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> Shadowrun 4: Hacking & Rigging
post Sep 4 2005, 04:35 AM
Post #251

Moving Target

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Addiction and hot-sim VR... what are some good stats for addiction tests? Do technomancers also face addiction from hot-sim VR? Does anyone plan to make much use of those rules?
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post Sep 5 2005, 01:46 AM
Post #252


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Technomancer's start with a bio feddback filter equal to their Charisma. If a technomancer wanted to could they take the Complex Form biofeedback filter to raise their existing filter above charisma, or replace the innate biofeedback filter all together with a higher rating.

Basically Can they take the form again, and if so would it add to or replace the existing filter the technomancer started with.

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post Sep 5 2005, 05:07 AM
Post #253

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Vector)
Ok, I remember this being a vague point with previous versions of SR... how many copies of an Agent or IC (or any program really) can you as a Hacker run at a time? Is it just limited by your subscriber list (if running indepently, or straight System if running on your own OS) and each one having to be loaded one at a time?

As long as you have less than (System) programs running on your Comm there is no degradation in performance. You take a -1 to Response for System-(2xSystem-1) programs. Meaning that for a System:5 Comm, 0-4 programs have no impact, 5-9 programs give you a -1, 10-14 programs a -2, etc.

Not sure what the trick is to load programs onto the client system. I've loaned my copy to my brother.
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post Sep 5 2005, 06:55 AM
Post #254

Moving Target

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QUOTE (BlacKat)
Technomancer's start with a bio feddback filter equal to their Charisma. If a technomancer wanted to could they take the Complex Form biofeedback filter to raise their existing filter above charisma, or replace the innate biofeedback filter all together with a higher rating.

Basically Can they take the form again, and if so would it add to or replace the existing filter the technomancer started with.


No, they cannot take a Bio-feedback filter complex form

They are stuck with charisma, and the quality that increases the filter, and I think there is an echo available on submersion that can increase your filter.
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post Sep 5 2005, 12:40 PM
Post #255

Moving Target

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QUOTE (kigmatzomat)
QUOTE (Vector @ Sep 3 2005, 02:46 PM)
Ok, I remember this being a vague point with previous versions of SR... how many copies of an Agent or IC (or any program really) can you as a Hacker run at a time?  Is it just limited by your subscriber list (if running indepently, or straight System if running on your own OS) and each one having to be loaded one at a time?

As long as you have less than (System) programs running on your Comm there is no degradation in performance. You take a -1 to Response for System-(2xSystem-1) programs. Meaning that for a System:5 Comm, 0-4 programs have no impact, 5-9 programs give you a -1, 10-14 programs a -2, etc.

Not sure what the trick is to load programs onto the client system. I've loaned my copy to my brother.

Is there anything saying you can't run more than one copy of the same program, Agent, or IC? For example, could you load the same Agent or piece of IC into your comm two or more times? What about programs? Could you load multiple copies of Armor and if so, what would be the effect?
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post Sep 7 2005, 04:46 AM
Post #256

Moving Target

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QUOTE (kigmatzomat)
QUOTE (Synner)

When you open a file on a computer today it is a Program running on your Operating System (to simplify) which is actually opening it, decompressing, reading, modifying, editing or saving it.



To give a specific example, when a contemporary hacker cracks the code protection on a just-released computer game, it isn't the hacker himself but the computer program he wrote to do it. No matter how skilled he is a programmer and hacker he would never be able to crack the code himself in real time without that tool/program (no matter how intelligent he is / how high his Logic attribute) - I like to call it a language barrier. He simply presses execute and the program (he wrote) cracks the code.

Uncheck. Most applications have these things called "settings." Those "settings" are configured based on the intention of the user. Skill plays a good part in knowing the settings to use however a good amount of deductive reasoning can further optimize those settings.

This is why the Test is "Hacking + Program". The Skill part of manuvering the program is represented by the Hacking Skill. It's just that the Attribute part is being replaced by the Program, which is doing the Brute Work of the action. It doesn't matter how smart you are, it's the Program's smarts that is doing the work. Your Skill in Hacking adds to that to represent how good you are at setting up the Program to work.

