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> Nothing's Free in the Free Zone (IC), Adventure 1: Broken Star
post Jan 24 2014, 03:41 PM
Post #101

Prime Runner

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:10 PM, July 29th, 2075

As the runners stand near the corner talking among themselves, they see the line is moving at a relatively quick pace - shrinking steadily even though more people are joining the line. Many of the patrons, especially the female ones, are dressed scantily, and are obviously not concealing any weapons. The bouncers give each patron a brief pat down, although occasionally a surreptitious handshake seems to elicit a more half-hearted pat down from the bouncer performing it.

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Jack VII
post Jan 24 2014, 03:52 PM
Post #102

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:10 PM, July 29th, 2075

"Maybe we won't need a distraction... looks like the line is moving." Jack said, observing the steady stream of patrons.

"You seeing what I'm seeing, Grease?" the ork asked. "Looks like the bouncers might be open to some incentive pay. So, I am guessing with the right incentive, we can probably get Candle to talk to us, assuming he's one of the bouncers working the door. The question is how to get him alone to talk to him."
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post Jan 24 2014, 04:20 PM
Post #103

Shooting Target

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:10 PM, July 29th, 2075

Looking at the line, Grease nods quickly. "Yeah, I agree. Let's get in line, it's early enough the club won't be at capacity and they'll be letting people in fast. Once we get up to the front, we ask for Paul, then I can work from there. If he doesn't want to talk in front of the other bouncer, we can give his buddy a little financial incentive to be more vigilant in his work, and mind his own business."

Grease runs a hand through is slicked back hair, tousling it until it's a mess. He pats it down and runs a comb through it, parting it. He looks slightly different; you obviously have no trouble recognizing him but someone who has only seen him at a distance might not recognize him across a crowd.

"Overkill, you're on camera duty. Keep a weather eye out for any places you think they might be located. Otherwise, we may need you to hack into the system itself to pull the footage. Despite my familiarly with cars, I'm all thumbs when it comes to computer stuff."
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Jack VII
post Jan 24 2014, 04:28 PM
Post #104

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:15 PM, July 29th, 2075

Waiting in line with Grease and Overkill, Jack takes the time to try to spot any exterior cameras installed on the QXTs building. Satisfied with his examination, he nods distractedly at Grease. "Paul might identify himself if we 'happened' to be talking about the 'heroic actions' of an unnamed QXTs bouncer from the murder the other night when we get to the front of the line. Egos, baby."
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Always Overkill
post Jan 24 2014, 04:30 PM
Post #105

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Overkill, UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:15 PM, July 29th, 2075

Drave nodded at Grease in agreement, "Once I find a camera all I need is a quiet corner and I should be able to acquire all the necessary footage we are looking for. Just try and keep a low profile, meine freunde"

Drave gives a reassuring nod towards Jack, liking the idea of shining the Bouncers on, and prepares to check his weapons at the door.
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post Jan 24 2014, 04:41 PM
Post #106

Prime Runner

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Overkill, UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

The runners slowly move closer to the door as more and more patrons are let in. The sound waves from inside the club hits them through the wall with palpable force, causing Jack and Overkill's vision to blur slightly as the panes of their glasses vibrate with each beat.

Eventually the bouncers are patting down a pair of young blondes in front of Jack, Overkill and Grease, and the runners get ready to put their plan into action.
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Jack VII
post Jan 24 2014, 04:51 PM
Post #107

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

Jack fiddled with his commlink and dropped an ARO on the camera. Composing a message on his commlink, he realized he did not have commcodes for either Grease or Overkill. Attaching the arrow to a text message, he queued it for delivery pending the addition of their commcodes.

<<Camera above the door pointing toward the crowd. If nothing else, we might want to edit the last half hour of footage. Not sure about you guys, but I'm not getting paid as an extra for their movie...>>

As the two blondes who are clearly not wearing unmentionables, let alone weapons, are ushered in the door, Jack says in a loud voice, "Man, I'm surprised this place is this busy, what with that murder the other night and all!"
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Chrome Head
post Jan 24 2014, 05:04 PM
Post #108

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Amy, Curtnick's Bar, S Dunkirk and E Pacific, Aurora, 10:00 PM, July 29th, 2075

Amy nods. "Yeah, the job has started, and I came across the information that I just told you. I might tell you more later but for now it's better to keep it this way. But the reason I'm talking to you isn't just idle curiosity, no, it's also that I'm worried about you. Listen, I really think the two things might be related. Junkies dying from ODing, and cops chasing drug dealers and then getting shot. That the police isn't investigating the SINless who die is no surprise, but they usually do a much better job looking for cop killers. Instead, they keep this one quiet and buried. You have to admit it smells of a conspiracy all over."

Amy lets this sink in by taking a sip. "A conspiracy that will, again, hurt us in the Warrens the most. And your rally will bring up a lot of attention on this. Mainstream media attention, perhaps, and the ones who are running the show here won't like that. So I just want to tell you: be really careful. Don't get too carried away and keep your eyes open."

