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Full Version: SR3 Earned Karma/Table Ratings Poll
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hey folks,

While doing some of the last minute prepwork on the SR4 Missions, the issue arose that some people might feel that the adventures could be a bit more challenging for characters who had rolled over Karma from SR3.

I've got my own feelings on just how much Karma most characters have earned, however, I wanted to get a handle on the community's response as a whole. If you've played in the SR3 adventures, and you plan to roll over your Karma into SR4, I'd love to know just how much you'll be bringing with you.

Yes, the chart goes a bit further, but the maximum that anyone should have been able to earn, if they played all 12 SR3 adventures is right around 72 karma.

Note: If you've used your SRM character for NON-SRM games, please only note the Karma earned in the actual SRM adventures.

Yeah my group is very green.
60-99, thats one hard core gamer, or a GM that just to genorous.
Dark father
Starting from SRM00-01 through SRM01-09, it is really possible to bring a character to professional status, even if the GM is not too generous. That's 14 missions, nd some are quite easy to get the max karma. My players played through all the missions up to SRM01-05 now, and I'm pretty confident that most of them will manage to get a professional rating at the end of the campaign.
Well my Physical Adept is at 31 total earned karma but one went to karma pool so he has 30 after 9 SRM's
Total Career Good Karma counts for Roll over. So, the points that went into Karma Pool also go to your SR4 character. smile.gif
I have 15 to 20 players in the Seattle area who have earned around 20-35 Karma.
Perhaps another 15 who've dropped in on an irregular basis and have 0-19.
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