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post Jun 5 2024, 03:19 PM
Post #501

jacked in

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"Money can have that effect on people," Selina says.

<< Hopefully, we can drop Sophie off without any trouble. We should also let them know about the potential issue of a mage still trying to find her. Maybe they will pay us again, so we make sure that won't happen, or provide protection for a while. >>
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post Jun 6 2024, 06:11 AM
Post #502

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Nari shudders. "No. Nothing so close to that place. Even if I might have to go there again to get housing. There have to be other places. I guess I don't know them, but there have to be. It's a big city."

Getting back into the flow of the well traveled nocturnal paths as best he can, Tubesnake manages to get to the marina without running into any go gangs. Though the sensors on the van can isolate the sounds of revving engines not too many streets over. The cops in the Baltimore Police Union might not stick their necks out much. But the cargo heading out to the rest of the UCAS from those docks is the lifeblood of the city. And it isn't something to mess with just for fun. Not that they sometimes don't try.

Still, the van eventually pulls up to the parking garage by the marina. Through the mostly open sides of the structure the group could spot the boat waiting for Sophie. It's pretty easy since there are only two boats lit up, and even before checking the design against the info Brewster shared for the houseboat, one could rule out the one covered in loud drunk kids near the end of a dock versus the worried looking couple on chairs on their little lit boat.

The local "security" is also out, and give the van a polite nod from distance, if not a happy expression. Mostly they're looking behind it as for a tail. Some are looking up into the sky, as if that might help if there was a spirit. They seem to not have spotted anything. These aren't Brewsters people, he's more a client, but they seem clued into the situation and a little restless. Brewster hasn't said how useful they'd be if there was any trouble, if he even really knows. The four of them might rely more on the reputation of the mob around these docks than their ability to deal with more than the occasional idiot who thinks they could try and swipe a boat.

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post Jun 9 2024, 08:19 AM
Post #503

jacked in

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<< Alright, I will head over and talk to them. >>

Selina gets out of the van, and makes her way towards the couple sitting in front of their boat. She nods to them as a way of greeting.

"You must be the parents. Good morning! We have her. Sophie is currently unconscious, which was necessary to get her out. Physically, she is doing well. Mentally... now that's a different story. You will probably want to know all the details..."

Fiona will stay near Sophie in the astral and keep an eye on her aura. Occasionally, she will make a quick sweep outside to scan for astral threats.
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post Jun 9 2024, 02:04 PM
Post #504

Old Man of the North

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Bongo was a bit distracted with Nari's issues but eventually noticed Selena meet with the parents. He joins her, letting her take the lead in the story. It's probably best that they hear the darker stuff from a woman, anyway. If things get tense he can interject a calm Voice and reason to help them through to the task ahead.
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post Jun 9 2024, 03:43 PM
Post #505

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Tubesnake carefully moves the van so as to provide for the best combination of easy unloading, discreet unloading and an easy getaway. This involves gently backing up with just enough room to swing the doors open and shut without hitting a bollard, and making sure that the van's nose is angled to make a smooth turn outwards.

When the van is well-situated, he slips back to do a last vitals check on both Sophie and (if she's willing) Nari. That, and make sure that everything else is as squared away as it can be.

Assuming that there are no horrible medical surprises, he flips back to the AR of the van's sensors to look for any identifiable trouble inbound.
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post Jun 10 2024, 06:40 AM
Post #506

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Inside the van Nari finds herself alone with Tubesnake. Well, not entirely alone. Fiona is still there, as is Sophie, and so is Angel, in terms of being virtually present in the medkit's node.

But Nari doesn't know about all that. She thinks she's just in the back of a van with a stranger and an unconscious girl. She feels a bit disquieted at the thought as it floats through, but calms herself saying that she's safe, and they wouldn't have gone through all that to do her any harm now, and they trust this guy.

Still, things get pretty quiet in the van as Tubesnake pulls into a spot he likes. The spots right by the entrances and exists are taken. But there are ones actually closer to the dock Selina and Bongo are on, just with a low wall in the way, and he takes one of those. He figures his team could hurdle the wall without missing a beat in a pinch . He keeps far enough from the low wall that anyone hurdling over it could open and get into the back of the van.

