Sep 26 2003, 10:29 PM
I have a "pre-alpha" (proof of concept) version of my online Shadowrun combat map ready for input. You can read the instructions, and link to the actual application, here: me know what you think. It's basically a visual aid, it doesn't know much about the rules (other than how to roll dice and compute initiative and distance.) Version 1.0 will enable all users to see changes as they happen. It also might be useful even if you're playing around a table.
When finished I plan on releasing it to the public as freeware. The standalone version won't require anything other than a computer, the "online" version will require only PHP/MySQL.
BTW, v2 will attempt to incorporate the bulk of the combat rules. The goal would be for the player to decide what to do, roll his dice and the program will take care of the rest.
Sep 26 2003, 11:33 PM
You'll need to take the (...) out of the address to pull it up.
Sep 26 2003, 11:35 PM
Working link: interesting, if a bit overcomplicated for my tastes. But very nice.
Sep 28 2003, 02:30 PM
I like this. However, I generally only do PBEMs, so I don't need a real time map. What I would like are the following:
A mapping surface I can draw using a simple tool of some sort.
The ability to display name (already in), race, damage monitors (already in), and cover modifiers (manually entered).
An inset or legend which would list off all of the icons with their initiatives (in order).
A "roll all initative" function.
A "incapacitated" function on icons to make them unconcious.
The ability to "save" a map state. Since this is Flash, you could probably do a text block in and out to restore states.
Just some thoughts.
Sep 28 2003, 09:39 PM
Thanks for the comments.
A mapping surface I can draw using a simple tool of some sort |
You may have missed this, but in the first room, if you click on a square you can cycle through various terrain elements (partial cover, full cover, and doors.) Any suggestions for other types?
The ability to display name (already in), race, damage monitors (already in), and cover modifiers (manually entered) |
Cover modifiers is a good one, are there other modifiers that would be useful to see at a glance? How about the various pools?
An inset or legend which would list off all of the icons with their initiatives (in order). A "roll all initative" function. |
Calculating initiative will probably need to wait until the map becomes truly "smart" about the rules. But certainly, that would be a big part of v2.
A "incapacitated" function on icons to make them unconcious. |
That's already in place. Toggle the meter up to deadly on either scale and the icon will show an "x" in addition to changing colors.
The ability to "save" a map state. Since this is Flash, you could probably do a text block in and out to restore states. |
This will indeed be part of v1. In fact, I taught myself a little PHP yesterday to accomplish the whole shared state thing. (for the record, Flash can read a text file, but it can't write anything to a server without some server-side technology (CGI, PHP, ASP, whatever.) Because this is hopefully the basis for a total combat system, I'm going ahead and using a MySQL database.
Sep 28 2003, 09:41 PM
BTW, I'm also adding basic drone support.
Sep 28 2003, 09:53 PM
I missed the drawing tool and the stunned/dead thing. Is it possible to draw on a line of squares instead of just one at a time? That would also be useful.
Cover is one of the few modifiers that isn't obvious from posted actions and that will be important in target selection. Things like running/walking may also be important, but only if you're doing the complete combat setup thing.
What I'm interested in is this:
I want to be able to create a map, populate it with PCs and NPCs (about half a dozen of each), and email either a link or a text block to my players so that they can view the map. When things happen, I'd like to be able to move the icons, record damage, and change the environment and later mail this back out. I don't need anything fancy in terms of state saving, and rules integration isn't a big topic for me. Something which almost does the basics is located
here. I like yours much better because of the amount of SR specific stuff that can be added and the appearance is just nicer.
Sep 28 2003, 11:15 PM
This looks really cool!
[I've been mentally woe-ing the lack of Mac-compatible utilities as of late, as I'm about to buy a Powerbook and theoretically want to use it to aid GMing.]
Quick bug I noted: It allows rolling on a TN of 1, which should automatically become a TN of 2, which means all one's rolled fail.
I'm more interested in "GM mode" than using it for collaborative play. Having an Initiative Tracker and other such tools would certainly make it more useful for what I would want it to do.
[BTW, your Pittsburgh map is also rocking cool!]
Nov 25 2003, 10:10 PM
Is anything still happening with this? The site has disappeared. Just checking.