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> Infusion/Adept Foci and Active Adept Powers?
post Jan 13 2005, 08:31 PM
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After being informed about Infusion Foci from my last thread, I borrowed SOTA:64 and MITS from my GM before he went out of town.

In SOTA:64 it mentions two new foci for Adepts: Infusion Focus and Adept Focus. In both descriptions, it mentions the total number of powers an Adept can have active at one time...
QUOTE (SOTA:64 @ Pg. 68 "Adept Focus")
It increases the bonded adept's effective Magic attribute by it's Force.  This does not grant adepts additional power points, but does affect the amount they can have active at a time...

QUOTE (SOTA:64 @ Pg. 68 "Infusion Focus")
Powers gained by an infusion focus count toward the total number of powers an adept may have active at one time.

Now, I've looked through SR3, MITS, and SOTA:64 and I can't find any reference to a "total number of powers an adept may have active at one time."

Any insight? Thanks!

-Mr. Sinister
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Mark McCrea
post Jan 13 2005, 08:48 PM
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I don't have my book here to check this but I believe that it is a total number of levels in a given power cannot exceed you magic attribute. I think the limit is mentioned in the adept section of the core book.

Just a random thought for the day. :cyber:
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:06 PM
Post #3


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QUOTE (Mark McCrea)
I don't have my book here to check this but I believe that it is a total number of levels in a given power cannot exceed you magic attribute.  I think the limit is mentioned in the adept section of the core book.

Yep, read and understood that. I know that I can have a total number of power points equal to my magic rating. However, it seems like the wording in SOTA:64 on these foci is stating that there is a limit on how many powers an adept can be using (or have active) at any given point.

Right now, my adept has the following powers:

Improved Reflexes: 2 (2 levels @ 3 power point)
Improved Attribute-Body: 2 (2 levels X 0.5 power point = 1 power point)
Improved Attribute-Quickness: 2 (2 levels x 0.5 power point = 1 power point)
Suspended State: 1 (1 level @ 1.0 power point)
Total Power Points Spent: 6 (Magic Rating: 6)

As you can see above, I meet that limitation with 4 powers. Let's say that I get an infusion focus with a force of 4 allowing 2 more power points worth of adept powers. I'm wondering if there is a rule somewhere that says there is a limit on how many powers I can be using at one time? The wording in SOTA:64 seems to have come out of nowhere.
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Herald of Verjig...
post Jan 13 2005, 09:12 PM
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Toss in a point of magic loss, suddenly you have more powers total than you can have active at one time.
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:22 PM
Post #5

Immortal Elf

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SR3 page 168, second paragraph under "Adept Powers". it's not a limitation on the number of actual number of powers you can have active, but a limit on the levels of powers you can have active, and also the total pp value of your active powers.
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:24 PM
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QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
Toss in a point of magic loss, suddenly you have more powers total than you can have active at one time.

Only if "total active powers" is the same as "total power points".

Depending on how you look at it, my adept, right now, has 7 active powers with 6 power points - or - 4 active powers with 6 power points.

Improved Reflexes:2 - 2 powers - or - 1 power
Imp. Attrib-Body:2 - 2 powers - or - 1 power
Imp. Attrib-Quick:2 - 2 powers - or - 1 power
Suspended State:1 - 1 power - or - 1 power
Total powers: 7 - or - 4

Even if I lose a magic point and then lose, say Suspended State:1, I'll be at 6 or 3 powers off a magic rating of 5. I'm within the rules now, and losing a power point if I lose a magic point would still keep me legal.

Should I send an email to FanPro to get a clear meaning on what they meant? I thought I'd ask here first before bothering them.
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:31 PM
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QUOTE (mfb)
SR3 page 168, second paragraph under "Adept Powers". it's not a limitation on the number of actual number of powers you can have active, but a limit on the levels of powers you can have active, and also the total pp value of your active powers.

I understand what's said there, that's not the issue. I know that I can't have any level of a power over my magic rating.

