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> [Dragons6thW] Who was Chong-chao?, I haven't a clue.
post Sep 14 2003, 12:00 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Though mentioned by name by Captain Chaos in a short list of deceased dragons (pg 155) , I know absolutely nothing about this one.

Anyone else know anything?
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Ancient History
post Sep 14 2003, 12:05 AM
Post #2

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An Eastern dragon, adult, I believe killed in...oh, fuck, Tails You Lose maybe.
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post Sep 14 2003, 10:45 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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For more info on Chong Chao grab your copy of Target:Smuggler`s havens (The Oceans/North Sea section). The death of Chong Chao has to do with the Proteus AG (for more info on that, grab a copy of the german-only release Schockwellen).

EDIT: And, No, he wasn`t killed in Tails you lose
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Ancient History
post Sep 14 2003, 12:40 PM
Post #4

Great Dragon

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Good. I knew that particular detail was fuzzy. Thank Gnu.
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post Sep 14 2003, 12:47 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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Hey, What do you know....a picture!

Hmmmm a fight between two dracoforms involving a corporate spat involving Proteus AG and AG Chemie and some sort of failed hostile takeover. One dracoform ended up smoking the other.

So any info on which dragon smoked Chong-chao?
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post Sep 18 2003, 07:25 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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QUOTE (booklord)
So any info on which dragon smoked Chong-chao?

That would have been Nachtmeister IIRC.
(The event took place in one of the first German-only SR-novels, published in the mid-90ties.)
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post Sep 18 2003, 08:36 PM
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And the true reason Nachtmeister (boss of another German AA, the FBV) would step into to help Proteus against Chong Chao is detailed in "Shockwaves".
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post Nov 8 2003, 02:09 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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What is Shockwaves. I don't remember a book source book, novel, or anything else known as Shockwave. Hmmm. That name though sounds familar.
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Kanada Ten
post Nov 8 2003, 02:45 AM
Post #9

Beetle Eater

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It's a German sourcebook, apparently so cool it will actually come in English... at some point, somewhere. (Shockwellen?)
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post Nov 8 2003, 03:02 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Schockwellen (Shockwaves) is Fanpro D's 2003 german-only release. It's a campaign book (in the Brainscan format) revolving around the Proteus AG.
Last I heard there were no concrete plans for translating the book for the US audience.

For more info on the book, there's a couple o' options :) :

1) order it via amazon (it works, I know for a fact that US dumpshocker Krishkane already runs it with his group)

2) try the search option, Shockwellen popped up in a couple of recent threads

3) open a new thread and wait for the german lurkers to pop in and answer your questions.
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Kanada Ten
post Nov 8 2003, 09:04 PM
Post #11

Beetle Eater

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SnowRaven is this something that you need right away? If not you may want to wait since Adam and I are planning on putting up a synopsis of the Shockwaves campaign on the official site sometime soon.

Tsk, I thought they were doing the whole adventure, not just a synopsis. My bad.

If you're going to the effort of translating them you might as well publish them; however there doesn't seem to be much point to that since the material in those books - with the exception of "Shockwaves" - will be partially covered in "SoE".

Tsk, again. I though this ment they were going to publish it in English. It means rather that they will not be even covering the events of Shockwaves in SoE!
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post Nov 9 2003, 11:09 AM
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QUOTE (Kanada Ten)
QUOTE (Synner)
If you're going to the effort of translating them you might as well publish them; however there doesn't seem to be much point to that since the material in those books - with the exception of "Shockwaves" - will be partially covered in "SoE".

Tsk, again. I though this ment they were going to publish it in English. It means rather that they will not be even covering the events of Shockwaves in SoE!

This is not entirely true. My quote is slightly out of context here but I was talking about the German language sourcebooks in general.

The reason events in Shockwaves aren't entirely covered in SoE has to do with their chronological order more than anything. SoE will be dated mid-2063, while events in Shockwaves begin in late-2062 (there is a brief tie-in to the campaign kickoff in SSG btw) but climax later in 2063. This means a lot of the big public events in Shockwaves take place after SoE. That being said, there were minor references in the booklast time I checked.
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post Apr 11 2004, 07:23 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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As for getting Schockwellen, you can order it from fanpro. Just picked up Rigger3 and Matrix from them.

