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> Yet another FuelDrop Shadowrun diary
post Mar 3 2014, 01:09 AM
Post #51

Neophyte Runner

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You know what's better? EVERY member of team 2 had a code of honour that was violated about a hundred times by their actions. Even if they had survived the mission (which was hard with both their employer and Rigger turning on them after the incidents) they sure wouldn't have gotten any karma out of it.
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post Mar 3 2014, 02:12 AM
Post #52

Moving Target

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Do the players of Team 2 have any clue at all? Really?
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post Mar 3 2014, 02:31 AM
Post #53

Running Target

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I have seen some pretty clueless types...but carbombs? Grenading a bar?


Well, I sure am glad that the Crimson Crush wasn't on the worldwide terrorism watchlist...what was that? They just got added and now have every single large-scale federal law enforcement agency crawling straight up their asses, sans lube? Do not pass "Go" and don't collect $200 as they all go straight to Federal Asspounding Prison?

I can see the occasional hiccup on a run due to bad judgement, but these guys are running like raped apes straight to, "Dumbest Fucking Thing Possible".

Damn the Torpedoes! Pip, pip! Cheerio! and all that rot!
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post Mar 3 2014, 03:09 AM
Post #54


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Wow even Kymrhyl? And here I though he was pretty badass, Mind you in the game i'm in its not any better (I got a elf sniper who spends times roffing people and taking pcitures of them naked for her own personal collection and a human sniper who goes out of his way to kill anyone who has his set of skills (for example if he finds out one of his opponents has kraft maga he would beeline to he fella)).

Although I do have to ask, what were they thinking? Killing uninvolved civis always brings a bad rep to runners and alienate potential Johnsons
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post Mar 3 2014, 03:25 AM
Post #55

Moving Target

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This looks like a job for...

... well, not after Zak took care of them, anyways.
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post Mar 3 2014, 04:47 AM
Post #56

Neophyte Runner

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Our best guess is that the raven mentor spirit got pissed at two adepts both following him for purely mechanical reasons without even paying lip service to his philosophy so decided to reach out of the game and mess with their players. That group had 3 vets and one noob, but Zak's player was the only one who saw anything wrong with the plan of wholesale slaughter and couldn't do anything about it because he was also pulling shift as the GM, and was thus trying to keep his character's involvement as low as possible.

I mean we had at least 1 and possibly 2 assassins creeds plus a warriors code in that group, along with a vaguely defined technical pacifism. This went so far against all of them in every possible way that it almost circled back around.

At the very least they did technically succeed in disrupting Cutter activities, what with calling in a task force on par with a national guard unit down on their heads. It was too late and didn't draw the Cutters back as much as scatter them but still...

Also, the group with a knife guy, a gun bunny, an infiltrator and a face managed to inflict three digit casualties, the hitman urban brawler throwing adept rigger team managed something on the lines of 15-20 Cutter casualties. Factor in civilians and they actually out-killed us, though. *Facepalm*
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post Mar 4 2014, 07:07 AM
Post #57


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I am confused.

Why was the team sent up against a thousand Gangers? Where did they recruit that many street punka? How could K-E allow an army like that to form within the sprawl?

As for team two. Frag em.
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post Mar 4 2014, 07:16 AM
Post #58

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Grak @ Mar 4 2014, 03:07 PM) *
I am confused.

Why was the team sent up against a thousand Gangers? Where did they recruit that many street punka? How could K-E allow an army like that to form within the sprawl?

As for team two. Frag em.

I believe that army included most of the cutters in the city shipped in for this takeover attempt. Since the barrens are Lone Star's territory, most of the fighting would be happening around glow city, and the Vory were giving them a considerable amount of backing I'm assuming that Lone Star was being payed to look the other way as long as the fighting stayed contained.

If you mean how were we supposed to win? We weren't. We were supposed to help hold until team 2 could take the heat off of us...
Basically we were very lucky we were out of position as if we weren't we'd have all been killed.
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post Mar 4 2014, 12:34 PM
Post #59

Neophyte Runner

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Painted up Zero. She's not quite finished (minor detailing remains undone) but this is pretty close.