The wording in SOTA:64 is talking about how MANY powers an adept can have. Are they referring to some rule somewhere that I haven't found where an adept can only have a total number of powers equal to or less than his magic rating? Maybe the adept can only have ((magic rating x 1.5)rounded down) number of powers? That's the question I have.

I'm clear on the rules regarding the level of a power in relation to the adepts magic rating. But that's level not quantity.
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:42 PM
Post #8

Immortal Elf

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the rule on SR3 p168 is what the infusion/adept foci rules are referring to. it's easier than saying "the total value in power points of the character's active powers", or whatnot.
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:50 PM
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QUOTE (mfb @ Jan 13 2005, 03:42 PM)
the rule on SR3 p168 is what the infusion/adept foci rules are referring to. it's easier than saying "the total value in power points of the character's active powers", or whatnot.

So let's say that down the road, at some distant point in the future, I never initiate and never lose a magic point. Over that time, I could purchase and bond as many infusion foci that I could afford via nuyen and karma, and get ALL of the adept powers available to me in all of the books as long as each power does not exceed my magic rating?
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:54 PM
Post #10

Immortal Elf

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theoretically, yes. in reality, you're going to be losing magic points to focus addiction before to long.
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Kanada Ten
post Jan 13 2005, 09:55 PM
Post #11

Beetle Eater

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An adept can only have a number of Power Points active at one time equal to their Magic Attribute plus the rating of a bonded active an Adept Focus.

Let me see if I can find the reference.
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:58 PM
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Ok, another question. I currently have Improved Reflexes:2 at a cose of 3 power points. Improved Reflexes:3 costs 5 power points. According to the FAQ on the shadowrunrpg.com website, an adept can improve a power by using power points equal to the difference in cost from the current level to the next up. In this case, 2 power points. Could I obtain an infusion focus with a rating of 4 (giving me 2 power points) to bring my Improved Reflexes up to a level of 3?
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post Jan 13 2005, 09:59 PM
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QUOTE (Kanada Ten)
An adept can only have a number of Power Points active at one time equal to their Magic Attribute plus the rating of a bonded active an Adept Focus.

Let me see if I can find the reference.

Oh, I hope you can. THIS is what I was curious about.
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post Jan 13 2005, 10:02 PM
Post #14

Immortal Elf

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SR3 page 168 is the reference. sinister, you'd probably need a rating 6 focus, with imp reflexes 2 in it, to do that.
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post Jan 13 2005, 10:09 PM
Post #15


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Ok, here's the exact info from SR3, pg 168....
An adept who loses Magic also loses a corresponding amount of powers, so an adept who loses a Magic point must also lose one point worth of powers.  The adept's player chooses which powers are lost.  An adept cannot have more levels in a power than the adept's Magic Attribute.  For example, an adept with Magic 4 cannot have more than 4 points worth of powers, none of which can have more than four levels.

QUOTE (SOTA:64 @ Pg. 68 "Adept Focus")
It increases the bonded adept's effective Magic attribute by it's Force.  This does not grant adepts additional power points, but does affect the amount they can have active at a time...

QUOTE (SOTA:64 @ Pg. 68 "Infusion Focus")
Powers gained by an infusion focus count toward the total number of powers an adept may have active at one time

SR3 states:
Magic Attribute = total number of Power Points to be used on powers.
Magic Attribute = total level of any power.

SOTA:64 states:
Adept focus = Force added to Magic Attribute, not giving Power Points. Adds things not relating to PhysAd.
Adept focus = Affects amount (quantity) of active Power Points
Infusion focus = Gives (Force/2) amount (quantity) of active Power Points

SOTA:64 is talking about "quantity of active" Power Points. SR3 says nothing about "quantity of active" Power Points. Although SR3 does talk about quantity of Power Points. The key word here is "active" - where is this defined?
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post Jan 14 2005, 03:35 AM
Post #16

Moving Target

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You expect them to define their terms? HAH! This ain't D&D. Why back in my day, we had to pay Ms. Cleo money to tell us what the rules said!

