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> Making a Lightsabber in SR
post Feb 2 2005, 04:25 AM
Post #26

Neophyte Runner

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Actually, after doing some research into Lightsabre Theory, I'd say that something based off of the Zeldovich Effect might be the most plausible for a Shadowrun context.

According to astrophysicist Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich, a rapidly spinning conductor will cause the creation of virtual particle radiation at its surface.

In general, for Shadowrun, I could see this being implemented with some type of conducting nano-assembled meter-long macro-molecule (say C-60 buckyballs strung together like pearls, with certain metallic ions bonded to their surface to ensure the proper levels of conductivity). This Conductor molecule is then encased inside of a larger nano-tube with several additional strips of conducting material along its length spaced evenly around the radius of the tube. These outer conducting strips are energized in rapid succession, spinning the inner conducting molecule by electromagnetism at the speeds needed to achieve the Zeldovich Effect.

Ideally, both the inner conductor molecule and the outer nanotube should behave as dual state molecules: when charge is applied, the whole assembly should be held in a long, straight line by it's own electromagnetic forces, but when the power is removed, it should collapse into a tightly wrapped coil that'd retract back into the tip of the weapon's hilt. Also, as someone's already mentioned, meter-long nano-scale radius structures tend to be on the fragile side, so it would be a good idea if this conductor-molecule/nanotube assembly would exhibit the sort of flux-pinning that you see when you put a superconductor near a magnet, but instead of holding a seperate magnet at a fixed distance, it'd exert flux-pinning upon itself, holding the entire length amazingly rigid while holding itself together, with it's own magnetic field.

For more information on the Zeldovich Effect and how it relates to Lightsabre theory, googling the terms lightsabre Zeldovich "model six" should bring up the relevant article. Now in that article, it assumes Star Wars level tech, not SR tech, so they actually use a spinning conductive forcefield, not a physical conductor, but until someone turns Yakov's real science into a working lightsabre, this is all pseudo-science handwaving anyway.
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post Feb 2 2005, 12:00 PM
Post #27

Moving Target

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QUOTE (bitrunner)
another way to do this as a mage would be to make the LS from an ally spirit - use the physical form (materialization) feature to have it take the form/function of a LS (and you get the first form free) - if Talon can have his become a motorcycle, then a LS should be possible too....and you can take it with you when astral!

with three-dim movement, you can have your LS "jump" into your hand when you hold it out (simple action to command), instead of wasting a levitation or similar spell (a complex action)...

as for combat, i'd be torn between giving it the Sorcery skill, and then it gets one spell for free (that is supposed to be random, but i'd let someone specify the spell since it is for an express purpose and limited) and make it probably "Laser", modified for range of "Touch" so that when the LS "hits", it casts the Laser spell; OR just have it do damage based on its Force or Body/Strength attributes.

the LS would have immunity to normal weapons, so hitting it with another sword and doing damage would be very difficult...

of course, it could be banished and/or attacked with spells, etc...and it would cost a LOT of Karma...oh, and you could use it for the "Familiar" ordeal...

[ Spoiler ]

I'm all for the killing hands variant. Add missile-parry, counterattack, elemental effect, maybe smashing blow, and so on, all with the Talisman geas (Lightsabre) and you can get most of the appropriate effect.

Hell, just messing about with the "front end" explanation of mechanical effects can achieve lightsabre-like effects (instead of dodging the bullets with combat pool, you parried them with your lightsabre. Same dice, same result, different appearance and description...YMMV).
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post Feb 2 2005, 12:16 PM
Post #28


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For the spirit-as-lightsaber option, I have one thing to say-'Stormbringer'. Both the old Chaosium game (in which most magic items were actually bound demons) and the Elric Saga (in which Stormbringer really is an uber-powerful demon, with some major limitations). Good inspirations along those lines.

Hadn't someone recently posted some info about an ILM/Lucas initiatory group that was basically the Jedi? My search-fu is weak (but my Force powers are strong-yeah, right...). Might be some ideas there, though.