I suck at taking photos, yeah.

Because I know there are people who'll be interested, the body is from the apocalypse survivors (Women) and the head is from a pack of dark eldar wyches (The plastic ones, not the old-school metal ones).
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post Mar 9 2014, 05:13 AM
Post #60

Neophyte Runner

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5th January.

Just had a lovely evening out with the guys. No job or anything, just invited everyone over to the local pub to drink and watch urban brawl. Hollywood naturally went on the prowl and hooked up with Janna and Melissa, who're into the whole casual sex deal and don't mind sharing. I even came out ahead with a couple of well-placed bets and ended the night two hundred nuyen up after drinks and meals. I've also invited Zak to come and watch combat biking with me on Tuesday. I've been watching an up-and-coming biker by the name of Brik, a troll with a good career ahead of him if I'm any judge. In other news I've spent some time mining through the hours of footage I took on the last run and adding the face of every Cutter there to a database with face recognition. Hopefully that means I'll know when I run into one of them again.

11th January.

It's been a busy few days.
Starting from the beginning. On the seventh I got a call from Misa asking me to meet her for breakfast on the eighth at the Moon and Six bar to discuss work. Everyone rocked up eventually (Himori managed to walk right past us and sat outside at our usual table.) with the exception of Zak, who had some personal stuff to take care of. In his place Misa had hired Jack.

Now I'm going to stop here and describe Jack a bit because really, this is his tale and he deserves to be described in all his glory.
Jack is a troll, about 9' tall give or take an inch or two, and is a solid mass of muscle and scar tissue. The guy is built like a tank, and that's hardly even hyperbore.
Obviously, he's more along the lines of walking death machine than rigger, so we ask Misa to fix us up with transport for this one considering that our normal vehicle guy isn't in this one. She says she can arrange that, and goes on to lay out the job.
It's an assassination/demolition gig, where we have to go to a Vory-owned bar called the Smirnoff in lower Downtown and kill the three assholes who run the place. And these guys are assholes, believe me.

For starters we have Rick. He's the brains of the outfit who isn't merely without a moral code but goes off the deep end into intentionally cruel. He's also very manipulative, staying behind the scenes and letting others do his dirty work. He's Human, but that's just incidental to his real metatype: Bastard.

Next up we have Hawk, another Human and a young one at that. Hawk is the eyes and ears of the trio, an expert in spotting trouble before it becomes a problem and dealing with it. He fights guns akimbo and is a master of mixed martial arts, favoring strikes that cripple the target with pain or maim them permanently over attacks that merely disable them.

Finally in our trio of terrible we have Jax, an Orc who acts as the team muscle. At the briefing it was specifically pointed out that even compared to the others he has no moral compass, with my personal theory being that he shot it twice in the head and left it to rot in the gutter. He favors a pimped-out Krime Boss combat shotgun, drum fed with explosive slugs. Subtle.

If we kill off all three of these thugs we're looking at a 20k pay packet apiece, with an extra 20k to split if we kill the club as well.

So we decide that the first order of business is to hire a Decker to get the blueprints of the club, then do some on-site recon. Now this place is very exclusive so we have to pretty up in order to get in. That means we get to go shopping and, while it's being taken out of our pay, our employer has managed to swing a serious discount for us. Which I subsequently abused.
The shop we're directed to is a little place in Bellevue, Calvin's Clothes and Fashion. It's probably a corp-owned subsidiary of some kind but it's got a good selection of everything a girl needs... and a couple of suits for guys as well. Hollywood and I decide to match outfits in the form of a Berwick suit and dress (Electrocromic) and Ulysses coats (Also electrocromic and given some fairly extensive waterproofing too. After all, this is Seattle and the coat's primary purpose is to protect the dress underneath). Now naturally I'd look really out of place in a nice dress like this without some earrings to match. In spite of what the guys said it was obvious I'd need to get genuine diamonds. I ended up settling on a very nice set for a mere 7 grand, round diamonds in platinum. Not gaudy, but very nice. Naturally I had to get some shoes to go with the dress but there were so many to choose from that I couldn't get just one set. So I went and got four. Specifically: a pair of Stilettos for the job; A pair of high heels for fancy meets; A pair of low heels for casual meets; and a set of Women's Modez (easily the cheapest set of shoes on my list, with the others costing close on 200 nuyen apiece). Finally I spent a touch over 500 nuyen on makeup for use in disguises and similar. I don't think that the guys really understood how important all this stuff is.