The dad starts to speak but the mother interrupts. "What did you do to her?!? She'd better be fine!" The father is a bit of an odd one in this age of cosmetic surgery. Pudgy. Usually people put money into that before they put it into boats. For the occasion both parents are wearing armored clothing. Of the rack stuff to Selina's eye. Looks new. Lightweight stuff of pants and sport jackets.

The dad interjects before Selina can answer. "Look. We're just worried OK. And want to get out of here. But we need to know everything about her condition and why she didn't call."

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post Jun 10 2024, 02:14 PM
Post #507

jacked in

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"I do understand that. And you were absolutely right to be worried."

Selina sighs.

"Alright. This isn't going to be easy to hear, but you need to know what happened to her, so you can help her properly with her recovery."

"Let's start at the beginning. We went to the club, where the picture was taken. As you can see, we didn't even take the time to change from there. We figured out, who was paying for the table, that was in the picture, and also managed to get an address, so we went to check it out. Turns out that guy - Frank - is a mage. And a predator. Quite charismatic, too. And fairly wealthy. He must have lured Sophie in with false promises of a private party or something like that. She was held captive in his apartment. We do have some video footage from what is going on there, basically some weird party with costumes, but I am not sure that is going to help you much."

"Frank is capable of mentally subduing a victim's mind. Controlling them. He must have done this to Sophie - and others - many times. At this point, she is mentally broken. I'm not even sure, she really knows who she is. We couldn't talk to her. Frank's place is in a wealthier part of town and has pretty decent security. We had to sneak in unnoticed, in order to get her out. We used the early morning, when everyone was passed out and asleep. But we also had to get her past Frank's personal security as well as the building security, so she could not be awake, since there is no telling what she might have done to draw attention. And then we wouldn't have been able to get her out. So, yes, we had to sedate her to make it happen. At this point, Frank should only know that she is gone, but not what exactly happened, or where she is."

"However, as a mage, Frank is also capable of something called Ritual Sorcery, which allows him to use his magic at a distance, if he has something personal, or some hairs or something like that, from whoever he is targeting. He tried that on Sophie while we were on our way over here. We managed to shut him down, though. What I am not sure about is, whether he can try that again. The items needed for this are lost on the attempt, so he would need something else. It also takes several hours to work. Someone with the expertise should keep an eye on her for the time being, otherwise it could be very dangerous to be around her. The astral link created by this process can be followed and therefore be used to locate her. He could send a spirit to trace the link to the destination. I don't know what kind of resources you have, and whether you can provide her with the necessary security, but someone should check on her astrally, at least every few hours for the time being."

"Apart from the magical protection, she will have to be under observation 24/7 and surely needs psychological treatment from an expert, ideally someone awakened with the medical expertise. At the moment you can not trust her to make rational decisions. Hopefully, at some point, you can put this all behind you. But I'm not gonna lie, I don't think this day will be tomorrow. You have to be patient. And strong. Sophie needs you now more than ever."
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post Jun 10 2024, 09:44 PM
Post #508

Old Man of the North

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Wow, Bongo thought. Succinct, thoughtful and respectful. Scary stuff given its due. Good job, Selina.
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post Jun 11 2024, 05:32 AM
Post #509

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The parents stay silent while Selina is speaking. Once she finishes all sorts of emotions are playing on their faces. The mother speaks first saying "You know his name and location? Do you have his other info? I'm not sure what we'll be able to do. But something! He might not be afraid of law enforcement, but if he has an apartment he's probably afraid of lawyers!"

