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> Charm City [IC]
post Mar 22 2024, 04:16 PM
Post #351

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake mulls the situation carefully. Tactical data, ingress and egress, are the key factors here.

When things get quiet, he decides that the annelid he had up as a relay, looking as it does rather like a giant earthworm, is the stealthiest mover in auditory terms and so uses it to move along the ventilation system and verify the information. This will include three dimensional broad spectrum imagery captures, which he then uploads to the group for tactical mapping. On this data, he adds contextual notes that provide specific information.

<<Frank is this heat signature. Clearly alcohol-impaired.>>
<<Conventional door, no special lock.>>
<<Stack of Nari's items here.>>
<<This trash can contains some of Nari's items.>>
<<Henchman signatures here. Note the troll. Both clearly asleep. Presumably impaired.>>
<<Visible spirit here, looking into room consistently.>>
<<Barred door with sophisticated maglock. Probably can not open from the inside.>>
<<En suite bathroom to main bedroom containing targets. Door open.>>
<<Front door, wireless maglock. No chain or other hindrance to ingress.>>
... and so on.

Then, with that data in hand, he adds his own commentary:
<<The key to this thing is that spirit. If you can make it go away quietly, the front door is easy enough to open from the inside or, with the right passkey, from the outside. However, opening it will almost certainly set off some kind of notification unless we first disable that. All these buildings are wired up the wazoo. If you have the right permissions, no big deal. If you don't, big deal. Getting into the warehouse room with the target cargo is the same deal, but I'll bet a fresh glazed doughnut that door doesn't open from the inside to prevent them from getting ideas - or if it does, it raises an alarm so that they can get spanked for being bad girls. If we gather enough information to compromise the unit inside and out, then we can suppress that sort of thing - Angel, you'd be the expert on that, but fancy places like this basically run on their household nodes. Compromise that, look for the security functions, which may or may not be integrated into the household central node itself. If I'm betting, there's a link between the household node and the building's systems but the household can add its own rules for its doors so householders don't have to play beggar to the bosses. Own that, and you can probably open all the maglocks remotely.>>

He thinks for a bit, and then adds some tactical thoughts of his own:

<<If you can squish the spirit quick and quiet, and Angel can open the house like a can of beans, then I'd recommend we block the doors to the heavies to give maximum time for action, just in case the targets squeal on the way out. One option is to use a building cargo mover, what they use for furniture and other utility functions, and lay them in it quickly, close it up and roll out. Nobody will think twice to see one rolling by, any hour of the day. There are emergency exit plans, but you don't want to use those unless you have to. Blocking doors against a determined troll isn't easy, but even furniture jammed against the handle can buy you seconds.>>
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post Mar 23 2024, 04:51 AM
Post #352

Neophyte Runner

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(OOC: It might be good to have some discussion in the OOC thread about expectations on drone sensors. Infrared can't really see through walls (or windows generally) but there are some technologies, I think developed after the edition was printed, that have a limited ability to detect people through walls (not as a proper image, but as a sort of blob, still better than nothing. However in this case the annelid can get to the outbound vents in the different rooms. They're screwed into the wall in the main room and Franks bedroom, but it can still look through the slats to get that information. The annelid/shank worm could crawl on into the main bedroom through that bathroom vent if they wanted to. The trick is the spirt.

Reviewing the footage, the flysphy saw that Frank (or, on replay "Dexter Mistypaws" ) took the electronics back into his room. The bag isn't sitting out, but he could have put it into a metal filing cabinet, one of his dressers, or maybe the closet, or something like that. It isn't a big room to search in any case.

The door to the main room where the "heavies" are is currently open, and it opens into the room.

No one has seen any sign of heavier cargo drones, just the smaller package drones in and around the elevators, though it is reasonable some would be somewhere if you want Angel to look into it. Tubesnake happens to be right about the room nodes however Angel still gets vexed by this real world stuff. However Tubesnake has the skills and drones in the area to potentially find even hidden nodes, such as probably the one on the master bedroom door. However the main room node isn't operating in hidden mode so it's easy for him to be able to ID it and could point Angel at it.)