Hollywood decided to chat up the girl behind the counter and managed to convince her to come with him as a date. This kind of screwed with the plan since at first we were going to go with me as his date but a quick rethink meant that I was his cousin for official purposes. Jack also got a suit but he decided that it was an unnecessary risk for him to walk into the club at this point. Now it turns out that Himori has something like 20 grand worth of clothing lying around at home, though since she hates dresses she only has one nice frock in that collection and no jewelry to go with it. Once again she decides to opt out of the recon phase.

So we pick up Penny (the girl from Calvin's) who's hired out a dress from work and we go out. It takes us all of about 20 seconds after entering the club to realize what a horrible mistake we've made. See, the Smirnoff is Chauvinist central for Downtown Seattle. It's a gentleman's club, but only in the sense that women here are treated like crap and people come here to pick up strippers and escorts. In other words, it's more accurately described as a non-gentleman's club because I assure you that Hollywood is the closest thing to a gentleman in the building. Think about that.

We wrap up our recon as quickly as possible and relocate to Infinity, tipping our way past the line thanks to our fancy outfits and large expenses account. The night improves infinitely at this point and I end up hooking up with some guy for the night. Not really much of a talker, but he had other virtues. I think his name was Bernard. Hollywood ironically didn't get lucky as Penny doesn't put out on a first date. That means that Penny is getting a second date from him, a new experience for Hollywood.

Anyway. We come up with a plan based on our blueprints and recon data. There's a ton of security on the door so if we're getting tools in we need to bypass that. This is my job. I get to spend the night crawling around the air circulation system, which is not going to be fun but it's kind of what I do. There'll be some laser tripwires set up somewhere in there but I'll be able to bypass that easily enough. We're taking out the building with controlled demolitions, taking out enough structural components to force them to tear the building down but not enough to drop it on the patrons. Now none of us are really ideally suited for this so we ask Misa to find a structural engineer and get them to do the math on where and how much explosives we need, then get the charges pre-cut with an AR overlay for placing them. Hollywood will be handling that part as he's fairly good with explosives anyway and should be able to adjust on the fly if something goes wrong and he has to improvise. Jack and Himori will be the distraction and the heavy hitters. We contact Misa and see if she can arrange for the poor call girls to be taken care of after the business is no more but she doesn't have the resources to spare for that. She does assure us that Knight Errant will arrive soon enough after we start and they'll deal with them, so that's something.

Now before we get started I don my chameleon suit and check out the air circulation system at the top of the building. It's going to be a tight fit, far too tight for any form of armour. So my outfit for the night is basically going to be a black body sock and balaclava. I'm sure Hollywood approved.

So the mission goes fairly well. Hollywood goes in as refrigeration specialist to perform a routine maintenance check on their refrigerators out the back and manages to talk his way in with nothing more than a bag full of tools, a set of overalls and a winning smile. He gets a guy looking over his shoulder the whole time but he still got in with no matrix credentials or other supporting evidence. He says he has to go to the bathroom and we swap out his sports bag of tools with one full of guns and explosives, then he heads off to buy time until the distraction.

About 5 minutes later I make another drop to said distraction, then I spend the rest of the run crawling backwards through air conditioning ducts. Being double jointed and extremely well practiced at this sort of thing is very good but it was still really uncomfortable.

