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  1. NY scanner stregnth (2 replies)
  2. Shadowrun videogames (3 replies)
  3. Officially Unofficial Shadowrun Movie (97 replies)
  4. SR4A LE (7 replies)
  5. Seattler 2072 not listed? (13 replies)
  6. Imaging scopes (14 replies)
  7. Random shadowrun thinking (25 replies)
  8. Newbie GM seeks grunts (6 replies)
  9. Damaging Cyberware (15 replies)
  10. Attribute Boost (19 replies)
  11. So, What's In The Box? (12 replies)
  12. freakish cast of characters... (19 replies)
  13. Another new GM (12 replies)
  14. Silencing a Shotty (14 replies)
  15. Mage sensor idea... (23 replies)
  16. The Work (12 replies)
  17. looking for metahuman shaman minis (5 replies)
  18. Calculating Matrix Initiative (4 replies)
  19. Messing with a characters mind (16 replies)
  20. Have any of the designers even met someone with diabetes? (43 replies)
  21. Newbie Hacker Help (10 replies)
  22. Dear Mr. Johnson (20 replies)
  23. Shadowrunner: Why I've never used this term in Game. Ever. (75 replies)
  24. Lone Star Ver 1.0 (25 replies)
  25. new magic spell montage (6 replies)
  26. Little help regarding info? (20 replies)
  27. Shadownotes! (4 replies)
  28. Dual-Natured and Illusion Spells (37 replies)
  29. Injection Dart Houserule (2 replies)
  30. Returning to the fold (1 reply)
  31. Country names and grammar (21 replies)
  32. Question about AR (15 replies)
  33. Changelings in Seattle (60 replies)
  34. building ganesha (15 replies)
  35. Do AI's get bonus matrix dice (8 replies)
  36. Possesion tradition rules (6 replies)
  37. Matrix stats of drones (8 replies)
  38. What ever happened to Deus's Otaku? (59 replies)
  39. 4E for Earlier Settings (8 replies)
  40. Ki-Ads and dream pacts (3 replies)
  41. Riggers Up and Coming (0 replies)
  42. extra IP sources (50 replies)
  43. Looting everything equals low cash for time (40 replies)
  44. Engraved datajacks (36 replies)
  45. shadowrun plants (9 replies)
  46. Healing Stun damage (6 replies)
  47. miniguns (29 replies)
  48. The SR solar system -- what's out there? (46 replies)
  49. So one of my runners sold out a corp. (40 replies)
  50. Charts (1 reply)
  51. A.I.'s and Upgrades (48 replies)
  52. Simple Two-Page SR4/SR4A Character Sheets (8 replies)
  53. Desktop Forges... (11 replies)
  54. Online resources (6th world wiki is gone?) - (Topic Merge) (9 replies)
  55. Give me a shout out all you tir runners living in P-town! (4 replies)
  56. first generation wireless matrix being researched? (0 replies)
  57. knock/push down/back force (14 replies)
  58. Status of SR4A-LE (14 replies)
  59. Paladin Runners (22 replies)
  60. Cross Pollination of source material, weapons, locations, people, gear (9 replies)
  61. Weapons Mods on Main Gun? (7 replies)
  62. Dogmen? (1 reply)
  63. new GM trying to find information on Portland OR (17 replies)
  64. Bringing a knife to a spirit fight... (58 replies)
  65. Quick Spirit Question (6 replies)
  66. How much does making something cost... (3 replies)
  67. Rogues and their stories (17 replies)
  68. Technology Controlling Magic? (34 replies)
  69. How do damage/barrier rules handle erosion? (9 replies)
  70. runs don't pay enough (17 replies)
  71. Can foci be upgraded? (2 replies)
  72. What do I do? (28 replies)
  73. Old Shadowrun-Inspired Music (34 replies)
  74. Quickened Spells vs Mana Barriers (17 replies)
  75. Dumpshock IRC Beta Test (18 replies)
