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  1. Popular Vehicles and group assets (65 replies)
  2. Shadowrun Fifth Edition Cover Art (99 replies)
  3. So what's up with Fastjack? (162 replies)
  4. "While You Were Out" cyberware (23 replies)
  5. When a Shadowrun goes wrong (1 reply)
  6. Magic and your own spells (135 replies)
  7. Echo Mirage (22 replies)
  8. Vehicle Repair/Mod Costs (8 replies)
  9. Force 12 Power Focus? (103 replies)
  10. Quantum Commlinks (16 replies)
  11. Bear shaman and physical drain (16 replies)
  12. [SR3] Rigger - Jumping in (8 replies)
  13. EARTHDAWN Question (19 replies)
  14. 5E Wish List (984 replies)
  15. Shadowrun 1990 Promo Video (11 replies)
  16. Cyberware That Feels (2 replies)
  17. Why did I never notice this before? (23 replies)
  18. Electronic tattoos (3 replies)
  19. What to do? (35 replies)
  20. Is recoil cumulative between initiative passes? (2 replies)
  21. House Ruling to the Craziness (16 replies)
  22. Transgenetic Alteration - Animal features (53 replies)
  23. Speed Archery (51 replies)
  24. I want to draw character portraits (24 replies)
  25. Called shots and vehicle armor (13 replies)
  26. True Dragon PC (47 replies)
  27. Quick question: German extra content translation (23 replies)
  28. Life imitates Game: Cybereyes ! (9 replies)
  29. [SR3] Rigger- Health & Safety in the workplace (16 replies)
  30. So what would YOU be? (59 replies)
  31. GM advice on how building a good climax wanted! (17 replies)
  32. RE: Distinctive Style (55 replies)
  33. Portable medical scanner (9 replies)
  34. The Stock Market (32 replies)
  35. A Troll Infiltrator (11 replies)
  36. Money Talks (3 replies)
  37. Unique Seattle Map (2 replies)
  38. Black IC and cutting the line (8 replies)
  39. Gambling Negative Quality (14 replies)
  40. Buying off Negative Qualities (123 replies)
  41. The Form of Our SINs (19 replies)
  42. [SR2/3] Drones and the Control Pool (6 replies)
  43. Player character suicide (13 replies)
  44. So our GM did something really weird to us... (259 replies)
  45. Futuretech (6 replies)
  46. Perfect node matrix defence? (6 replies)
  47. Where can I find details on Sasobonsam (19 replies)
  48. Chase Combat (5 replies)
  49. Crash Course on Hacking (13 replies)
  50. Granite Shell + Shields (46 replies)
  51. Life imitates Game: the Wireless Matrix, fifty years early? (67 replies)
  52. Matrix Monocle/Etheric Computing Services (3 replies)
  53. The Sweep Maneuver + Attacking With Multiple Weapons (6 replies)
  54. More Technomancer Submersion tasks (1 reply)
  55. Attacking With A Thagomizer (34 replies)
  56. Suggestions for a SR4a Decker Concept (12 replies)
  57. Critical Successes in Combat (15 replies)
  58. Fencing (26 replies)
  59. Character motivation - power/influence (8 replies)
  60. Multiple commands in a single swift action? (4 replies)
  61. Rocket Propelled Grenades? (5 replies)
  62. A little character input... (37 replies)
  63. Magic - Physical/Mana barrier - and spelly questions. (12 replies)
  64. Covert Ops Autosoft (4 replies)
  65. Fencing Gear? (31 replies)
  66. Rules Question: Psychotropic Program Option (20 replies)
  67. PC's Creating their own Gangland (29 replies)
  68. Oculus VR (12 replies)
  69. BP to Karma exchange rate? (7 replies)
  70. Freaks! (168 replies)
  71. Choosing Contacts (32 replies)
  72. Fake IDs (8 replies)
  73. Metal Magic (35 replies)
  74. History of Cloning in Shadowrun (15 replies)
  75. Gear weight (4 replies)
  76. Gear weight (2 replies)
