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> Security Sheaves and Tallies, whta of an RTG?
post Feb 11 2005, 03:28 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Tell me if I've well-understood the following things:
1) security tallies are kept if one go from a LTG to another LTG in the same RTG. They are not kept if the RTG is changed (except for security tally generated on a satellite RTG);
2) RTG and many LTG usually generate security tallies but they do not have any security sheaves. So If i generate 10 points of security tally in the Seattle RTG and then I enter the aztechnology LTG I get the effects of all the steps of Azzie Security sheaf until number 10.
3) OK what's the main difference between RTG, LTG and private PLTG?? For example many PLTG are attached to the Seattle RTG.....but what happens in New York? If I well understood New York has not his RTG but together with many other towns (Boston, etc??sorry if there is ant geographic error but i am european...) is part of one big East ucas RTG (Central-East?). So, for example, two buildings of aztechnology, one in New York and the other in Boston, could have 2 different PLTGs linked to the same big RTG???
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post Feb 11 2005, 03:34 PM
Post #2

Immortal Elf

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1) correct.
2) incorrect. RTGs and LTGs have security sheaves. however, according to the generation system in Matrix, they have higher thresholds for Passive and Active alerts.
3) think of an RTG as the area code of a modern american phone number (555-555-5555). the LTG would be the local exchange (555-555-5555) and individual hosts on the LTG would be the 4-digit end thingy (555-555-5555). hosts are always fall beneath LTGs, which in turn fall beneath RTGs, which in turn link together to form the worldwide Matrix. PLTGs can be connected to LTGs or RTGs, or can even be completely seperate from the regular Matrix.
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post Feb 11 2005, 03:42 PM
Post #3

Neophyte Runner

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3) Yes, both Boston and New York are in the same RTG. Each office's PLTGs would probably be separate and linked to their respective LTG. And PLTGs always receive the security tally from whatever they connect to.
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post Feb 11 2005, 05:46 PM
Post #4

Shooting Target

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I dunno if I ever liked RTGs (and to some extent LTGs) having security steps such as passive/active alerts. The amount of wanna-be hackers bumbling about seems like it would be enough to keep most RTGs at a constant state of Active alerts, which should drastically effect performance.
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post Feb 11 2005, 06:34 PM
Post #5

Immortal Elf

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especially when you consider the fact that sec tally follows deckers from LTGs to RTGs.
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post Feb 11 2005, 06:36 PM
Post #6

Neophyte Runner

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That is a broken rule IMO. I tend to ignore the sheaves on LTGs and RTGs. The tally still follows you though.
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post Feb 11 2005, 07:42 PM
Post #7

Immortal Elf

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i've got a question in with ShadowFAQ about the situation, actually. my suggestion was that only a limited amount of sec tally should follow you--1 if you're transferring from a blue host, 2 if from green, 3 if from orange, 4 if from red.
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post Feb 11 2005, 09:19 PM
Post #8

Mr. Johnson

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We typically use the tally on RTGs to determine whether or not GOD decides to look into the matter (sort of like a Wrong Party test). We call our Wrong Party tests "the SR-o-meter" (pronounced like thermometer with a lisp *grin*), and anything that increases the SR-o-meter = badness for the group.
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Eyeless Blond
post Feb 11 2005, 11:19 PM
Post #9

Decker on the Threshold

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QUOTE (mfb @ Feb 11 2005, 02:42 PM)
i've got a question in with ShadowFAQ about the situation, actually. my suggestion was that only a limited amount of sec tally should follow you--1 if you're transferring from a blue host, 2 if from green, 3 if from orange, 4 if from red.

Actually I think the sec tally transfer should depend on where you're transferring *to* rather than *from*. It stands to reason that Red hosts would do more consistency checking on incoming connections than Blue, and would "catch" more of the security tally. It also seems more like the tally should be a percentage rather than a flat figure, so 1/4 of your previous tally transfers over if you're logging onto a Blue host, 1/2 onto a Green, 3/4 onto an Orange, and the whole thing onto a Red. Add in a random factor of d6-4 to account for the new host missing or catching something the original host didn't, and you'll be pretty good.

(Edit): I also like the idea of RTGs and LTGs not having a big security sheaf, as they're typically designed for accessability rather than security. However, if the sec tally gets really high--say in the low to mid 40s--it shoudl trigger the sort of epic-sized clout that a telcomm grid would be capable of. Something like a team of 5-10 high-level security deckers would be appropriate, I'd say. :D
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post Feb 13 2005, 01:58 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Just to state this thing clear:
If I jack to the Seattle RTG I generate a security tally...but is it possible to activate a security sheaf? (I think not)
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post Feb 13 2005, 03:32 PM
Post #11

Neophyte Runner

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Perhaps it makes more sense to have beat cops (corp deckers or lower skills and hardware) on patrol in an RTG/LTG looking for trouble and calling in the SWAT deckers when the see your naughty little decker sleazing around.
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Eyeless Blond
post Feb 13 2005, 08:43 PM
Post #12

Decker on the Threshold

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QUOTE (Luca)
Just to state this thing clear:
If I jack to the Seattle RTG I generate a security tally...but is it possible to activate a security sheaf? (I think not)

Unfortunately it is. Even RTGs have security sheafs. In most cases they're fairly forgiving so you mostly don't have to worry about it, but you certainly can trigger some IC if you're cavalier and not Masking yourself properly.
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post Feb 13 2005, 10:24 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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If RTG have sheaves, Seattle RTG must have one offical security sheaf.
Does anybody have the security sheaf of Seattle RTG??
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Eyeless Blond
post Feb 13 2005, 10:30 PM
Post #14

Decker on the Threshold

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Yes. It's the Green host on p. 114 of Matrix. (ref: p. 123 Target: Matrix)
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