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post Apr 3 2024, 04:15 PM
Post #376

Neophyte Runner

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With the codes in hand, Tubesnake keeps a close eye on developments. With the drones stacked up behind folks at the front door, he waits until the spirit is out of sight before unlocking.

<<OK, spirit seems to have wandered away into the bathroom, so avoid that zone. Front door is now unlocked, and you can move in quietly.>>

He puts the little cargo drones into their quiet creep mode for do-not-disturb zones, and readies them to follow folks inside. He also quietly locks the internal doors that are closed, which have locks.

<<I don't have a detailed tac map, but here's my 3D record of where everything stands.>>

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post Apr 3 2024, 08:45 PM
Post #377

Old Man of the North

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"Looks like your plan worked. Let's go in." Bongo tries the door and slowly opens it. He tries to be stealthy as he enters and heads toward the barred bedroom. He's glad to see the drones following. Angel or Tubesnake is doing well.

Barring any alarm, he makes his way to the bedroom and listens to tell if anyone is awake.

[ Spoiler ]

If the coast is clear, he attempts to use his maglock passkey to open the locked gate.

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post Apr 4 2024, 05:43 AM
Post #378

Neophyte Runner

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(OOC: Let's keep rolling. I'm not entirely sure a maglock passkey doing it's thing is enough "your action" to use edge...but you're touching it at least and edge is weird. The spot where it's more of an issue is if you use an agent to hack they're on their own. Anyway it works)

The spirit vanishes after being influenced, but it reappears momentarily in the master bedroom bathroom. (OOC: I guess we didn't lock down precisely where the annelid stopped, but with the general sneaking trend and having last looking into the master bathroom I believe, and Tubesnake's high logic, I'll take it that it went back in and closed the vent, giving Tubesnake eyes on the spirit. This at least puts it further away than being right by the main hall Bongo and Selina need to go through, but with its hearing intact, sneaking may be in order. The spirit seems confused, and it's looking around the bathroom, as if expecting to spot something important somewhere by the glow of the nightlight. Sometimes this has it looking through the open door. Nari was set down on some pillows just beyond the "jail" door. It couldn't see there without nearly leaving the bathroom. But Sophie and the other two are close together in something like a nest of pillows nearer the back, and it could get eyes on. They might have even started out touching, but have rolled somewhat away from each other in the warm apartment. Of the three Sophie is furthest from the bathroom. You could reach her without having to step over the other two.

The spirit isn't fixating on them like it was before though and it seems more interested in the bathroom at the moment.

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post Apr 4 2024, 02:15 PM
Post #379

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake makes a feed of the spirit's activity available to the matrix links, while letting the drones stay in follow-me mode for Bongo so that their own tripping hazard algorithms will keep them from interfering with Bongo or Selina.
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post Apr 4 2024, 02:31 PM
Post #380

jacked in

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Selina mentally texts the others. << Not sure, how long this is going to last, so let's hurry up and get the two out of there. >>

Fiona has materialized close to the apartment door in her cat form by now. She uses her concealment power on all three of them, Bongo, Selina, and herself, allowing them to see each other.

When they are starting with the girls, she will extend her concealment to those two as well.

<< We can levitate the two out of the bedroom, if you hold the door open. That might be the fastest way to get them away from there. >>
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post Apr 4 2024, 03:51 PM
Post #381

Old Man of the North

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Bongo replies in kind, << Sure, but we need to box them before we get out into the corridor, otherwise security will know what is up for sure. >>

Bongo holds the door open for Selina to do her thing. He keeps alert for any sign of movement.
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post Apr 5 2024, 05:12 AM
Post #382

Neophyte Runner

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The kitchen still has some of the snacks, drinks, and booze out. Things that didn't need to be refrigerated. The dirty dishware has been put away, but clean glasses and little plates for snacks and hors d’oeuvres are sitting around. The other stuff sitting out are Nari's jacket, pins, and various personal items that Frank didn't put in the trash. However it's a kitchen, presumably the drawers and cabinets are full of things. Probably some knives in one of them.

(OOC: Also presuming Bongo got some tape and string in the maintenance room after Tubesnake mentioned it).

The "jail" door swings open easily on high quality bearings despite the weight. It doesn't have any springs that would pull it closed again.

If Bongo is sharing his feed Tubesnake would be able to see, as was suspected, that this maglock doesn't have the usual manual override to allow people to get out bedrooms and apartments in a fire or other emergency. Not up to fire or housing code at all.

(OOC: More for pbangarth's sake, presumably Fiona is allowing everyone in the group to easily see and hear each other. However concealment isn't invisibility but a bonus (well penalty) on perception tests. So Bongo could still talk to Nari, and you'd be spotted in situations where I wouldn't have called for a perception test. Also characters like Bongo are only inconvenienced by the penalty, but it's rough on mooks.)

