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> Go To Jail, What's the worse a GM can do to a Player
post Feb 12 2005, 07:36 AM
Post #51


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speaking of penal colonies: Mexico currently has one (or I suppose a handfull) called las isla marias. if you look at a map of mexico they are of the coast of acapulco about 50-100 miles. I haven't found much information and/or documentation on them, but they actually do exist. As far as I understand though they do have wardens.

here's a link

that was a bad era for Mexico it seems when they had the Olympic games they killed a bunch of students in a soccer stadium too.
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post Feb 12 2005, 07:49 AM
Post #52

Moving Target

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My CoWorker/Supervisor is a Mexican Native... I can ask him if he knows any details.

I speak Mui Poquito Espanol, and he talk english little bit, but usually we can have wonderfull conversations, even if we have to resort to Pictionary or Charades.
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post Feb 13 2005, 03:36 AM
Post #53

Running Target

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QUOTE (Weredigo)
Which I do appreciate. Yes I've been the reciever of such sadism, but I deal it out a little more subtly. What really get's characters to look at me and say "You sick, twisted, evil, maniacal, bastard." is when this happens. GM/Player discussion.

P: what's in the room.
G: it's barren except for a metallic egg about the size of a small trash can.
P: what's it made out of exactly?
G: mag theory, Targs a (roll) 3
P: (roll) four successes...
G: that's oricalchum...
P: Booh YA, Jackpot, about how much would it be worth???
G: and it's moving?
P: huh, moving how?
G: rocking back and forth, from side to side? What are you doing???
P: casting Barrier spells...
G: targs a (roll) 5
P: (roll) three successes
G: Level three barrier spell... crack...
P: It's attacking me????
G: no, it just went Crack...
P: how big of a crack???
G: foot and a half... crack... what are you doing???
P: calling the Street Sam, that things going to be hungry...
P2: I'm on the way...
G: out comes a baby white dragon, it looks at you...
P2: I'm loading blueberrys on the way...
G: noted... It looks at you P1...
P1: it's just looking at me???
G: and it changes into a little boy/girl about 6 years old...
P1 + P2 (Stunned Silence)... You sick, twisted, evil...

That's the worst thing I've ever done to a PC. They named her Angel.

You sick, twisted, evil maniacal bastard.....that was BRILLIANT! :D
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post Feb 13 2005, 08:19 AM
Post #54

Moving Target

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Thank you thank you, I do apperciate the applause and the compliments.

but also some criticism would be nice. What would such a child be like being raised by an elven mage, and a dwarven Street sam.
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post Feb 13 2005, 10:17 AM
Post #55

Mr. Johnson

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We had a "Three Men and a Little Lady" campaign where the runners raised the orphaned daughter of one of the runner's dead girlfriend (killed by the Ancients in a rather large gang war). The girl's name was Angel. Half of the game involved keeping her from getting killed in various situations. She turned out to be a virtuoso pianist, so the runners eventually "retired" and turned legit to pay for her music school tuition.

I don't think raising a dragon baby is anything remotely similar to that... in fact, that's one of the dumbest ideas I've heard for any Shadowrun game. Your GM's batting 0 for 3, Weredigo. Sorry.
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post Feb 13 2005, 10:19 AM
Post #56

Moving Target

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An island? How pedantic. My big bad inescapable pit is on the moon.

Seriously. Ares and SK have lunar bases; this is established in the books already. Ares has a mine in one of them, a hole a mile deep and a quarter of a mile in diameter. They capped it, filled it with air and are using it for a combination prison and sociological experiment.

SINless shadowrunners captured within the UCAS can be shipped to The Pit, if their crimes warrant it. They are stripped of all augmentation-grade cyberware, and given baseline cyber which lets them do their job and no more. Then they're told to find a shovel and get working.

Food is doled out on a quota system. Work your quota, you eat. Don't work your quota, starve. Fall sick, die. You're SINless, they don't care.

You're a mage? Sucks to be you. You're in an effective Mana Warp, effective Background Count of 9. There's a lot of prisoners and the air system is comprised of a HUGE amount of algae acting as air scrubbers, so it's not 10 like it should be.

If you're a rigger, you might get put in charge of one of the digging machines -- but they're way down at the bottom of the pit, and essentially, you're given a behavioral chip and a kink bomb to make sure you don't decide to use one of these machines to cause havoc.

Go ahead, foment a rebellion. There are no guards. All Ares has to do is evacuate the mines. Now you're in vacuum. Death follows soon after.

