Dec 23 2005, 06:07 AM
I would say the title is pretty self-explinatory, I am searching for a Shadowrun GM that still has room in his group for another player in Orange County (primarily northern but I'm not too picky at this point).
I currently own my own copy of SR4 but have a decent collection of SR3 materials (although I'm pissed because I can't find a damn copy of Magic in the Shadows).
I'm experienced with table-top RPing but I am a little inexperienced with Shadowrun in general (but not a total virgin, just maybe my former GM was riding the action-hero train a little too hard so it might be that it wasn't a real foray so much).
Dec 23 2005, 06:22 AM
We have an irregularly-scheduled game in San Clemente...that may be a bit too far south though.
(we're SR3 though and prolly won't be switching to SR4, so....)
Dec 27 2005, 06:00 AM
Hey Digital,
Accordind to Mapquest, you'd be looking at:
Total Est. Time: 44 minutes Total Est. Distance: 41.54 miles (hella less than I have to drive!)
To get to our game. Gonna try to get one going before end of december if you're up to it.
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