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post Apr 5 2024, 10:26 PM
Post #383

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake keeps it quiet and under control - right now the folks on the sharp end need no distractions.

Instead, he sips coffee and watches intently. He makes sure that the drones are in their slowest, quietest polite mode for now although he keeps the interface to change that right at hand.

After a little thought, he saves the footage that illustrates the condition of the door. Just in case.
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post Apr 12 2024, 09:39 PM
Post #384

Old Man of the North

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Bongo had waited for Selina to start. Selina had waited for Bongo to start. Bongo lost the standoff.

He puts a hand to Nari's mouth and the other to her shoulder. He gently shakes her na dwith his Voice Control power speaks into her ear so only she can hear, "Nari. Wake up. I came to help. Nari, wake up. I came to help."
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post Apr 13 2024, 02:48 AM
Post #385

Neophyte Runner

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It takes a couple shakes but eventually Nari opens her eyes. For a second she seems ready to scream and fight, but with his hand already on her shoulder and mouth Bongo is able to control the weakened Nari easily, holding her into the pile of pillows. However as the mind seems to finally register the lines he's repeating she seems to remember him and calm down. Giving a nod as she look around. Her eyes holding on the open jail like door .
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post Apr 13 2024, 04:44 AM
Post #386

jacked in

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<< Great job, Bongo! Looks like she trusts you. That is one problem out of the way. I will get Sophie now. >>

Selina mentally consults with Fiona for a second, then they have decided on an approach. It might hurt her a bit, but they don't have a whole lot of options, and she has to be unconscious, otherwise it will make it pretty much impossible to get her out.

Selina begins with a levitation spell, slowly moving her up and out of the open door (since Bongo is occupied now, Fiona can hold it open with her Psychokinesis, if needed)

[ Spoiler ]

Once she is out of the bedroom, or when she begins to stir, the magical duo will hit her with some dialed-down combat spells, that hopefully knock her out for a while without causing too much damage.

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If everything works according to their plan, Selina will gently drop Sophie into the prepared box.
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post Apr 13 2024, 02:49 PM
Post #387

Neophyte Runner

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Tubesnake sees the action, and sends the little drones at a quiet crawl to set up under the boxes so that they can be ready to move out on time.

He also sends the FlySpy to keep a very circumspect eye on the other inhabitants - just in case.
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post Apr 13 2024, 09:32 PM
Post #388

Neophyte Runner

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(OOC: The flyspy at least manages not to crit glitch on infiltration with it's tiny pool, which is all it really needed to do. Also while you didn't explicitly RP it, I'm giving credit for Tubesnake keeping the annelids eye on the spirit, and Selina making sure not to sling a spell while it's looking that way. Also I'm giving credit for characters moving forward without spending so much time deliberating, so the spirit hasn't had too many rolls.)

Selina let's the lower force spell go when the spirit isn't looking, the more subtle and concealed magics not disturbing the two others nearby. Sophie lifts off the pillows quietly and stays silent most of the way across the room. She stirs a little bit. It's hard to tell in a split second is she was about to wake up or was just dreaming, but the two spellcasters were primed and let loose.

Sophies body jerks as the spells hit and then goes limp.

Unlike the square pallet, the longer pallet can't simply make the turn into the bedrooms from the hall, but will support someone lying down flat in the longer box, and Tubesnake has it positioned.

Nari stays silent, not that she entirely has a lot of choice unless she wanted to make a real fuss. Her expressions shows fear and confusion.

(OOC: Anybody that can get three hits on perception visual would be able to tell that blood is trickling out from Sophies nose, three hits on auditory would be able to tell she's still breathing.)
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post Apr 13 2024, 09:53 PM
Post #389

jacked in

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Once Sophie is secured, Selina heads over to Nari and whispers to her: "You have nothing to worry. We were hired to find and save Sophie, and that is what we are doing right now. We figured, that you might want to tag along. I had to knock her out, so she does not suddenly start to scream or laugh or whatever. It's almost impossible to get this completely right. She will be okay. But we really need to move now, before someone wakes up!"

[ Spoiler ]

In the meantime, Fiona removes the astral signatures they left with their magic use. Selina also helps with that to speed the process up.

Fiona then ends the Concealment and vanishes into astral space, preparing to leave the apartment through the ward, which might take a moment.

[ Spoiler ]
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post Apr 14 2024, 12:56 AM
Post #390

Old Man of the North

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Bongo commits to memory as many of the faces of others in the secure room as he can. And the nature of their confinement, barred door etc. Information like that can be useful. He helps Nori into her box, and then helps Selina with Sophie. Tucking in bits of clothing etc. Once the charges are secured, he messages Tubesnake.

