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> Potentially interesting (nonfiction) read, Forthcoming book on private armies
post Sep 13 2003, 02:13 AM
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Moving Target

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Madelaine Drohan's Making A Killing: How And Why Corporations Use Armed Force to Do Business will be published by Random House later this year. I heard a brief interview with her on CBC radio and thought my fellow SR players might find it interesting.

The radio broadcast is archived here.

Funny how some of the issues raised in Shadowrun have become unlikely since the game's inception (the supremacy and ubiquitousness of Japanese industry, the relevance of industrial music) while others are more real than ever (private police forces, multinational corporations involved in public legislation, concentration of media ownership, etc.). It's a big part of what I love about this game. :)
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post Sep 13 2003, 03:52 AM
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King of the Hobos

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Bugger. I take it that it's just there? I mean, there's noth other way to listen without using RealAudio.
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post Sep 13 2003, 04:49 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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AFAIK, that's it. Don't have RealAudio?
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post Sep 13 2003, 05:14 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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I'll take a guess: don't want RealAudio. Or anything associated with RealPLayer in general.

I like how RP and related products feel it's appropriate and necassary to take over your computer and file associations and not let you set them back.
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post Sep 13 2003, 05:33 AM
Post #5

Moving Target

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By the power of mplayer I give you the realaudio file converted into mp3 goodness.

Click here to download!

[edit] The running time is 30 minutes, so the file has turned out a little larger than the realaudio version. Just a heads up if you're on a dial up or something [/edit]
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post Sep 13 2003, 03:46 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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Thanks Connor, very cool of you. :notworthy:
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post Sep 13 2003, 06:07 PM
Post #7


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nothing a good download manager cant handle :)

sure the japanacrops are not as ig as they used to be (alltho sony still seeems to become the first tru megacorp) the idea of corporate armys are born from the way japanese and some american corps handle theyre workforce and security. allso, if you take the right wing of politics and stretch theyre views as far s you feel like going the idea of corps being independent of any contry is not that far of...

remeber that sci-fi takes todays tech and try to envision how it will be in say 50 years, cyberpunk does the same on a social, economic and political level to so most of what we get in cyberpunk is what we have today put on the sharp edge...

personaly i see more and more traits of a cyberpunk world IRL, im just waiting for the anouncement of cyberlimbs and maybe neural interfaces...
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post Sep 13 2003, 06:48 PM
Post #8

Moving Target

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hobgoblin wrote:
sure the japanacrops are not as ig as they used to be (alltho sony still seeems to become the first tru megacorp) the idea of corporate armys are born from the way japanese and some american corps handle theyre workforce and security.

Actually, the genesis of private armies comes from the state of the world: the 20th century saw more armed conflict (globally) than any previous century. More nations, ethnic groups and religious sects are at each other's throats worldwide than ever before. This guarantees a steady stream of employers for the enterprising mercenary company.

At the same time, the rapid spread of global capitalism has guaranteed that multinational corporations are continually trying to extract a profit from war-torn areas, whether it's African diamond mines or South American oil. Since the UN has neither the resources nor the inclination to bodyguard Talisman employees (for example), they hire mercenaries.

hobgoblin wrote:
allso, if you take the right wing of politics and stretch theyre views as far s you feel like going the idea of corps being independent of any contry is not that far of...

Agreed, but I don't think you'd even have to stretch them that far. :mad:
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Mr. Man
post Sep 14 2003, 04:42 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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QUOTE (GunnerJ)
I'll take a guess: don't want RealAudio. Or anything associated with RealPLayer in general.

Who does? RealPlayer is crap.

Sometimes you really need to play something in Real* format though. For those occasions I have taken to using Real Alternative which is strictly the codecs -- no player, no BS.

Similarly, should I ever need to watch a trailer or something in Quicktime there is (suprise!) Quicktime Alternative at the same site.

Both of them work great with Media Player Classic. MPC looks and feels like Windows Media Player 6.4 but it's actually an open source project that plays all modern formats (including all the Windows Media ones, if you grab the codec-only installs for them).
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