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> Shadowrun 4: Hacking & Rigging
post Nov 3 2005, 05:11 PM
Post #401


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Question: If my starting Rigger buys a Pilot program (rating 4) to upgrade some of his drones, can he also use that program as an Agent on the Matrix? Or is the Agent/IC/Pilot listing for three separate program types with the same price?

The Reason I ask is because the listing is "Agent/IC/Pilot", and IC seems to be the exact same thing as Agent, so....

Would mean a very easy Hacker-in-a-Box for my Rigger. :)
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post Nov 3 2005, 05:58 PM
Post #402


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from what i understand the pilot is more like the system of a comlink then a agent or ic. i have a feel that they cost the same as its a system(os) merged with agent code so that it performs the task of both.

hmm, i wonder, can i set up my home with a pilot equiped telecom setup so that my place can be given orders like a drone?
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post Nov 3 2005, 06:31 PM
Post #403

Moving Target

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I don't see why not. :)
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post Nov 3 2005, 08:19 PM
Post #404


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just hope i never hear the phrase "sorry, i cant do that dave".

for one thing, my name isnt dave. for the other, that phrase creeps me out...
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post Nov 4 2005, 02:25 AM
Post #405

Moving Target

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QUOTE (morlock76)
Making a rigger a much more viable profession as runner.
I never liked the idea of investing VERY heavy into something external that could as well be stolen as was pretty much not replaceable ingame.
Not the practice of a nice GM, but when making a char I pref to take a look at such an angle as well.

Trouble is I have seen rigger players get overconfident in their Big Guns, then complain when security waits in a tactically advantagous position, and begins by gunning down the item of highest threat first. Same for Trolls.
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post Nov 4 2005, 03:17 AM
Post #406

Moving Target

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Was wondering if it was worth it for a decker to try to write progam upgrades during a campaign. If I remember right some of those intervals are in months.

How many time does a program type have to be purchased?
Can I buy Clearsight, Gunnery, ect. and and use it on all my drones?

If the signal of a device is 3 can I decide to reduce the signal strength to 0 for a short time because that is all I need at the moment, and it make overhearing the data stream harder?

:cyber: Say I finally succeed at the +6 to hack someone's skillwires. (or happen to find secondary administrative commands in his employee file for all his cyberware, kept there as a security measureagainst the employee) Just what kind of negative modifiers could I cause him other than just turning off his cyberware?

A program flips a switch and the human goes to sleep.
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post Nov 6 2005, 05:39 PM
Post #407


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from what i understand a program have to be cracked to be used on more then one "device" at a time.

(heh, it said problem before i edited it. i wonder where my head was when i wrote the original text as it obviously not focusing on the text being written...)
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Eyeless Blond
post Nov 6 2005, 07:39 PM
Post #408

Decker on the Threshold

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QUOTE (Demon_Bob)
Was wondering if it was worth it for a decker to try to write progam upgrades during a campaign. If I remember right some of those intervals are in months.

Indeed. Though the flavor text says that hackers write their own programs, the actual rules essentially say that, for all practical purposes, you can't. Writing your own OS takes Years; not something you're going to do during a normal campaign, unless your GM is uncommonly generous with downtime.

Just one more way the rules don't match the intent.
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post Nov 7 2005, 04:38 AM
Post #409

Moving Target

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So I've been making a Technomancer for our SR4 game starting soon, & submitted it to my GM. He sent back that it looked fine except I needed a smartgun link on my glasses. My thought is that techno's wouldn't need that because they can live in AR without the hook-up.

Am I correct? Or do I need an Image & Smartgun Link on my glasses?
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post Nov 7 2005, 05:10 AM
Post #410


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Yes, you'd need a Smartlink on your glasses. A Technomancer basically has a natural duplicate of a Commlink+Sim Module. A Commlink does not provide smartlink capability unless you have a Vision device with Smartlink.
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Eyeless Blond
post Nov 7 2005, 05:10 AM
Post #411

Decker on the Threshold

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Well, there's an argument for and against needing the smartgun link.