<< Items to be moved are tucked away. Coming to meet you. Be by the service entrance soonest. >>

They head to the service elevators.
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post Apr 14 2024, 03:52 PM
Post #391

Neophyte Runner

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Ah, the bat signal! Or the drone signal, or whatever.

Tubesnake picks up the fan, and tucks it back into the truck. He reels in all the cables, and as soon as everything is actually in the van he closes the doors, turns it back up, and sets its autopilot for the service entrance. Given the pace of the little cargo drones, and traversing corridors and elevators, he has this much time.

The drones he has just doing what they were doing; quietly watching. Once everybody is out of the apartment, he uses the credentials that Angel had given him to lock up as tight as possible. He will retrieve drones later, but for now the most critical thing is to reduce the appearance of anything suspicious, and to slow pursuit.

When at the service entrance (a few hundred feet of travel), he opens a side rack on the van as if he were about to transport sheets of wallboard. He also flips open the straps to buckle things in, to be ready for when the service entrance opens. Assuming nothing untoward has occurred, he directs his drones to withdraw in the direction of the exterior ventilation gap. They can slitherplop and fall free, or fly out of there with no damage, and he can just pick them up on the way.
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post Apr 15 2024, 04:40 AM
Post #392

Neophyte Runner

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(OOC: Assuming Bongo is also taking advantage of Tubesnake's surveillance to know about how close he can get. He should have a memory of their faces along with the scene.

Also ward got lucky, however as it isn't an alarm ward and you aren't being forced through it I believe you can just try again. Particularly since I can't find reference to what I remember as a rule about shrinking dice pools on subsequent tests, but maybe that only applies to extended tests. Maybe try a couple times.)

Getting someone into a cardboard box proves a little challenging with such a fragile thing, but Nari if fairly small, and able to pull her legs up to her chest, letting Bongo close the lid, though he might want to tape it up or something if he doesn't want anyone to be able to see inside.

The drones are meant to be fairly silent as they roll along, and it's a straight shot.

The nearest elevator is the one that Bongo came in on. One of the ones further down might get you out a little closer to the curb. (OOC: But Selina might point out that time is potentially very short with that spirit. Tubesnakes other drones can start heading back out. For the one it might be easier to slide down through the sewer lines instead of trying to climb around for the vent. The flyspy had eyes on the "heavies" who are passed out in a comfy looking recliner that goes all the way back and a wide sectional couch, it could have left in a box with the others. The other annelid has eyes on the spirit, but would need to move back to the other bathroom to open the vent for the flyspy or the flyspy would have to try and go past the spirit to the master bedroom bathroom to use that vent. I suppose the flyspy might also try to toilet route, especially if helped by the annelid there. I suppose the key question is if they're getting out of there shortly after the rest of the team leaves the room, before anyone realizes anything is up, or if they wanted eyes on that, which might let them be foun. It sounds like that's what Tubesnake was requesting, but I wanted to check).
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post Apr 15 2024, 05:50 AM
Post #393

jacked in

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Fiona tries the ward once more.

[ Spoiler ]

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post Apr 16 2024, 01:07 AM
Post #394

Old Man of the North

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Bongo tries to figure whether getting out faster by the door guard is better, or slower but nearer to the curb. He figures it might be a bit difficult to explain to the guard why he is being accompanied by a beautiful woman. Then he figures he can explain it away. Then he goes with the first idea seeing as he told Tubesnake the service entrance. He moves to the service elevators as fast as the drones will allow.
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post Apr 16 2024, 10:49 AM
Post #395

jacked in

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<< Just in case, if they ask... I was on my way down on the other side of the building, after having some drinks with a friend that I was at the club with earlier, but figured I would take a look at the restaurant and that moving walkway before I head out, havn't actually been inside the Tourmaline before, after all, so I was curious. Then, instead of heading back over, I simply got to the elevator on this side. >>
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post Apr 18 2024, 02:29 AM
Post #396

Old Man of the North

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Bongo replies, << Yeah, the door security could be entertained by some story I weave about how lucky I am to run into you. I schmoozed a bit on the way in. >>
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post Apr 18 2024, 05:12 AM
Post #397

Neophyte Runner

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(OOC: I'm assuming that Tubesnake would have chosen to go a bit out of his way to the North in order to come around and be facing southbound so he can be facing South and right up against the curb where the service entrance will open. Given reasonably quick driving that shouldn't be a problem given the time one might expect it to take for an elevator to arrive, get in, and make the trip down to the street. )

The group moves out of the apartment, the drones pilots handling the maneuver they're mostly designed for, smoothly going out the front door loaded with packages, with precision. Bongo had to position Nari on her back in order for both boxes to fit through.