  77. House Rules (9 replies)
  78. TacSoft Questions and TacNets, how do they work? (44 replies)
  79. Input for running a play-by-email game (2 replies)
  80. Up-to-date Jackpointer list? (2 replies)
  81. Theorycrafting: How To Make A Cybermage (34 replies)
  82. Power Foci and Adepts (53 replies)
  83. Prison Life (7 replies)
  84. Desert Wars (17 replies)
  85. Quick Question about Multiple Vision Ennhancers (11 replies)
  86. Question for our German-speaking members (17 replies)
  87. Parabotany is now available! (20 replies)
  88. Double arm transplant (2 replies)
  89. Augmentation using Magical Foci (12 replies)
  90. A question on Initiation (28 replies)
  91. Also out: Shadowrun: Sprawl Sites: High Society and Low Life (3 replies)
  92. Life imitates Game: new AR concept (4 replies)
  93. Gathering material for Tir Tairngire campaign (3 replies)
  94. Ways around the Camouflage spell? (27 replies)
  95. 'Tir Tairngire' in english (9 replies)
  96. Potentially Stupid Question... (7 replies)
  97. new player help with a rigger hacker (30 replies)
  98. The Fey (5 replies)
  99. Techno Sammie (8 replies)
  100. AI Initiative Passes / Hot-Sim (31 replies)
  101. The Xenomorph and the Cyberman (16 replies)
  102. Practical Perimeter Security / Astral (15 replies)
  103. Amphibious Vehicles (3 replies)
  104. True Vessels and who can make them (12 replies)
  105. Armor and Encumbrance Quick Question (15 replies)
  106. Stacking Counterspelling (3 replies)
  107. Value of essence (33 replies)
  108. Shadowrun 5 Goals Blog Entry (120 replies)
  109. Bogota (9 replies)
  110. Self-brewed Traditions (30 replies)
  111. New ideas for your game (7 replies)
  112. The theory of pink Mohawk. (6 replies)
  113. Quick Karmagen Question (51 replies)
  114. Complexity in games (84 replies)
  115. Gymnastic dodge, when and how? (96 replies)
  116. Sneakyness and Darkness (40 replies)
  117. Canadian-Style Health Care (50 replies)
  118. We're Cops! (37 replies)
  119. Resonance wells, technomancers, and rigging in SR4 (13 replies)
  120. Jamming on the fly (6 replies)
  121. SR2050 and character generation (16 replies)
  122. Optional combat rules (26 replies)
  123. Latent Awakening (14 replies)
  124. Saito's Current Status (12 replies)
  125. Animal Attunement Adept Metamagic (5 replies)
  126. Sexy New Cyberware! (6 replies)
  127. #slarpoc13 - Get involved with a NEW Shadowrun LARP (1 reply)
  128. Renfield Oddities (24 replies)
  129. Running a matrix/tech centric campaign (2 replies)
  130. Sneaky Weapons (69 replies)
  131. Questions about running a SR2050-campaign (13 replies)
  132. A creditor returning his money (19 replies)
  133. GM needs BBG help (4 replies)
  134. Rheinmetall builds first Laser-Cannon (8 replies)
  135. Less of a Run, More of an Adventure (8 replies)
  136. Shadowrun 3.8 (1 reply)
  137. Character Audit, Please (40 replies)
  138. Scandinavian Union (6 replies)
  139. Just a character type topic (22 replies)
  140. Information warfare specialist (19 replies)
  141. Where there's a Will... (4 replies)
  142. Mundanes: Self-Imposed Mechanical Punishment? (245 replies)
  143. Never deal with a dragon (17 replies)
  144. Matrix Basics (7 replies)
  145. First Post and Classic Shadowrun (9 replies)
  146. Magic in SR4 (17 replies)
  147. Mages running rampant (328 replies)
  148. Iconic, Epic SR Campain (13 replies)
  149. I did something completely off the wall! (13 replies)
  150. Safe Target System (23 replies)
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