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> Shadowrun 4: Hacking & Rigging
post Jan 22 2006, 06:29 PM
Post #476

Moving Target

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Indeed, you aren't constricted to the captain's chair mode either.
Captain's Chair is the equivalent to controlling drones via AR now. You can still "jump into" a drone using full VR. Regardless if you have a controll rig or not.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jan 22 2006, 10:00 PM
Post #477

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QUOTE (DireRadiant)
If the Agent runs another program on it's own system, does it affect only it's own response rating, or the entire node?

The former... :)
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post Jan 26 2006, 07:02 PM
Post #478

Moving Target

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Are full-VR Riggers "visible" as icons to Hackers?

For instance, if a Rigger is controlling a vehicle via "full immersion" VR and a Hacker hacks into the Vehicle, can the hacker "see" the Rigger as an Icon (and thus "crash" the Rigger)? Or perhaps, in full VR, are the Rigger and vehicle computer considered "one" icon, and thus the Hacker must crash the *whole* system to "crash" the Rigger?
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post Jan 30 2006, 09:38 PM
Post #479

Moving Target

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On page 158 the rulebook states that drones that pilot themselves have an initiative equal to pilot plus response attributes...

I was not able to find any mention anywhere else in the book of what the reponse attributes are for drones and vehicles. Is it the default value of 3 for electronic device, or does anyone have a better idea?
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post Jan 31 2006, 12:08 AM
Post #480

Moving Target

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QUOTE (mdynna)
Are full-VR Riggers "visible" as icons to Hackers?

For instance, if a Rigger is controlling a vehicle via "full immersion" VR and a Hacker hacks into the Vehicle, can the hacker "see" the Rigger as an Icon (and thus "crash" the Rigger)? Or perhaps, in full VR, are the Rigger and vehicle computer considered "one" icon, and thus the Hacker must crash the *whole* system to "crash" the Rigger?

Off-hand, I think it's the former.

As a device, a drone shows up as a node in VR (however you see them through your filter). If you've hacked your way into the drone's node, you'd be able to see the rigger's persona (if you make the matrix perception check) since that's his current location on the matrix. Though this is probably one of the worse-case scenarios for the hacker.

Unless you want to try jamming his connection, you have to take the rigger out in cybercombat before you can get much else done - he's not going to sit by if you start messing with the sub-systems, and crashing the pilot does nothing if it's not running. But while he's engaging you, the pilot program can take over and the drone is still going to be causing problems meat-side for you and/or your teammates. Assuming you can take the guy out (fortunately, most riggers don't have the karma or BPs to invest heavily in cybercombat), you then have to take on the Pilot program and/or any other software defenses to try to shut the drone down for good - though they'll be fresh as daisies, the system will probably be on full alert, and you'll still be suffering from whatever damage you took while fighting the rigger.

QUOTE (amra28)
On page 158 the rulebook states that drones that pilot themselves have an initiative equal to pilot plus response attributes...

I was not able to find any mention anywhere else in the book of what the reponse attributes are for drones and vehicles. Is it the default value of 3 for electronic device, or does anyone have a better idea?

Drones are listed under category 3 on the Universal Device Ratings table, so, yeah, their device stats would seem to be 3 across the board, unless specified in the vehicle specs or you've paid to upgrade them.
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The Jopp
post Feb 7 2006, 10:22 AM
Post #481


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Ok, this might be a bit silly but I do think it might be worth asking. It clearly states in the magic section that a character who’s magic attribute reaches zero (0) will become unable to use any magic and his active skills becomes knowledge skills. Ok, that’s fine, magic and cyber never liked each other enyway.

With technomancers they give the same usual example and explanation that cyberware & bioware limits resonance EXCEPT the explanation that if their resonance reaches zero they would be unable to use their abilities and that it would become knowledge skills.

Somehow I find it fitting that cybernetics and bioware would interfere with the bioelectronic signal they use to contact the matrix but I find it odd that their brain chemistry would be re-altered so that they would become normal humans again.

One example could be that someone with 1 point of resonance would have the same altered brain as someone with resonance 6, and suddenly, when gaining 1 cyberlimb (a leg for example) their MIND lose the ability to use the matrix like they could before.

What do you think? Should it LIMIT their ability if they reach 0 resonance (ie they must use immersion to raise their ability above 0 before using it). Or should they loose it just like magicians?
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post Feb 7 2006, 02:12 PM
Post #482

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just let 'em lose, it. They fried their motherboard (aka brain) and ya can't just install a new brain anytime you want (atleast, not very successfully yet)
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post Feb 8 2006, 12:18 AM
Post #483


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QUOTE (The Jopp @ Feb 7 2006, 05:22 AM)

With technomancers they give the same usual example and explanation that cyberware & bioware limits resonance EXCEPT the explanation that if their resonance reaches zero they would be unable to use their abilities and that it would become knowledge skills.

Somehow I find it fitting that cybernetics and bioware would interfere with the bioelectronic signal they use to contact the matrix but I find it odd that their brain chemistry would be re-altered so that they would become normal humans again.