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post Apr 12 2004, 04:38 AM
Post #14

Immortal Elf

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and then, you can scan and paste it into babelfish. ta-da!
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Large Mike
post May 2 2004, 08:40 AM
Post #15

Running Target

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Syn, didn't I hear a nasty rumor about Shockwave references being carefully avoided in SoE?
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post May 2 2004, 12:44 PM
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Don't know where that rumor came from but as I've said above Shockwaves happens concurrently with the SoE upload to Shadowland. Some of the major events in Shockwaves have already occurred but as anyone whose read it can confirm the bigger and more public ones happen towards the end. Only rumor of some of the former has trickled into the shadows and that does crop up in SoE just like the openning events are teasered in SSG's Frankfurt.

Look for "shockwaves" of the campaign in the Corp, AGS and Scand sections of SoE, some are obvious, some less so.
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post May 3 2004, 06:19 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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I've heard that rumor too. However I suspect that may no longer be the case. Since the release date of the book has been so delayed they may have rewritten that part to include more information on the end events of Shockwaves. We'll have to wait and see.
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post May 3 2004, 06:34 PM
Post #18

Shooting Target

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As far as I know, the standard procedure when the release schedule is blocked like it was (the whole schedule, not a book in particular), is to block the timeline as well. Shadows of Europe will be a few months in 2063 after Dragons of the Sixth World, despite the fact the book will be released one and half year later in reality. Chasing every timed references would just delay the book even more, and I guess timeline synchronization between FanPro LLC and FanPro GmbH isn't a major objective (actually the German should rather stay behind with their specific productions since they need some time to translate the english books and insert them in their own line).
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post May 3 2004, 08:07 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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I agree that is standard procedure and all information points to only refering to the starting events in Shockwaves. But that information is now a year and a half out of date and I wonder if they did any tinkering with the book during its long delay.
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post May 3 2004, 09:23 PM
Post #20


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No additional tinkering was done.

SoE still features an in game "upload date" 5 months into the Shockwave events (for those who have played it, chronologically SoE is set a few weeks after the Scand section).
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post May 4 2004, 08:19 AM
Post #21

Moving Target

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Does it also include info from Chrom und Dioxin and Walzer, Punks und Schwarzes Ice?

I just started reading a borrowed copy of the latter title and it looks interesting.

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Skarn Ka
post May 11 2004, 12:47 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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I'm currently running Schockwellen with my group of players. If anyone wants some general or specific information on the campaign/setting/whatever I'll be happy to help.
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post May 11 2004, 01:22 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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I'd be careful about the specifics. Fanpro might not like their book contents splayed out for the Dumpshock community to see.

I personally would like to here the results of the conflict. What happens to Proteus AG? Any other corps undergo major changes? Who Dies? Who lives but suffers a lifestyle change? What blows up? ( In part because its becoming clear that Fanpro won't be revealing these things to non-German readers anytime soon)

Wait before answering though. There's a line Dumpshock might rather we not cross so we should wait to hear from them first.
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Skarn Ka
post May 11 2004, 03:55 PM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Don't get me wrong, I won't be spilling anything major. I'd really be a fool to do so: my players read these boards more regularly than I do, and I'm still in the early phase of running the campaign :D
I can throw in the basics, the players, the style of the runs, but I won't spoil the fun of it. I can give you some details on what happens, but I won't be revealing anything about the main plot on the boards.
And that will certainly not be for players to read.
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post Jul 5 2004, 12:38 PM
Post #25


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Just asking for people to clear a couple of things for me. Tails You Lose, is that a novel? I'm rather sure I know all the adventures and sourcebooks and that one doesn't ring a bell. Also, what is SSG short for?

I was rather disappointed by the fact that all new Shadowrun novels are only published in German. The German adventures and sourcebooks don't bother me that much though. I'd like to read them but since it is mostly Germany and Central Europe related stuff, it isn't of much relevance to our campaign.
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