The father gives an uncertain shrug while seeming to think things over "So. Does she have any magical effects on her now? You don't think she'd be back to herself after the spells are gone? I mean besides the trauma we'll help her with that, and we'll get a medical team involved. I'll get on the line to confirm some magical support on the way up. "

His fist ball up angrily. "Getting away in the boat was supposed to avoid anybody tailing us in a car using any tags we might have missed or something. One of my shows said with mages distance hardly helps. "

The wife gives him a slight push towards the boat. "Start calling people and make sure we have the coverage we need. " She then turns to Bongo and Selina "Could you bring her out here. Quick.....but gentle of course. "
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post Jun 11 2024, 08:42 AM
Post #510

jacked in

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"The only time we noticed any magic on her was when the ritual was attempted. Even back in the apartment, she never had any active spells on her, as far as I can tell, but was acting as if she belonged there nonetheless. However, her aura is... how can I put it... scarred. This is not just a temporary effect from an active spell. You used the right term there. It is a lasting trauma, which will likely take a lot of time to heal."

"And, yes, we do have his full address and everything. What he does there clearly is very illegal. In one word, I would call it slavery. And nefarious use of mental manipulation magic. Unfortunately, proving that might still be difficult. It's crazy, what people can get away with. We got the video, but that is hardly evidence, and also not exactly obtained legally. Technically, we broke into his home."

"Of course, we can bring her over now. I just wanted to fill you in first, so you can make the right decisions. We have been as careful as it was possible with your daughter. On the way over, she was under constant magical and medical observation. Even got her some decent clothes."

<< Time to bring her out. >>

Selina also informs Fiona, that it is time to bring Sophie over. The ally spirit will then materialize (in her human form) and use Psychokinesis to levitate Sophie gently towards the boat, once Tubesnake has opened up the van's doors.

Afterwards, Fiona will also keep an eye on Nari's aura, since what Frank tried with Sophie, he could very well also try with her.
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post Jun 11 2024, 03:15 PM
Post #511

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Tubesnake opens up the doors completely, folded back, so that delivery is easy. Vans are good for that. When the quick vitals check is done, he puts away the medical kit, gives Nari a quiet thumbs-up, and heads back to the driver's seat to be as aware of the surroundings as he, and the van's sensors, can make him.
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post Jun 11 2024, 07:16 PM
Post #512

Old Man of the North

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Bongo picks up on the parents' intention to not let Frank escape repercussions. He decides to try to help Nari through Sophie's family, which appears to be well connected.

"In the process of extracting Sophie, we also managed to pull out another young woman who had just fallen under Frank's sway. Her name is Nari. She might be able to add information to any legal case you might want to pursue, and, while having experienced to a much lesser degree what Sophie has endured, she might still be able to give Sophie an understanding ear. This could help Sophie. Nari has been bereft of everything she has but the clothing on her back and is frightened for her future. Do you think it would be possible to give her some shelter for a few days until she gets back on her feet?

"In our line of work, we are not in any position to help her beyond what we have done."
He puts into his request as much as he can of his true caring for this lost soul.
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post Jun 13 2024, 04:06 AM
Post #513

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(OOC: Huh. You actually needed that edge).

The parents sort of take everything in for a while, and seem about to disagree with Bongo. Even the mother is having a hard time formulating something. Perhaps a little of his care and intensity rubbed off. But that's also partly because they don't have much time. As soon as the mother spots Sophie floating out to the dock she rushes towards her, and the father follows after a moment later, and slower on his feet. Holding onto his hat as he heads down the dock. Their footsteps echo in the night, but the party boat not far away means there's plenty of background noise.

They seem to want to grab her, but stop short, seemingly afraid of touching her while whatever is going on with her flight might not respond well, but they're holding her hands as the four head back towards the boat. Subvocalizing can be hard to see, but they're being expressive enough with each other it's pretty obvious. Like watching the trid with the volume off.

By the time they get back to the boat the mother starts fussing with getting Sophie into the bed on the boat.

The father turns to Selina and Bongo and says "Look. It's. Well it's highly irregular but maybe she'd be helpful, and maybe she's in danger the same way Sophie is. So, well, maybe if she'd want, and you're absolutely sure she's safe, she could leave on the boat with us. But if we do that, could you arrange some magical overwatch for now while I make arrangements? You seem to have a lot of magic going on, and my shows say you can just whistle up spirits as long as we don't go too far, and something about the sunrise? So at least until then? It isn't even that long until then. And we'd might have to ask her to share some details with us and the lawyer, and the like. We'd appreciate the video too as part of getting her to us safely. "
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post Jun 13 2024, 05:32 AM
Post #514

jacked in

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"Nari? Yeah, that would be great. She has gone through a lot of hardships, and lost everything. The little she owned, Frank had taken away from her. She is also very afraid of him after seeing first-hand what he can do, and rightfully so. But she seems like a nice girl. A change of scenery might be exactly, what she needs, if she is willing to go. Maybe she can get a fresh start over there."

