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> Charm City [IC]
post Sep 14 2024, 04:21 AM
Post #576

Neophyte Runner

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Enzo waves at the pipes. "Well, I might not have exactly gotten the technical terms right on the work request. But that pipe up there is definitely related to lots of water draining during a storm, and the bigger pipe it goes into is getting the water the few hundred feet to the river. I didn't specify what was wrong with them. It's just usually they're drekked up with leaves or something, and, well, " He points to the almost certainly bullet holes through them. "This time the problem is something else. "

He stops to think for a moment. "Uh. I really doubt there's anything on the other side of the pipe. It's been a few days, and if it caused flooding in here, I gotta imagine it's all squeaky clean in there. Anyway I can get you in there if you'd like to scope all that out. " He holds up what Paul knows to be the impact wrench, though in here Paul wouldn't be able to see hardly anything if he had regular human eyes.


Rose disconnects after just an "Mmm hmmm!"

The interesting thing about the venue is the setting. Specifically, about half of it is outdoors. The sort of outdoors where you can actually look up and see the sky, maybe even the stars. Maybe not, the hanging displays on the neighboring uptown buildings might kick up too much light pollution. Maybe with a bit of zooming. In any case it's stretched between two roads and is narrow. Stretching the whole length of something like a 200 foot bloc. Some outdoor space even being given over to ping pong, foosball, and cornhole. Thoroughly anachronistic, but people who have no idea how to play them seem to like getting buzzed and trying.

There is a lot of foot traffic to either side of the restaurant, and particularly to the south where there are shops set up for pedestrians. There is even more actual traffic this close to the docks, but it doesn't seem to have discouraged people. Down here near the water in the "L" the uptown structures are all over. Maybe people just like to get out from underneath them.

The building at the "back" of the restaurant is where the band "stage" is. It isn't very big at all. but you could probably squeeze a drum set and a few guitars and mics up there, which probably happens regularly. For now there are just tunes being pipped in over the speakers.

There isn't a whole lot on Ciarán. He has his own node and he's mentioned on a few socials, but he clearly hasn't hit it big yet. Just a local semi celebrity. Bongo notices that nowhere in his materials does he actually claim to be an elf. He's tall, slender, good looking, and does have pointy ears. But he's also obviously got some augmentations. Accents of iridescent coatings on metal play along those ears, his temples, and along what are probably a pair cyberarms. He does like showing off his torso and the celtic tattoos scattered along it.

No indication that he has a permanent band working with him.

(OOC: You could choose in indicate indoors or outdoors etc prior to Rose arriving.)
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post Sep 14 2024, 02:15 PM
Post #577

Neophyte Runner

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Paul carefully backs up so as not to spread any more dirt into the office space than is strictly necessary. ""No need, thanks. I'll work from inside the pipes, using my equipment. Give me a minute to get back up to my van and you can actually close this up and backfill it, if you want to take the time. I'll just put up my safety signs and park by the access hatch, and I'll let you know."" He does take a minute to capture exact location of the holes in three dimensions so that he can track it on city infrastructure plans - or if it is entirely off-the-books so that he can work back to it.
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post Sep 15 2024, 06:06 AM
Post #578

Neophyte Runner

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The actual storm water pipe going through here is entirely legit. The tunnel going from the wall to the pipe is not. It's only about twelve feet long, but makes a right turn after going through the hole by the heater. Someone looking in from the basement would just see a gap and then dirt. The "ceiling" of the tunnel is mostly the base of the parking lot and then a little of the sidewalk as the tunnel turns to the left to where the pipe and drain are. At least they shouldn't cave in unless someone puts something heavy enough there. One side is the wall/foundation of the basement and the other is just packed earth.

Enzo says "Sorry. Uh. I don't really know the technical terms for pipes and stuff. It might be nice to get something in this little tunnel to keep our feet dry and make it less likely to drain into the building if water does get in here. But, well, I'd really like to keep this connection here.