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post Feb 2 2005, 01:46 PM
Post #29

Genuine Artificial Intelligence

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I also like the geased killing hands. What would be the cost for the +1 reach?
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post Feb 2 2005, 01:49 PM
Post #30

Moving Target

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Demosthenes, you evil, evil person (your spoiler)....

ah, Stormbringer....almost a forgotten memory...
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post Feb 2 2005, 01:52 PM
Post #31

Moving Target

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post Feb 2 2005, 02:15 PM
Post #32


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The way we developed something like a lightsaber for our campaign was to create a series of spells that had a similar effect. They basically were Extended Touch versions of Powerbolt, Manabolt, and Stunbolt.

Power Blade
Type: P * Target: W * Duration: S * Drain: +1(Damage Level)
This spell channels  destructive magical power into a plane of force projecting from the caster's hand, doing physical damage to anyone it strikes. This spell affects both living and non-living targets and is resisted by the target's Body. The target number for non-living targets can be found on the Object Resistance Table (pg. 182 SR3). Power Blade is a touch attack with a Reach of +1.

Mana Blade
Type: M * Target: W * Duration: S * Drain: (Damage Level)
This spell channels  destructive magical power into a plane of force projecting from the caster's hand, doing physical damage to anyone it strikes. This spell affects only living and magical targets and is resisted by the target's Willpower. Mana Blade is a touch attack with a Reach of +1.

Stun Blade
Type: M * Target: W * Duration: S * Drain: -1(Damage Level)
This spell channels  magical power into a plane of force projecting from the caster's hand, doing stun damage to anyone it strikes. This spell affects only living targets and is resisted by the target's Body.  Stun Blade is a touch attack with a Reach of +1.

If you wanted to be more true to Star Wars, just make it a limited spell that requires a fetish in the form of a lightsaber hilt.
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post Feb 2 2005, 02:50 PM
Post #33

Chicago Survivor

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Yeah, like they have to find an original, in-box toy version and bind it as a focus.
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post Feb 2 2005, 03:03 PM
Post #34

Moving Target

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Ok so we have the spell option(wanan be)

the killing hands fetish geuas used for the other powers too. (getign a +1 reach and elemental efects may be a limitiing factor)(aprentic)

The Allie spirit, familuars sounds good for a higer lv jedi ad would defently fallinto the making it your self, and be hard. (ie/ all that karma)(realthing graduate)

eww. i know that could all valid LS's

Jedi Knight (Killing Hands)(Physical Adept)
Jedi Sentinal (Spell)(Adapt way of magican)
Jedi Counsler (Allie)(Full Mage)
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post Feb 9 2005, 06:16 AM
Post #35

Moving Target

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Lightsaber: Can only be Made, Ignited, and Wielded by a Knightly member of the order of the Jedi. All are Physical Adepts, All are pledged to defend Innocence, and Freedom. A lightsaber is made by attuning ones self to a Crystal which one channels ones own energy through to ignite and form a blad, the crystal is usually mounted into a Handle wich can take many forms, from bone, to lead pipes, intricately carved, or looking like another piece of junk.
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post Feb 10 2005, 04:03 AM
Post #36

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Weredigo)
and Wielded by a Knightly member of the order of the Jedi

If a group of PhysAds in SR time were to model themselves after the Jedi Order as depicted in Star Wars lore, I don't think they'd limit lightsabres to "Knights". Note in Ep.1, Obi-Wan was of Padawan rank until after Qui-Gon's death, yet he clearly demonstrates the use of his lightsabre. The same goes for Anakin in Ep.2.

And while for the purposes of an initiatory group of PhysAds emulating the Jedi Order in SR, it is plausible that whatever magic they use to recreate the lightsabre restricts it to their hands only, the "Jedi Only" status of lightsabres in Star Wars Lore itself is not fully agreed upon. After all, Han Solo wasn't a Jedi Knight when he sliced open the dead tauntaun on Hoth to be able to slide Luke into to keep him warm until he got the shelter erected, was he?

(Unrelated to lightsabres, I think that scene still counts as "best use of water-filled condoms for a special effect" in all of cinematic history).
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post Feb 10 2005, 04:23 AM
Post #37

Moving Target

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On my board they are, Padawan Trainees are limited to Kendo, or Bamboo Swords, Full Padawans begin to attune themselves to thier crystals, but cannot ignighte and are for exercise sake limeted to Dikoted Steel Staves, which come in just as handy in matters of Offensive, Defensive, and Passive combat situations.
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post Feb 10 2005, 07:42 AM
Post #38

Neophyte Runner

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And I'm sure in game, steps have been taken to compensate for the center-of-gravity difference between a kendo sword and a proper lightsabre?
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Austere Emancipa...
post Feb 10 2005, 07:49 AM
Post #39

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
After all, Han Solo wasn't a Jedi Knight when he sliced open the dead tauntaun on Hoth to be able to slide Luke into to keep him warm until he got the shelter erected, was he?