Angel replies to Bongo quickly. << The lady is on the same floor as Frank, so you're already set Bongo! I'd just copy that bit of your floor access data over into Selina's comlink's list. >>

She takes long, a lot longer considering VR speed to respond to Tubesnake. <<Um. So. Uh. This node for the room. How. I don't get how to find it. Well, wait, if I go after the buildings security system, I'm sure there's a listing of all the room nodes. I could do that. >>


Mike gives a nod and holds open his front door for Selina. " I'll do that." He seems to think a little and adds "As much as I enjoy seeing you with less. I am interested in what you'd wear if you just wanted to make a statement about yourself. But I'll look forward to whatever you choose. "


Bongo's memory is...different. He hasn't been recording everything, but in a way he has. His mind rolls over the coming and goings. Normally it's people that are a little sauced heading into the building, relying on the guards to cover them from people on the street between cabs and elevators. However on a number of occasions, particularly involving downtowners, people have come out a little wobbly. In this area at least two of the vendors, presumably pimps, on at least four occasions, have come out escorting the people they'd brought up.
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post Mar 23 2024, 03:13 PM
Post #353

Neophyte Runner

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<<No need to risk tangling with the building spiders, ma'am. Here's an address for the main node, and other electric heat source locations in the apartment that you can check out. Main node isn't even hidden, so you should be in that like a raccoon in a dumpster.>>

<<You might want to check around the freight elevators for pallet jacks or dollys and big boxes - maybe even discarded packaging. Easy way to transport a couple of hundred kilos of girls and baggage. Or surplus troll parts.>>
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post Mar 24 2024, 02:11 AM
Post #354

Neophyte Runner

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Angel replies with a bunch of smiles. <<Alright, I'll get on that! Household node here I come!>>

(OOC: But nearly not all smiles. They don't even have any sort of attack program. Though I suppose by the time you're fighting, there's probably an alert. Fortunately not the toughest node)

Moments later Angel gets back to Tubesnake << Ok, I'm in, and I think I have the IC situation taken care of. Not a whole lot that seems to be connected to the node, but I'll send you the info>>

Once again a bit of time passes before they continue <<Uh. But, Um. He doesn't seem to have a connection to or any cameras looking at the elevators. I'm not sure what you meant there... >>

She trails off but decides that wasn't very professional, and adds, along with an emoji that is saluting <<Angel on standby!>>


(OOC: Going through what Angel sent, Tubesnake finds it odd how little Frank has in typical conveniences. A guy in an apartment like that ought to have a cleaning or service drone. Automated coffee machines. A bunch of presets for other smart devices. Frank lacks that stuff. Though the front door maglock, lights, and Soundsystem are subscribed. The main apartment node doesn't seem to know anything about the maglock on the master bedroom.

However while Frank doesn't seem to like drones, the Tourmaline does. Tubesnake can find a request for delivery drones in the list of user request functions for the apartment. Poking around the FAQs it looks like for guests they use shorter drones that are fashioned in reflective coatings like the ones in the elevator for moving heavier things. Typically four of them work together, sitting underneath the object or a pallet they can bring. The advantage of having the four of them underneath something is that it's easier for them to fit through doors, and they don't take up any extra space to the sides in an elevator. The disadvantage being that they can't effectively put things on themselves. So there's a special request for having some people help. You can request courtesy boxes from what they get in deliveries, an haven't recycled yet, typically not very big boxes, though Nari and Sophie aren't very big. )

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post Mar 24 2024, 01:20 PM
Post #355

Old Man of the North

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<<Looks like this is going down. I'll come in. >>

Bongo approaches the guarded door, and fabricates a story in his mind in case the guards are curious why a young man is coming to an older woman's call in the middle of the night. He could go two ways, one the 'grandson' route; the other to match what has been going on through the evening and the night. Seeing the traffic through the door lately, he opts for the second.

Ahh, the things we do for a little human contact.
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post Mar 24 2024, 03:14 PM
Post #356

jacked in

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"A statement, huh? I guess I can do that. Thank you, I had a great time. See you soon, Mike!"

With that, Selina heads for the elevator, but will see about getting towards Frank's apartment, once she is no longer being watched.