Actually if you have any bright ideas to keep the seam from showing if any inspection drone goes through that pipe that would be even better than fixing any damage. Actually, it'd probably help if you could see how we get into the pipe, let me get these bolts off"

Enzo starts removing bolts with the impact wrench. The first pops off in a moment. They bolts are a good three quarters inch wide, but only five inches long. On a 60 inch pipe storm pipe, that shouldn't be long enough to go all the way through. Paul has some concerns about repeated use of an impact drill on cement, but since the section they cut is on the upper side of the pipe, gravity should hold it in place well enough so long as there isn't a storm of the century.
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post Sep 15 2024, 08:09 AM
Post #579

jacked in

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<< Hey Brewster! Don't worry about Angel, we will keep an eye on her. Looks like you sent her to the gym, which is cool. She needs to learn that she is not just a brain-in-a-fleshy-jar. Anyways, I have given the licensing a bit more thought, and I might need some more licenses. My main ID needs to be registered as awakened, as I will have "magic stuff" in my place, and that might look odd otherwise. And I thought about adding a PI license to my other magician ID, so I could pose as an occult investigator. Might come in handy, who knows. What do you think? >>
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post Sep 15 2024, 03:54 PM
Post #580

Neophyte Runner

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Paul frowns with what one might call professional concern.

""Actually, before I go back up, let me check this. I'm afraid that this may not hold up to a significant event, and then you'll be hip deep in bull sharks and octopus up here. I may have to do more than a little patch job, and actually replace that hatch entirely. I can make it practically invisible, but that will take a bit longer. And, let's be honest here, cost a bit more. Also, if you're concerned about stability, maybe we should start with some bracing for this little access tunnel otherwise the first time a fire truck parks over it you might have a cave-in and more awkward questions than a first date with a girl who goes by Krystal D-Vyn.""
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post Sep 15 2024, 06:33 PM
Post #581

Old Man of the North

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Bongo likes the table he picked inside, where he can see the way out and the stage. As he waits for he disgruntled Rose, who despite her annoyance is coming, he figures what part of his drum kit would fit on the stage. It might be worth checking out this Ciarán. You never know what opportunities might open up.

Maybe Rose will know more about him.
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post Sep 15 2024, 08:47 PM
Post #582

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Brewster takes a bit longer to reply this time.

<< I do appreciate you keeping an eye on Angel. Hackers of any type are hard to replace, and I certainly can't just go out and get another Otaku if anything happens to her.

Magic users are hard enough to get on a team. On that note having at least one ID licensed to practice magic is an excellent idea. It can be the difference between a short discussion with the Baltimore Police Union and being arrested, or at least making a hefty bribe.

I was going to say I'm not sure how useful a PI license would be. However some work that is developing could well involve some investigation, so maybe that would help smooth some ripples along the way. >>


Enzo gives him a confused look for a while, but decides to just act like he followed all of that and gets back to work with the impact wrench.

A dozen bolts later he grabs onto the pair of handled welded onto the curved metal. Actually, Paul has to respect how well the metal plate was bent to match up just right with the pipe diameter. Maybe curved metal is more in the nautical wheelhouse than dealing with cement and tunnels.

Enzo puts a foot on the pipe and pulls. Slowly wriggling the plate and the cement section that is underneath with it. After pulling it out Paul can see his muscles, possibly augmented, straining as he carefully sets it down in the mud. Paul can see that they've really skeletonized the yard wide and tall chunk of pipe, removing at least half of it's six inch thickness between the inner part that would be visible from inside the pipe, and the plate, as well as leaving the areas around where the bolts on the plate still attach. Again, being on the top of the pipe means usually this is just sitting there, but it isn't remotely up to code if that pipe goes water solid.

Some quick math puts the weight of a section of concrete that size with a metal plate into Olympic record territory for unaugmented humans, so maybe they needed to do that.

Enzo lets out a breath he'd been holding and then pokes he head quick into the pipe.

"Ok, looks clear and dry. You can take a look at what we're dealing with. And uh, I'm open to suggestions on the rest of it. "


Rose manages to get there in about a half hour. She breezes in past the staff at the outdoor entrance wearing a simple and short yellow summer dress, wedge healed sandals on her feet, and with her red hair in a ponytail, still a little damp. As she sits down she says "You're lucky I didn't make you wait ages, but I had to do a stint as a waitress, and I hated bums sitting around taking up tables and my time without ordering new stuff. I'm mostly here in whatever I could throw on for them. "

She looks around "ooooh. And maybe that. They do towers of seafood here?!?!?! " As a waitress approaches she points at the three tiered metal stack at a different table. "I'd like a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and whatever that is?"