"Was going to suggest that we cover you for the first part of your trip, anyways. We havn't come this far, just for something to happen on your trip home. Spirits will disappear on sunrise and sunset, it is just how it is. But there are a few that do not. Fiona over there can accompany you for a while. I might need to whisk her away, if I need her, but then I can still send a replacement. She knows what to look out for, and she can also stop it, if Frank actually manages to try again. A regular spirit, at least from my tradition, won't be able to do that. It does require some specific expertise in countermagic."

<< @Tubesnake, Angel: Can we give the parents whatever video footage we got from Frank's apartment? >>
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post Jun 13 2024, 02:37 PM
Post #515

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<<Yeah, I don't see why not. But we might want to seed another few sources with it. We could hand it to a few journalists, anonymously, and make sure that nobody can easily suppress it. Frank'll be hoop-deep in gators so quick he won't have time to chase the girls. Or us.>>
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post Jun 13 2024, 06:03 PM
Post #516

Old Man of the North

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Bongo thanks the couple. "That is so kind of you. I'll ask her if she is willing to take help from you."

He returns to the vehicle. "Nari, these folks, Sophie's parents, have kindly offered to take you with them to a safer place. They hope you can shed some light on the goings on in Frank's place. They seem to have resources that can give him trouble, which can only help keep him off your trail. This sounds like a great opportunity to have time to figure out your next steps. Whaddaya say?"
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post Jun 14 2024, 02:54 AM
Post #517

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The father seems grateful, and maybe a little freaked out or something, but grateful and gives Selina a smile and says "Thanks. That should do. I'll try and make sure this Nari girl lands alright. " He holds out his hand to her for a handshake while Bongo is getting Nari.

"Though it's still her own life. For all I know she's a SINless chiphead. But I'm hoping not."

On the coms Angel relies after quite a while in VR time. <<Ummmm. We can. I mean you can. I don't wanna talk to them OK? Just. Well that's kinda your guys job right? Keep in our professions and all. But I can start catagorizing stuff. I think Bongo's already started to organize files a little for Brewster. Maybe some annotations.

Uhhh. I can make sure we don't show up in anything. And somebody should start untangling Nari's info from what's on her old comlink. Though being in a different city should help if she's careful. Though the matrix doesn't care as much about geography as the AR makes it seem like.>>

In the van Nari gives Bongo a look for a while. "Baltimore is where everything I've even known was. But looking back on it, I feel like all the memories are bad ones. Like, even the happy memories of my dad getting me a present or hanging out with my college friends make me feel sad now after everything, you know? " She wraps her arms around herself again. "And I really had the idea of being in one of those flop houses near Frank. Ugh. Even if the housing authority got me a place, I was trying to get into the public housing next to the Tourmaline. Still way to close. And the Towers out in west Baltimore sound really scary. Yeah. I never thought I'd leave. But I think I'm more than ready to be done with this shitty place."

To punctuate that she turns and jumps out of the van and steps over the low wall so she can make her way out on the docks where she can see Selina standing.

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post Jun 14 2024, 08:49 PM
Post #518

Old Man of the North

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Bongo follows. When they reach the boat Bongo introduces, "Sir, Ma'am, this is Nari. Nari, these are Sophie's parents who have kindly offered to help you through the next little while."
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post Jun 15 2024, 06:17 AM
Post #519

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Nari speaks first with a "hi." The mother isn't paying much attention as she's fussing over her daughter with Fiona, getting her as comfortable as she can in the bed and stroking her hair.

The father says "Hello. At least we can get you to a new city, and I know some people who might have some jobs, especially if you have a SIN and can stay off the chips. And we'll need you to, well, maybe explain things to some of the folks I'll need to call. But, maybe a not a lot if some of the info your friend there offered can cover it. Between the sea and the spirit you should be safe."

