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> Wireless bonus rules suck., Lets write the tacnet rules they should have used.
post Aug 15 2013, 05:17 AM
Post #326

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Aug 15 2013, 12:14 AM) *
Except the bonus from the smartlink makes NO sense! Those that are affected by the limit don't need it 90% of the time and those that don't hit the limit get no bonus from it.

Yes You're right ,but most of us allready know this (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
(that's one of the many reasons to be mad/angry at CGL)

with one of many Dances
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post Aug 15 2013, 05:20 AM
Post #327

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Aug 14 2013, 10:14 PM) *
Except the bonus from the smartlink makes NO sense! Those that are affected by the limit don't need it 90% of the time and those that don't hit the limit get no bonus from it.

Which is in no way related to the discussion you're quoting.
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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Aug 15 2013, 01:59 PM
Post #328

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QUOTE (RHat @ Aug 14 2013, 07:26 PM) *
And I'm not saying whether it was right or not - I'm saying that the change to Smartlinks and other similar gear is completely independent of the wireless bonuses.

It really isn't, though, since that normal function of the Smartlink was subsumed into the Wireless Bonuses. They are part and parcel (and the most obvious issue, along with Wired/Boosters) of the new Charlie Foxtrot that is Wireless Bonuses, and cannot be separated from the discussion of the problem. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wobble.gif)
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post Aug 15 2013, 08:21 PM
Post #329

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Aug 15 2013, 06:59 AM) *
It really isn't, though, since that normal function of the Smartlink was subsumed into the Wireless Bonuses. They are part and parcel (and the most obvious issue, along with Wired/Boosters) of the new Charlie Foxtrot that is Wireless Bonuses, and cannot be separated from the discussion of the problem. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wobble.gif)

Except that those two things happened separately - and the change to the Smartlink would have occurred had wireless bonuses not been a thing.
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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Aug 15 2013, 09:41 PM
Post #330

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QUOTE (RHat @ Aug 15 2013, 01:21 PM) *
Except that those two things happened separately - and the change to the Smartlink would have occurred had wireless bonuses not been a thing.

No they did not, and no, it wouldn't have, because it depended upon the existence of Limits. They feed upon each other for their existence. The Developers wanted a two axis progression that could be boosted to run parrallel to each other. One does not exist without the other. They did not come up with limits and add bonuses later. They were developed together, because they relied upon each other to function.
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post Aug 15 2013, 10:49 PM
Post #331

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Aug 15 2013, 02:41 PM) *
No they did not, and no, it wouldn't have, because it depended upon the existence of Limits. They feed upon each other for their existence. The Developers wanted a two axis progression that could be boosted to run parrallel to each other. One does not exist without the other. They did not come up with limits and add bonuses later. They were developed together, because they relied upon each other to function.

... Are you saying that the introduction of Limits and the introduction of wireless bonuses are tied together such that if one was gone, the other would be too? Because that makes absolutely zero sense.
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post Aug 15 2013, 11:14 PM
Post #332

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They modified a piece of gear because of the limit system that was created (smartlink), then they added the wireless system which added back the original functionality of the item they had modified in the first place. If they removed the Accuracy system, then the current Smartlink would be useless (which for many it already is more or less pointless) meanwhile, they have made the useful part of the gear (the wireless) less desirable because of an arbitrary reason to make hackers feel more useful on the battlefield.

Just as a point of reference, I created a Adept in 5e that has about 18 dice to shoot with with a Rifle that does 13p -4AP & has a 7acc, which is pushed up to 10 with Adept power & Smartlink, Will I ever actually get 10 dice? probably not.
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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Aug 16 2013, 01:10 AM
Post #333

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I think that Dolanar covered my position pretty well, RHat. Limits and Wireless Bonuses were developed in Tandem, to work together, so that they could continue to provide the capabilities of the Smartlink from previous editions, but do so in a way that provided additional options to technological implementation in game. However, because the Implementation of Limits and Wireless Bonuses sucked, no amount of benevolent reading is really capable of fixing it, no matter how hard you try to do so. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wobble.gif)
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post Aug 16 2013, 01:20 AM
Post #334

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Aug 15 2013, 06:10 PM) *
I think that Dolanar covered my position pretty well, RHat. Limits and Wireless Bonuses were developed in Tandem, to work together, so that they could continue to provide the capabilities of the Smartlink from previous editions, but do so in a way that provided additional options to technological implementation in game. However, because the Implementation of Limits and Wireless Bonuses sucked, no amount of benevolent reading is really capable of fixing it, no matter how hard you try to do so. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wobble.gif)

That actually sounds contrary to everything I can recall reading on the subject, as well as to the general way development WORKS. And the guy who freaking wrote the gear chapter has, to my memory, said that a lot of the restoration of old functionality was his decision when it came time for him to write the wireless bonuses, something which is directly contrary to your stance.

