Oct 3 2003, 02:50 AM
I'm in an online group, but it's sorta stuck. People are too busy.
So...I inquire as to whether an online chatgame group or a r/l group in Tallahassee, FL needs a player.
I prefer to play riggers, deckers, and combatant types.
Thank you.
I'm currently searching for players. I will be running a game through a private chat at Shadowland 6.0 website. It is quite nice from what I have tried there.
Please contact me about joining.
Oct 10 2003, 12:57 AM
Hmm. An internet chat client? Well, I have one char with a few design glitches. But they can be solved. They are A) lack of a datajack for his Vehicle Control Rig (me and my friend musta thought a datajack came with the VCR) and he has APDS ammo when he shouldn't have it.
Other than that, you have yourself a gunbunny street sam with some rigger on the side, ready to go.
And his vehicle was made with the Rigger 3 rules.
Oct 13 2003, 05:28 PM
If you're interested, we've got a game grinding back to a start at Actual game goes down mostly in chatroom, low-level roleplaying and logistics happen on the board.
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