Then they head down the hall at a pace, moving at a pace dictated by how quickly the drones will follow (OOC: 20). Bongo steadies the upright TV box so it doesn't fall over. Nari seems to be managing to stay quiet on her own. That might look a little odd, but luckily at this late hour nobody is around. The group can see security cameras, and the little drones in the recesses. They aren't meant to be hidden. But none of them react, and a glance at Tubesnake's feeds show all is still in the apartment.

The group reaches the elevator. It feels like it takes an eternity to get there, with the seconds ticking away. Angel awaits anxiously in cyberspace, time literally going slower there, and actually counts out the twenty one seconds it takes for the doors to open.

The configuration of guards and drones is the same as in the other elevator, however by a bit of stretching they're doing as the group hustles inside, one might suspect they had been lying down or sitting at this hour instead of standing guard.

After a couple seconds to get themselves sorted one of the guards says "Awful late to be heading out don't you think. You do realize you're going to be stepping out at night, just the two of you, into the downtown in the dark, with a bunch of packages. " He eyes Selina a little and says to Bongo. "And I'm not sure what they might be interested more in. "

He makes a clearly exaggerated show of having his shotgun at the ready as if something was going to leap at everyone from the door that will shortly open on the street level. "You might want to think about just heading back up."

The other guard joins in saying "Check the AROs. They're guests. Time to head out, you know. "

The first replies "Rude to have to leave now...and with" He looks down at the drones with a curious expression growing on his face "packages?"

Outside, the wait for the elevator had given Tubesnake time to get around in front and open his door. He can see the elevator traveling down, it's past all the floors of Tourmaline, and is travleing down next to closed storefront for the "Baltimore Chiminy Sweeps and Repair Pros" when things finally get exciting in the apartment.

The spirit rushes out of the bathroom and into the main bedroom. Spinning around to look around the room, but it was just in the bathroom and there really isn't anywhere to hide in this bedroom with the furniture up against the walls, and not even a bed to hide under. The remaining partiers were still sleeping peacefully on their pile of pillows when the spirit lets out a howl of alarm and rage.

Tubesnake doesn't have eyes on Frank, but his connection would probably wake him up without the screaming. The flyspy can see the heavies, one of whom gets up with a start and charges towards the bedrooms. The troll just rolls over.

Outside, it should only take a few seconds for the elevator to reach street level, and a few more for the doors to open.
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post Apr 18 2024, 06:19 AM
Post #398

jacked in

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Selina certainly looks like she has been at some sort of party in her vintage dress. As the packages are mentioned, she throws up her hands playfully. Not mine!

"I was at the other side of the building, actually, but after hearing so much about all the cool features of this place, I had to take a little tour before heading down. You guys must be pretty proud working at the Tourmaline. Really nice."

Some sweet-talk to keep them occupied and distracted, so they do not give the packages too much thought.

"Had a great time, but a girl has to work in the morning. Dresses like this one don't pay for themselves, you know. I have a car waiting. And my bodyguard is standing by. So, nothing to worry! But mighty sweet of you to care."

[ Spoiler ]

Selina also mentally informs Fiona that the spirit is active again, and there might be some trouble brewing. Though, she really does not think that they can just storm out of there and go look for their missing "slaves". What Frank is doing must be highly illegal, even here.

"Best to stay vigilant, in case something happens. Frank might also have some people out in the streets, like the ones he has looking for his prey."
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post Apr 18 2024, 02:25 PM
Post #399

Old Man of the North

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Bongo notes the interest in the boxes. "Yeah, like I said at the front door, my great aunt is getting a little out there in her requests. She's called me at all times of the day and night, and now she wants this stuff taken away, like, right now!

" She's a dear old lady, and I really can't refuse her, so ..."
, he shrugs. "Here I am. And lo and behold! On my way out I run across someone I met earlier in town. As long as I'm helping the old lady, I figure I might as well show a young lady the way down. "

He gives a wink to the guard. The kind men have shared since time immemorial. What good ol' boy would refuse a fella an opportunity like that?

[ Spoiler ]
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post Apr 18 2024, 05:10 PM
Post #400

Neophyte Runner

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<<Angel, I locked the doors when everybody left, and did as much shutdown as I could. If you can take over and seed chaos and impediments while I drive, that would be good. Drones are pulling out already, so don't feel too shy about it. Any kitchen devices spewing hot fluids, taps wide open, or you could drop aircon to freezing and maximum humidification to fog everything up and make everything slippery with condensation - or all of the above. Have fun. Stealth time is clearly over.>>

However, outside the building he looks cool as a cucumber, stepping out of the van to pick up a couple of packages and pin them to the side of the van in a minute. That's what carry racks are for.
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