Dec 8 2005, 08:34 PM
Hey, a buddy of mine told me that he had heard about a Shadowrun movie being in the works. He claims to have heard it from a guy who runs a Shadowrun MUD. Now, I don't think that a SR movie would ever be made, but I'm not sure. So, anyone here heard anything, or is my buddy just pulling random crap out of nowhere?
Dec 9 2005, 11:48 AM
Well there was the movie Johnny Mnemonic which every Shadowrunner who saw it instantly recognized it as a Shadowrun world type movie. It wasn't a good movie IMHO and it wasn't called Shadowrun the movie but I mean cmon the opening lines in the movie practically came out of the Shadowrun Core Rule books.
Dec 9 2005, 12:21 PM
In a recently german game magazine interview RB said: No movie is planned...
Dec 9 2005, 12:30 PM
It's one of those rumours that turn up frequently.
Dec 9 2005, 05:39 PM
I don't recall if it was on the faq or the writing guidlines but I seem to remember reading somewhere on the official website that Wizkids was developing an idea for it.
Which they probably are and could be for years and years.
Dec 9 2005, 08:07 PM
QUOTE (Mekalus) |
Well there was the movie Johnny Mnemonic which every Shadowrunner who saw it instantly recognized it as a Shadowrun world type movie. It wasn't a good movie IMHO and it wasn't called Shadowrun the movie but I mean cmon the opening lines in the movie practically came out of the Shadowrun Core Rule books. |
Johnny Mnemonic was based on a short story published in 1986 -- three years before Shadowrun was released.
Dec 9 2005, 08:20 PM
And I read it long before the movie came out. In fact, I always reccomend to people who haven't seen the movie yet to read the short story first.
Neuromancer was (of course) the first Cyberpunk novel I read, then I moved on to Burning Chrome, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive & the Mirrorshades anthology.
Dec 17 2005, 11:51 AM
I have heard that some German fans make fan films. never looked it up though.
Mr. Man
Dec 18 2005, 04:08 AM
About a year or so before FASA went under they announced (at the Gen Con "What's Up With Shadowrun?" seminar) that they were working on a deal with an independent filmmaker. Apparantly nothing ever came of it, though.
Dec 21 2005, 10:48 PM the german owner of Shadowrun did so something. They had a contest for the best Shadowrun Films. I've uploaded two films to my web site for your viewing. Maybe some german speaking folks can add subtitles or something. You can get the gist of what's going on though.]]Remember to right click on the Hyperlink and click save as.....
Dec 22 2005, 01:28 AM
Some Ed2k Links for all the Shadowrun Short Movies
Dec 26 2005, 06:50 PM
I heard rumors, only a third of all americans have german roots, so not everybody can understand these (short) movies.
Sure would be nice if Elve could mark the ones not english
Dec 27 2005, 02:26 PM
I think none of the is english
(Ok maybe one or two, but I don't really remember...
Jan 2 2006, 05:36 AM
You guys know there was a movie based on Gibson's short story New Rose Hotel? It wasn't very good, despite starring Wilem Dafoe and Christopher Walken, two of the best actors of all time. I would like to see a Shadowrun movie, but right now, I'd settle for the upocoming Shadowrun game being good.
Jan 8 2006, 07:34 PM
I think Johnny Pneumonic (aka new rose hotel) being made into a movie was a great and terrible fluke.
Every Gibson/cyberpunk fan would agree Neuromancer should have been made into a movie before anything else Gibson wrote.
I mean come on! It not only invented the matrix, it invented Razor girls/Street Samurai. Oh and it had Coffin motels..... Crazy futuristic drugs.... a jaunt into space.... Zen archers.... Crazy megacorp.... Massive sprawl (and it was on the East Coast to!)... I mean come on what more could anyone ask for.
Jan 9 2006, 02:04 AM
QUOTE (Maxxi) |
I think Johnny Pneumonic (aka new rose hotel) being made into a movie was a great and terrible fluke. |
New Rose Hotel and Johnny Mnemonic are two different short stories and two different movies. Both stories are in the short story anthology
Burning Chrome.
New Rose Hotel MovieJohnny Mnemonic Movie
Jan 9 2006, 02:53 AM
I stand corrected. I never knew New Rose Hotel was a movie, and I never did much more then glance at Burning Chrome.
I've only read Neuromancer and Count Zero straight through.
Jan 9 2006, 07:18 PM
New Rose Hotel was... Eh. Great cast, but the movie was reasonably painful. If you haven't read the story, which is *FAR* superior, you'll likely get lost. If you have read the story, you'll still get fairly bored since it's mostly dialogue.
Yes, two movies. Johnny Mnemonic was better by a bit. Neuromancer might have been tough because there wasn't much you could cut out to put it in an hour and a half, and there's a certain amount of background which might have been good. What was that one where the guy finds the glasses that show 3D plans for the city? That one might be self-contained enough for a good movie.
Jan 26 2006, 01:58 AM
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum) |
I have heard that some German fans make fan films. never looked it up though. |
A few days ago, the 2005 shadowrun short movie competition was decided. the Jurors were pretty enthusiastic about each one of the 5 (or 6) participants.
Haven't seen them yet, but i will keep you posted.
(downloading the high quality versions p2p takes time ...
Feb 16 2006, 09:32 PM
I have seen 4 of the 6 (or so) short movies so far. Pretty good
Probably even worth looking if you can't speak german (perhaps somebody will do subtitles
For emule users: search for sr_kurzfilm_06
Especially the Winner, Tor 3, is not based on dialogue
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