For: Your techno can "hear" the data being sent through the smartgun itself, but you can't understand it without the glasses interpreting it for you.

Againse: Technos appear to have an instincive "feel" for any and all protocols that transmit wirelessly; if this were not so then they wouldn't be able to access most Matrix-enabled devices, as most things will be using their own (often proprietary, see Microsoft's ActiveX) encodings and even protocols. Therefore technos must be able to instantly interpret and understand everything sent to them in any exotic data form instantly, as they have no organic storage memory to load a bunch of interpreters on like modern-era computers do.
A Smartlink is a very simple encoding to understand--surely it's no more difficult than trying to interpret a Flash program on-the-fly without an interpreter!

And an Image link would surely not be needed; if a techno can understand and immediately interpret all Matrix-based data in full VR mode then surely they can build up a "lesser" form in their own brains without help from an image link.

(NOTE): I happen to think that a technomancer interacting with the Matrix through a wireless organic transceiver is an inherently idiotic idea, so take the above with that slight ironic twist.
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post Nov 7 2005, 05:35 AM
Post #412

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Valentinew)
So I've been making a Technomancer for our SR4 game starting soon, & submitted it to my GM.  He sent back that it looked fine except I needed a smartgun link on my glasses.  My thought is that techno's wouldn't need that because they can live in AR without the hook-up.

Am I correct?  Or do I need an Image & Smartgun Link on my glasses?

The smartlink is a specialized piece of hardware that among other things, generates a very specific form of AR Overlay that makes the gun feel like an extension of the user's own body. Because of the special nature of this overlay, and the fact that it's intended to be used in combat situations, dedicated electronics are needed to generate it.

This goes back to the eternal debate about what exactly the smartlink does, and why it's so much better than a laser sight, when the core of what they both do is put a dot in your field of view showing where the bullet will hit. There's the fact that smartguns calculate ballistic drop, but in previous editions, if you hooked up the smartgun to a set of smartgoggles, you'd still only get the same effect as a laser sight, so accounting for ballistic drop wasn't the answer by itself. This is why the explanation that the implant made the gun feel like a part of you came into play.

Now we come to SR4's time where a set of smartgoggles are as good as having the implant, and both are better than the laser sight. The only way I can account for it is that your smartgoggles have trodes that can feed the "gun as extension of the body" simsense into your brain. With 2050s tech, it wasn't possible to do that kind of thing over trodes, which is why to get the full effectiveness of it, you had to go the implant route. But by the 2070s, they've gotten a lot better at what they can pipe into your brain over trodes. It only makes sense, seeing as in the 2030s and 2040s, they had to dunk you into a sensory deprivation tank just to give you full VR.

So to sum up, unless your GM is letting anyone who has a commlink with sim module get smartgun bonuses, there's no reason for a technomancer to be able to either. And always remember, "Happiness is a warm gun." I think Hatchetman said that, when talking on the subject of smartlinks.
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post Nov 7 2005, 01:52 PM
Post #413

Moving Target

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I find it odd that according to the rules, Technomancers can use VR without any extra equipment but can't use AR at all without equipment. The technomancer in the book has no electronic equipment and somehow can still use the fake SIN they have...
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post Nov 7 2005, 02:23 PM
Post #414


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technos can use AR, no problem. The problem is determining what you are doing with that AR. The way I see it, is a techno could see the smartgun's output in a "window" without the need of goggles, but that's of limited use since it's not integrated with the rest of your vision. The goggles overlay the results straight onto your field of vision, integrating it with your normal view of the world. You could skip the goggles, and still use it as a periscope, just looking through your node window, but to get the combat bonus, you need it integrated with your normal vision.

That's how I see it anyways. I also first made my techno without the goggles, but then I thought about how I would see the results, and realized that it might make sense for even a techno to have the goggles.
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post Nov 7 2005, 03:23 PM
Post #415

Moving Target

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I thought technos brains were able to translate AR (& VR) into a form her brain could understand...without any gear. She may not see things exactly like someone with an Imagelink up, but she probably had a close analogy.