<< I am in the hallway now, and will make my way towards the apartment. I will let you know, if I run into any problems. Angel, dear, do you have access to any documents from the building, that might say anything about restrictions on spellcasting and/or what to look out for with those patrolling spirits? They might have something for guests and/or residents to tell them what they can and cannot do. Likely, the spirits won't bother anyone inside, since they cannot really check whether they can be there legitimately or not, so they will obviously mostly look for astral activity, I suppose, but maybe there is something in the system, that gives us some pointers on what we should watch out for, in order to avoid running into any trouble with those. >>
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post Mar 24 2024, 04:15 PM
Post #357

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake frowns thoughtfully at the feedback, and leads with the key information: <<Heads up, folks. Not all the maglocks are remotely controlled, especially the master bedroom. If you don't have a plan for that, we can work something out but if you do, it'd be good to line that up.>>

He then does a quick review of what automated features Frank does have, and compares it with what his pictures say in case there's some hidden network that does in fact do things like cleaning. ++Mind you, if he has brain-driven slaves and spirits, he doesn't need drones for this, does he?++

<<The lights are node-controlled, but that won't stop a troll seeing what's up. If we can keep Mister Horns down and out, that's better for everybody.>>

<<Bongo, if you can spin a story about helping someone move old drek out of their place to make room for shiny new drek, you oughta be able to get a couple of big boxes, at least big enough for a curled-up catgirl each, and a used pallet. Put the pallet on some follow-me cargo drones, put the boxes on the pallet, and grab a roll of packing tape. They have some old packaging material as a courtesy to residents, and recycling won't happen for another few hours this morning, so you should have at least half a dozen boxes to strap together, looking unofficially official.>>
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post Mar 24 2024, 05:59 PM
Post #358

Old Man of the North

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Bongo chimes in, <<Working on a story as I approach, Tubesnake. Thanks for the hints. And, I have a maglock passkey. Paid through the nose for it, and this would be the first chance to try it out.>>
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post Mar 24 2024, 08:52 PM
Post #359

Neophyte Runner

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Looking between the lists of returns on RF sniffing versus the list of things the apartment node knows about Tubesnake finds a couple things. First, of course, the noise from a plethora of RFID tags on all sorts of their stuff. Also not the main bedroom maglock. Though it could still be wireless and just isn't transmitting. But there are a couple active comlinks on the "heavies" and also Frank. Perhaps as notable as what he does see is what he doesn't, specifically anything coming out of the master bedroom, or any sign of Nari's comlink, though it did look like he powered it down.

It does seem like Angel should be able to open the door for Bongo.

The bathroom door is also ajar. It's located at the end of the hall, almost in the open plan kitchen, as the design takes advantage of having the kitchen, hallway bathroom, and the master bedroom's bathroom being adjacent to simplify the plumbing.


As Bongo gets into the elevator the guards don't say anything, one keeps a sharp on eye him, and the other on anybody outside that might try something.

Once the elevator gets going their body language calms down, and since Bongo doesn't seem to be evading their gazes the one who had been watching him gets a little chatty.

"Awful late to be heading up isn't it? Maybe these are the hours you operate, but I like my night shifts quite. Are you going to be heading down again? Maybe consider staying the night, huh?"


Mike finally gives a smile and a nod, holds the door as Selina heads out into the hall. He gives her a wave and then closes the door as she goes.

The hallway is empty. It isn't designed to be much of a destiantion. There aren't any chairs or anything here. Not to mention being nearly four in the morning. A Selina moves along, she at no point sees any human guards. Just drones parked here and there, trying to look like part of the architecture, like those in some creches by the elevators in the middle of the hallway for use within the building, as opposed to those to the outside.

The Prominade floor is pretty dead as well. This is an internal floor, leaving the prime window space to tenants, it has some internal shops, but they're closed. Only some automatic vending facilities are open. The lights are still up though, making the area almost painfully bright for this time of night, especially with the aesthetic of the Tourmaline involving so many reflective or shined surfaces for the light to reflect off of. The moving walkways a quietly humming along as well, which can get you the 800 feet or so between one side of the building and the other along the square grid pattern that makes up this floor of large double high hallways. The most significant feature is that if you don't want to use the moving walkways, than you're walking over what some signs assure are strong and thick one way mirrors over the streets that the building spans.

