Oct 3 2005, 07:32 PM
Last year about this time there was a thread about starting a group at Phantom in the Attic in Oakland on Craig Street. Apparently, that never came to fruition.
This year, myself and my roommate aim to start one. We can pretty much play anywhere (save our apartment. It's tiny/has cats/has another roommate who isn't too keen on roleplaying) if there's enough interest.
I talked to one of the guys at Phantom yesterday (Sunday afternoon) and he said that, as long as it didn't conflict with anything, a game could probably be held.
The version would probably end up being 3rd Ed, but we might swing 4th if absolutely needed. I'm willing to GM, as is he (I'm sure), and are also open to letting others run if they so choose.
Any interest from people who can make it to Pittsburgh (specifically Oakland)?
Oct 4 2005, 03:33 PM
The game you're thinking of ended up running from about the time of that posting until late December. The members moved on to another game after one of them moved out of town (namely, me--though I don't see why you people can't just drive the three hours down here to play!).
Being the lovely person that I am, however, I'll attempt to coerce the GM of that game into checking this thread out.
Oct 4 2005, 08:14 PM
When I talked to the owner he said that the game never went down. Frank was his name, I think.
Otaku On Acid
Oct 7 2005, 12:56 AM
For the record the game wasn't going to be run at phantom. I just wanted to meet there so people wouldn't know where I live. The game ended in december mentioned, however if you're planning on running I'll help if I can, I probalby know more than a few players who would be interested. Feel free to contact me on aim if you want more info feel free to contact me on aim
at frigginfrenchie, i'm usally on if away
Oct 7 2005, 04:04 PM
I, unfortunately, can't get on AIM until I get internet at home. That should (hopefully) be at the end of the month.
Oct 29 2005, 07:53 PM
I am part of a local group that has been playing at gamemasters in the north hills for a year now. We are looking for new blood and just starting the process of transitioning to SR4. We meet every Wednesday and begin play ~6pm-10pm.
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