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Full Version: Info about my book
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming

Yep, that's mine. I'll let the previews speak for themselves; a prelude and two chapters sounds right, no?

Check it out, read it, love it, and I thank you.
Yep, its now available at Just look for Pillars of the Kingdom. Its far nicer to me if you buy through Lulu, though. (Note: I posted this in the original forum as well smile.gif )
QUOTE (frostPDP)
Its far nicer to me if you buy through Lulu, though.

In what way?

Oh, and by the way, congratulations on being published. smile.gif
Heh, thank you. basically forced the price way up so they could take a big cut of it. :/ So if you buy direct through the publishing house, you give me more money! *looks around innocently.*

What was that, good sir? No, my name is not Lofwyr. *blinkblink. RUN!*
Hey gratz! I'll buy it when I get paid.
Heh, well Shadow, I'm waiting wink.gif

Seriously though, its doing pretty well. I just got an article published in a small independent magazine ( and I'm pretty happy with how things are going all in all. Could always do better, could do much worse. Support me!

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