Nari looks awkwardly at the father, Bongo can tell she isn't so comfortable with all this but she takes one step forward as if to keep her momentum mentally as much as physically "I have a SIN" she says simply.

The father misses part of a beat and then continues with "Well, good, good. If you want to get on board I think we're all a little eager to get out of here. It'll be crowded, but we've had much bigger parties."

The father makes a sweeping gesture with his arm indicating she should get on. Then he looks at Bongo and Selina "We have a satlink up, so we can stay in touch. Just scan my link for my code."

However instead of getting on Nari turns and says "Thank you. Thank all of you, however many that was that wanted to help. " She then jumps forward and gives Bongo a hug, swaying him back and forth just a little before letting go and moving towards the boat.
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post Jun 15 2024, 06:18 PM
Post #520

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Tubesnake, after Nari hops out, slides back into the back of the van and starts clearing up and rearranging things a bit. Good to have everything squared away.

<<Yeah, I'd let the pretty faces handle talking to the journos and so on, but we can scrub the videos and package them for easy delivery on chip. Maybe drop a few off anonymously with some metadata giving a who's-who of the video participants, address and timestamps and so on.>>
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post Jun 15 2024, 10:38 PM
Post #521

Old Man of the North

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There's a warm feeling that wells up inside of Bongo. Yeah, there is nothing like the 'pocket' when he is playing well, but this comes close. Of course, there is another good feeling that could come.

<< Go for it, you two. Spread as much drek as you can on that vulture. >>
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post Jun 16 2024, 08:48 PM
Post #522

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(OOC: I want to give Selina a chance to react prior to setting sail. Also note that you guys are on coms, so as far as Nari and the parents know Bongo is just staring on silently. That's fine, just being clear.)

Nari at least tries to give a smile at Selina and Bongo and finally follows the fathers gesture onto the boat. She says " I really could use getting on the net. Uh. I mean I probably should change all my passwords and stuff, like, right now. Frank has my comlink still. I went to college for a while. But, you know, I never had the kind of money for a comlink with ICE or whatever. Actually, I don't even remember if I logged out of the thing. They say he did something to me. He probably did the same thing to your daughter. "

The father thinks a moment "Well, I guess I have a comlink on my dive gear. That should work well enough. I'd just need to adjust the suit interface a bit so it fits you. "

They head onto the boat.

Angel thinks to the group. <<I'll leave you guys to edit the video. I sure couldn't tell there was any magic going on, so somebody is going to have to narrate or something. Should be easy to put on a voice filter or something. Maybe blur Nari's face? I wonder if he even remembers her name....maybe I could try and get at his logs and leave a sprite to pounce on her comlink if it goes online? I haven't done something like that but I could try. Or. well. Just let me know OK?>>
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post Jun 16 2024, 10:47 PM
Post #523

Old Man of the North

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Bongo gives Nari a little smile. "Good luck, girl. Make a good life for yourself." To the father he says, "Thank you for helping Nari. As they say, a blow against evil anywhere is a blow against evil everywhere. Do what you can to mess with that vulture."
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post Jun 17 2024, 07:30 AM
Post #524

jacked in

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"A change of scenery will be good for you. A fresh start. You got this," Selina says to Nari as she makes her way to the boat.

As they are about to set off, she says: "Thank you and good luck!"

<< If you can keep an eye out on her commlink, see if it connects to the Matrix at some point, might be good. If that happens, maybe download her stuff from it, and wipe it clean. >>
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post Jun 17 2024, 07:36 PM
Post #525

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Tubesnake grunts. <<OK, I'll get started on this while everybody else cleans up the zone and we can ride off. We don't need much footage, just enough to be incriminating and then Angel you can tag it with identification of the prime perps. I'll take the tagged TriDs and slap 'em onto chips for distribution when you're done with it.>> He sits back down in the captain's chair and starts chopping and clipping video so that there are decent images available of the people there, but trying to exclude or obscure the women as much as possible. They've been through enough.
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