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> [SoA2064] Infiltrator Adept, (this section looked lonely)
post May 1 2005, 03:51 AM
Post #1

Uncle Fisty

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Just finishe writing up a character that's basically an infiltrator/ assasin. Uses facial sculpt and melanin control Eiditc memory, multitasking, and 3 dim memory to case a place (just seemed like fun). A few question to go along with it.

1) he basically follows the Silent way, with a twist. He has traceless walk. Can that be turned off. In his first session, he planned on double as a rancher from Texas, wanted to really get in to the roll. So would his shiny new boots click on the floor if he wan't trying to sneak?

2) Was thinking about expanding his sculpt ability. The GM and I were thinking 'Bodysculpt', basically same rules, maybe take twice as long to do, for another PP. Kind of like the silent upgrade to Delay Damage.

3) Would powers like the memory (eiditc, however it's spelled, sorry) work through things like a drones senors? I assume the 3-d memory wouldn't, because I see that as the adepts ability to perceive what is around him.

4) Going to take Commanding Voice. After it takes affect (like say "hand me keys" to a gaurd), are they going to basically snap out of it and realize that they just did a bad thing and react normally?
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post May 1 2005, 08:25 AM
Post #2


I hate to answer your question with another question, but why couldn't it be "turned off?"

Not a big fan of bodysculpt, but especially since ... What does, or rather, what doesn't it do?
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post May 1 2005, 09:58 AM
Post #3

Uncle Fisty

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I didn't really see any reason it could not be , just noticed that there was no reference one way or the other. I figured it was mostly a matter of trying to be quiet, and the magic helping.

As for body sculpt, basically seeing it as modifying height and weight by 25%, maybe as much as 1/3rd body height. Not modifying any physical stats (raising str or anything). And it wouldn't really add weight, just expand the body to make the appearance of freater weight. So a dwarf couldn't look like a troll. Maybe a human looking like a small troll. Not sure about mimicing horns though. And liek I said, requiring facial sculpt and melanin control, like the 'upgrade' on delay damage.

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Eyeless Blond
post May 1 2005, 01:15 PM
Post #4

Decker on the Threshold

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QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0)
I hate to answer your question with another question, but why couldn't it be "turned off?"

I don't see why either, but that is an interesting idea for a geas for some of the nastier powers: "Cannot be turned off".

Imagine a character with Deadly Killing Hands and Delay Damage 2 that couldn't be turned off?
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post May 1 2005, 08:29 PM
Post #5


Well he would still have to make an attack. It's not like he shakes someone's hand and two hours later they drop dead.
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post May 3 2005, 07:12 AM
Post #6

Immortal Elf

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booooooring. now, Distance Strike you can't turn off? that's a barrel of fun!

of course, it'd have to be a geasa for another power. adept geasa can be turned off an on pretty much at will, with no real penalty. so, "my killing hands are geased to only work when i have them turned on" doesn't really work.
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post May 6 2005, 05:00 AM
Post #7

Uncle Fisty

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Was looking more for ideas on the Body Sculpt idea actually. Sound balanced? reasonable?
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post May 9 2005, 11:30 PM
Post #8

Moving Target

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1) he basically follows the Silent way, with a twist. He has traceless walk. Can that be turned off. In his first session, he planned on double as a rancher from Texas, wanted to really get in to the roll. So would his shiny new boots click on the floor if he wan't trying to sneak?

For the record, I never thought about turning off Traceless Walk either =\

2) Was thinking about expanding his sculpt ability. The GM and I were thinking 'Bodysculpt', basically same rules, maybe take twice as long to do, for another PP. Kind of like the silent upgrade to Delay Damage.

I think it sounds balanced. And it should work just fine.

3) Would powers like the memory (eiditc, however it's spelled, sorry) work through things like a drones senors? I assume the 3-d memory wouldn't, because I see that as the adepts ability to perceive what is around him.

Eidetic (I only know that because i'm looking at the book :P) Uh, I want to say 'Magic doesn't work with technology' But I think in this case, It would probibly work. Since he is still seeing and hearing, so he can remember it. Unless it has something to do with it actually coming in through his eyes and ears. I also agree on 3D memory, as it says 'an area viewed firsthand'.

4) Going to take Commanding Voice. After it takes affect (like say "hand me keys" to a gaurd), are they going to basically snap out of it and realize that they just did a bad thing and react normally?

Commanding Voice reads:
SOTA: 2064 p.64
The order does not carry any weight beyond the imediate impetus, however, and determined characters will immediately go about doing what they origionaly meant to do. This power is useful for temporarily distracting or flustering opponents.

So, I think he'll hand them to you and then probibly get angry and confused about it.
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