That, and Dolanar's statement is more in line with what I've been saying. First came the modification to the gear because of the Limit system, then came the addition of the wireless bonus system that restored the old functionality. If the latter didn't happen, the former would still have happened. B depends on A, but A does not depend on B.
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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Aug 16 2013, 01:31 AM
Post #335

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QUOTE (RHat @ Aug 15 2013, 06:20 PM) *
That actually sounds contrary to everything I can recall reading on the subject, as well as to the general way development WORKS. And the guy who freaking wrote the gear chapter has, to my memory, said that a lot of the restoration of old functionality was his decision when it came time for him to write the wireless bonuses, something which is directly contrary to your stance.

That, and Dolanar's statement is more in line with what I've been saying. First came the modification to the gear because of the Limit system, then came the addition of the wireless bonus system that restored the old functionality. If the latter didn't happen, the former would still have happened. B depends on A, but A does not depend on B.

No, what the writer said was that he did not care about functionality for most of the bonuses, he wanted Rule of Cool. So, the design stage was borked from the very beginning. *sigh*

As for the restoration of functionality, that was planned from the beginning, on a separate axis. As such, they would have had to already have had those discussions, and thus tandem, parallel, development.
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post Aug 16 2013, 01:35 AM
Post #336

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Aug 15 2013, 06:31 PM) *
No, what the writer said was that he did not care about functionality for most of the bonuses, he wanted Rule of Cool. So, the design stage was borked from the very beginning. *sigh*

As for the restoration of functionality, that was planned from the beginning, on a separate axis. As such, they would have had to already have had those discussions, and thus tandem, parallel, development.

What makes you think it was planned from the beginning? Have you read anything to suggest that is the case?
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post Aug 16 2013, 01:39 AM
Post #337


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I think most would agree that the RAW sux, many things are arbitrary and many more just don't make sense. I do not hold any great hope that things will "officially" fixed anytime in the near future. I may still buy 5e products (I will not encourage anyone else at my table to do so, one copy for the entire group will be plenty), although I might just stick to the fluff/campaign books and covert them back to 4A (or at least to the 4.5 hybrid I have been tinkering with).

My question is how do we house-rule this in a consistent manor to fix it?
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post Aug 16 2013, 01:48 AM
Post #338


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Well , go back a few pages and you can see the alternative tacnet being bounced around. TacNet as minihost has some potential though am sure there will be bugs to work out.

Then you will probably want to go back through all the wireless boni and figure which ones legitimately benefit from being connected to the Matrix and which ones only need PAN or DNI connection.

Like extended baton probably only needs PAN level connection to get it's extension as free action.

Your MedKit however will want access to the matrix to be able to take over for you and get all it's bonuses for treating you.

And so on...
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post Aug 16 2013, 01:48 AM
Post #339

Moving Target

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As far as wireless goes, I would suggest houseruling that as long as it is in some way connected to a device that is connected wirelessly then you can get them, that way you can slave everything to a commlink & have it still work, because making things wireless & allowing minimal protection seems utterly silly. As such, to me it would be like allowing all of your household computers to connect wirelessly, but through the primary home router.

nvm, apparently there is nothing saying you can't slave everything to your commlink & have it all wireless, in fact the book suggests slaving all of your wireless gear to your hacker's Pad & let them try to hack him to be able to even touch your wireless gear.
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post Aug 16 2013, 02:06 AM
Post #340


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I threw this out there yesterday, but I haven't heard anything on it.

QUOTE (BigGreenSquid @ Aug 14 2013, 01:55 PM) *
Thanx, I appreciate that. Thinking back on it, I have always played an awakened character or a technomancer, so having an excess of karma have never been a problem. With that explanation I have no problem at all with that change....

Now, on to TacNets, game mechanics wise, what do they do (a bit of rehash with some extra details):

1. A TacNet is a micro-host. As a micro-host it lacks an Attack Attribute, but as a host it can be hidden. When a character joints the TacNet, their icon enters the host and is thereby hidden by the host. Since a normal host is large and usually like a building, I imagine a TacNet could look like a command tent, communications van or mobile command center R.V. depending on the size and scope of the TacNet.

