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Full Version: PHP Shadowrun CG Framework
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
The idea is to develop a framework using PHP 5 and SQLite. The benfit being that this framework could be used with multiple platforms. Web Server, and desktops using PHP GTK. PHP GTK can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

A SQLite file would store each character.

A different SQLite file would store the character options; ie Cyberware, Merits, Flaws, Spells ....

Each option would have its own methods to modify the base stats in the character DB. This will give the greatest flexibility.

Well what do you think is their merit to this?
Is any one interested in taking part in a project like this?
Its a very interesting Idea, having done extensive work in PHP and SQL its well with in the world of feasibility.

Mad Pat
Will this be exclusively for SR3 or are you also coding in SR4?
The frame work would be only for SR4, as SR3 has a completely different document model.

The first stage would be to hammer out a relational database scheme for both the reference database, where we put the big tables of stuff the PC can choose from, and the PC database, where the lines of stuff they picked would be copied from the reference database. At the moment I think the PC database should be stand alone, linking in no way to the reference database. This would make adding to the reference database much easier and safer, cut the SQL calls in half during display, and make the SQLite file very portable.

Second stage would be to write the PC class.
Define the PC object
Define the skills object
Define the cyberware object
Define the adept_power object
Define the spell object
Define the complex_form object
and so on.

Third stage would be to try to make something out of it, ether a Web or stand alone PC generator.

PC=player character
I only asked because you state merits and Flaws, not Qualities.
well, there are quite a few people writing SR4 CG programs now.

why is no one using adam's "Announce SR4 programs here" thread? 56 people have viewed it, yet no one has actually used it?
I didn't use it because I haven't made any thing yet.
Exactly. Unless I misread, he's saying "announce finished SR4 programs".

that's fair - i just saw it as an attempt by adam to keep track of the programs that are either here or on their way.

but now that i reread it:

programs released for SR4
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