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Full Version: Ever do any voice-over work?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Anyone interested in trying to do some voice work for the Shadowrun short movie, please e-mail an audition to

I want to hear delivery of energetic phrases:

Get down! Let's get out of here! etc

Heart-felt words:

I love you. Never leaver me, etc

Ironic/stoic heroism:

come get some. Bring it on. etc

Get creative and be expressive.

Men and Woman needed. No money involved, but your voice will live on in digital immortality.
Oh man! I would love to get into voice work. I slip in and out of voices all the time. (Voice acting is one of my "backup" future career endeavor ideas.)

What kind of time investment and when would you be looking to start?
I need a voice cast for a single short film. The largest speaking part would total ~3 minutes of speaking. The smallest might have as few as three lines.

Anyone auditioning would need access to their own microphone and MP3 capable recording program (there are many free ones). They would just do one recording session where they would capture all of their lines. A re-recording might be necessary if the performance is unsatisfactory or not what I was looking for.

Really, it would just be a fun time and would be very fast.

If you're interested, just put your voice in digital form and send it to me smile.gif
Ach! I'll surely try. I have an unexpected emergency trip coming up on Monday all the sudden, and where I'm going I won't have anything but sporadic dial-up. frown.gif
I'll give it a go. I'll warn you though, I do great voice acting live, but I've really had a hard time recording it well. I think it's because there's a high overtone that most recording media doesn't actually pick up (at least that's the explanation my hardware engineering prof gave me).

Still, I could do for that, though I recommend we do this in Ogg Vorbis rather than MP3, because it's a better compressed format. smile.gif
Sounds fine. Just send it to me me quickly!
Ok so if this was going to work the voice acting would have to be sent VIA e-mail?
Sure, I could help out.
Indeed, e-mail! Just zip a few MP3s together.

This is the last day to submit anything to me @ if you want to try. Parts will be finalized by 8PM tomorrow.
I have been asked many times if I am the voice to Brian from Family Guy as well as being asked what radio show I work for. Need that type of voice? So still available if needed.
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