Escape? Landing craft don't service The Pit. They land at a base miles away. You're then shuttled to The Pit.

In reality, this big scary hole is a boogeyman to scare my players with. Remember my earlier statement: You are sent to The Pit if your crimes warrant it. This means don't become a psychotic killer. Treat the cops nice. Make deals. Have alibis. Keep your head low and it don't get chopped off.
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post Feb 13 2005, 04:26 PM
Post #57

Moving Target

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My big bad inescapable pit is on the moon.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein.
in fact, that's one of the dumbest ideas I've heard for any Shadowrun game.

I'm sure it's not the first though. Keep looking closely and I'm sure you'll find something with a helluva less thought put into it.
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Herald of Verjig...
post Feb 13 2005, 06:12 PM
Post #58


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QUOTE (Deacon)
You're in an effective Mana Warp, effective Background Count of 9. There's a lot of prisoners and the air system is comprised of a HUGE amount of algae acting as air scrubbers, so it's not 10 like it should be.

A bit of nit hunting: the moon is a natural 8, a heavily populated space station is a natural 9, and anything less lively is a 10. So if it's a little better than lunar standards, it'd be a background of 7.
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post Feb 13 2005, 06:31 PM
Post #59

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (Weredigo @ Feb 13 2005, 03:19 AM)
Thank you thank you, I do apperciate the applause and the compliments. 

but also some criticism would be nice.  What would such a child be like being raised by an elven mage, and a dwarven Street sam.

She's smarter than them and can communicate telepathicly. That is, untill she hits puberity. The SR Dragon equivilent of teenagers are ravenous mindless animals that will kill and eat whatever in convient and have poisionous stingers in their tails. They tend to travel in packs and have been known to attack and kill adult Dragons. They're more commonly known as Wyverns
Luckily, your character's won't live that long. (Dragon's remain children for centuries)

However, I'm sure there are plenty of Great Dragons who want want to adpot her, considering that baby dragons are trasitionally raised by GDs. That could be a problelm for the runners. Imagine several GD fighting over her with the team caught in the middle.
It is potentially the custody battle to end all custody battles. It would be interesting if they got a notice to appear in Family Court with Ghostwalker as the Complaintent.
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post Feb 15 2005, 07:41 PM
Post #60

Moving Target

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I don't think raising a dragon baby is anything remotely similar to that... in fact, that's one of the dumbest ideas I've heard for any Shadowrun game. Your GM's batting 0 for 3, Weredigo. Sorry.

Actually it'd sully my honor if I allowed my GM to take responsibility for such a mistake, if mistake it was. This idea was mine and mine alone, and not a bad idea it was to get a pair of Characters to Retire and settle down.
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post Feb 15 2005, 11:40 PM
Post #61

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Deacon)
An island? How pedantic. My big bad inescapable pit is on the moon.

An amazingly expensive solution for most criminals I'd think. I could only think of a few reasons this sort of thing would be used (Political prisoners of extreme value that need to be held incomminicado, but can't be killed outright, testing purposes, etc...) and couldn't see this as a regularly occuring thing. (Which I don't think you intended it to be taken as.)

Seriously.  Ares and SK have lunar bases; this is established in the books already.  Ares has a mine in one of them, a hole a mile deep and a quarter of a mile in diameter.  They capped it, filled it with air and are using it for a combination prison and sociological experiment.

SINless shadowrunners captured within the UCAS can be shipped to The Pit, if their crimes warrant it.  They are stripped of all augmentation-grade cyberware, and given baseline cyber which lets them do their job and no more.  Then they're told to find a shovel and get working.

As of yet transportation on this scale, because that's what this is (ala Australia in olden days), is prohibitively expensive. It'd cost as much to boost a bunch of runners into space as it would to do something infinitely more useful. And for what?

The pay of had better be really damn worth it.
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post Feb 16 2005, 06:41 AM
Post #62

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Trax)
They could make it a reality tv show :D

Este Noche en Deathstar 9!!!!
Los enemigos del Estado y Aztechnolgia contra tus monstrosidades favorites ....
Los Chupacabras!!!!
Y despues, una festival spectacular donde nos sacrefica los ganadores!!!

No Olvides, este Noche en Deathstar 9!

Forgive my Gringo Spanish
:nuyen: :nuyen: :nuyen:
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post Feb 16 2005, 04:32 PM
Post #63


Meh. Good enough.
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