Bongo notices that she ends the statement with the pitch going up, while looking at him. It's as much a question to him as a statement to the waitress.
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post Sep 15 2024, 09:05 PM
Post #583

Old Man of the North

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Bongo catches the drift of Rose's inquiry. "Whatever the lady wants, the lady gets. " he says to the server. "Size it so the two of us can share."

He waits for her glass of wine to arrive, small talking the attributes of the restaurant while they wait, and then suggests a toast. "Here's to music, friendship, and love of life."

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post Sep 16 2024, 05:59 AM
Post #584

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Rose raises a glass in toast but her eyes bulge a little until Bongo adds the "of life" bit at the end.

She clinks he glass in the toast but then rolls her eyes and says "Still messing with me after I had to hustle to get here. You're still lucky get excited about real seafood. And I guess actual waitstaff. It's kind of strange that they still exist. We could just use a comlink and have a drone roll out the food. "

She pauses to take a drink

"Well, maybe they say the same thing about a live band. I mean in a way they've already replaced us for the time being with whatever they're piping over the speakers.

But. I dunno. I guess I like it. I like that they seem at least a little happy. There isn't nearly enough of that down here. Maybe ultimately that's what people are always really paying for. Just to get to be around a feel some happiness. Or at least feel something. "
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post Sep 16 2024, 10:19 AM
Post #585

jacked in

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<< Well, you only really know how useful something would be, if you do not have it at the time you would need it. And it gives my other mage ID a bit more purpose. >>
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post Sep 16 2024, 03:30 PM
Post #586

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Paul steps up to the pipe to get an initial look. From his toolbelt he pulls a tape measure to quickly check the thicknesses on the pipe wall as well as the inner fitment and outer dimensions of the hatch itself. In addition to that, he looks for any unscheduled contents of the pipe such as data conduits. Next, he carefully looks around the pipe's exterior to see whether there are any other lines around here, knowing that they often like to bury electrical or data cables in the same trench as other stuff. Then he switches to an endoscope that he hooks to his working goggles, and does a short range inspection of the interior of the pipe, including the internal connection with the branch.

""Y'see, if the water comes down here and fills the pipe, that there hatch will have to handle the internal pressure of whatever the floodwaters give you. If you have a two meter head, that can get you a couple of tons hydrostatic, easy. If you have any kind of water hammer or pressure spike for any reason, that number goes way high. Now look, the rest of this pipe is backed up by packed soil, so it really holds a lot more pressure than the pipe itself seems to, but here the hatch is unsupported. That means that if this hatch does blow, all the everything will want to come out here, and come out fast. See the problem?""
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post Sep 16 2024, 08:50 PM
Post #587

Old Man of the North

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Bongo nods in agreement. " I have to say I have a bit of an advantage in that regard. I can do something no recording can. When I play and call up my Talent, the music takes on a life that no recording can carry. I and my fellow players get a groove going that is beyond technology. You saw a bit of that at the bar last night. People get mesmerized by the music.

"Hey! Let's have a little fun. Once we've eaten our fill, let's hop up on the stage, and together give the patrons a thrill. Show them what real live music can do for them. I guarantee they'll feel something. Wanna?"

He scans to see if any percussion instruments are onstage or nearby. If not, he will have to improvise. Yes, will. He doesn't for a moment think Rose would not want to do it.
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post Sep 17 2024, 06:12 AM
Post #588

Neophyte Runner

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Brewster quickly whips back a reply <<Well, besides not wanting to dissuade you from using my services, I'm thinking you might be onto something with the idea. I'll send you the escro information, you send me the funds and the IDs, and I'll get my people working on it. Let me know if you have any special requests. It's good to put things like shellfish allergies in there. But you might have other details on your shopping habits or whatever you'd want tailored a certain way if it's all the same. >>

(OOC: Up to you the level of detail you'd like to have with making arrangements for the apartment. Selina would have to get there an arrange an interview. With her social/language skills she can essentially buy the necessary successes. It's mostly a matter of having the money and an ID that holds. In terms of money, I think you ought to be able to generally transfer over a pre-paid lifestyle. Hmm. Oddly, I don't think they have rules for transferring the location of a lifestyle. You'd think they would since runners could easily have a hideout compromised. You've also got your NPC to bring in along with the day job quality, and any karma related endeavors.

