in a position where you would have to defend yourselves."
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post Jan 22 2014, 05:29 AM
Post #141


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Listening quietly, Sereth glances at Ravenna, hearing her voice the worry that was likely present for all of them. Relaxing slightly at the captain's response, he nods.

"Based on those circumstances, Captain, I can say that I, at least, would be willing to take you up on your offer. I've had an urge to explore some of the less populated areas of the galaxy anyway, and this sounds like a better opportunity for that with the extra bonus of being able to keep the Terra Firma. My crew will speak for themselves, but I, for one, am in."
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post Jan 22 2014, 10:25 PM
Post #142

Moving Target

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Alice frowns momentarily thinking about whether or not she wants to work for someone else. Thinking about refusing, she listens to Sereth and Ravenna's acceptance.
Mentally shrugging and deciding she likes the crew more then she dislikes authority,

Alice nods.
"I accept as well"
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post Jan 27 2014, 11:13 PM
Post #143

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Ravenna listens and sets aside the man's emotional reaction to having his motives questioned, these moments come and go in the course of a discussion and did not warrant undue attention. Upon hearing more of the division she feels relieved somewhat but also a small trickle of dread. Pre-Scream is a dangerous era and things from then held just as much capacity to help as to harm. They would need to be mindful of what they turned over or let loose into the larger universe.

"That sounds acceptable to me as well. So much was lost from that time that could be instrumental in bringing civility and helping to elevate the lost worlds that were shattered by the Scream."
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post Jan 28 2014, 11:48 AM
Post #144

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"Excellent," says Captain Olumese, pleased that his guests have agreed to his proposal. He begins punching a few buttons on the data slab on his desk.

"I believe I can hold you to your word. I am authorizing funds to repair your ship. Once we reach Rajeon Station, we shall begin making the appropriate preparations. Now for the more details of the mission."

A holo image of the sector appears in front of you. An image of the Truth Seeker appears near a star in the upper right section of the sector map. A large station icon is in the middle of the sector map.

"I am not sure how familiar you are with the area of space we are currently in. This is sector Sigma Tau, an area of space far removed from Re space and most Human civilization. Several systems are claimed by the Bray Imperium and the Qotah world-flock Hlil Kilool, known to us as the Scarlet Talons. The remaining sectors are either unexplored, Freespacer holdings, or unclaimed territories."

As Captain Olumese mentions the different polities, areas of space light up with appropriate markings. A large swath of Sigma Tau's upper left corner pops up with generic names, whereas the bottom corners light up with alien script.

"The Thoth pantheon scout ship Inquiring Mind was assigned to explore the sector, with strict instructions to avoid the Bray and Qotah holdings at all costs. During its mission, it managed to pick up faint metadimensional readings---readings that are found in several Mandate-era devices. It was able to isolate the signals as coming from the Haleth-Norr system."

The system sandwiched between Bray and Qotah territory lights up. The area enlarges, replacing the sector map with one of Haleth-Norr. Three rocky terrestrial worlds and two gas giants orbit a yellow giant star.

"Pantheon Command assigned us to investigate the area. The Truth Seeker a Mark IV Khnum class cruiser, designed to operate discretely with a minimum crew, and equipped with the facilities to acquire, analyze, and---if necessary---neutralize pre-Scream technology. Under normal circumstances, I would not hesitate to take us directly to the area. Indeed, I was prepared to do so. However, I am worried that our presence might draw the attention of the Bray and Qotah. Your presence gives me an alternative.

"Right now,"
Captain Olumese explains, "the Bray and Qotah are treating Haleth-Norr as neutral territory in order to avoid an all-out war. The Bray have the advantage in numbers, but the Qotah have the edge in technology. This balance of power is enough to keep the Imperium's Living Avatar and the Scarlet Talon's Eyrie Matron from ordering an attack. However, that could quickly change if either polity decided that Haleth-Norr housed technology that could give them an advantage.