It was easy to recognize Amy's typical protective instincts kicking in. She always cared so much for those she loved and it was obvious that she was sincere when she begged for Chomsky to be careful. Maybe she was even a little afraid too, which was much more unusual for her.
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Always Overkill
post Jan 24 2014, 05:08 PM
Post #109

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Overkill, UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

Drave casually looks over to Jack, responding with, "I heard that one of the bouncers saved the day and fought off the shooters. Some guy named Paul."

As he says the name Paul, Drave glances up at the bouncers to see if one looked up at the mention of his name.
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post Jan 24 2014, 05:21 PM
Post #110

Prime Runner

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Amy, Curtnick's Bar, S Dunkirk and E Pacific, Aurora, 10:15PM, July 29th, 2075

He smiles, and says, "Thank you, Amy. I truly appreciate the warning. I will do my best to keep an eye out. One the one hand, I find it hard to believe that someone like me could be the target of a vast conspiracy, but from what your are saying it seems to dangerous to ignore the potential threat."

He looks around, and then laughs slightly. "Now you've got me paranoid, I was wondering if I should be out here 'in the open' so to speak. Hopefully this passes quickly. I don't want to feel like I have a target on my back for the rest of my life."

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post Jan 24 2014, 05:26 PM
Post #111

Prime Runner

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Jack, Overkill, and Grease, UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

The ork bouncer gestures to Jack to raise his arms out to the side, while the human bouncer does the same to Overkill.

The ork laughs out loud at Overkill's words, looking over to the human bouncer as he starts to reach for Jack, "Hey Paulie, you hear 'dat? You're a hero now."

He snorts, and looks back to Jack.

Paul sort of blushes and mimics the ork's motions, waiting for Overkill to raise his arms. "C'mon, c'mon, the line is backing up. "
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Chrome Head
post Jan 24 2014, 06:00 PM
Post #112

Shooting Target

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Amy, Curtnick's Bar, S Dunkirk and E Pacific, Aurora, 10:15PM, July 29th, 2075

Amy was glad that Chomsky was rightfully on guard. "Better safe than sorry in this world. I felt that I just had to warn you. I know it won't stop you from doing what you do, and I wouldn't want that, but at least you'll watch your back as things go down, and maybe you'll notice things you wouldn't have otherwise. Let me know when something worries you, I might also have more on the subject as days go by. Anyway, count on me on the day of the rally to be right behind you. If you're worried about this place here tonight, well I don't mind accompanying you home. A bit of gender-role reversal has never hurt anyone. Bill's on me too." She said smiling.
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post Jan 24 2014, 06:32 PM
Post #113

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

Turning to face the bouncer, Grease steps slightly out of line and closer towards him, speaking under his breath so the other bouncer can't here. "Is that right Mr. Candle? Is that how it happened?"
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post Jan 24 2014, 07:29 PM
Post #114

Prime Runner

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

While relieving Overkill of his weapons, the human bouncer looks confused, as if he heard Grease wrong. "How'd you know my last name?" he says.

The ork, meanwhile, while patting down Jack, pauses at under his arm, and looks questioningly at Jack, and gives a polite cough.
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post Jan 24 2014, 07:39 PM
Post #115

Prime Runner

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Amy, Curtnick's Bar, S Dunkirk and E Pacific, Aurora, 10:15PM, July 29th, 2075

"Well, it seems crime does pay" he says with a wink, teasing her. He stands as Amy pays the bill via AR, and proceeds outside. "My car is just over here, no need to put yourself out though, and I...erm, have company tonight"

He actually blushes a little, easy to see on his pale skin. "Thank you for the drinks, and the warning. I will take it seriously, I promise."
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post Jan 24 2014, 07:48 PM
Post #116

Shooting Target

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

The thin smile that covers Grease's face is not kind. "Because it's my business to know these things, Mr. Candle. It's my business to know a lot of things. Like that you were working the night of the incident. Or that the murderer was not apprehended."

He pauses for a moment for effect. The other bouncer is looking the other way with affected disinterest. Grease readjusts the label on his dark suit, brushing off some invisible lint.

"The man who was killed you probably just thought was some Lonestar schmuck, like anybody else. What you failed to realize Mr. Candle was that he was in a family. A large family. Some would call them organized. I trust I am not being too subtle for you to pick up what I'm saying."

"His... family is interested in finding out what happened. Normally, they would approve of your keeping your mouth shut when talking to the police. However, in this particular case they are extremely interested in finding out what happened. As a result, so am I. So why don't you go ahead and tell me what you saw?"
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Jack VII
post Jan 24 2014, 07:50 PM
Post #117

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

Jack looks back at the ork for a second and puts his arms down. Leaning in to speak to the ork, he says in a low tone. "What with that murder the other night, I figure a guy can't be too careful, you know? Especially when he's got some nuyen to spend, if you catch my drift? You guys are clearly doing great work... so what's my cover tonight? I'd like to throw in a tip."
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post Jan 24 2014, 08:02 PM
Post #118

Prime Runner

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

Paul's face blanches at the mention of the family, and he quickly hands Overkill a chip and pushes him through, not even bothering to take the 10 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) cover charge. "Hey pal, I ain't here to give no problems. I can't talk now, the line is too long. Go inside and go to the bar, find Lisa - can't miss her, a tall blonde, with a low cut shirt. Tell her 'Paulie says its a good night' - she'll give you a drink on the house. I can shake loose of the door in about 15 minutes or so." He motions Grease to go through the door, and waves the next customer over, looking sideways to see if Grease accepts his proposal.

