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Full Version: Cyberpunk 3.0 is OUT!
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Finally! The PDF is up on and the DeadTree edition is on the way back from the printer!

For people thinking of buying the PDF, note that it does not include the entire book. It's 14 pages short, and I don't believe any customers are aware of exactly what isn't included.
QUOTE (Adam @ Dec 16 2005, 05:04 PM)
For people thinking of buying the PDF, note that it does not include the entire book. It's 14 pages short, and I don't believe any customers are aware of exactly what isn't included.

Ask me again after "Terrorists Birthday". I have the PDF and will get the dead tree version to compare. biggrin.gif
Shadowrun 4th ed. and now Cyberpunk v3 in the same year?
Dude cool.gif
I remember Cyberpunk, i do like the game and may check it out.
QUOTE (Drac)
Shadowrun 4th ed. and now Cyberpunk v3 in the same year?
Dude cool.gif

Word is Mike Pondsmith looked at SR-4 and decided that 2005 should see at least one good RPG coming out. So he finally wrote and released CP3 biggrin.gif

Jokes aside:

Fuzion based, thereby solving the few problems the old "Interlock" system had. It has

- Point buy based character construction
- Damage scaling with Kills
- Hit locations so even a light pistol can kill wink.gif
- Drop the roles and special abilities.
* They became perks and talents
* Can be bought by everyone
- Solved the Reflexes and Attractiveness problems

Advanced the timeline by 10-15 years

- Take your pick, it's much more Neil Stephenson(sp?) than Gibson
- Advanced the technology
- Reduced the megacorps a bit

In general, I like it but will keep my own background.
He's been working on it for years. He even ran demos at a few conventions in the US this year play testing. Primarily though the big lag was when he left the gaming industry for a few years to work at Microsoft as a game designer. I think his last project was the Matrix Online game. Now he's back to print. (I believe TLC did a little documentry on Microsoft Game development and he was in it. It focused on the Crimson Skies game, finally because the developers couldn't agree they got new developers. It could have also been that they spent half they're budget on the intro for the game.)

From what I hear he's a real nice guy. Some friends of mine in Texas took him out for Mexican food after his game at Project Akon.
That much is true. Much of the delay was due to his working for the 'evil overlord' WHGIII, & the other evil corp - Micro$haft. [ the truly evil corp being $ony, ironic that their rootkit infested cds WON'T play on my PS2]. He is very much a control guy, inasmuch as CP was his baby, (just like mekton), and believes in taking the time to do stuff right. He also had (from what I hears) a hand in some ideas for HALO (Cortana sounds like a female version of him, sometimes).

A couple of friends of mine ran him through a game (the better part of 10 years ago, when he came downunder to Melbourne) and he had a ball. He really is a very nice guy, who likes a beer (or two). Paul (one of the friends) also got to submit stuff for PacRim - it's WHO u know, as well as what you can do, that counts.
Mind you, the prez-for-life of my former games club wrote much of Rigger (1.0). Me, I'm the Fixer - I just know the right folks.

Me, I'm going to mix/match SR4 and CPv3 in the way I usually do. I've got SR1 sourcebooks/adventures full of post-its with conversion notes from one system to the other. Adapt and overcome. It doesn't have to be a 'perfect' fit, but as long as it 'feels' right, close enough IS good enough.
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