So on to Jack's story. See, apparently someone noticed the drop and sent a guy to check out what was going on. He bursts into the room with a pistol in each hand. "Come out with your hands- holy shit!" Not the greatest last words, but fitting as Jack had just finished reassembling his panther assault cannon. Pistol guy takes a shaped charge travelling at mach 3 to the center of mass and dies, then Jack casually strolls out into the main room and tosses Himori the bag with her sword and pistol in it. Everyone in the place does a double take and Jack uses the opportunity to put a shot through a bouncer and yell "Everybody OUT!". Now every member of staff, including several of the waitresses, pull guns and open fire. The problem they very quickly run into is that they are using pistols and machine pistols on Jack, who is basically a walking tank. He ignores their annoying gunfire and keeps blasting guys away with his assault cannon while screaming at the top of his lungs "I AM BULLETPROOF!" until eventually (Read, after about 6 seconds) the Vory enforcers realize that this guy has taken maybe a hundred shots and isn't even slowing down. They start running for the door and the patrons follow them. One bartender decided to be defiant and shouts something about how Jack has made the worst mistake of his life coming here, which earns the guy an explosion that kills him through cover. With Himori keeping the room covered Jack strolls up the stairs in search of another target. It should surprise no-one that locked doors are no barrier to Jack and by the time Hollywood is done and catches up with him Jax has already experienced the wonder of the Panther. Soon enough the other two and a pair of thugs are holed up in a room. Hawk tries to bribe us into switching sides so hands over a credstick to Hollywood, who promptly shoots him in the head. Jack finishes off Rick with a shot through the wall and we extract, detonating the charges as we leave. We slot the credstick into one of my spare disposable links (which I keep around for precisely this reason) and surprise, it sends out a tracking signal and scours the link for information. No luck guys, factory settings and no contacts. We throw that out the window and our employer puts some drones up to watch it. Sure enough a high-end runner team rocks up to the location. Two survive the ambush, but with the Knights nearby and the confusion going on the whole thing gets pinned on them and they have to go into hiding (It turns out that data recovery is hard when the erasure was handled with a mix of APDS and explosives).

Because everyone now has the outfits for it we get our final meet at Icarus Descending where we get paid and filled in on the aftermath. The girls were picked up by Knight Errant and it turns out most of them were missing persons from other cities and countries, so the Knights are making sure they get home and getting a metric ton of good publicity into the bargain. With the sudden spotlight on the sex-slave industry in Seattle the cops are cracking down, which is further hitting the Vory along with the other major syndicates. We got payed in full with a small bonus for a job well done, the Vory have to spend the insurance money from the attack tearing down the now structurally unsound building, and Hollywood wants me to teach him the art of shotguns. All in all a good day.

Oh, and I got to publish an article where I slammed the Smirnoff. Because some people deserve to be kicked while they're down.
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post Mar 9 2014, 05:14 AM
Post #61

Neophyte Runner

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And before anyone else can say it: It looks like Hollywood is splitting his dicepool between targets, if you know what I mean. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Mar 9 2014, 05:58 AM
Post #62

Running Target

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My character Rickson has never worn any armor heavier than Form-Fitting Armor with forearm/shin guards and a helmet with gasmask and lived to 120 karma. Might want your character to pick up a set.

Actually, a pretty interesting read. Nobody went psychotic or full-retard and you didn't have to off one of your teammates for once.
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post Mar 9 2014, 09:18 AM
Post #63


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QUOTE (psychophipps @ Mar 9 2014, 01:58 AM) *
Nobody went psychotic or full-retard and you didn't have to off one of your teammates for once.

Great, now you jinxed it.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Mar 9 2014, 10:13 AM
Post #64

Moving Target

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That one actually looks like a job well done.
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post Mar 9 2014, 04:13 PM
Post #65

Neophyte Runner

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Aaand tonight we have a return to form. Story soon.
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post Mar 9 2014, 04:47 PM
Post #66

Moving Target

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...WOW!!! Team have such a shootout.. I would like to know 1 thing....Is Jack Street Samurai or Adept??
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post Mar 9 2014, 05:19 PM
Post #67

Neophyte Runner

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16th of January.