I guess I don't understand why a smartlink would be different than any other wireless device. It seems to be implied that the smartlink is so completely different from any other kind of link that the techno would have no chance of using it effectively on her own, which I don't buy.

I'm wondering if the fact that no mods have chimed in here means maybe that's an ongoing discussion? Or are there articles/books that talk about this exact thing that I need to read?
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post Nov 7 2005, 03:39 PM
Post #416

Moving Target

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I thinik I'm planning to go a head on the assumption that Technomancers have something that functions like an image link. Almost all AR is intended to be overlayed on your vision. It would be silly for them to need equipment for something like that. Although, I suppose that would mean that they shouldn't need AR gloves or simillar things by the same argument.

I'd love to see an official ruling on this though.
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post Nov 7 2005, 06:38 PM
Post #417

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Valentinew)
I guess I don't understand why a smartlink would be different than any other wireless device. It seems to be implied that the smartlink is so completely different from any other kind of link that the techno would have no chance of using it effectively on her own, which I don't buy.

The book is very specific about what pieces of hardware a Technomancer's special brain gets to emulate: a Commlink with a sim module.

If you let mere mortals get smartlink effects if they have a commlink with sim module but no actual smartlink accessory or implant, then by all means, give that to your technomancers too.

While we're at it, why don't we just let anyone who has a commlink with sim module get free low light vision and vision magnification as long as they're running the Edit utility (or if they're a Technomancer with the equivilent complex form), after all, it's just zooming and cropping the image and upping the brightness; surely the Edit utility has those basic image manipulation features. Make all the accessories obsolete, and do it all in software!

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post Nov 7 2005, 09:10 PM
Post #418


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I'd stand by the fact that a techno....or I think anyone with a commlink could see the smartgun image in a window, but using that would be like aiming a gun by looking at a tv screen. It can work, but you may be better relying on your own body's hand-eye coordination. The field of vision is a lot smaller, and the perspective is all wrong for your brain.
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post Nov 7 2005, 09:15 PM
Post #419

Neophyte Runner

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I would say it'd have to be treated as a generic GM determined AR modifier per the "AR Modifiers" sidebar on p.208, and if the GM has any sense, they'd make sure it's a lesser modifier than what you'd get for using real smartlink hardware.
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post Nov 7 2005, 09:24 PM
Post #420

Moving Target

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QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
While we're at it, ....

I was just asking a question. I want to understand. I'm sorry if this has offended you in some way.
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post Nov 7 2005, 09:28 PM
Post #421

Moving Target

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It seems to me that you either have to go with the idea that Technomancers tend to only use VR (the book hints towards their strong preference towards VR) and so the lack of AR options without extra cyber or equipment is just part and parcel of being a Technomancer OR you have to rule that they also come with some basic cyber-like devices to percieve AR as well. The former being canon at the moment, the latter being what seems like more the spirit of Technomancers if not the letter of the existing rules.
QUOTE (SR4 pg 228)
To technomancers, VR is “home”—most feel more comfortable
here than navigating the meat world, even with augmented reality.

Then again, maybe VR "only" (quotes because while they can access AR they cannot see, hear, or touch it without extra equipment) is the spirit of the rules.
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post Nov 7 2005, 09:32 PM
Post #422

Moving Target

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Edit: Nevermind. Oops.
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post Nov 7 2005, 09:38 PM
Post #423

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Vector)
the lack of AR options without extra cyber or equipment is just part and parcel of being a Technomancer

I strongly disagree. Technomancers have the organic equivalent of a commlink with sim module in their heads. (p.233)

Commlink with sim module is the "easiest and most common" way to access AR. (p.209, last paragraph under the heading "Augmented Reality")

Technomancers are just as capable as accessing AR as they are VR, with no extra hardware, acording to the letter and spirit of the rules.
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post Nov 7 2005, 10:11 PM
Post #424

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Vector)
OR you have to rule that they also come with some basic cyber-like devices to percieve AR as well.

They do. It's called a SIM module
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post Nov 7 2005, 10:13 PM
Post #425

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QUOTE (NightRain)
They do. It's called a SIM module

And they get one free with their organic commlink.
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