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Full Version: An idea about corporation game
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
I guess at first I posted it in wrong forum. If some mod can delete this topic from other forum, it would be nice. I am copying text here, more or less:

Generally I enjoy games with many levels, 3 or 4 layers of treachery and plans sound great for me. So, now I am GMing Shadowrun for a while and there are, you know, corporations smile.gif

So, is anyone interested in taking over the corporations and influencing the world?
And, are there some infos on how much biggest corporations own/have resources or I should make them myself?

If anyone interested, just make an answer here.
And if many people are interested, I will try to flesh out everything to volunteers, including things that corporations already have done. PC's accidentally started a big corporation war, so opportunities are wast smile.gif
There are two groups of PC's, which could take your missions, or if they refuse then NPC's will try to do it, which involves some kind of opposing rolls and other things.

Oh, I do not know 100% of rules, so there will be mistakes.
And not all technologies are available, many of them can be researched and introduced in the world. Of course if some runner teams organise online, good for them. Just curious about it, and wanna start slow but long game.
Dark Scrier
Corporate Download, Corporate Download, Corporate Download.

Those are the three books you'll need. Make them happen.

I recently picked up Corporate Download, and found it to be well written, highly informative, and a decent source of ideas for corporate runs.
Oh, and don't forget...Corporate Download is a good book too.

And if you can find it, 1st Ed Corporate Shadowfiles isn't bad either although it has been OOP for ages.
And outdated, too, for that matter, I guess. Many things have changed since first edition, with the corporate war and all.
Since Corporate Shadowfiles concentrates on general megacorporate economics and the ins and outs of intercorporate and financial intrigue rather than corporate agendas and data, its information is complementary to Corporate Download much in the same way as New Seattle is complementary to the original Seattle.
Oh, ok... Sorry.
Street Wyze
I am totally interested.
Oh yeah, mark me up for that interest thing.
Sounds Neat! Mark me in the interested section as well.
When can I start?

Oki. Write to me at Traks <at> one <dot> lv

Of courses without spaces and stuff. I will try to fill you in, with stuff what happened and we will discuss rules and events.
Also please write which corporation you are taking, except for Krupp corporation for obvious reasons smile.gif Each corporation will have bonuses in it's field and some other distinctive features.

To good folks who supported me smile.gif
Is that Corporate download a book? Or pdf? Or what?
From Shadowrun I have Critters book and main book, with "want list" Cannon companion and matrix book.
Corporate Download is one of the core background supplements for Shadowrun (currently OOP but available in most stores) and the source for material on the Big 10. You may want to check it out as well as the Blood in the Boardroom track campaign set that covers the major events in the 2058-2060 Corporate War which destroyed Fuchi and led to the rise of Novatech, CATCo and Wuxing to the ZO Corporate Court.

Take it from someone who's tried this one. It's nowhere as simple as it seems. Read up on those references above and the long OOP Corporate Shadowfiles if you can get a hold of it. They're fabulous sources for ideas and you'll find players tend to expect certain "basic facts" to remain true from game to game (ie. Damien Knight leads Ares, MCT has ties to the Yakuza, Aztech's board is a mystery, Novatech, Shiawase and Renraku share enemities brought on by Villiers backstabbing at Fuchi, Cross hates Ares, etc)
QUOTE (Synner)
Corporate Download is one of the core background supplements for Shadowrun (currently OOP but available in most stores) and the source for material on the Big 10. It's nowhere as simple as it seems.

I never expected corporate wars being easy smile.gif
*shrugs after hearing word "stores"*
Our country have a small community of RPG players, so only things you can buy at couple of local stores are only and forever AD&D.
Everything else I can get only via Internet.

>and you'll find players tend to expect certain "basic facts" to remain true from >game to game (ie. Damien Knight leads Ares, MCT has ties to the Yakuza, >Aztech's board is a mystery, Novatech, Shiawase and Renraku share enemities >brought on by Villiers backstabbing at Fuchi, Cross hates Ares, etc)

There are differences in my world, of course.
Besides my players don't know much about Shadowrun, because I am only one who GM's Shadowrun. Usually players are into AD&D, but as much as I like playing AD&D, for the same amount I hate to GM it. So those ties and other things now are perfectly at my disposal. But of course book could help, outlining most important question "Why?" Ok ok, I give up, I am adding it to my "Christmas presents to myself" list.

On other hand, I liked Shadowrun quite a time, from old Sega game based on Shadowrun mechanics. So it seemed a natural choice to GM it smile.gif
So, for those who wanted to join in this:

I will analyse each corporation strengthes and weaknesses, and make some "statistics" for them. Like economic situation, personnel and others.

Then depending on few factors everyone will have some points he will be able to spend on:

Spying/counterspying - low means that enemy knows your plans before your personnel do, high means you know everything that is going out there. Also affects computer defenses against hacking.
Economics - you can try to raise your economic potential which will lead to more funding in various fields
Research - you can fund newest researches, especially when PC teams are quite poorly equipped and they do not know most of devices (heck, I am allowing weapons from standard list to them)
Politics - you can try influence everything through legal means, making better laws or getting away police from protecting your enemies.
Personnel - how qualified they are, low means you hire people after 60 as your alfa team, and high means professionals in every field.
Weapons, modifications - how equipped personnel is, affects defenses when your weapon factories are raided smile.gif
Active operations funding - in fact, warfare, funding for taking out enemy's resources, affects what you offer to Shadowrunners to complete a job

Also there will be some number of points, equal to active operations funding, that will be reported to you directly. It more represents, how able you are to follow active warfare - if you do not fund it much, you also have not much interest in it and probably your vice is following that theme.
See if you have us create our own corporation and then try to take over a megacorp. We might as well walk around with no armor on and a sign around our neck that says "PLEASE SHOOT ME". The second we try to take over any megacorp the Corp Court will issue an Omega Order on us. That means it is free reign for open attacks from EVERY SINGLE corp out there. We'd never survive. There are two legimate ways to take over a corp, but to do that in a game would take an incredible amount of time. So I'm gonna have to back down. Had it been an elite team of Shadowrunners who picked a corp to hassle and try to bring down, then yeah I'm all for that. But to be a corp and attempt to man-handle a megacorp, no thanks.


p.s. Good luck those of you who are actually going to attempt this. Will you leave your homes to me in your will? biggrin.gif
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