2. Members of a TacNet gain the benefits of being wireless but cannot be hacked from outside the TacNet. If the TacNet has been compromised, connected devices are wide open for attack.

3. A TacNet is an encrypted communications channel. Information shared within the TacNet cannot be intercepted from outside the TacNet, so the party can freely chat at the table without fear of being eavesdropped. However, should an opposing hacker find the TacNet and hack their way in (usually scripted to look like a CiC), they have free access to "over hear" all communications and see all of the displays.

3. A TacNet has minimum requirements:

Device Rating / Sensor Platforms / # of Sensors
1 / 3 / 9
2 / 6 / 18
3 / 9 / 27
4 / 12 / 36
5 / 15 / 45
6 / 18 / 54

In order to be considered a sensor platform the persona/device/drone must provide a minimum of 2 sensory inputs to the TacNet.

4. A TacNet makes an automatic teamwork test (device rating x2) for all actions that could be reasonably assisted. (This idea needs some more work/clarification, I know. Just throwing it out there)

5. Based on its device rating it provides the net a pool of 1 free simple action/rating to be used on things like aiming or 5 initiative points to be used for interrupts. So a rating 4 TacNet could provide 3 simple actions and 5 initiative points, 1 simple actions and 15 initiative points, or any other combination.

6. A TacNet provides a shared pool of bonus dice equal to its rating.

7. A TacNet provides a shared pool of limit increases equal to its rating.

8. A member of the TacNet may only take one bonus from the net per IP.

9. The TacNet pools do not automatically refresh, but are only refreshed by a leadership roll.

10. An enemy hacker with 2 marks may destroy bonuses and with 3 marks may steal them for himself or his TacNet.


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post Aug 16 2013, 02:10 AM
Post #341

Shooting Target

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That largely just seems like a static thing that's just there - unless the enemy team has a hacker of their own, this doesn't actually provide something for you to DO. Also, is there any way for Technomancers to operate one?
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post Aug 16 2013, 02:36 AM
Post #342

Moving Target

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I think it should be avoided as being known as a host, because Host are big things & if a Demi detects a Host inside it, you can expect all sorts of nasties coming in to deal with it.
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Shadow Knight
post Aug 16 2013, 06:26 AM
Post #343

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QUOTE (BigGreenSquid @ Aug 15 2013, 06:06 PM) *
I threw this out there yesterday, but I haven't heard anything on it.

My feeling is for most gear you remove the wireless bonus note add the fuctionality as a part of how the gears...IE you scratch out the words wireless bonus and leave the rest. For some gear that the wireless bonus actually makes sense you do the above.

i wish there was a way to lump all the bits in this thread regarding different builds of tacnets together so we can more easily cross polinate ideas.
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post Aug 16 2013, 07:28 AM
Post #344


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QUOTE (Shadow Knight @ Aug 15 2013, 11:26 PM) *
i wish there was a way to lump all the bits in this thread regarding different builds of tacnets together so we can more easily cross polinate ideas.

It would take quite a while, hell it took forever just reading through this entire thing just to get caught up.
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post Aug 16 2013, 07:58 AM
Post #345


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QUOTE (Dolanar @ Aug 15 2013, 07:36 PM) *
I think it should be avoided as being known as a host, because Host are big things & if a Demi detects a Host inside it, you can expect all sorts of nasties coming in to deal with it.

I called it a mini-host just to stick with 5e terminology. There is an idea I had that might work, bringing back some 4e terminology.

host: A self-contained place in the Matrix. Hosts have no physical location, as they exist purely in the Matrix cloud.

node: A virtual space in the Matrix. Nodes are projected into the Matrix by a physical device.

I think the quintessential node in everyone's life would be their Central Home Network (CHN). Joe Wageslave comes home to his crappy efficiency apartment (I always think of Bruce Willis' apartment in the 5th element). Unlike Korben Dallas, when Joe gets home to his hovel he has the full VR experience waiting for him. After plunking himself on his couch and going VR, he is able to enter his CHN. Sure he can do all the mundane things there, like manage his Irobot Roomba 63000 cleaning drone, get his food cooking, schedule maintenance, etc. But unlike his crappy apartment, Joe can make his virtual home (CHN) look like anything he wants, here Joe lives like a king... Until tomorrow at 8am when he goes back to work.
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post Aug 16 2013, 05:50 PM
Post #346

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QUOTE (RHat @ Aug 15 2013, 12:20 AM) *
Which is in no way related to the discussion you're quoting.

Like hell it doesn't relate to the discussion!