I am only rephrasing what I think Synner is saying that I think some people might be missing. I have never read the rule book, but it seems to make sense to me. Perhaps you raw Logic would come into play if you defaulted to Intelligence? I don't even know if there is defaulting like that in SR4.
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post Sep 7 2005, 06:16 AM
Post #257


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The main problem I have with the program requirement and leaving off logic are simple. It now makes sense to be a low logic hacker from a gameplay perspective. Trolls can be just as good at hacking as everyone else for the same cost. Going actually into the matrix with your mind means nothing, other than you get an out of body experience. Hackers can not actually hack under these rules. The hacking skill should be renamed to optimizing program settings skill.

I will say that, these rules are more real world based. But people can hack computers today instead of cracking them with programs. You can't do that in 2070?

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post Sep 7 2005, 01:21 PM
Post #258

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Phoniex)
The main problem I have with the program requirement and leaving off logic are simple. It now makes sense to be a low logic hacker from a gameplay perspective. Trolls can be just as good at hacking as everyone else for the same cost. Going actually into the matrix with your mind means nothing, other than you get an out of body experience. Hackers can not actually hack under these rules. The hacking skill should be renamed to optimizing program settings skill.

I will say that, these rules are more real world based. But people can hack computers today instead of cracking them with programs. You can't do that in 2070?

I will respectfully say that I disagree with you. A Hacker or a Cracker today does not and cannot do that kind of thing without programs of all sorts. Often the Hacker may need to use the programs in ways not intended, but no one simply looks at streams of hex scrolling across a greenscreen dummy terminal. They use programs that take the hex and decodeds it and displays it it meaningful ways. Then they might use other programs to put hex or more likely more highlevel code back into another stream.

Script Kiddies are a good example of Crackers that don't know what they are doing exactly, but they use programs they find to take over machines.

Besides, if Skills are still linked to Attributes as in SR3, then getting Hacking Skills would be extremely expensive without a reasonable Logic.

But even saying that, in SR4, you can hack without programs, just not as well, and that makes a lot of sense to me.
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post Sep 7 2005, 02:51 PM
Post #259

Moving Target

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QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer)
I will respectfully say that I disagree with you.  A Hacker or a Cracker today does not and cannot do that kind of thing without programs of all sorts.  Often the Hacker may need to use the programs in ways not intended, but no one simply looks at streams of hex scrolling across a greenscreen dummy terminal.  They use programs that take the hex and decodeds it and displays it it meaningful ways.  Then they might use other programs to put hex or more likely more highlevel code back into another stream.

Script Kiddies are a good example of Crackers that don't know what they are doing exactly, but they use programs they find to take over machines.

Besides, if Skills are still linked to Attributes as in SR3, then getting Hacking Skills would be extremely expensive without a reasonable Logic.

But even saying that, in SR4, you can hack without programs, just not as well, and that makes a lot of sense to me.

Actually, I need to interject here. While it doesn't count as script coding *I* can look at raw code on a MS-OS PC and tell someone whether a file is AVI, JPG or MPG format. I can*NOT* tell you what kind of MPG mind you, but I can see the basic markers and recognize them for what they are and what they indicate. So the idea of an attribute (perceptual/logical) being involved has some value in an argument.

Mind you, I also do video editing for a living these days so it's also not fun going with me to a movie with loads of CGI as I can see passed/through all of the best these days. Nightmare of the Career I suppose (shrugs).
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post Sep 7 2005, 03:07 PM
Post #260


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but what when you encounter a video file type that you have never seen the marking on before? can you guess what it is based on pure logical theory?
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post Sep 7 2005, 03:09 PM
Post #261


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QUOTE (NeoJudas)
Actually, I need to interject here. While it doesn't count as script coding *I* can look at raw code on a MS-OS PC and tell someone whether a file is AVI, JPG or MPG format. I can*NOT* tell you what kind of MPG mind you, but I can see the basic markers and recognize them for what they are and what they indicate. So the idea of an attribute (perceptual/logical) being involved has some value in an argument.

Mind you, I also do video editing for a living these days so it's also not fun going with me to a movie with loads of CGI as I can see passed/through all of the best these days. Nightmare of the Career I suppose (shrugs).

I'm pretty sure that's not solely because of your innate logic powers, though; I know I had no idea how to do such things before I learned how to do so. Knowing the filetype from the magic numbers at the beginning is almost no ability and almost all skill/knowledge. And picking out CGI or compression artifacts is almost entirely about skill, and having trained yourself to know what to look for.
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post Sep 7 2005, 04:31 PM
Post #262

Moving Target

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QUOTE (NeoJudas)
Actually, I need to interject here. While it doesn't count as script coding *I* can look at raw code on a MS-OS PC and tell someone whether a file is AVI, JPG or MPG format. I can*NOT* tell you what kind of MPG mind you, but I can see the basic markers and recognize them for what they are and what they indicate. So the idea of an attribute (perceptual/logical) being involved has some value in an argument.