We got a call from Misa to arrange a meet. In the Barrens, in a bar called the Drunken Pony. The job is to destroy a Vory drug lab set up in a farm some way out of town. It's really not our thing but I come up with a basic plan that would work if either Jack or Zak were available, which they weren't. Then we get a satellite view of the target and... well, let's say my plan was completely useless. With the team that Misa had assembled there was no way we could pull off the job so we respectfully declined.

There was something off about the whole thing. The location of the meet, the poor choice in team... Something here is wrong. Still, I don't really have the resources to look into it on my own and the others don't share my concerns, so I've decided to let the issue drop.

24th of January.

How many of you were sleeping soundly last night when an ungodly boom woke you from your slumber? That was my fault.

Okay, from the beginning. We got a call from Misa saying that a potential employer was waiting for us at a coffee shop called the "Chocolate Fudge" in the southern downtown area, with a meet set for three o'clock. Five of us were invited, Zak; Hollywood; Himori; Darkblade; and of course myself. Four of us turned up but Darkblade was a no-show and could not be reached on comms.

I'm going to skip ahead a bit here and come back later to explain what happened to Darkblade.

See, Darkblade got it into his head that it'd be a good idea to turn up to the meet in a chameleon suit with his guns and knives at the ready. If some reluctant admissions are to be believed then this concept came from an 80-hour binge of Warlord: Kingdoms in hot-SIM VR that he hadn't finished sleeping off.
So off he goes on his sports bike and, surprise surprise, the cops want to have a word with him about the unlicensed chameleon suit he was wearing. Naturally he doesn't want to be pulled over and have to explain the multiple silenced weapons and highly illegal APDS rounds he was carrying so a high speed chase results. To make matters worse his bike was registered to the same SIN as his apartment, which was quickly raided. He's not exactly the most careful runner so that was the cop equivalent of candy land, with boxes of illegal merchandise piled haphazardly atop each other and surrounded by discarded takeout containers.
He escaped into the sewers with the clothes on his back and whatever he was carrying, and eventually managed to get back into contact with the group when he got a new commlink (guess who the old commlink was registered to?)

I've let him crash in my safehouse for a few days while he gets himself back on his feet on the condition that if he does anything this dumb again he's out to dry.

Anyway, back to the meet for people without gaming addictions...
The job is to convince a Decker team to stop hunting through certain systems and get them to delete what they had on them. Lethal force isn't frowned on but isn't a requirement. We have an approximate location in the barrens where they're holed up.
We're getting payed 45 grand, and Hollywood managed to negotiate an extra 5 grand if we get the job done within 24 hours.
We got the job done all right.

Now a bit on these guys we're after. From the files our Johnson (A fairly cute elf by the name of Corey) gave us they're a specialist Decker team who hole up in abandoned buildings to work out of and shift fairly regularly. Considering that it's a Decker team and the intel was from the matrix some of it was fairly suspect (12" average? Real subtle there guys), but most of it seemed fairly legit. We grabbed our gear and headed out while Zak's drones took a quick look around the area to confirm the location of our targets. It's about now that we find out that Darkblade has only the clothes on his back remaining, and we meet up with him at the safehouse and lend him whatever we can scavenge (He had to take two showers to get rid of the stink and all his clothing and gear needed disinfecting. I keep a change of clothes there just in case but he doesn't have my chest or hips so they weren't really an option for him. Hollywood eventually lent him a spare suit while he hand-washed his Chameleon suit. On the bright side, the stench will help him blend into the barrens).

So we take a look at the target. It's an old office building, almost entirely uninhabitable now, that backs onto the river. It has two sliding doors, a few fire escapes, a bricked up front door and a functional back door.
Our plan is to go in and basically have Himori, Hollywood and I pull a show of force while Darkblade crept into position to force a surrender. Simple, clean, and with some luck no-one would get hurt. Zak was to place a bomb out the front in case they tried to flee in a vehicle.
So we get into position and Hollywood tries to open the back door with a sequencer. No dice. I suggest using thermal vision to locate the power line and shoot that out, since maglocks use electromagnets to hold the door in place and without power that's not going to work. 2 silenced APDS rounds later and we were in. This is the point where things start going wrong. See, Himori goes charging in and gets a blast of fucking acid coating her head to toe, just like she'd gutted an alien bare-handed. She panics and charges towards the river, clipping Darkblade and splashing him with acid too.
For those of you not currently in Seattle, yesterday was... maybe 18F, or close on -8C for those in other lands. AKA very cold. Not good weather to be taking a dip. I call Zak and tell him we need a van for medivac right the hell now and he decides that this is the time to prank us by pretending he's about to set off that bomb of his.