You said:
QUOTE (RHat @ Aug 14 2013, 09:26 PM) *
I'm saying that the change to Smartlinks and other similar gear is completely independent of the wireless bonuses.

And I said that the changes makes NO sense! Why the frak would ANY Shadowrunner take a smartlink anymore?!? Those very select few who need the accuracy boost would use it but turn off the wireless (therefore getting rid of the target for the Decker to hack... and therefore getting rid of the need for the decker), and those that need the dice pool boost won't use it because it puts a big "KILL ME! I'M FUCKING STUPID!!!" neon sign on the 'Runner that can be seen in orbit... Lunar Orbit!
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post Aug 16 2013, 06:25 PM
Post #347


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QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Aug 16 2013, 12:50 PM) *
Like hell it doesn't relate to the discussion!

You said:

And I said that the changes makes NO sense! Why the frak would ANY Shadowrunner take a smartlink anymore?!? Those very select few who need the accuracy boost would use it but turn off the wireless (therefore getting rid of the target for the Decker to hack... and therefore getting rid of the need for the decker), and those that need the dice pool boost won't use it because it puts a big "KILL ME! I'M FUCKING STUPID!!!" neon sign on the 'Runner that can be seen in orbit... Lunar Orbit!

Your 12 dice shooter will get more than 5 hits approximately 18% of the time, which is a significant enough percentage to make a bump to that Accuracy warranted. Your 14 dice shooter (that is, your 12 dice shooter with his smartlink online) will get more than 5 hits approximately 31% of the time, which makes the Accuracy increase fairly necessary.

Your 8 dice shooter might not get a lot of use out of the offline smartlink, but the online one still pushes him into the range where the added limit will help often enough to be useful.

Your online smartlink doesn't turn you into a glowing billboard, either. You turn it on with a free action, you shoot during combat, and you turn it off with a free action. The shooting part probably draws way more attention than the smartlink. Thousands of deckers aren't lurking around every street corner just waiting to pounce the instant you drop your guard.
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post Aug 16 2013, 06:28 PM
Post #348

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QUOTE (Epicedion @ Aug 16 2013, 02:25 PM) *
Your online smartlink doesn't turn you into a glowing billboard, either. You turn it on with a free action, you shoot during combat, and you turn it off with a free action. The shooting part probably draws way more attention than the smartlink. Thousands of deckers aren't lurking around every street corner just waiting to pounce the instant you drop your guard.

If it works that way then there is no risk of using it and therefore fails the Developer's intended design goal of making things vulnerable to being hacked. Also, if you have a smartlink and USE it, it leaves a clue for Lone Star to use to arrest/kill you.

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post Aug 16 2013, 06:37 PM
Post #349


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QUOTE (KCKitsune @ Aug 16 2013, 01:28 PM) *
If it works that way then there is no risk of using it and therefore fails the Developer's intended design goal of making things vulnerable to being hacked. Also, if you have a smartlink and USE it, it leaves a clue for Lone Star to use to arrest/kill you.

There's a risk associated with using it -- in some situations an enemy decker may attempt to compromise your hardware. You're painting this in such a bizarrely black and white way, where the instant you turn on any wireless gear a 12 year old in western Somalia will instantly know and effortlessly make your eyes explode. It would be like saying that the existence of the Thor Shot means that Everyone is Always getting Thor Shotted All the Time.

Deckers are rare. Decking is expensive. Decking is dangerous. While you're trying to break someone's shotgun, their decker is probably face-punching you with Black Hammer. It's always a potential threat, but it's not always a threat. As in, someone's not shadowing you all the time just waiting for you to turn your gear online.
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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Aug 16 2013, 06:58 PM
Post #350

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QUOTE (Epicedion @ Aug 16 2013, 12:37 PM) *
There's a risk associated with using it -- in some situations an enemy decker may attempt to compromise your hardware. You're painting this in such a bizarrely black and white way, where the instant you turn on any wireless gear a 12 year old in western Somalia will instantly know and effortlessly make your eyes explode. It would be like saying that the existence of the Thor Shot means that Everyone is Always getting Thor Shotted All the Time.

Deckers are rare. Decking is expensive. Decking is dangerous. While you're trying to break someone's shotgun, their decker is probably face-punching you with Black Hammer. It's always a potential threat, but it's not always a threat. As in, someone's not shadowing you all the time just waiting for you to turn your gear online.

It is an ignorant SECURITY HOLE that should never have been implemented in the first place; and was only implemented so that a Hacker could be a special snowflake (because he DID have things to do in combat prior to the change... I know, because I did those things as a hacker).
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