I could very well be wrong here, but I would argue that you can recognize those video formats because you have trained that skill, and not, as the others say here, that you use an inate logical process to figure out what's in the hex. Granted, training that skill is much easier if you have a better Logic, but that is represented in the higher Karma cost of skill levels above the attached Attribute in SR3. I ass-u-me that SR4 has something similar.

That's just my opinion, yours is equally valid.
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post Sep 7 2005, 06:28 PM
Post #263

Mr. Johnson

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Erm, take this discussion out of the Q&A sticky thread, and into the SR4 discussion forum? This thread is for Q&A about SR4's Hacking and Rigging, and not the merits of rolling in Logic with computer skill tests.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Sep 10 2005, 11:25 PM
Post #264

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Vehicles an Drone come with integrated Sensors.

Can those be upgraded with Vision and Audio Enhancements directly, or does one have to add a Camera or Microphone Sensor package to do so as stated by the Sensor Package rules (thus being limited to capacity)?
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post Sep 11 2005, 02:06 AM
Post #265

Moving Target

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The way my group reads it (and, sadly, this is yet another instance where the RAW could stand to be clarified) is that, yes, you have to install enhanced cameras, mics, etc. (the reason they list various size drones along with other devices on the general capacities table) to get those benefits.

As written, the integral sensors appear to be some sort of short-range radar-like system, not video/audio - which would be why smartlinks don't particularly help with targeting vehicle-mounted weapons while rigging or otherwise not pointing the gun yourself. And also helps to explain why metahumans have such a low sensor profile. If you or the Pilot program could just see them, you wouldn't have to replace Intuition with Sensors on perception rolls. All basic cameras are considered to have perfect 20/20 vision, so there'd be no real need for sensor ratings, either, if that's what vehicle sensors were. Of course, the designers could have had other intentions, but the rules aren't very clear on what, exactly, basic vehicle sensors include.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Sep 11 2005, 09:47 AM
Post #266

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QUOTE (TonkaTuff)
As written, the integral sensors appear to be some sort of short-range radar-like system, not video/audio

Thats the conclusion I came to, too (though it would be much nicer if the actually said that, indeed) - and that has quite interesting implications:

As soon as you outfit a Drone with a Camera/Microphone, it would be allowed to use Pilot supported with Vision/Audio Enhancement to perceive, too, or use a Smartlink for boosting it's combat effectiveness.

It would also keep Micro Drones from becoming the ultimate spys - they can have a Camera or a Microphone, not both.
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post Sep 11 2005, 11:18 AM
Post #267

Moving Target

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You can use the even smaller RFID-Tags for the drone. So, in theory, no problem with a dozen skinlinked sensors on a fly. ;-)

And since vehicle sensors are capable of picking up sound and giving the drone information about the surroundings, at least two different sensors are integrated even in a micro drone: acoustic sensors and radar (or even additional video, after all, the pilot can make normal Perception tests through the drones sensors).

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Rotbart van Dain...
post Sep 11 2005, 11:24 AM
Post #268

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Well, not normal ones - they use Sensor rating instead of Intuition, which enables them to recognize patterns/signatures - whether they can even perceive details this way is a good question.

With the Camera/Microphone, the Test would indeed be a normal one... with Intuition, Enhancements and all.

As for the RFID Camera/Microphone - uh, well, it has an effective visual/audio range of 3 meters... compared to the Camera/Microphone of a Micro Drone that sports a 100 meter effective range, its not that good. ;)
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post Sep 11 2005, 11:34 AM
Post #269

Moving Target

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QUOTE ("SR4 162")

Sensors are designed to detect the “signature” (emissions, composition, sound, etc) of other vehicles, so modifi ers from the Signature Table apply to the detecting
vehicle’s dice pool.

In a standard sensor array, regardless if it is in a micro drone or on an aircraft carrier, the pilot (real or AI) have at least two different sensor: something "visual", something "acoustic". Even the word "emissions" could be read as "IR" (funny, "composition" sounds like the description of the milimeter wave scanner (cyberwarescanner)). So, even on a micro drone (with radar and microphone) it would be very easy to add a camera (with visual/audio enhancements).

Regarding the range of the RFIDs: good point, although I am not quite sure, if it makes sense to apply these ranges to a passive sensor.

