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> Chase Action - Catch-Up/Break Away, Chase Combat rules
post Jan 15 2014, 11:02 PM
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I have several questions related to the "Catch-Up/Break Away" chase action (p. 204)

1. This action references a "maneuver Threshold" as being the threshold for this test. I can not figure out how this is supposed to be determined as there is no guidance. I imagine they are related to the Vehicle Test thresholds on p. 199 even though technically these chase actions are not referred to as Vehicle Tests. If I am to use the Vehicle Test thresholds (easy, average, hard or extreme), it seems that the base threshold should always be the same and then modified by conditions. So, shouldn't this action just list the threshold (e.g. 4) instead of referring to a "maneuver Threshold" that is nowhere else referenced in the rules?

2. If a driver is trying to escape and moves "out of Extreme range, then the pursuing vehicle is allowed it's own test to "keep her in sight". What does it mean for the pursuer to have kept their target in sight? Are the vehicles still at Extreme range? Or is there a new range category being introduced called "In Sight". Thus it would go --> Short/Medium/Long/Extreme/In Sight. If the vehicle is, in fact, out of Extreme range but still insight, then can the pursuing vehicle get back to Extreme or even shorter range with his own successful "Catch-Up" chase action? What if the escaping vehicle is already at "In Sight" range and makes another successful "Break Away" test. Does it now escape entirely? What if the escaping vehicle starts at Extreme range but due to a Speed=2 rating is able to move two range categories. Do they automatically escape entirely?

Any guidance on how this is supposed to work is greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!

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post Jan 16 2014, 12:05 AM
Post #2

The back-up plan

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1. It looks like the mechanic is based off the SR4 ruleset, which had some challenges. Chase Combat has been cleaned up a bit, but still can be a tricky beast. I would start the Threshold at 2 (3 if an odd environment per the table) and modify by the charts on p. 201.

2. At Extreme Range, if Driver A succeeds at the Break Away test, he evades pursuit. To avoid this, the pursuer gets one last chance to stay at Extreme Range. My reading is that Driver B needs to get enough hits past the threshold to maintain Extreme range. If Driver A does markedly better, than B can't keep up and A escapes.

It may be easier to think of it as Short/Medium/Long/Extreme/"Not in Chase Combat anymore."

If you are a much better driver than your pursuit, it may behoove you to get to Extreme Range and then make a reckless Stunt that forces everyone to attempt the same thing or give up.

I don't see anything to cover your question about "What if the escaping vehicle starts at Extreme range but due to a Speed=2 rating is able to move two range categories. Do they automatically escape entirely?" Changes in range are all based on hits over the threshold. Part of the abstraction in the system breaks down when you have extremely different speeds, and that is left to GM discretion. (There's no realistic way for a couple mallcops on segways to stay in pursuit of a sports car on the open highway. The difference becomes too great and the GM should handwave it away.)
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post Jan 16 2014, 02:11 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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One thing I've been wondering is what does say long range mean for firing weapons. Does my pistol AND my rifle both have long range penalties?

As the whole ruleset is an abstraction I assume yes but it wouldn't hurt for it to be clarrified.....
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post Jan 16 2014, 05:16 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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A lot of it is abstracted for the reason that chases cover a lot of variance, but it does give examples. Away from my book right now though so I can't give the specific quote. As for the ranges, those are somewhat up to the GM, as it mentions earlier in the vehicle rules, long range for two fighter jets engaged in combat is far different values from two segways long range. In the former, even the rifle may not be in range at all, whereas the latter may still be close range for the rifle.
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