Eventually she'd got the meeting with Mike. )


Enzo looks a bit sheepishly at Paul, though, Paul notes, he constantly maintains his posture, regardless of what is going on. "Well, I mean we added the metal plate, and the bolts, and it's on the top of the pipe. But, well, let me know if you have any particularly clever ideas that leave it open. The plate on the wall back into the union building also mostly kept the water out, and that was with all of the holes here. "

Looking at the "hatch" they've built. About half of it was chiseled away between the plate and the part visible inside the pipe, leaving columns of concrete spanning the five inches between the two. The bullet holes have weakened it further. Still reasonably sound, but Paul wouldn't want to drop it on hard ground.

From the outside of the pipe Paul can tell most of the bullet holes came from inside the pipe, since they blew out the concrete as they went, leaving an obvious pattern, and concrete bits on the ground. At least concrete patches are relatively easy for Paul. The drainpipe coming in has some holes through metal and a lodged bullet too, the metal plate has a couple holes that might be good to fix if it's part of preventing a full breach. Though if the inner cement layer has already failed, Paul doesn't trust those bolts into concrete if they've been well used. From the inside of the pipe he can see even more bullet holes. Maybe some weapons couldn't have enough ooomph to get all the way through.

The pipe is actually pretty clean. Soot from the guns, along with anything else in here was cleaned out by the storm water that led to the leaks and puddles in the makeshift tunnel. That means at least for a bit the water or things floating in it got to the top of the pipe. The remaining noteworthy thing is a small crater in the bottom of the circular 60 inch diameter pipe. There are other things that could have caused it, but Paul would bet money that it was a grenade or similarly sized explosive. Luckily it's down the tunnel a way to the north, so the sides of the pipe were more reinforced by presumably packed earth than right here in this section. With his endoscope Paul can see that it still has some rough patches, meaning it hasn't been here long or the water and debris would buff it smooth. It has some cracking around it that looks like it goes through. Not an immediate problem as Paul figures the section in the tunnel would go before this would in a serious way. However over time that could lead to a sinkhole under the pipe.


Rose nearly chokes on her wine at the suggestion of crashing the stage. At first she looks very nervous but then a smile grows on her face as she drops a couple large shrimp, and oyster and a blue crab onto her plate. "Ok. I'd like to see that. How would I fit in? Actually, let's make sure you've paid and I have my comlink in hidden mode before you try it. "

Looking around there aren't any instruments yet. That might be a very good thing, as instruments being present would probably mean the night's actual band had arrived. The restaurant has, well, mostly the sort of things you'd expect in a restaurant. Silverware, bottles, etc. It does use metal plates, like those in the tower of seafood you ordered, for a number of dishes. Buckets too, for ice or shells, along with various implements of destruction to go after blue crabs like wooden mallets, nutcrackers, and metal pickers. The outdoor chairs and tables don't look bolted down, and neither is the cornhole stuff, though people are using it.
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post Sep 17 2024, 09:22 AM
Post #589

jacked in

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<< Sounds good! I will send you the details for the ID, that I need to be done first, so I can proceed with the apartment. The rest can follow afterwards. As for habits and such, most of these are not new, so there should be a bunch of information tied to them, but some of them I am not using much. I will take a look and get back to you with more detailed information. Thank you! >>

After some quick research, Selina figured out that the building manager for the 414 Light Street apartment building is called Louise. Once she hears back from Brewster about the schedule, she makes plans for an appointment with Louise, when she will have her main SIN upgraded. She is not worried about making a good impression. Dressed in her Zoé business attire and with the looks and charm to match, this won't be much of an obstacle. A box of expensive chocolates as an ice-breaker might still be a good idea, though. The apartment she is interested in is still rented for the rest of the month, so there is a bit of time still.

Much of her time during the day is spent with preparations. She needs to find new business opportunities in the Baltimore area. For the time being, she can still use her contacts in Seattle, considering most of her work in fashion design is handled online and via video/trideo recordings (and thanks to spells like Physical Mask, she can even mix it up with her own modeling), and physical samples can also be sent in the mail. But it would still be useful to get some regular work done locally.

