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> Racial Supremacists and you.
post Sep 23 2013, 12:43 AM
Post #1

Neophyte Runner

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Humanis Policlub.
The Ancients.
The Sons of Sauron.

These guys (and others I forgot) believe that their metatype is superior to all others. Naturally, this doesn't generally endear them to people, particularly those of other metatypes. So how do your characters generally feel about these guys?

Personally, my characters tend to dislike each and every one of them, often with a focus on their own race's club due to them making their metatype look bad.
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post Sep 23 2013, 12:56 AM
Post #2

Moving Target

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I will answer this as my primary character would.

"Who gives a crap...their money is still good, If they have a problem with me, I can solve it with a bullet through their heads the same as anyone else"
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post Sep 23 2013, 12:56 AM
Post #3

Running Target

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It really depends, most are amoral enough not to care, I have had a few that were supremacists themselves.
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post Sep 23 2013, 03:02 AM
Post #4

Immortal Elf

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It really depends on the group/people. Some can handle things like that better than others.

My group has a major hate going on for Humanis, but seems to not care as much about SoS/Gangs.

One way to piss them off, however, is doing damage to the Mothers of Metahumanity. Or any other group that is dirty enough, but trying to make the world a better place. (Needless to say, anyone helping the world and looks CLEAN is something to fear.).
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post Sep 23 2013, 03:16 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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In short, not good. One of the characters I've developed enough to answer this with is an elf who goes out of her way to pick fights with racial supremacists, but she's also willing to call the Ancients on their racism (as long as she has backup and/or an escape plan). The other ones are usually humans or elves, and are either idealists that go "racism is wrong because racism", or pragmatic enough to go "who cares as long as they get the job done?" and think of racism as wasting potential resources, if nothing else.

That said, when I'm GMing/writing, for some reason I tend to look to hate groups first when I need mooks. Maybe I'm just not punk/commie enough to make the corps the default bad guys.
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post Sep 23 2013, 03:30 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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It depends on the character. Each one is different, with different reasons for doing what he does.

You got them mixed up a bit, though. Off the top of my head, here's them organized by type.

Racist Policlubs:
Orc Rights Commission

Racist Terror Groups:
Alamos 20K
Sons of Sauron

Human Nation
Mothers of Metahumans

There are other types of racial activist groups as well (discounting governments). Remember that several of the smaller Amerind tribes have issues with the dominant tribes of their respective nation-states, as well. Then there's the Texan reaction to Aztlan, Technomancerphobia, Pro- and Anti-magic groups, Sapient creature groups, Pro- and anti-Infected groups, etc. It's a busy world.
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post Sep 23 2013, 03:30 AM
Post #7


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I like the more nuanced approach. I like having some Humanis members be in the Humanis not because they are human supremacists, but because they're human manual workers who lost their jobs to stronger orks or dwarves, or because they're corporate employees who can't go any higher because some elven supremacists are holding all the upper positions. They're not here for revenge, they're here to discuss and try to find how they can compete and still be relevant in the sixth world.

I like having Humanis meetings where people discuss of ways for humans to discuss the place of humans in a world where awakened and members of all the other metatypes have some advantage over them.

It's too bad that though some writers have tried to support that kind of things in the canon, most just use the Humanis as the default dumb evil racist group.
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post Sep 23 2013, 07:32 AM
Post #8

Neophyte Runner

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Last I heard(mind you, I haven't read a lot of recent stuff), the Ancients were less 'hate group' and more 'just racist'. I find there's a difference. Alamos 20,000, who killed thousands in a terror attack, are a hate group. Bob the Human Tech, in an example above, loses his job to a dwarf(both stronger and smaller than him he was able to work faster, in smaller areas, and carry more, though Bob was a perfectly good tech), may be prejudiced against Dwarves and make 'dwarf jokes' and otherwise not be nice around them-he's bitter and thinks it's wrong they took his job, forcing him to work a lower-playing job for now while he searches for a new tech job-but he doesn't *hate* them and want them to die.

The Sons of Sauron, yeah, they're nasty. Hate crime gangs were like the Spikes(though they're these days I hear losing that edge since the new guy and blood care more about making money than random hate crimes, and as the old members die off/disappear the gang is less and less a hate crime gang it seems; there's still some of the hateful bastards around but they seem to be getting overtaken), and the..Nightstalkers were they called? They were the human supremacist gang. I might be mistaken on their name; I think they're not even around these days. They basically were about hate crimes against metas.