That did not go down well.

The van arrives and we haul Himori and Darkblade on. Darkblade is as white as a sheet while Himori's on the verge of death, so the van heads off at full tilt to Celinia the streetdoc's place while Hollywood and I lurk around with rifles to make sure the Decker team doesn't go anywhere. I also call my Fixer and place a very special order for Zak to pick up.

See, it's on now. These sick bastards are blasting my friends with acid. I don't like that.

Zak returns soon enough with a care package. A 25 kg shaped charge. His doberman is sacrificed to plant it on the first floor, facing down. See the thing is, Zak is VERY good with explosives and under his tender loving care these ones were going to be a blast.

The bastards were hiding in a bunker under the building. It wasn't enough. We were long gone before the cops turned up.

I didn't pull the trigger, but it was my idea and my Fixer who got the explosives. So yeah, sorry for waking you guys. So much for making it clean.

Ironically, our expenses came out almost exactly the same as the bonus for rapid completion. We can only hope that Himori has learned her lesson about charging into unsecured buildings.

If this were a real blog I'd have the footage of Darkblade realizing he lost all his save data and gaming accounts attached to his SIN when he ditched his link. It really is priceless.
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post Mar 9 2014, 05:24 PM
Post #68

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Stingray @ Mar 10 2014, 12:47 AM) *
...WOW!!! Team have such a shootout.. I would like to know 1 thing....Is Jack Street Samurai or Adept??

Street sammie. Mainly bioware but he's a body 10 troll with titanium bone lacing and toughness and was wearing a Berwick suit/Argentum Coat combo for another 13 armour there. I think he also had orthoskin, so he was packing around about 36 dice for soak iirc. add a pain editor and Platelet Factories to that and yeah, he was nigh invulnerable. Not sure what else he had, but suffice to say he was hard to kill.
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post Mar 9 2014, 05:51 PM
Post #69

Running Target

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Looks like Himori lucked out. I would have had the trap be something fun like the airbag replacement we discussed earlier. "Ok, you open the door, there is a blinding flash, and you wake up at the street docs while the doc tallies up the cost of two leg replacements and a new pelvis with the team..."
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post Mar 9 2014, 07:48 PM
Post #70

Moving Target

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QUOTE (psychophipps @ Mar 9 2014, 01:51 PM) *
Looks like Himori lucked out. I would have had the trap be something fun like the airbag replacement we discussed earlier. "Ok, you open the door, there is a blinding flash, and you wake up at the street docs while the doc tallies up the cost of two leg replacements and a new pelvis with the team..."

This is early on in the "season." While the players SHOULD know better, and your trap is within reasonable expectation, I think they're trying to make this a learning experience moreso than malicious player killing (yet). You kind of have to work up to it or the players don't have as much emotional connection to what gets damaged.
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post Mar 10 2014, 02:06 AM
Post #71

Neophyte Runner

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Well we learned one thing this session: Don't piss off Zero.

Interesting point: I'm a habitual planner and tend to work out the group's strategy. With the exception of Zak (when available) Zero has the highest logic score in the group.

Zak is... well, at best he's brilliant but lazy. Most of the time he just acts as a bus and drone recon. I'm yet to see him actually fire with one of his drones. However, when he's available and there's explosives to be set he's our go-to guy.

The catch with him is that he has a poor sense of humor that crops up at the worst possible times, such as pranking the group in the middle of an emergency (Zero was ready to walk after that particular stunt).
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post Mar 11 2014, 01:22 AM
Post #72

Neophyte Runner

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Member No.: 53,300

26th January.
Last night I got together with Misa for a girls night out. I would have invited the others but, well, Himori still needs medical supervision, Darkblade's trying to cope with the loss of his old life and settle in to a new routine, Hollywood had a date with Penny (haven't heard back about that yet but I hope it goes well), and I'm still not on speaking terms with Zak after that stunt he pulled. I'd have roped Celinia in as well but she's busy taking care of Himori. Next time.