In addition to that there were 2 other scenes (the "yeti" cave and the AT-AT after his glider was shot down) where he "fired up" his light saber and kicked some ass with it before being any manner of jedi. If the movies are considered Star Wars canon, then obviously jedi rank has absolutely nothing to do with the ability to use a lightsaber.
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post Feb 10 2005, 07:52 AM
Post #40

Moving Target

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QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
And I'm sure in game, steps have been taken to compensate for the center-of-gravity difference between a kendo sword and a proper lightsabre?

Of course not, that's why number of lightsabre users is not increasing :)
Interesting topic, I know now what my players will have to suffer. Mwahaaha.
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post Feb 10 2005, 08:21 PM
Post #41

Moving Target

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The movies are not being used as Canon on my board, the movies don't even exist on my board.
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post Feb 11 2005, 06:06 AM
Post #42

Neophyte Runner

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Oooh. Even better.
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post Feb 11 2005, 11:44 AM
Post #43


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Wow. Sustaining foci, weapon foci - why hasn't anyone suggested an Anchoring Focus yet? :) Other than the obvious difficulties of either costing Force x 601,000 for buying one off your fixer for a pre-bonded one (after SI and price multipliers), or finding a mage in your group willing to ditch some 5x Force in karma, an initiation grade for learning Anchoring, and spend a bunch of time making it for you, it seems to work quite well.

Here's the spell we came up with.

Light Blade
Category: Manipulation/Elemental
Target Number: 4+Reach
Drain Code: DL
Type: Physical
Duration: Sustained

Light Blade creates a luminous Light energy sword in the caster's hands, made out of mana. Anything struck with it takes Force (Damage Level). Strength does not affect damage. Half impact armor protects. Targets suffer a flare effect penalty for one Combat Turn after the attack. Caster only. A weapon past reach +1 uses the Polearms skill instead of Edged Weapons.
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post Feb 12 2005, 07:35 AM
Post #44

Moving Target

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Here's the spell we came up with.

Light Blade

I like that idea. I might use it for a Grand Master Jedi.

the obvious difficulties of either costing Force x 601,000 for buying one off your fixer for a pre-bonded one

that problem doesn't exist, or couldn't, once the Jedi dies, a magickal feedback occurs and the crystal shatters, and is no longer "bonded", If Stolen it still won't ignite, not in enough time needed to fight off the hoard of Padawan Trainees, Padawans, Knights, Masters, and Grandmasters that will eventually find you (by simply magickally tracking the blade).
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post Feb 12 2005, 07:41 AM
Post #45


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If you have to sustain it, we're talking about a constant +1 the whole time it's in use. I'd take my chances with my fists.
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post Feb 12 2005, 07:53 AM
Post #46

Moving Target

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not if you use Ignite Blade as a PhysAd Ability. The magic point is already spent, which is equivilant to about 100 points of Karma.
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post Feb 15 2005, 04:13 PM
Post #47

Moving Target

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so ignite blade is a 5 pt phys ad abillity. That sounds steap. whats it do?
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post Feb 15 2005, 05:17 PM
Post #48

Moving Target

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This is the one I came up with a long time back.

Lightsabre v1.1

The spell combines the elemental effects of fire and light. The plasma effect causes items to resist at half their normal value. The spell is really designed to be used in conjunction with a sustaining focus, typically shaped like a sword hilt.
The color of the blade is decided in the formula.

Type: Physical
Range: Touch
Target: 6
Duration: Sustained
Drain: +2 (Damage Level +3)
Category: Manipulation
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:20 PM
Post #49

Moving Target

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the +3 to drain level seams rather exsesive. Why a +3 to the DL?
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:23 PM
Post #50

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Shaudes29 @ Feb 15 2005, 12:20 PM)
the +3 to drain level seams rather exsesive. Why a +3 to the DL?

It has two different elemental effects, both fire and light. That's +1 Drain Level each time. The third +1 would be for physical spell.

Besides, high drain can also equal some play balance. :)
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