Meanwhile, the ork bouncer smiles, showing his enlarged lower canines. "For you pal, the normal 10, plus another 20, I'm giving you the ork discount."
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Jack VII
post Jan 24 2014, 08:08 PM
Post #119

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

"Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed, my man," Jack said with a tusky grin, slotting his credstick and transferring 30 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) . Seeing that the rest of the team has cleared the entry, Jack entered the astonishingly loud and dark club.
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post Jan 24 2014, 08:14 PM
Post #120

Shooting Target

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UCAS Hub, Outside Club QXT, 10:25 PM, July 29th, 2075

Grease nods at Paul. "I'll be inside, waiting. I wouldn't make the mistake of thinking it'd be a good idea to try and slip me."

Grease looks significantly down at his watch to mark the time, then walks into the club to look for Lisa.
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post Jan 24 2014, 08:35 PM
Post #121

Prime Runner

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UCAS Hub, Inside Club QXT, 10:30 PM, July 29th, 2075

As Jack, Overkill, and Grease walk through the doors, the beat that was a pulsing wave turns into a veritable wall of sound. Jack wishes he had dampers in his ear buds instead of his enhancers. They move their way down a short passage, passing he restrooms to their left, and enter into the main part of the club. There are two main dance floors, one directly in front of them, and another suspended above it. Both are full of gyrating bodies, moving in time with the music and strobes. Off to their right, is a long bar, with three bartenders, all female, but only one of which is a blonde in a low cut tank-top.

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post Jan 24 2014, 08:49 PM
Post #122

Shooting Target

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UCAS Hub, Inside Club QXT, 10:30 PM, July 29th, 2075

Leaning in to be heard over the noise of the music, Grease tells the other members of his team, "Let's exchange commcodes; it's going to be easier to communicate over text than yelling in here." Grease initiates the interaction by sending his out to the two of them first.

"I think I spooked Paulie pretty badly out there; let's find someplace quiet to talk, either a side-room or maybe a booth. I'm not sure I want to go up to Lisa right away, that code phrase could mean "free drinks", or it could mean "grab the shotgun under the bar"."

Subconsciously moving his head to the music, Grease scans the club, looking for a good place to meet where he could keep his back to the wall.
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Jack VII
post Jan 24 2014, 09:02 PM
Post #123

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UCAS Hub, Inside Club QXT, 10:30 PM, July 29th, 2075

Jack nodded his head, almost in time to the beat. Accepting Grease's commlink invitation, he saves the contact and sends his information to both Grease and Overkill. Tapping into his Ikon, Jack wrote.

<<Sounds like a plan. Let's grab a booth so Overkill can do his thing. I can check with the girl if you want. She may not want to mess with an ork...>>
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Chrome Head
post Jan 24 2014, 09:27 PM
Post #124

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Amy, Curtnick's Bar, S Dunkirk and E Pacific, Aurora, 10:20PM, July 29th, 2075

Amy gives her friend an amused look. "Have fun, relax. There are big days coming up for you. Oh and let me know if you come across anything that could help me make sense of what I told you."

Having nothing better to do, Amy sticks around at her table to finish her drink, still a bit worried for her friend. I just hope I'm wrong and everything goes well for him... I wonder if Shannon and him are banging. A bit of jealousy was boiling up inside her. It wasn't like her to feel that way, but she felt threatened by that other elf like she had never felt threatened before. A proper elf, who grew up in a rich family, just like Chomsky. She had the looks, this way to handle herself, even the bigheartedness and sympathy for the less fortunate. What is there not to hate? It's not like Chomsky and Amy had ever been intimate. They would flirt a little from time to time, but they were just really good friends. But Amy had to recognize the facts. She hated that other woman.

10:35PM, July 29th, 2075

Amy's slowly finishing her drink and about to pay and leave, when she decides to send a quick vocal message to her partners, using subvocal to avoid speaking loudly in the bar. <<@Jack, Overkill, Grease "Hey boys, hope everything's going well for you. I'm done here meeting with my friend, and I can't say I found out much. I'm on my way to try to find someone who can get a read on those damn pills now.">> Bar sounds are heard in the background of the voice message.
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post Jan 24 2014, 09:49 PM
Post #125

Shooting Target

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UCAS Hub, Inside Club QXT, 10:30 PM, July 29th, 2075

Grease indicates with his head towards the western side of the room.

<<@Team: Over there. We can see the entrance, and see Paul come in. If he brings any extra muscle we should be able to see them coming.>>

Moving over towards an open booth, Grease gets in so his back is to the wall, and he is able to see the Entrance and dance floor. He reaches into his jacket and casually throws something up into the air; it takes flight and goes zipping away out of sight within moments.

<<@Team: We've got an overhead view now. I'll update your AR displays as I find more information. Give me a nudge when Paul comes by in case I'm in VR when he enters the bar.>>
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