So yeah, we had a fun night out. I asked Misa if she could recommend somewhere a bit more classy than my local sports bar and she steers us to a club called the Black Watch. It's a seriously nice place and Misa definitely has some pull there. Taking the Johnson out for a night on the town probably violates a ton of Shadowrunner best practices but screw it, I wanted a chance to break in another pair of shoes and everyone else was busy. I did get to find out Misa's first name, or at least the first name on her SIN (which lets face it is almost certainly fake). Are you ready for this?
It's Misa.
That's right, her name is Misa Misa. Awesome. We tried to keep the conversation away from work but after a while it kind of ended up there and, well, I needed a chance to vent about Zak's antics.I found out some interesting information about my companions Himori and Darkblade in return, too. Both of them were taken on as favors for some of Misa's nebulous contacts (No names or details given, for obvious reasons) and all of their matrix history has been erased beyond Misa's pet Decker's ability to recover. Now to me that says either a high-end corp or a major crime syndicate was the one calling in the favors, which just proves further that Misa is well connected. I'm inclined to guess that it's probably the Yaks or the Mob considering that I know she's taken jobs from them before.
Now we get to the next weird bit, Both of them have lost the majority of their memory. Darkblade slotted or was forced to slot a bad beetle while Himori's amnesia is a bit more ambiguous, but the end result is that they don't know their pasts either. Since both of them are packing some decent hardware I'm inclined to suspect that something in their pasts is going to come back and bite us in the future.
And for the final part in our trio of odd, we have the fact that the nebulous favor-asker that got these two assigned to the squad specifically told Misa that those two are expendable. It's really odd, as someone apparently pulled some pretty heavy favors to get them on the team but beyond that doesn't care what happened to them?
(Note to self: Finish re-examining footage of conversation later to see if any details slipped my mind)
There's a story there, and my Journalist senses are tingling.

Anyway, beyond that the night went great. Misa introduced me to some of her friends, I tried about a dozen different types of cocktail and ended the night in bed with a guy named Don or Ron or something. All in all, very successful night out.
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post Mar 11 2014, 01:33 AM
Post #73


Group: Dumpshocked
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From: The heart of Rywfol Emwolb Industries
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And for the final part in our trio of odd, we have the fact that the nebulous favor-asker that got these two assigned to the squad specifically told Misa that those two are expendable. It's really odd, as someone apparently pulled some pretty heavy favors to get them on the team but beyond that doesn't care what happened to them?

Neat.. sounds like the two were favoured by some one high up the food chain somewhere and given a new lease on life, however someone below this high up and apparently overseeing these persons in their new life doesn't like them and would like to see them flatlined, but can not take the risk of having it done directly. #

Sounds like good family fun.
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post Mar 11 2014, 01:39 AM
Post #74

Neophyte Runner

Group: Members
Posts: 2,389
Joined: 20-August 12
From: Bunbury, western australia
Member No.: 53,300

QUOTE (Sendaz @ Mar 11 2014, 09:33 AM) *
Neat.. sounds like the two were favoured by some one high up the food chain somewhere and given a new lease on life, however someone below this high up and apparently overseeing these persons in their new life doesn't like them and would like to see them flatlined, but can not take the risk of having it done directly. #

Sounds like good family fun.

Oh yeah. Can't reveal anything here, but it's GOOD.
And this is why you don't flat out tell the GM you're too lazy to make up a background and leave it entirely in his hands, particularly if your character's behavior has shown that the only way you'd ever get work is with strings attached...
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post Mar 16 2014, 01:27 AM
Post #75

Neophyte Runner

Group: Members
Posts: 2,389
Joined: 20-August 12
From: Bunbury, western australia
Member No.: 53,300

28th January.