And I am still waiting for the next errata-PDF, where submarines, planes and rotorcrafts will have a sensor rating. :sleepy:

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Rotbart van Dain...
post Sep 11 2005, 11:41 AM
Post #270

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QUOTE (apple)
So, even on a micro drone (with radar and microphone) it would be very easy to add a camera (with visual/audio enhancements).

That was never quite the question - it is stated that one can add a Camera with Vision Enhancements to a Micro Drone. ;)

Only, one cannot simply add Vision Enhancements to Sensors, and is limited to one kind of additional/enhanced system on a Micro Drone.

The questions, whether normal Sensors are even capable to perceive even finer details than signatures, or on what kind of sources the can perceive such signatures are implicit, but not the question I started with. ;)

QUOTE (apple)
Regarding the range of the RFIDs: good point, although I am not quite sure, if it makes sense to apply these ranges to a passive sensor.

Imagine a camera like the ones used in cell phones - only smaller, more sophisticated, yet ultimately much more limited by its physical restrictions... its not that a far stretched idea that such a camera would have an restricted effective range.

On the other hand, is a fair tool of balancing RFIDs.

QUOTE (apple)
And I am still waiting for the next errata-PDF, where submarines, planes and rotorcrafts will have a sensor rating.

Yeah, a Thunderbird without Sensors seems... odd. :S
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post Sep 12 2005, 08:39 PM
Post #271


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What's the point of Passive Targetting:

QUOTE ("p. 162 SR4")
In passive targeting, the vehicle's Sensor attribute substitutes for Agility (or Pilot) as the linked Attribute, so the attacker rolls Gunnery + Sensor.  The target's Signature modifiers are also applied as a dice pool modifier

So, I'm shooting a human with a vehicle mounted weapon. With passive targeting, that would be a -3 as per the signature table (same page). However, without passive targeting I wouldn't have that modifier at all. I guess, to potentially answer my own questions, that passive targeting would be most usefull (or necessary) when trying to fire at something one cannot see, or cannot see well, due to visibility modifiers?

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post Sep 12 2005, 11:45 PM
Post #272


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QUOTE (Dashifen)
What's the point of Passive Targetting:

QUOTE ("p. 162 SR4")
In passive targeting, the vehicle's Sensor attribute substitutes for Agility (or Pilot) as the linked Attribute, so the attacker rolls Gunnery + Sensor.  The target's Signature modifiers are also applied as a dice pool modifier

So, I'm shooting a human with a vehicle mounted weapon. With passive targeting, that would be a -3 as per the signature table (same page). However, without passive targeting I wouldn't have that modifier at all. I guess, to potentially answer my own questions, that passive targeting would be most usefull (or necessary) when trying to fire at something one cannot see, or cannot see well, due to visibility modifiers?

Well, wouldn't it be beneficial when firing at high signature objects? Or when the gunner's Agility (or Pilot) is severely outstripped by the vehicle's sensor?
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post Sep 13 2005, 12:00 AM
Post #273


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hmm, do range modifiers have any effect on passive targeting?
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post Sep 13 2005, 05:56 AM
Post #274

Moving Target

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QUOTE (hobgoblin)
hmm, do range modifiers have any effect on passive targeting?

I wouldn't think so, as the range penalties are largely a mechanic to simulate a metahuman's attempt to compensate for distance with their somewhat limited hard computational and visual abilities (which would probably be why they can be completely negated with Visual Magnification). Sensors don't appear to be visual, so effective range should pretty much just be limited to the range of the sensor suite and/or the maximum range of the weapon in question. I believe it's assumed (or meant to be assumed) that the targetting portion of the weapon control subsystem (especially with Clearsight installed) can automatically compensate for range and standard environmental factors (wind direction, etc.) - which is, after all, largely why computers were invented in the first place.
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post Sep 13 2005, 10:25 AM
Post #275

Moving Target

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QUOTE (TonkaTuff @ Sep 13 2005, 03:56 PM)
I believe it's assumed (or meant to be assumed) that the targetting portion of the weapon control subsystem (especially with Clearsight installed) can automatically compensate for range and standard environmental factors (wind direction, etc.)  - which is, after all, largely why computers were invented in the first place.

Indeed. One of the first applications of mechanical computation engines (prior even to their use in the WWII Ultra program) was for calculating artillery aiming tables.

Kind of an electro-mechanical smartlink, in a way.

Fun facts, eh?
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