And then there is Dawn, of course. The girl needs to get a place in a school. As her guardian, Selina will have to make those arrangements. That alone will be quite the endeavor, but it was one of the conditions for taking her in. Selina never had that chance. She is lacking a bit of formal education because of it, but with her magical talent, she did not need it that much. There were other roads for her to follow. And Dawn is happy for the opportunity. She would not have that out there on the streets. And her life there has been beyond horrible. Without such a talent like Selina's, she could not protect herself. Of course, it has been an adjustment, from living on the streets to a high class apartment. But much like Selina herself, Dawn wasn't born on the streets, she ended up there, but she had a normal life before, and now she has one again. She will have some catching up to do, but she is more than willing to put in the work. Much preferable to what she had to endure in her former life. And surely, there won't be any complaints about having her very own, comfortable bedroom, with her own bathroom, walk-in wardrobe (and having someone around that, literally, can magic up any clothes you might want), plus a trideo set, and a killer view.
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post Sep 17 2024, 02:28 PM
Post #590

Old Man of the North

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"Good idea about having paid and becoming incognito. " Bongo pays for the meal, with a sizable tip, and then makes his commlink hidden.

As Bongo digs into the tasty repast, he considers Rose's question. "Well, this is a seafood restaurant. There are a lot of materials here relating to the consumption of seafood that I could use to set up a rhythm. Do you know a song that has any kind of connection to seafood or the sea? Something with a good, strong rhythm, maybe, to go with the rousing melody? The crowd, at least, might enjoy the thematic and impromptu nature of our performance. I'll back you up with percussion and maybe a bit of vocals if I can figure it out."

He remarks to himself the location of wooden mallets, metal plates, and a couple of different sized buckets. Some cloth napkins would help to tune the buckets. If the mallet handles don't unscrew, then held at the mallet head end, they would make serviceable drumsticks. More the thrash metal kind, but he can adjust.

Once the song is picked, and possibly only one song will be allowed by the establishment, discussion of key and time signature will be all Bongo needs to tune his 'instruments' to Rose's song.
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post Sep 17 2024, 03:25 PM
Post #591

Neophyte Runner

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Paul considers his options. It has to look right from the inside, and act right from the outside. He can weld metal and patch concrete, or even hone down the pipe's interior and backfill it with plasticrete for a much stronger solution than the original construction.

""Just to be clear here, does the hatch have to be accessible from the inside, or can it be completely seamless? Because I can provide you with a closure that is way stronger than what you have here but there's no easy way of making it both invisible from the interior and easily opened from inside, while strong enough to resist storm waters. I'll have to do some fabrication, but if it's one way only, I can get that installed without too much time lost. Also, would you like it to be easier to open for people who have fewer augmentations than you do? That's possible, but it helps to know ahead of time.""
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post Sep 18 2024, 05:33 AM
Post #592

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She thinks for a little while still working on the substantial amount of seafood. She clearly likes crab, but she has trouble with the buggers, there's a lot of whacking to finally get into the claws and torsos, followed by some fiddly picking. Initially it looked like too much, but a whole lot of it winds up in the bucket at the table instead of being edible. Due to their particular order, pretty much everything he's looking for is present, depending on just how many buckets and plates he wants, and his ability to hold off the busboy.

Oh wait. There is a song we've messed around with. Even in hidden mode, she can flick him a recording of her and her band playing a version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKS5RM6TFUE In the recorded version she's making harmony with recordings of herself singing the piece, either with her managing the different notes or their synth guy having edited it they don't mess with the song as much as others, though they stretch out the dance oriented instrumental parts.

She continues

" Though if you don't think that period will go so well here, I know the old standard "Margaritaville." Well, and the local "Crabs for Christmas" but that's out of season comedy. "

I guess they just don't talk about seafood nearly enough in contemporary music, or maybe I'm just know the period stuff better.


Enzo thinks a bit and leans on the pipe, almost partly sitting due to the curve. "At the moment it isn't accessible from the inside. The most important thing is that the city doesn't come and cause trouble. I guess something where you can have some kinda comlink operated garage door opener would be cool. But I have a feeling you're going to say that's a bit much, and not very strong.

The hatch, well, I can handle it and so can some other guys. We figured we shouldn't chip off any more than what we did. I wouldn't mind it being lighter, but didn't you say it needs to be stronger? It'd be nice to at least not have it be much heavier, and yeah lighter would be cool. But I really don't want to have to explain massive sinkhole in the parkin' lot. "

He pauses a little "Uh. It also would be good if you could be a little subtle chummer. Heading in with a whole buncha heavy stuff might be a bit much. And we're doing pretty well these days, but we still have our bean counters you know? "

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post Sep 18 2024, 03:32 PM
Post #593