Having to go from the northwest corner to the southeast Selina has over a thousand feet to travel. Hunter Street seems like it's a lot like Falls street where Bongo had been. Though here the people under her feet seem to mostly have hunkered down for the night. A few vendors seem up, just in case, and glance sleepily up at the reflective glass above, as their comlinks send the occasional hopeful ping to advertise their wares and pleasures in a legally deniable way. Guildford in the middle doesn't have the folks in boxes and tents along the road. So presumably there's actually a bit of regular traffic there. In addition to the shops there are a variety of tables, benches, and chairs around. This seems to be the place to hang out. A couple have younger folks hanging out, usually couples, chatting away through the night. Occasionally a cleaning drone comes by, buffing the glass while people are away.

Going down to Frank's floor also involves going past the drones by the internal elevators a second time, but none of them have reacted physically to Selina going by, and the elevator works as normal.

It takes a while, but eventually Angel gets back to Selina.

<<So, I did a bunch of browsing. They talk a lot about having magical security, but they really aren't giving a lot of details. I can't find anything actually saying you can't just do whatever magic you want wherever you want. >>

<<It was a lot easier to find the maintenance bay. It's just by the internal elevators. They seem to indicate people can go in to look through the days boxes, get requested drones, or purchase cleaning and repair products for the drones or themselves to use. >>
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post Mar 24 2024, 09:57 PM
Post #360

jacked in

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Selina gladly takes the walkway as much as possible. Walking a thousand feet in her high heels does not sound very appealing at the moment. So, instead she enjoys the view from up there.

<< @Angel: Alright, thanks. It was worth a try. I guess, anything we do inside the apartment's ward will be no problem, just wondering what we might need to get Sophie out of that place. >>

<< @Team: Don't try anything, that might alarm them, until I am there. That spirit needs to be taken care of first. >>
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post Mar 25 2024, 03:05 AM
Post #361

Old Man of the North

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With the flurry of messages shooting by, Bongo had to rewrite his story on the fly.

"Yeah, the old girl doesn't sleep well these days, and she gets ideas in her head like tonight to remodel in the middle of the night. I get calls at the weirdest times. Listen, she said she needs a couple of largish boxes to clear old stuff out. Where do I get that? and maybe a couple of those self-driving dollies? "
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post Mar 25 2024, 03:29 AM
Post #362

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake nods thoughtfully to himself, and then sends the annelid back to check on the master bedroom, just to check for signals in case there was something blocking a signal. Shouldn't be, what with the open bars, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

<<Angel, the 'links of the sleepers in the place are still live. Do you have the time to shut them down? Anything that buys us ten seconds could be a lifesaver.>>

While this goes on, Tubesnake checks on the solvent that sloughed off the silicone of the torn-up drone, and gets to work on fixing the wiring and replacing structural pumping sacs. Slack time is productive time, in his world.
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post Mar 27 2024, 03:45 AM
Post #363

Neophyte Runner

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The master bathroom door is open and has a nightlight. Tubesnake is pretty sure they just don't have active electronics in there. If there were a jammer, he'd detect that.

Angel replies happily <<I can do that! Selina said not to do anything that could cause alarm until she arrives. And if I ever lost matrix access I'd be alarmed! Even in the middle of the night. But if their links are down, Maybe I don't have to intercept alarms on the fly! >>


(OPC: Five hits for Bongo on etiquette. Seeming like he belongs and us exactly at the level of experience to just not know where boxes are. )

The guard looks at Bongo a moment and sighs. "Sounds like a bother. The internal elevators have maintenence rooms next to them. The cardboard boxes for the day should be there. Drones too, but a resident will have to put in the request.

It's late. So be careful not to make too much noise. The rooms are pretty well soundproofed, but I don't want to be responding to a call for a disturbance. "
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post Mar 27 2024, 02:19 PM
Post #364

Old Man of the North

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"Thanks. Yeah, no problem. I'll do my best to be quiet. I hate to have my sleep disturbed, too." Bongo chuckles, nodding at the guard knowingly. "Or my work shift."
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post Mar 28 2024, 05:03 AM
Post #365

Neophyte Runner

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"Just don't try and get too fancy stacking things or trying to manage too many drones if you're going to use an elevator. That's how things get annoying. I guess the maintenence guys hate stuff that explodes going into the compactors even more. But it's when people want to sell or send stuff I have a problem.

