Nov 30 2005, 03:19 PM
[SIZE=7]Calling all runners!![SIZE=7]
Who is out there in the Orlando area needing thier fix for thier Shadowrun 4 jones!! Come on down!! You are the next contestant on the Run for Your Life!!
Nov 30 2005, 07:22 PM
hehe funny.
well you know I am here and as always playing at my place is what I can offer.
Jan 20 2006, 11:11 PM
Well looks like I am still here trying to put together a group guy so lets hope by my posting here that it draws some attention to the need for players in and around Orlando Florida.
Jan 21 2006, 02:46 AM
try the map, i remember that there's several in that area on it
Jan 21 2006, 05:28 PM
warrior_allanon thanks for the idea but I have looked on the map.
Aside from me and Magus there are very few people in the area according to the map.
3 others to be exact and only one of them looks to be a short travel time.
The problem for me is I have no transportation so I have to ask people to come to me which is hard to do for some.
I know there are others in the area but between work or school it just is not working out for them to play.
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