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> Walking on air, Its better than levitation
post Jul 5 2005, 03:31 AM
Post #1

Midnight Toker

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An new spell idea.

Type: Elemental Manipulation
Drain: +3 S
Duration: Sustained

Airwalk creates a bridge of elemental air between two points in the caster's line of sight. This bridge can be a maximum of (magic rating) meters wide and can hold a maximum of (force x sucesses x 10) kilograms.

The bridge is clearly visible on Astral like all magical constructs but appears to be normal air on the physical plane. Those not astraly perciving may require a wilpower test to step onto the bridge. It also helps if caster clearly marks its width so that mundane users don't step off to their deaths.

The airwalk bridge does not act as a barrier against any attack.
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post Jul 5 2005, 06:24 AM
Post #2

Running Target

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Heh...it might be better to think of it in the Last Crusade - the camoflauged bridge illusion. Call it the "Bridge of Faith" or something similiar...

Or give bonuses if you moonwalk across it. :)

[edit] The only problem I see with it is that if it can sustain a certain amount of weight, it must have a certain amount of solidity. Therefore it should create a barrier to ground based attacks (say it gives you cover if you are above the shooter.).

Or you can claim the "It's maaaagic" rule and say it doesn't. Your call :)
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post Jul 5 2005, 07:24 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Hmm, kinda reminds me of mana barrier. (From 2nd) Should be able to re-wright it. Might simplify it a bit.
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post Jul 5 2005, 07:32 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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Isn't this basically a barrier spell, that is not confined to hemispheres and walls?
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post Jul 5 2005, 11:11 AM
Post #5

Midnight Toker

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The idea is that it provide air resistance equal to the weight of whatever is stepping on it up to (force x successes x 10 x 9.8) Newtons. It automaticly adjusts itself to its occupants so that it feels soild, but it is just air pushing up against them.

This doesn't stop anything from coming through from below, obviously. Insted of making it a one-way barrier I decided that it doesn't can't adjust itself fast enough to stop bullets. Height should make melee difficult from either side.
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post Jul 5 2005, 02:22 PM
Post #6

Running Target

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Hmm... The whole Force x successes x 10kg = weight held mechanic means that, on average, at Force 4 it'll hold a lot more weight than at Force 6, and at any Force (within what's available to a human spellcaster) it'll be very hard to make it hold a meaningful amount of weight, no?
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post Jul 5 2005, 02:59 PM
Post #7

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (mmu1)
Hmm... The whole Force x successes x 10kg = weight held mechanic means that, on average, at Force 4 it'll hold a lot more weight than at Force 6, and at any Force (within what's available to a human spellcaster) it'll be very hard to make it hold a meaningful amount of weight, no?

Doesn't that assume TN equals Force? There is no TN given.

I, too, thought it a poor option to a barrier spell. The drain code is higher. Maybe it should be the invisible version of the physical barrier spell? (Being less versatile is not a good selling point.)
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post Jul 5 2005, 03:18 PM
Post #8

Midnight Toker

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Flat TN 4 like most elementa manipulations

Supposedly, a physical barrier can't hold much weight.
Silly FAQ ruling.

The real advantage to this bridge is that there is no limit to length other than line of sight and it can be used to carry several people at once.

Perhaps x100 kilograms would have been better or knocking the drain code down.

Well, at force 6 with 6 sucesses it can reasonable hold three average humans with equipment at a time. You won't be able to drive a vehicle across it, certainly. But it can get the job done.

How about +2M drain for the standard version, +2S for an extended version that can hold (force * sucesses * 100) kilograms and a +2D version that can hold force*successes * 1000) kilograms.

Also, since it is a a curtain of bouyant air instead of a solid bridge perhaps it would be better to rule that it doesn't have a maximum total weight restriction. Instead it has a maximum weight per object. An object that is too heavy will simply fall through the bridge but all of the other objects will remain on it and there is no limit to the number of objects that can be on the bridge at one time. It is the closest I can come to simulating pressure tollerances without requiring the GM to calculate the area of the PC's feet.

This makes the +10 version considerably more useful for moving people and the +1000 more useful for moving vehicles across long chasms.
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post Jul 5 2005, 04:16 PM
Post #9

Free Spirit

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Ok, I guess I see why you want it.

But, elemenal manipulations are damage causing spells, so this probably would not belong in that category. However telekinetic manipulations have TN4, too. It seems like you are designing it similar to the Levitate spell.

Perhaps Levitate for base, restricted use so -1DL, some extra benefit so +1DL, or right back to base Levitate but with your description of how it works.

Btw, the FAQ concerning Barrier says it can hold up to 25kg/Force. You could adapt it from there.
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