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> Rigger Bits, You've got to be kidding me.
post May 24 2004, 11:19 PM
Post #26

Moving Target

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Oooh. That gives me an idea.

Line your vehicle with biofiber, moss, or something biological. You're now an astral battering ram, and will work against un-materialized spirits, too, right?

Same reason why you can't use fast motion through the earth. *laughs* Splut.
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Kanada Ten
post May 25 2004, 12:56 AM
Post #27

Beetle Eater

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Line your vehicle with biofiber, moss, or something biological. You're now an astral battering ram, and will work against un-materialized spirits, too, right?

Depends. First, the life must be dual natured to affect the astral. A spirit or other astral from can passs through anything living without suffering a slowed movement or other effect. If it is dual natured, then talk to your GM. I would say the astral form is simply pushed out of the way at no effect unless it was trying to pass through the barrier.

Same reason why you can't use fast motion through the earth.

No, no it's not. At all.
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post May 25 2004, 08:03 AM
Post #28

Running Target

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I assume that by manifested, you mean materialized. 100 m/s is more than enough to kill most spirits, though if the spirit has a high enough body, it can damage the car too. I don't recomend doing it to earth elementals. And guys, I don't think there would be enough room inside a bulldog for a spirit to materialize inside of it.

So, a GMC Bulldog security version, armor of 5 as I recall. Rigger adaptation and remote control interface to start with, but remote control only lets you control it directly. To call it to you, you would need to add a drone brain, giving it a pilot rating. Simply transplanting the brain of a regular drone wouldn't work, since you need something programmed for a car-sized drone. You would have to find a passenger vehicle drone program, have one custom-made, or program one yourself. I don't know what the availability would be, or if you could get it at character creation.

As for weapons, I recomend a single small, pop-up, antiaircraft remote turret. A heavy machine gun would be ideal, but you can only get a light machine gun at character creation. A panther cannon or grenade launcher are other options, but they aren't so great for use against small, fast-moving targets, especcially aerial ones. A battery of smoke launchers and an oil-slick sprayer are a must, since they are so cheap and easy to get.

Other than that, the usual morphing liscense plate, transponder library chip, and of course, runflat tires and roll bars. I also recomend upgrading the sensor suite, adding a level or two of ECM and a level of ECCM, and adding a roof hatch so passengers can shoot their guns and cast their spells upward, or just fire backwards more easily than if they were leaning out the window.

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post May 25 2004, 08:08 AM
Post #29


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QUOTE (Kanada Ten)
Line your vehicle with biofiber, moss, or something biological. You're now an astral battering ram, and will work against un-materialized spirits, too, right?

Depends. First, the life must be dual natured to affect the astral. A spirit or other astral from can passs through anything living without suffering a slowed movement or other effect. If it is dual natured, then talk to your GM. I would say the astral form is simply pushed out of the way at no effect unless it was trying to pass through the barrier.

Staple a ghoul to the hood.
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post May 25 2004, 08:18 AM
Post #30

Manus Celer Dei

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You could buy a turret with nothing in it, then buy a Lone Star Strato-9 and strip the MMG off and stick it in the turret. Not only are you thus better armed, but then you have a wonderful surveillance drone that won't send people running.

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A Rodent of Unus...
post May 25 2004, 08:20 AM
Post #31

Moving Target

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I could be mistaking, but I don't think there's anything in the rules that says a vehicle has to be large in order to inflict the high-speed damage when crashing into a pedestrian. So if that theory holds true, I introduce the...

Spirit Killer Disposable Drone

Chassis: Small Rotorcraft UAV
Power Plant: Electric Fuel Cell
Quality Factors: Complex Chassis

Design Options of Note: Speed Increase 120, Engine Customization 5 (Speed 5), Superconductive Drive 1.

Grand Total: 5,900 nuyen and a Speed of 345 (~275mph). You can increase it to a Body 2 drone (for Serious damage to any metahuman/spirit target and Deadly to most) for a 1,300 nuyen increase in cost. At full speed that's going to do 35S to 35D damage, is completely legal within the game world, and readily available. It's a little pricy, but it's worth it if you're up against a target you just can't take down any other way.
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post May 25 2004, 08:46 AM
Post #32

Moving Target

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That is the most evil fragging thing I've ever heard, ROUS. Now, if we can dikote it and have an ally spirit possess it.

