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> ooking for some ideas for self funded runs.
post Jun 28 2005, 06:21 PM
Post #26

Midnight Toker

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QUOTE (Edward)
How traceable is a spirit, say for example a great form city spirit materialises in a jewellery store stacks trays of diamond rings on top of one another and runs out of the store, drops the lute down a sewer grating dematerialises drops into the sewer, picks up the jewels (he spread a cloth under the sewer grating before the hist so he could bundle it up quickly) the spirit then runs threw the maze of the sewers evades capture hands off the goods to the summoning mage and returns to where he came from, service complete.

Assuming the spirit was not controlled and interrogated is there any link back to the summoner that would allow repercussions to fall upon you.


Any spirit will have the summoner's astral signiture on it.
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post Jun 28 2005, 11:28 PM
Post #27

Neophyte Runner

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Will it leave the summoners astral signature behind it for later investigators to assence.

Only if it uses powers

Your safe so long as nobody assesses the spirit during the act. (concealment self threw entire run, nobody’s going to make the assessing test with + force to TN).

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post Jun 28 2005, 11:56 PM
Post #28

Uncle Fisty

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concealment doesn't work on the astral. Just make sure they aren't peaking.

Could always spread FAB III around the area. Make them think twice about assensing. Plus, even at Force 10, it likely won't bother the spirit much, sincce dismissing it back to it's plane gets rid of the FAB, but the assensing mage has to get the FAB off some other way. And as it's available in an aerosol , should be easy enough to get into any buildings vents.
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post Jun 29 2005, 03:43 AM
Post #29

Neophyte Runner

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Fab 3 is not something I like to threw around, aside from the environmental implications (a cloud of fab I release now may be one I meet at random next week) it would make a huge dent in my potential profit.

If I go this rout ill just make shore there is nobody around to do the assessing and get the job done fast. So long as my astral signature wont be present once the spirit leaves (not he was not summoned there) I should be able to make it work


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post Jul 13 2005, 10:36 AM
Post #30

Moving Target

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Gods - I'm just thankful that no one's thrown in the old "Buy survival knife, sell slap patch, profit" suggestion.

Ok, you have a decker on tap?

Take over an automated manufacturing plant - if it's got some decent facilities you can shunt some decent spare parts/modifications/etc into a couple of bins and have it delivered to your door.

My personal favourite:

Drugs! Hell, a character with Chemistry 6 is a very valuable addition. Or if someone's got a skillsoft jukebox, splash out on a couple of related skills, a pile of raw ingredients (GM to determine availability...might need a tanker or two...) and have the lucky bugger crank out Kamakazi, Hyper, etc like it was going out of fashion.

Sure, you'll piss off certain criminal elements...so do them a deal - sell the finished HIGH QUALITY product to the various Dons, Hardboys, etc and walk away whistling. (Of course, being the non-idiot type, you'd make sure that possible double-crossing urges would be considered and dealt with intelligently.)

This may also net you some rather twitchy but oh-so-useful Blood-mage fodder in the form of a go-gang or two who wouldn't mind a couple of kg's of various chemical compounds.

Not to mention the fun when you hit a mage with a home-brewed DMSO/Hyper/Pepper spray mix. If your delivery system is good enough, you'd be absolutely shocked at just how nasty that handy "crop-spraying" drone can be.
(ie: upwind and Half a klick away, you smile and wave at the god-awful mess you've created.)

Smuggling! -
A T-bird and some sugar. Nuff said. Hello Northern Baltic states of America.

-Ahrrrrr! Ye be findin' out when the next shipment of Fairlight Excalibers/new SOTA deck/etc is going to be moved and intercept some of it, me hearty!
It's a tried and true method of raising a fast buck, and IF you manage to find the holy grail of "Fairlight Express", your decker will thank you from the bottom of their black, withered heart.


Oh, yeah. Avoid FAB3 - it's a biological weapon and most G'vmt types will treat it as such. Hell, the only way I'd consider its use would be in some neutral-count area of land where a nice big bug hive has started to munch the populace.
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SL James
post Jul 13 2005, 04:03 PM
Post #31

Shadowrun Setting Nerd

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Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned DIY datasteal and fence?
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Gyro the Greek S...
post Jul 13 2005, 05:30 PM
Post #32

Moving Target

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There's a powerful blood mage after you?
Sell that information to the highest bidder. I'm sure this blood mage, being powerful, has some keen artifacts on him, in addition to whatever reward the Draco foundation will give your new-found friends.