  76. Starting Notoriety (29 replies)
  77. Character Critique (5 replies)
  78. Sixth World Music (8 replies)
  79. Revising SR rules from the very beginning to make a tactical game (26 replies)
  80. Can you see what I can see (8 replies)
  81. as straight out of the unwired gear section (2 replies)
  82. Possession FAQ (232 replies)
  83. Newbie Needs Help Building a Character (20 replies)
  84. Alternate summoning rules (12 replies)
  85. Impending Dumpshock Downtime (5 replies)
  86. Sword for fighting free spirits or astral entities? (35 replies)
  87. Simsense speeding up time? (7 replies)
  88. Essential item for every runner (11 replies)
  89. Running Wild Street Date (15 replies)
  90. Question about the maximum dice pool modifier from martial arts advantages (14 replies)
  91. SR4A Character Sheet error (5 replies)
  92. Armored cars in 2072? (41 replies)
  93. Catalog Spell (13 replies)
  94. failed hmhvv (9 replies)
  95. Class III SURGE (26 replies)
  96. Detect Enemies work on Astral enemies? (17 replies)
  97. Fashion in 2072 (26 replies)
  98. Martial Arts DV Bonuses (45 replies)
  99. Question About KarmaGen (36 replies)
  100. Dumpshock Data Haven Issue #2 Call of Submissions (6 replies)
  101. Guardian Angel (2 replies)
  102. Crafting a focus (3 replies)
  103. Darn Flybots! (46 replies)
  104. Guns for Kids (27 replies)
  105. Art Contest (0 replies)
  106. LOOT THE BODY! (178 replies)
  107. switching fire modes (32 replies)
  108. reality mimics SR yet again... (15 replies)
  109. GhettoFest (13 replies)
  110. Spirit possessing a magical Focus (6 replies)
  111. Dermal Alteration and Armor (15 replies)
  112. Angel or Devil? (20 replies)
  113. Shadowrun at your local game store contest! (51 replies)
  114. Shotgun/Axe vs. Spirits (44 replies)
  115. Need help constructing an adventure... (27 replies)
  116. aliens style power lifter?! (2 replies)
  117. A vignette (29 replies)
  118. Technomancer Question (1 reply)
  119. Tir Tangire, new and improved (14 replies)
  120. New player seeking help (27 replies)
  121. Getting odd characters to fit (49 replies)
  122. Milk Run (5 replies)
  123. Spirit combat service (23 replies)
  124. Running Wild Question (4 replies)
  125. Darn Flybots! (3 replies)
  126. Called Shots and Burst Fire Mode (12 replies)
  127. Cyberware scanners again (12 replies)
  128. Becoming an E-Ghost? (14 replies)
  129. Astral Mages attacking in the real world... (30 replies)
  130. Buy your PDFs at your LGS! (27 replies)
  131. Interogation (19 replies)
  132. Cost for Cyberware that Takes up Capacity (6 replies)
  133. Shadowrun Difficulty (4 replies)
  134. Ally Spirits (1 reply)
  135. Initiation at character creation (Karmagen) (14 replies)
  136. Ideal group size? (17 replies)
  137. Chemistry (18 replies)
  138. Judo (28 replies)
  139. Need help brainstorming for GC Campaign... (4 replies)
  140. Nartaki and the Four Gun Conundrum (1 reply)
  141. Cyberarms and Weapons Larger than SMGs (11 replies)
  142. A Game Rife With Problems (34 replies)
  143. Focus Formulas, Dazed and Confused (1 reply)
  144. What's the Capacity of Contacts/Glasses/Goggles? (7 replies)
  145. Immoral elves (19 replies)
  146. Poisons (11 replies)
  147. It's another Free Sprites as Player Characters topic. (2 replies)
  148. Free Sprites compiling sprites? (2 replies)
  149. Whale Wars (66 replies)
  150. Body and Vehicle size (10 replies)
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