But more seriously, the general concensus on how you interpret 'active' comes from the description of how bioware affects adepts. Basically, an adept can turn powers on and off. It's never defined what kind of action this is. The reason you'd turn powers on and off had to do with how bioware in an earlier version of the errata screwed with magic. Now it works like cyberware, so that bit of errata is just a piece of non-canon history.

Example: Joe Schmoe has powers A, B, C, D, and E.
A = 3
B = 1
C = 1
D = .5
E = .5

Joe however, can only have 5 points active at a time. This means he could have powers A, B, and C usable, A,B, D, and E, or any similar combination of powers 'ready to use'. This could mean either giving you reaction boosts, making you walk silently, boost your stats, whatever. Since they never define what kind of action turning a power on and off is, it's up to your GM to determine. The reason this works out for the adept is relatively simple - You usually don't use certain powers at the same time. For example, it's not very often that you need to use Great Leap at the same time as Improved SMGs.
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post Jan 14 2005, 06:07 AM
Post #17


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Modesitt, thanks for the informative post!

I'm curious though where the info came from. Obviously, I'd like to read up on it more and find out what determines how many powers can be active, how that number can be increased/decreased, etc. Did it come from a particular sourcebook or compiled?

Thanks again.
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post Jan 14 2005, 07:52 AM
Post #18

Immoral Elf

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Your Magic rating determines how many Powers can be active. This number can decrease through Magic loss of any kind, and can be increased through Initiation or the use of an Adept Focus.
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post Jan 14 2005, 08:22 AM
Post #19

Uncle Fisty

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It's also limited by two other factors.
1) you only get .25/per centering success. So if you have a crappy centering skill, that infusion focus isn't going to go all that far.
2) also limited to your initiate grade.
That really limits how much you can get out of it. So really the infusion and adept focus' work best as stacked foci.
The infusion focus can give you a pre-selected extra power, but only have .... 'open slots'.
The Adept focus gives you the 'open slots' but no powers. So they're pretty much designed to work in tandem.

Example: say you don't have Inc. Reflx (for some crazy reason). You would need a stacked foci of infusion1/adept1, since you can't get more than Lv. 1 for a power you don't have.

That way, it takes more karma to bond it, and has a higher focus rating, effecting things like focus addiction, mentioned before. Still, pretty cool. Kinda like "I put on my gloves of killing hands Deadly".

It's still pretty balanced too. A weapon focus/infusion/adept power focus that let's you boost your weapon skill would be just as effective as a straight weapon focus. So there's not as much room for abuse.
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post Jan 14 2005, 12:54 PM
Post #20

Mr. Quote-function

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My usual 0.02¥:

1. The core rules generally limit the maximum rating any power with a rating can have to the adept's magic rating: e.g. magic 6 => improved ability stealth 6 is allowed, while improved ability stealth 7 isn't

2. The core rules limit the total power point cost of all powers to a number of power points equal magic rating. This limitation only counts at chargen: e.g. magic 6 => the sum of all power point costs may not exceed 6 at chargen. However during gameplay, the 20 karma rule allows the adept to exceed the original limitation => he can have magic 6 and a number of powers with a total power point cost of 7 or more (I know that the FAQ suggests that you don't use the 20 karma rule once you play with initiation rules from MitS, but that's not the point here).

3. There's no implicit or explicit restriction of simultanious use of powers in regards to magic rating in the core rules. => An adept who makes use of the 20 karma rule can simultaniously use all his powers under core rules

4. There used to be a rule that explicitly limited the simultanious use of powers to a power point cost equal to effective magic rating: The now errataed bioware rules allowed an adept with bioware to use a number of powers simultaniously as long as their power point total did not exceed the virtual magic rating. This rule is gone now, but back then allowed the interpretation that a similar restriction could be applied to the normal magic rating of an adept as well. This is how it was under non-errataed M&M rules.

5. The new rules on adept and infusion foci do something similar to what the non-errataed M&M rules did: While there's no explicit restriction of that kind in other current publications, these rules implicitly create such a restriction. Thus when playing under SotA'64 rules this restriction is automatically in place.

6. For the sake of consistancy it would be better to have the core rules errataed as well in that regard, because rules through implication tend to lead to discussion like this.