Oh yeah, as for actual hate groups, gangs, and crimes? Can't stand 'em, regardless of what race they are and against who they are. My characters tend to not be too happy with racists either(I do have an elf that isn't fond of the Ancient's supremacy, though he's willing enough to do a job for them if they need so long as it isn't 'sabotage this guy's vehicle because he's human' or something silly like that), but the hate groups will actually get out and out targeted.
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The Overlord
post Sep 23 2013, 05:31 PM
Post #9


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Of my two main characters, only one of them actually has any paticular care of the matter. My machine loving magician came from a wealthy family that was largely racist, and most of the family are members of the Humanis Polyclub. He didnt take to heart the same Supremisit teaches as most of his cousins because his father was more preocupied preening him to be a buisnessman. However when he awakened a as a mage (and passing out in the process) in front of his uncle, he awoke to overhear that his uncle was prepairing to have him killed. After that he bolted and has been on the run ever since because his uncles/cousins still wants him dead. While he isnt a racists, he still knows all the sterotypes and such, which regularly pop into his head when dealing with anyone that isnt human. Though that is nothing to his mixed feelings about being awakened (the alure of the arcane vs the acceptablity of the mundane mechanical). Though i think the best part is the fact that he has dormant meta-genes that (When they express) will cause him to look like the creature on the old family crest. Talk about a Painful Reminder!

As for my other character, he is from a poor background and doesnt particularly care.
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post Sep 23 2013, 06:00 PM
Post #10

The ShadowComedian

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Live and let die. Most of my Characters use that philosophy. Mainly Trolls too.
As long as they leave me alone, every asshole is entitled to his or her opinion . .
Untill they cross me with it, then i am usually the bigger asshole and of the opinion that they deserve to die.
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post Sep 23 2013, 06:07 PM
Post #11

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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Generally my characters stick by 'don't drek where you eat'. Don't support organizations that are likely to attack you or people you care about. That means don't help the racist elf gang down the block if you're an ork, but you're fine supporting the one across town. Since Humanis is very well organized, helping any branch generally supports all the rest. If you don't support their mission, avoid doing any significant work that might help them.

But on the other hand, my PCs rarely know who is hiring them (at least until it's too late and they're on the hook).
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post Sep 23 2013, 08:50 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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My current character is an elven Cat Shaman who is prejudiced against Trolls. Mainly, he considers them overly aggressive, overly large and, generally, unpleasant to look at. He can and does work with them, because they do make for good cannon fodder. He'll even toss a heal spell on them now and again. Off-duty, though, he wants nothing to do with 'em.

In our last session, a bunch of gangers attacked our Troll Sammy out of line of sight of my Shaman. After the fight, I promptly accused him of starting the fight, unnecessarily. Much fun was had. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 23 2013, 09:44 PM
Post #13

Running Target

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Eh I tend to view it in terms of "Your usefulness to me." and "How big of an asshole are you personally." Keep generally neutral/open relations, as with most other gangs/organizations, but also come down hard if you personally fuck with us. My chars will work with organleggers, but also hunt ghouls for bounties. They'll do things that strengthen various opposing forces, then take jobs down the road that reverse those gains. He doesn't "Betray" per say, cause that's dangerous. But he'll also not usually get in deep with any specific group that 'loyalty' becomes a consideration.
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post Sep 25 2013, 08:13 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Always character specific.

Because my current group the metas were Barrens born scum and the humans were sociopaths/functionally insane- Humanis goons got a bad time of it.

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post Sep 25 2013, 09:59 PM
Post #15

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Lantzer @ Sep 23 2013, 03:30 AM) *
Racist Policlubs:
Orc Rights Commission

I don't think ORC qualifies as racist, that is the job of the Sons of Sauron or the Horde
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Daddy's Litt...
post Sep 27 2013, 05:00 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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The Ancients are a go gang who are funded by the elf supremists in TT. They get treated as a go gang with all the caution that needs.

The Sons of Sauron I see less as supremiests seeing themselves as better than the rest than than as defending their metatype against prejudice.

Humanis- scum,
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