The skills probably become knowlege skills because using their resonance to interface with machines doesn't resemble accessing them via cyber like everyone else does. You can go back and do it via machine interface, but it's a whole 'nother skillset. They (the game designers) were just merciful enough to not make a whole new skillset to cover what hackers already had, just enough to cover the technomancer's new toys.
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post Feb 8 2006, 12:35 AM
Post #484

Moving Target

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As far as why a Res 1 gets fried before a Res 6 - it's a 'hardware compatibility' issue. Your Res 1 fella can't have both the cyber stuff and the special brain setup without one of them frying. Resonance was then defaulted to be the one that fried when the situation occurred. the Res 6 guy has more durable hardware. Sure, you still got some glitches (hence lower rank) but he hasn't crashed and burned yet.
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post Feb 10 2006, 07:48 PM
Post #485


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I am slightly confused. Say I have a hacker with augments logic 9 and programs of 4 or 5. Why would I want to spend karma raising skills to 6.
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post Feb 10 2006, 08:37 PM
Post #486

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THis has been brought up before. its much better to default to hacking than to actually use it because the rules don't use your logic in any capacity while hacking - so to make your logic matter, you have to have no hacking skill - which is ass-backwards, but for characters with high logic (technomancers, especially) spending BP on hacking skilsl makes you worse.

One interpretation I have seen, however, is that the program rating replaces your attribute for the die roll, so if you're defaulting, you default to program rating -1. THis means that your logic is NEVER used when hacking, however, and makes it a dump-stat for a lot of hackers. ;-)
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Churl Beck
post Feb 10 2006, 09:11 PM
Post #487

Moving Target

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I call this the "hacking trilemma" because there does not seem to be a consistent and non-problematic interpretation to these three questions: (1) is the skill listed as being able to default to a linked attribute? (2) does the character have the skill? (3) does the character have the program?

Probably the easiest way to handle it is to use Linked Attribute - 1 (where Program substitutes for Linked Attribute). This implies that a task cannot be attempted without the proper software tools, which is ok to my mind (after all, one can't use the Pistols skill without holding a pistol either).

The most desirable way to handle it may be to say that one rolls Attribute + Skill + Program (instead of just Skill + Program). This involves a lot of extra work in deciding how to scale up the target numbers proportionately. However, unlike the other solution, it does not do violence to the "simplified" rule system by creating an arbitrary exception to the rules. The problem is that it implies that one can hack without having the appropriate Program, which renders the Technomancer's Threading ability somewhat obsolete.
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post Feb 10 2006, 09:53 PM
Post #488


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I was just e-mail someone about this and came up with using att and skill for hits but programs for a limiter on the hits similiar to magic. I think I so this in another thread. I just din't know how logic worked into the picture.
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post Feb 13 2006, 06:48 PM
Post #489

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Churl Beck)
The most desirable way to handle it may be to say that one rolls Attribute + Skill + Program (instead of just Skill + Program).

One way to look at it, is that all tests are attribute + skill + modifiers

Where modifiers can be situational, or, in some cases, equipment based. Programs are definatly equipment. A guy using a biotech kit uses logic + first-aid + kit's rating... he doesn't substitute the kit's rating for his logic.

If anything, rules by RAW are the exception... but like you mentioned, scaling other thigns becomes a little more of a problem.

With higher threshholds and letting the system use system x2, I think this would be settled, but I would have a hard time balancing it.
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post Feb 13 2006, 11:09 PM
Post #490

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Churl Beck)
I call this the "hacking trilemma" because there does not seem to be a consistent and non-problematic interpretation to these three questions: (1) is the skill listed as being able to default to a linked attribute? (2) does the character have the skill? (3) does the character have the program?

I simply re-use an existing mechanic: Magic.

Every time the rules say "spell Force" replace with "Program Rating."

I figure if it works for the Mage it works for the Hacker. And like the Mage, if you don't have a program/spell then you cannot use the program/spell. If you need it so much, write it or buy it.
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post Feb 15 2006, 03:51 PM
Post #491

Awakened Asset

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On the device ratings for drones: wouldn´t sec / mil drones like the iBall and Steel Lynx have ratings of 4/5 ? Somehow I can´t imagine a UAV with heavy weapons and only baseline matrix security.
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post Feb 15 2006, 07:10 PM
Post #492

Moving Target

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On the device ratings for drones: wouldn´t sec / mil drones like the iBall and Steel Lynx have ratings of 4/5 ? Somehow I can´t imagine a UAV with heavy weapons and only baseline matrix security.

ah... behold the problem with a system designed for lower-power mechanics. What is Military/Security (or even Commercial for that matter) simply isn't as far seperated in the SR4 mechanics as compared to the SR3 stuff. Granted, the streamlining in SR4 does help in so many other ways.
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post Feb 15 2006, 07:56 PM
Post #493


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Just because it comes with a stock R3 system doesn't mean anyone ever uses the stock system. Considering that firewall in particular is a program, corps can either code their own or purchase a strong version in bulk.

From a logisitics perspective, it's probably better to buy the drones with the stock OS and then upgrade to your milspec standards rather than have drones with different systems running around.

I mean, buy a computer these days and get on the internet without installing additional software (or ordering additional software along with it). See how long you go virus/intrusion free.
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The Jopp
post Feb 17 2006, 10:22 AM
Post #494


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Where do I find the cost for adding Encryption on a Datalock jack? It says 1000+Encryption, but nowhere in the book do they say whay the cost is. :|
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post Feb 17 2006, 12:44 PM
Post #495


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i would belive that you find that cost under programs...
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The Jopp
post Feb 17 2006, 01:08 PM
Post #496


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QUOTE (hobgoblin)
i would belive that you find that cost under programs...

Is that what they call SR4 logic? Can't I just use my OWN Encryption program and add to the Datalock since I have a hacker?
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post Feb 17 2006, 02:57 PM
Post #497


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as in, you have made your own encryption program from scratch?
or have one allready bought?

if so then just think of the encryption part as being of cost 0 and be happy :P
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