And if you think you're going to drop something out there near all the bums that collect, please do it after the doors have closed again

At that the short elevator ride ends, and the doors open up. There aren't any other people in the 12th floor hallway at this hour, just maintenence drones working quietly to buff the floors and move trash.
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post Mar 28 2024, 02:26 PM
Post #366

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake does take a minute to look around and assess furniture and other items that could be used to bar a door, however temporarily. Given time and scope for loud noises he could certainly bolt a door into place so well that it would take a troll with an axe a minute or two to punch through, assuming the door's fabric were up to it, but that is not the situation here and now.
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post Mar 28 2024, 04:44 PM
Post #367

Old Man of the North

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Bongo replies, "Thanks for the advice. Have a quiet night. " He steps out into the hallway and when the elevator door closes he proceeds to inspect the storage room for boxes and drones.

<< Angel, I'm checking the storage room for what we need. If the cargo drones need a resident's request, I guess that will mean you sending them to Frank's place. >>
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post Mar 29 2024, 04:56 AM
Post #368

Neophyte Runner

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Bongo is able to follow some of the drones carrying garbage to the maintenence room. It's in the middle of the section, and seems to serve the 64 units in the hallway.

As he walks Angel says <<I can send the request from the apartment node! I just have to make sure it doesn't alert anybody especially comlink. Uh, it'll be a little trickier when they arrive at the front door. I guess let me know when you want them to come. Looks like nobody else is using them, so they show as ready to go in the menu. >>

There are a fair number of boxes for not so many units. Maybne this is more than a days worth, or maybe they just order a lot of stuff. Of course there vast majority of boxes aren't nearly big enough for a person.

There's a box that was for supplements. If Nari curled up she could fit.

There's also a box for a large trideo. At six foot by four foot by eight inches a number of people could be laying down in it if it were flat.

Bongo can see the little drones underneath their pallet, creating a platform a foot of the floor. There's a 32 by 32 inch square one, but they currently are set with the 32 inch by 64 inch option. In both cases the idea being they can just go straight through the front door.

On the note of drones, the trouble for Tubesnake is Bongo would be on the wrong side of the door to the main room to barricade it, as it opens in.

However that spirit looks awfully fixated on the people inside the master bedroom. A daring and sneaky annelid could come out of the bathroom and try to sneak around it on the ceiling or floor. There's no cover in the hallway, it would only work if it doesn't look or hear.

Once inside the room, the annelid could shut the door, and vould serve as an excellent doorstop if it can't find something.

Of course that leaves the annelid in the potential path of some angry furries.
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post Mar 29 2024, 04:49 PM
Post #369

Neophyte Runner

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Sometimes, a little lateral thinking goes a long way.

<<Bongo, sorry to bother you, but while you're looking at boxes can you check for any kind of string, line, rope, even packing straps? Really strong tape would work too. The door to the heavies opens in to them, but if someone could sneak up to it and quietly close it, then tie the handle to anything else in there, perhaps even a piece of furniture across the doorway, then opening it suddenly gets much harder. It'll buy ten seconds at least if things go south.>>
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post Mar 29 2024, 05:15 PM
Post #370

Old Man of the North

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Bongo examines the boxes. The flat screen box could hold two people while flat, but then it wouldn't fit through the doorway. So he sets both of the boxes by the door, ready to go.

<< I have a couple of boxes that will do, if a little uncomfortably for the passengers. Great idea about the tying of the door, Tubesnake. I'll check for something here. Worse comes to worst, I left most of my climbing gear back at the doss, but I have my easily bundled myomeric rope with me. You never know. It's weak one ply, but across a hallway or a piece of furniture it can be multiply wound. Strong enough for your purpose.

<<I'll wait for Selina to show up and for the all clear to go to the door. Probably the drones should be called only once we are getting ready to leave, minimizing the time any curious guard might have to think. >>
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post Mar 31 2024, 01:06 AM
Post #371

Neophyte Runner

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Angel is sitting nowhere near the action. But she's still nervous. She pulls her functional but inexperienced legs up against her chest as she sits in the wheelchair she brought in the safehouse. Taking a few moments out of VR. It strikes her as strange here. The sounds of the Boyz outside instead of virtual pings from ARO.

Things are shaping up fast and they don't make sense to her. But she doesn't want to look bad. But they need things to go right and they expect her to know how to do that or they'll be really mad.

