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Full Version: DC Area Gamers
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Wiz In Red
I was wondering if anyone on this board is in a gaming group in the DC/NoVA area. I've been looking for a game, but haven't had much luck so far. I'm interested in any of the following games:

Ad&d Second Edition
D&D 3 or 3.5
Star Wars
any White Wolf (new to me, but interested)

about anything but Alternity, I hate the system and the setting.

Please, let me know if you've got an opening in the general area.
Crimson Ronin has been trying to figure something out with me (although I'm a hard guy to schedule around). Send him a PM. He's in Hyattsville. I'm up in Silver Spring, but as I said, I'm hard to schedule around, so I wouldn't bet on me too much.
I have some friends who play, but I'm personally out of gaming till mid-Spring due to classes and real life.
Wiz In Red
I have some friends who play, but I'm personally out of gaming till mid-Spring due to classes and real life.

Do you have contact information? I'd really like getting into a game.
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