Neophyte Runner

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Paul nods understandingly. ""Gotcha, gotcha. OK, so here's what I can do: I can install a hinge, and a worm gear crank to open it, and set everything up so that it seals tight and locks hard. I can make it dang near invisible from the inside, and easy to work from the outside, patch the old concrete and make the work subtle; I'll use some drones to shuttle parts and assemble everything in place so it doesn't raise too many questions. I could add an electronic opener for not much more money, and fix it all to the pipe bracing that I'll add to keep it all inside the pipe instead of inside your offices. Speaking of bracing, I'll prevent your little future sinkhole problem, too. I reckon three days' work - maybe two if everything goes perfectly - and I'll start with the holes to keep things as low-key as possible. Sound good?"
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post Sep 19 2024, 05:02 AM
Post #594

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Enzo looks awkward and scratches the back of his neck "Uh. That all sounds really awesome. But...maybe what do you think you might be able to manage, like, today? I don't need any electronics, I could see where that might be a bad idea actually. I can handle the hatch as it is. Just really need the pipes fixed up, and I guess if you're really worried about a ceiling collapse that would be good to have... well, less likely. "

Enzo is still trying to mostly maintain a cool posture and tone, but Paul's dwarf eyes can see him blushing a little, or something like that, here in the dark in the infrared.

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post Sep 19 2024, 02:39 PM
Post #595

Neophyte Runner

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""OK, first things first; I can patch the holes quickly. I can brace the tunnel pretty quickly. I can brace the pipe pretty quickly. But if you don't want a flood on Mother Nature's schedule, I'll have to spend the time adapting this hatch. I'll see how far I get in 24 hours and report back. Sound good?""
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post Sep 19 2024, 10:10 PM
Post #596

Old Man of the North

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Bongo replies, "I think the period piece might be seen as an attempt to draw the crowd over to Gatsby's. Margaritaville might work. So would Crabbuckit, by k'os, if you had it down. I think the Crabs for Christmas would be a good joke piece with lots of links to the city. Let's do that one."

He listens to some versions of it through his commlink to get the timing. He could replace some of the instrumental pats with a little extra percussion.

"Yeah, I think I have the gist of it. When you're done, Rose, I'll swing by the server's station to pick up clean pieces for our performance. Wouldn't do to drip butter on the stage."
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post Sep 20 2024, 05:13 AM
Post #597

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Enzo scrunches his face a moment and says "Alright. Sounds like a plan. Really priority is getting the thing looking decent in case a maintenance drone comes by. Maybe I can swing getting you by again . "

Alright. Lemmi get outa here and let you get to it. " He shoots his comcode to Paul "Just me know if you need help lifting something or anything. I'll be around."

He starts to leave the tunnel but pauses and pokes his head back in.

"Actually maybe a bit of a rush would help. If this looks too professional there could be extra questions if it does get found. Hey, maybe you can explain what you did in case I need to say I did it. "

Another voice bellows in the otherwise quiet basement.

"Enzo!?!? Is that your ass sticking out of the wall. What the fuck is this?!?!"

Enzos head vanishes out of the whole. "None of your business. Just some union repairs. "

The voice replies "If it's anything to do with the union it's my goddam business!"

He pokes his head back in a moment. "Just do your thing. I'll take care of this. "

He says "Look. If you got a beef with me keep it private. We got the trades here. Good guy. Union to. But not ours. C'mon let's get an office."

The two head up the stairs from the basement, leaving the door to the first floor ajar.


She looks a little defensive and says "Hey! That's my band! Gatsby's just thinks we're cool. We don't exist just for them. You can just say you can't handle the beat. Crabs for Christmas is easier to play and sing though if we don't have a chance to practice together first. And who knows how much time we have."

(OOC: Maybe a good idea grabbing clean stuff. Large clean plates are a little tricker, tending to be back in the kitchen, but they keep buckets, silverware, napkins, and implements of crab destruction where they're easy to get on demand. The bar keeps glasses close at hand. )
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post Sep 20 2024, 02:53 PM
Post #598

Old Man of the North

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From: Just north of the Centre of the Universe
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It was Bongo's turn to be affronted. As he set out to collect his tools, he tossed back to Rose, "There is no beat I can't handle. Never will be."

Back now with the materials, using some cloth napkins he does a little quiet adjustment of the pitch of the two buckets he has to fit the key of the song. "OK. Let's go, before the establishment catches on to what is happening."