This will probably make things really complicated-but you'll have experienced blood mage hunters on 'your side', and some money to arm up.
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post Jul 13 2005, 05:38 PM
Post #33

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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I think the rules are in LitS but iirc you can make a lot of money doing wards. I think around 50k a month (maybe less??) You might want to try that out.
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post Jul 14 2005, 12:37 AM
Post #34

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate)
There's a powerful blood mage after you?
Sell that information to the highest bidder. I'm sure this blood mage, being powerful, has some keen artifacts on him, in addition to whatever reward the Draco foundation will give your new-found friends.

This will probably make things really complicated-but you'll have experienced blood mage hunters on 'your side', and some money to arm up.

There is a major problem with that idea, we don’t trust the drako foundation to keep this guy locked up. The reason he is after us is wee took the million from drako, unfortunately he escaped, we want him dead because that’s the only way we can be shore we wont see him again.

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Herald of Verjig...
post Jul 14 2005, 12:43 AM
Post #35


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Once you do disable him, inflict a deadly wound, then apply a trauma patch. With mage supervision, begin a treatment of intense patching such that his magic rating is reduced to at or below 2. Once there, sell him again.
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post Jul 14 2005, 01:27 AM
Post #36


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Just cyber him up with 7 Rating 1 headware radios that he can't turn off. Tune them to pollitical commentary stations, conspiracy theory, irritating music, etcetera. Not only have you installed 5.25 Essense worth of cyberware (thus rendering him unable to cast,) you've only spent 14,000 :nuyen: to do it. :)
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post Jul 14 2005, 05:49 AM
Post #37

Neophyte Runner

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Striping a mages magic buy surgery and drugs was mentioned in one of the books I believe it caused all sorts of psychological issues for the patient, however in this case I don’t think anybody will notice.

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post Jul 14 2005, 06:52 AM
Post #38


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Or care, for that matter...
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Shanshu Freeman
post Jul 14 2005, 07:42 AM
Post #39

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Tiralee)

Smuggling! -
A T-bird and some sugar. Nuff said. Hello Northern Baltic states of America.

In the Northern Baltic States of America, first you get the sugar, then you get the money, then you get the women.
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post Jul 14 2005, 09:02 AM
Post #40

Uncle Fisty

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and there's always the good ol ' reliable area cranial bomb
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post Jul 14 2005, 02:11 PM
Post #41


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Cheaper just to install 7 rating 1 headware radios... :)
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Herald of Verjig...
post Jul 14 2005, 02:36 PM
Post #42


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In the likely event that the blood mage is an initiate (as is needed to know the sacrificing metamagic), 5.25 essense worth of cyber will at most drop him to a magic rating of 1. It's if your magic rating reaches 0 that you are fully burnt out, not if your essense is less than 1. Also, don't forget that he could try to geas the magic losses, which is why it works best with a mage supervising to make drekking sure that he doesn't still have a magic rating of 6.

As a suggested build for the observer:
Adept with cerebral booster, astral perception, and lots of enhanced perception. IIRC, that can get 13 dice as a starter for all perception tests, including astral. Toss in aura reading if desired.
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post Jul 14 2005, 04:23 PM
Post #43


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Then install 8 headware radios.

How can he geas the magic loss? He'll have an ESSENSE score of less than 1, which precludes magic, dosen't it? Or are you telling me he can do something funky that prevents magic loss, while still getting cybered, which seems wrong.
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Herald of Verjig...
post Jul 14 2005, 04:28 PM
Post #44


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Essense 6 + 1 initiation = MR of 7. 7-6 from implants =1, still not a burnout. 1+ intelligence (geasa) max = maximum geased magic rating, cannot be higher than before the essense loss.
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post Jul 15 2005, 12:50 AM
Post #45

Neophyte Runner

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A am certain that it said that if your essence drops below one you have no magic, period. You could be even the scribe with an initiate grade of 532. if your essence is less than one you’re a burn out .

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post Jul 15 2005, 12:55 AM
Post #46

Moving Target

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In MITS, when it discusses Astral Projection, it mentions that if you have less than 1 essence, you can project (essence*60) minutes. It's on page 31.

Since you can still project astrally, you are not burned out. You just have to start out with magic greater than 6 -- so have initiated.

If you aren't using MITS, then you'd be correct -- but only because there's no way to have magic greater than essence in the BBB.

Edit: Oh. And on the previous page, it mentions that if your essence reaches 0 or less, you're burned out.. but at that point, you're either dead or a cyberzombie.
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post Jul 15 2005, 01:08 AM
Post #47

Neophyte Runner

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My bad
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