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> Active memory and Storage, Mailed Fanpro about it...
The Jopp
post Mar 3 2005, 08:17 PM
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Well, I have always wondered why Headware and other computer memories were so bloody expensive compared to the very, VERY cheap OMC chips, well I got a reasonable explanation from Fanpro about it.

Headware and computer memory is active memory, which means that the amount you specify is the amount of total MP's you can use at the same time - that's why it is expensive.

This opened up another question in my cluttered little mind, storage memory? The only reference to actual storage memory is A: Offline storage at a 5Y/MPs and the Optical Memory Chips (OMC) at a mere 0,5Y/MPs. That's all.

I know that I can use implanted OMC chips as a storage medium as modified cyberware but what about actual "Storage Headware Memory" It is very seldom one actually use up all that active headware memory if you are a courier so a normal harddrive of some kind would be more fitting.

What do you think? What would a realistic pricetag on such a thing be? 1/10 of the headware memory in cost?

:talker: :talker: :talker:
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post Mar 3 2005, 08:23 PM
Post #2

Immortal Elf

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in Matrix, active memory has an x7.5 multiplier, and storage memory has an x6 multiplier. i'd use the same ratio.
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post Mar 3 2005, 08:28 PM
Post #3

Mr. Johnson

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OMCs are burn-once chips, like Write-Once Read-Many CD-Rs. They aren't appropriate for storage unless you happen to have a high rating encoder in a cyberarm. :-P

Storage Memory is 5 nuyen per megapulse, plus a nominal fee for the case (I think it's 50 nuyen). I'd imagine that having this datamodule implanted in a body cavity or a cyberlimb would need a DNI or datajack link-up for you to swap data into it.
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post Mar 3 2005, 08:30 PM
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Moving Target

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QUOTE (The Jopp)
It is very seldom one actually use up all that active headware memory if you are a courier so a normal harddrive of some kind would be more fitting.

Just don't try to cram too much into it. You'll need a bloody drug addicted dolphin to hack the cartoon character password out of your head, and that's just not the kind of thing you can live down.
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post Mar 3 2005, 08:52 PM
Post #5

Avatar of Mediocrity

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Why, thank you, Johnny.
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The Jopp
post Mar 3 2005, 09:56 PM
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OMC's are NOT one-burn chips. Read Matrix description page 54. There are two versions.

1. OMC: Recordable and eraseable blank optical disc.
2. OCC: Optical CODE Chip: These are "burned" chips not eraseable.

Another good description is page 60 under "Storage Memory" where they actually use an Optical Mamory Chip with a chosen MP value. The difference is that storage memory OMC is not limited to 1000MP's.
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post Mar 3 2005, 10:05 PM
Post #7

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (The Jopp)
Headware and computer memory is active memory, which means that the amount you specify is the amount of total MP's you can use at the same time -  that's why it is expensive.

Using some of todays terms:

Active = RAM (quick access), Storage = Harddisk (slower)

The analogy I like to use is to think of your computer like a desk, you and your brain is the CPU. The more RAM you have the bigger your desktop. The bigger your desktop, the more work you can do before you have to swap things off your desk into a file-cabinet (Harddisk). You can't work directly from the file-cabinet so things must be moved to the desktop to be worked on.

Apply this to Active Memory and Storage Memory.

Looking at todays RAM vs. Harddisk cost-to-size ratio, RAM is far more expensive for Megabyte-for-Megabyte compared to a Harddisk.
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post Mar 3 2005, 10:06 PM
Post #8

Mr. Johnson

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QUOTE (The Jopp)
OMC's are NOT one-burn chips. Read Matrix description page 54. There are two versions.

1. OMC: Recordable and eraseable blank optical disc.
2. OCC: Optical CODE Chip: These are "burned" chips not eraseable.

Another good description is page 60 under "Storage Memory" where they actually use an Optical Mamory Chip with a chosen MP value. The difference is that storage memory OMC is not limited to 1000MP's.

Whoops, my bad. Still, offline storage costs 50 nuyen + 5 times the MP in nuyen, so that's probably the value you'll need to use.
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