He holds out his free hand to take Rose's hand and together they walk to the stage. As they walk, he says, "I'll catch their attention and hold it. When I swing into the rhythm of the song, you take over and I will support you. Don't get caught by the beat, the way the others will be. You know it is coming, and let it flow into you, supporting rather than hypnotizing."

On stage, Bongo quickly arranges the buckets so he can play them, and with the handles of mallets he sets up a rhythm to draw in the patrons.

[ Spoiler ]

Well .... shit. Maybe the kid can use a reality check once in a while. It is a serviceable performance, but nowhere near what he is capable of doing. He is sub-par, and knows it, but a seasoned professional nonetheless, and he carries on as if it were a masterpiece. There will be some 'splainin' to do with Rose later.
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post Sep 20 2024, 03:12 PM
Post #599

Neophyte Runner

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Paul quietly moves upstairs, already formulating his plan in his head. There's a lot to do, and little time to do it. Obviously, discretion is the key requirement so job 1 is the bullet holes. Actually, scratch that. Job 1 is moving the van so that it blocks access to the vulnerable part of the parking lot, and opening the access hatch so that he can send his drones in. He tools them up for concrete patching, with a team of two either using an extrusion gun to fill the patch or wielding a trowel head to smooth the result. A third one he sets up for welding, and gets it working on the bullet holes through metal to make sure that that is resolved. That part should go pretty quickly, so that's a relief.

While they're following those procedures with just an occasional checkin, Paul puts in an order for some scaffolding parts. Nice, adjustable, strong, easy to assemble and very generic. Those can be packed up and hauled down and then assembled to be pit props. When the order is in, he also puts in a part order for a couple of dozen pipe straps. Preventing concrete distortion before it starts, that's the name of the game and will at least partially make up for the lost earth support. With that order in, he can turn to the big job: fixing the hatch. For that he needs to fabricate a new hatch that precisely sits in a hole, but also has perimeter bolts that will mate with newly-fabricated bails around the perimeter. For this he orders up some sheeting to use for creating a form, and extra plasticrete, and a dozen heavy-duty bolts. As strong as the original pipe? Probably not, but way better than what they had. While he waits for the deliveries he checks in with the drones and verifies that they're doing the right things.
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post Sep 21 2024, 04:57 AM
Post #600

Neophyte Runner

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Posts: 2,282
Joined: 31-December 06
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Ciarán actually catches the bucket, and seems at something of a loss for words for a moment, and a moment is all he had for a snappy comeback before Rose and Bongo are out the door.

At first Rose heads North towards the broad street market. It's trying to be a bastion of the more open society of the past with open market stores and farmers market produce. However behind the smiles the whole area is on edge, especially towards approaching newcomers. A couple running seems to get the wrong kind of attention, as farmers start reaching for firearms.

Rose seems to not want to deal with any of that and heads left. Giving a smile to a hulking troll bouncer at "The Rockwell" and flipping the ARO about the cover charge to Bongo. It isn't even seven yet, and if they're particular about who they let in, they haven't started yet.

(OOC: Assuming Bongo is good for it the bouncer doesn't cause any trouble, though they start scanning the horizon for any trouble. However Ciarán hasn't left the Choptank. )

Inside the Rockwell is a bar, and not an especially big one. It's thing seems to be having actual wall projections. They seem to have updated with all sorts of AROs popping up to add an AR experience, currently based around the Washington D.C. Cherry Blossoms. It still all seems to feel a little dated, like much of the downtown spaces. And not in the deliberate way Gatsby's is about it. It isn't even seven yet, and the bar is only perhaps a quarter full. Nobody is on the dance floor, and most are having a bar food dinner or just some drinks. Nobody even looks up at them, since Rose shifts to a normal gait once she's past the muscle.

It hasn't been that far and Rose catches her breath quickly. "I wanted to get away in case anybody started taking pictures that could be a problem."

She then seems to realize herself. "Oh no! Darn you, I could be in pictures with my hair in a sloppy pony tail! Well fairs fair. " She says, as she reaches her arms over Bongo's shoulders to muss up his hair.


The old guy looks around some more. Eventually shifting his focus to the dirt wall. He notes the drones doing their work, but starts picking at the packed earth. At first it might seem absent minded, but he picks with a bit more vigor and steps to the side as a couple cubic feet of earth slide down from the wall down to the floor. He rubs his chin as he looks back and forth along the length of the packed earth wall.
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