*snickers* Kidding. But isn't there a mod along the lines of a spiked bumper? Or was I simply on Zen when I though I read that? If so, I suggest seagull-sized drones that are nothing more than flying spikes. Add an explosive charge to the tip? Ouchu!
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post May 25 2004, 08:51 AM
Post #33

Moving Target

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For roleplay effect, have your rigger shout 'KAMIKAZE!!!!' at the top of his voice every time he uses one O' these. :wobble:
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post May 25 2004, 08:57 AM
Post #34


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I suggest you force your drone rigger to wear a hachimaki and drink sake before every run.
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post May 25 2004, 11:59 AM
Post #35


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If he wants to control the thing directly (because he really wants to hit), those "Banzai" shouts and the sake are quite appropriate - rigging a vehicle that's being destroyed in a crash (likely to happen to this drone) deals 6S damage, IIRC.

But it is an evil idea, nevertheles, especially if a mage polarized-wards it: behold, dual-natured rigger-controlled surface-to-spirit missile....

The ward is polarized so that it appears clear from the *outside*, and an astral form has to make a perception ( 8 ) test to recognize the drone as a threat. Otherwise it appears mundane until the moment of collision. Oh my...
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post May 25 2004, 12:06 PM
Post #36

Moving Target

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Heh. Stuff like this makes baby zombie Jesus cry. For brains.

Well, you could direct-control the things, and then switch out right before impact. I think. But this is all so many kinds of sick. Sick, wrong, and utterly delicious.

Like my van. I'm going to paint it pink. And put paneling on it. And have a custom horn that plays La Cucaracha. Because, damnit, if they don't like it, they can walk. :biggrin:
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post May 25 2004, 01:16 PM
Post #37

Man In The Machine

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So does that mean I can make a weapon focus chrome bumper?
I love it.. the GSSR, guided surface to sprit rocket.
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post May 25 2004, 02:09 PM
Post #38

Moving Target

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I somehow am reminded of Bombchus from the Nintendo 64 Zelda series....
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Crusher Bob
post May 25 2004, 02:13 PM
Post #39


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Ah, we see that all FASA games a vulnerable to the raming tactic. The best weapon in Btech was an ultra fast VTOL that rammed baddie mechs...

Remember that there is no interia in astral space so you can't damage an astral form by running into them with something. The most 'likely' outcomes seem to be either pushing them along of shoving them to one side.
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post May 25 2004, 03:36 PM
Post #40


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QUOTE (Crusher Bob)
Remember that there is no interia in astral space so you can't damage an astral form by running into them with something. The most 'likely' outcomes seem to be either pushing them along of shoving them to one side.

I do remember that. In the case of the astral spirit hit by a warded drone, it is not the collision what gives the spirit trouble - it is the ward. Hiting a spirit with the drone forces it into combat with the ward. So pay those ~5000 nuyen for summoning a force 5 elemental, have the elemental aid the mage in making the ward (if you don't want to spend that kind of money on this, just find two mages). The ward can have Force equal to the sum of Magic (or Force) of it's creators, say they make it Force 10. If you're against a spirit that has an easy time battling a Force 10 ward, and said spirit remains in astral space so you can't ram him in physical, well, this is the sixth world, get yourself a *really* good mage because you *need* him - or run like hell.

The nice thing about ramming the astral spirit with the ward is that the astral collision doesn't damage the drone , so unless something destroys the ward totally, this missile's got unlimited astral ammo :)
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post May 25 2004, 11:21 PM
Post #41

Moving Target

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Er. I'm a retard. But I thought wards were stationary?
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Kanada Ten
post May 26 2004, 12:02 AM
Post #42

Beetle Eater

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Dissonance, it depends on the GM's interpretation of the line "cannot be moved from the location." Really is a question of semantics, but making them stationary cuts a lot of possible issues.
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post May 26 2004, 02:01 AM
Post #43

Grand Master of Run-Fu

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I do remember that. In the case of the astral spirit hit by a warded drone, it is not the collision what gives the spirit trouble - it is the ward. Hiting a spirit with the drone forces it into combat with the ward.

Not true. It merely forces it aside. Only in rare circumstances can astral forms be forced to intersect, as listed in MitS.
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Herald of Verjig...
post May 26 2004, 04:41 PM
Post #44


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Crashing six (or so, somewhat variable how many are needed) warded vehicles together can work. In general, the only time something is forced into astral combat with a ward is when it is unable to go around. With dual natured creatures/objects, the warded doorway can be a problem after building up a little speed, but purely astral forms don't have that kinetic dilemma.
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