As always YMMV
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post Jan 14 2005, 02:16 PM
Post #21

Immortal Elf

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fistandantilus, you're confusing the infusion metamagic with the infusion focus. infusion foci simply give you adept powers; no centering roll required, nor are they limited by grade.

i'm 99% sure that somewhere in SR3 or MitS, it describes how an adept who's suffered magic loss can switch between his known powers, so that the total pp cost of his active powers isn't higher than his magic score.
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post Jan 14 2005, 05:49 PM
Post #22

Uncle Fisty

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Sorry, I was going to go off on a tangent about howit would be nice if the infusion focus could give you more die for the centering test, but then I actually read my book again and got my head out butt.
Of course, that put me on a different tanget, which I rambled off on.

That being said, is there a type of focus that would give you more dice for centering infuson METAMAGIC test? At first guess I would say power focus, just becaue they seem to be the foci that cover most everything. Any thoughts?
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post Jan 14 2005, 07:11 PM
Post #23

Immortal Elf

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well, a centering focus gives you extra centering die, with no restriction on how they can be used.
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post Jan 14 2005, 11:28 PM
Post #24


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I got a reply from ShadowFaq that seems to clarify things...

QUOTE (ShadowFaq email)
Here's my take on it.

First, an Adept can purchase Power Points for 20 Karma each (SR3 page 168), and they don't increase the Adept's Magic Rating. With that simple fact, it is quite easy for an Adept to have more Power Points than his Magic Rating.

Therefore the following (SR3 p. 168 lower left corner) doesn't make sense as written:
"an Adept with Magic 4 cannot have more than 4 points worth of powers"

However, if we put in the word "active" before the word "powers", then it makes total sense. I believe this is the meaning of that sentence.

With those two pieces of info it should all make sense to you.

Say you have an Adept who lost 5 points of Magic, to Cyberware and Deadly Wounds, and then purchased 5 Power Points with 100 Karma. With a Magic Rating of 1, he may have no more than 1 level in any single Power, and may not have more than 1 point worth of powers active at one time. But if you get him an Adept Focus 2 he can now have 3 points of powers active at one time. He'll also have at least 3 points of powers always turned off.

I will submit the addition of the word 'active' for consideration in a future errata / FAQ entry. Thanks for pointing out the problem.

Good luck,
-- ShadowFaq

He also replied about this question:
"I currently have Improved Reflexes:2 at a cose of 3 power points. Improved Reflexes:3 costs 5 power points. According to the FAQ on the shadowrunrpg.com website, an adept can improve a power by using power points equal to the difference in cost from the current level to the next up. In this case, 2 power points. Could I obtain an infusion focus with a rating of 4 (giving me 2 power points) to bring my Improved Reflexes up to a level of 3?'

QUOTE (ShadowFaq email)
The book doesn't describe the Infusion Focus as working that way, so check with your GM to see if he'd allow it.

For my 2 cents worth ... I wouldn't allow it in my game. I'd make the Infusion Focus hold 'complete' powers only.

Good luck.
-- ShadowFaq

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post Jan 14 2005, 11:33 PM
Post #25

Immortal Elf

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hm. just so everyone's aware, that clashes with the current FAQ ruling:

SR3 allows adepts to purchase additional power points at a cost of 20 Good Karma points each. Does this mean that an adept can have more power points than his Magic attribute? Or does the purchased power point increase the adept's Magic? Can purchased power points be lost due to Magic loss? What happens if the adept's Magic is reduced to 0, but he still has powers left?
Adepts who purchase power points with Karma do not get an extra Magic point with that power point. You only get that with initiation.
The power point for Karma rule was specifically included for players who do not use the advanced magic (initiation) rules. It is recommended that this rule be ignored if the initation rules in Magic in the Shadows are also being used. Any extra power points purchased with Karma do not count against the character's limit of (Magic attribute) number of power points.
When an adept loses Magic, he chooses which powers are lost; powers bought with Karma can be chosen instead of others. If an adept's Magic reaches 0, the adept loses all magical ability, period.
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