Hey there, a bunch of stuff happened recently. Let's start at the beginning.
Just after I posted my last blog entry I got a call from Misa organizing a 6:30 meet at the Black Watch. I turned up about an hour early because, well, it's a fun club and I wanted to get some dancing in before the meet. When I went over to the meet I got to meet two new people.

Boris is a troll of about average height and weight, good horns with a nasty chip on the left one and a fairly muscular build. More sophisticated than many of the trolls I run into, from what I've seen he tends to wear tailored suits unless the situation calls for something different. He's also a mage, and a pretty powerful one at that.

Erza is a female elf of the same build as Misa. She's got a tenancy towards heavy makeup, short skirts and thigh-high boots, and can get away with this because she's a rigger and spends all the time in a heated car rather than on-site. She has a cascade of deep red hair that has to be at least five foot long and along with Misa and myself rounds the group out to Blonde, Brunette, Redhead.

The job is a theft. The Vory have some stuff stored by the docks and we're going in to liberate it. Misa said we had to choose between a loud smash and grab and being so quiet no-one ever knows we were there until they see the stuff is gone. Since we didn't have the bloodthirsty members of the team with us today I suggested we go for a quiet run and the others agreed, so after pay negotiations we reconvened to Erza's van and started plotting.

Unlike Zak we didn't have to poke Erza at all to get her to do her job, resulting in an overhead view of the target and a shipping manifest appearing within a few minutes. The next ship was several days away and the warehouse we were hitting was virtually empty with a total of 6 sea containers left there. Some research and a stroke of luck later and it turned out that there was a tunnel running close enough to make tunneling viable. Even better, Boris has a silence spell. So the plan is simple: Boris sets up underground with the tunneling gear and gets to work cutting up into the bottom of a sea container. I sneak into the warehouse and disable security. We pass stuff back down the tunnel where Erza's drones are waiting to ferry it back to the van. The perfect heist, at least on paper.

So we get started. Getting into the Warehouse is a breeze (I mean, thievery is kind of what I do. If I couldn't get into a barely-guarded warehouse watched over by a couple of bored-out-of-their-skull Russians then I have no right being on this team), and after that it's a simple enough matter to disable the motion sensors and blind the cameras (Yeah, taking a photo and setting it up in front of the camera only works if the guards aren't paying attention but the way I figure it the interior cameras are going to be getting a glance every few minutes at best, especially since the thermal sensors and motion sensors are both offline and thus not transmitting an alert. I have some time to kill so I unlock the sea containers, triple check my work on security to see if I missed something, then go to open the first one. Then I realize I almost made a rookie mistake and check the doors of the containers. Sure enough there's a little sensor that'll tell the system if the door is open or closed. Well fortunately Erza is hanging around doing some online shopping (She's been sending me pictures all evening of various clothes and shoes to try and get an idea of what I like. Some was nice, some was crap, in all it was a pretty thorough sampling) and I get her to hack the relevant nodes and bend them to her will. This slows things considerably as it means every half an hour or so she has to reset and rehack the nodes while we wait for the all clear so we can get back to work, but after a few hours our heist is pretty much done.

It's at this point I realize that we may be able to get a bonus out of this job yet and contact Misa with a new plan. Since we're here anyway we can rig some explosives among the rafters to loudly and spectacularly drop the roof on command. I figure that when the next shipment comes in in two days all we'll need to do is press a button and BOOM, roof collapses so they can't move their stuff and KE rush to the scene, effectively shutting down that dock and costing the Vory TONS. We get the go ahead and I spend much of the rest of the night setting that up before removing all trace we were ever here and vanishing into the early morning.

Misa wants to meet and discuss over lunch but we tell her that dinner would be better since we want to get some sleep first (26 hour day!). She agrees.
Long story short we manage to haggle for our bonus to be paid in goods rather than cash (Misa said she didn't have much liquid right now) and after that Misa, Celinia (my doctor friend who apparently knows Erza), Erza, her friend Lilly and I hit the town. Ended up sleeping with some meathead, can't even remember his name. Wasn't much good but that's the way it goes sometimes.
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