In the past few weeks, I've been getting a e-mails from convention organizers who are seeking GMs to run Shadowrun Missions at conventions for them.
Unfortunately, and in spite of my best efforts, I haven't quite managed to meet every Shadowrun GM across the country.

So, if you're a Shadowrun GM who's willing to run Shadowrun Missions at cons that are "near" you, I'd love it if you'd drop me a line. You're welcome to either PM me here at Dumpshock or e-mail me at I'd like to have a contact e-mail and a city/state. If you feel like mentioning just how far you're willing to drive (in hours) that'd be great as well.
I'll be storing this information, but you'll only receive e-mails from me in response to a question, or in the event that I hear about a con that's within a couple of hours of your home city. I will not be sharing the information with anyone else. (Including other conventions. I'll make sure that GMs on the list have a way of contacting the cons.)
Cons will usually provide free admission for their GM's, and this is a great way to find a group of people interested in playing more Shadowrun in your area. I'll also make sure that anyone on this list has access to the latest Shadowrun Missions adventure in plenty of time to run it at any convention they sign up with.
Priority areas at the moment are:
Fort Wayne, IN
St. Paul, MN
Orlando, FL
Kalamazoo, MI
Providence, RI
Stony Broook, NY
Thanks folks!