She slides back into VR. It's more comfortable there, and she can assemble her thoughts much faster here. Which strikes her as a little odd since it's her brain either way, but that's just how it goes.

Soon Selina is out of the elevator nearest Frank's apartment, closer than the bank Bongo is at with the boxes and drones, and everyone gets a message from Angel.

<<OK, Guys. Sorry and Please. This is really frustrating, and I need to get this straight.

So I watched some Shadowrunner Trideo shows. And what would have happened is you would have barged in after Nari, and then fought the weird people. And then as security from the building gets ready to swarm the room somebody shoots put the big window and everybody drops by cords into the park below, and zooms off in a van or something.

Not one like Mr. Snakes. The vans always look cool and special, and people say whoa when they see it going.

But Mr. Snake's van is what we have and people say it smells like poo.

And all the people in there are asleep and we know where they are, and Mr. Snake is talking about coordinating things and caring about seconds. So maybe I'm not understanding and might not have the drones in the right place in time. Maybe Mr. Snake could control the drones if I'm shutting down comlinks and alarms?

Then somebody tell me the plan
Is it that I open the door for Bongo, and he zooms in while Selina takes out the spirit? Then Bongo gets the inside matlock while Snake gets the drones and boxes in.

Then since Bongo knows exactly where the girls are he stuff them in boxes and tubesnake gets them out the door and then I lock the front door before anybody hurts you? >>

She doesn't have to consciously breath in VR. But she feels like she needs a moment to breath after getting all that out.

Belatedly she remembers to add a chin rubbing emoji.

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post Mar 31 2024, 01:40 AM
Post #372

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake takes in this screed, and then leans over to set himself up with some real, fresh-ground coffee instead of soykaf. It'll clearly be one of those nights.

<<OK, ma'am, let's get one thing straight: those Shadowrunner trids are drek. Ignore everything that you heard from them, they're entertainment instead of reality. If'n we tried that window stunt, we'd be caught before we went a mile, for a million reasons. We also don't want to fight anybody. Fights are loud, and dangerous, and annoy people and get people hurt or killed. Perfect run means nobody knows we were there, and nobody knows that anything happened until we're long gone. How's about you line us up with a few things, and I can handle the hands-on stuff after you handle the setup? Can you give me entry into the drones and give me access to the door codes? I can handle the timing on those just fine and you can shut down all the 'links and alarms. You're about right on the plan, but you got a couple of important details wrong. For example, that door stays totally closed and quiet until after Selina clears the spirit. We don't want it screeching about a door opening.>>
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post Mar 31 2024, 03:15 AM
Post #373

Old Man of the North

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Bongo hears the elevator doors open and exits the store room with the two collapsed boxes under his arm. He nods to Selina when she looks towards the noise, and heads to Frank's door.

<< The two of us are at the front door. I believe Selina's little friend is up. >>
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post Mar 31 2024, 07:01 AM
Post #374

jacked in

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<< Trids aren't drek. They are entertainment. But that is all they are. In one that I watched a while back, a guy wanted to jump out of the window, but it was all armored, like they are, and he just banged his head and stumbled back. That's more likely what would actually happen... even if you shoot is first. Also, I'm here now. So, ready in 3... 2... 1... >>

Selina gives Fiona the go to send the spirit away. The ally spirit then moves into position to get the other spirit into view, while maintaining cover and trying to stay hidden. From there Fiona uses her Influence power on the spirit to send it inside the apartment's bathroom and hide in there for the night.

[ Spoiler ]
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post Apr 3 2024, 06:33 AM
Post #375

Neophyte Runner

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(OOC: Presumably with a little lead before Fiona starts doing things so Tubesnake can get drones into position behind Bongo. Also see OOC thread.)

Since she already had access Angel doesn't even say anything as she flips control over to Tubesnake. Though internally she relaxes some with fewer things to be responsible for.

Tubesnake knows the access for the lock came through Angel's hack. However a couple AROs advertising cleaning products and a small concert in the near future tell Tubesnake that the drone controls are through an actual user account Angel probably got when signing up to use them. It seems this restricts jumping into the drones, and probably won't be good for ramming people and probably going too far off premises would cause an alert. But Tubesnake would know they must be able to get to the curb to do their job, and that they're probably loaded up with RFID or other measures in case anybody down there got any ideas about swiping a drone.
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