"What I am proposing,"
he finishes, "is a deception. I shall order the Truth Seeker to the Sigma Tau Beta system while you travel to Haleth-Norr on a hired ship. A group of Freespacer resource hunters will attract less attention than a Re expedition. We would arrange for the ship, the fuel necessary for such a trip, and the necessary sensor equipment, as well as assign a Re officer to act as pilot and liason. Your orders are to scan the area and report what you find, nothing more. If you find trouble, simply report back using an assigned encoded frequency. Sigma Tau Beta is nearly half a sector away, but this ship is equipped with a Class 5 spike drive. We could reach you in a little over a week, where it would take another ship a little less than a month."

Captain Olumese returns the sector map image with the different waypoints and travel routes necessary for the mission.

"Now, do you have any questions?"
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post Jan 28 2014, 07:36 PM
Post #145

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Ravenna looks over the map of the region and once again feels the dizziness wash over her, she has always struggled to keep an idea of how vast the galaxy truly was but failed time and time again. Looking away from the map she directs her question to the group as well as Captain Olumese.

"Do we know anything about those planets? Was there a settlement here from before? Any historical records at all?"
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post Jan 29 2014, 01:19 PM
Post #146

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You remember that the Terran Mandate explored vast swaths of the galaxy before the Scream. Sigma Tau is located at what would have been the very edge of their influence, so it is possible that they established a colony here. However, it is hard to say for sure.

You remember more about the Bray Imperium and Qotah world-flocks. The Bray Imperium is an reptilian-like alien civilization ruled by the Living Avatar, who the Bray believe to be a mortal incarnation of their god. What he or she says is considered law without question, and followed by all Bray. They view non-Bray as apostates---souls who rejected the truth of the Bray god---and view them as lesser beings. At best, Bray will treat others condescendingly. At worst, they will kill them. Any agreements made with them are only as solid as the whims of the Bray, who do not feel bound to honor treaties with non-Bray.

Qotah are a more complicated social group. The Post-Scream Qotah are divided into two large groups based on their views towards Humans. The first still consider themselves honor bound their code---the Kri---to abide by the Vow of Red Feathers, a treaty negotiated by the Terran Mandate that prevents the Qotah from firing first on a Human, colonizing a world where a Human was born, or forbidding Humans from moving through their space. The second has rejected this Vow, often for a variety of reasons. Each group loathes the other, and encounters often devolve into violence.

You know nothing about the Scarlet Talons world-flock, which could mean that it is a small Qotah polity. Based on Captain Olumese's reluctance to bring a Re ship near their space, you suspect that they fall into the group of Qotah who reject the Vow of Red Feathers. The fact that some Qotah world-flocks are part of Re would only complicate this problem.


"We know a little about Haleth-Norr. What I have shown you are the long distance scans which Captain Hoon Yisoo managed to take from the Baladjeel system before being ordered to leave. We also have some records recovered from Terran Mandate databases. The three rocky planets are Velaya, Hintafel, and Perath, in order from closest to farthest from the sun. The larger gas giant is Delafor, and the smaller one is Kendora. The rocky planets do not have satellites, while Delafor has five and Kendora has twelve. I understand that makes for a large area to search. However, the Inquiring Mind only identified one signal. It is likely you will be able to isolate the source once in the system."
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post Feb 1 2014, 06:55 PM
Post #147

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Alice looks over the maps and listens to Ravenna and the Captain talk. She thinks back to the little dirt farm she grew up on and is saddened that no matter how long she lives she wont see everything..

"If the resources on the ship, food, water fuel are taken care off, I have no further questions"
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post Feb 3 2014, 04:25 AM
Post #148

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"Incidentals will be arranged for and deducted from your compensation," answers Captain Olumese. "You will be charged cost, rather than cost plus whatever a merchant might consider 'profitable.' Now, are there any other questions?"
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post Feb 3 2014, 04:40 AM
Post #149


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Perusing the maps, looking up only when Alice or Ravenna asks a question, Sereth gives a firm shake of his head.

"You've given us a better than fair shake, Captain. The least we can do is do a little scouting and sending back some information. Unlesss my compatriots have more questions, I think we're good to go."

He turns, nodding to his two female ship-mates and companions, and begins to leave, pausing only if a question arises from one or the other.
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post Feb 3 2014, 06:29 PM
Post #150

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Ravenna nods and follows Sereth as he exits.
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