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Err Simplified...

I may be ancient at 32, but lately it seems the current trend in the RPG industry is dumbed-downed streamlined rules sets... whats up with that?

d20, SR4, nWoD, etc...

You mean I can't die in character creation?
You mean I can realistically have a chance of knowing the entire rules without having to perform some arcane memorization techniques?
What happened to the the to-hit overlays ala Millieniums End?
What happened to the hit points for various body parts ala Twilight 2k

I remember when complexity was a good thing... that just meant it was a robust rules set...

I needed a different colored box set after every five levels....
I needed complex algebraic equations to determine ship speed/location, thanks to Traveller 2300.
I need 400 cubic feet of storage space just to store my gaming collection.. some sets are alphabetized, some ordered by date of release, some by author... others just by coolness factor, others by how generic they really are...

I had rules for running around on foot, and rules for when you strapped that 100ton Kodiak on your back thanks to Mechwarior, and Battletech.

I knew when that Templar meant to through me in the pit to fight for his God-King, I knew when the chant hit the berg, I'd be nothing but a bone-box nailed to the leafless tree.

I knew that two-legged walking cats and dogs, and horses all belonged in the space that was the Imperium. I've made force checks and swung lightsabers using d20s and d6's...

I can't begin to count how many systems I own that included Starfleet..... or Cthulhu....

And no matter what how often it told you... The Computer was never your friend...

I just can't keep up anymore....

I thinks its because I know soooo many archaic, baroque rpg rule-sets that my head is full.

That's why I only play SR. smile.gif
I want to add, that theres a difference between simplified, and streamlined. For instance, the change between dnd/adnd and dnd 3.0/.5, and AC. I consider that a STREAMLINING, and not a "simplification", just because of the fact that it finally took away those two way modifiers and THAC0 crapola
QUOTE (Erebus)
I knew when that Templar meant to through me in the pit to fight for his God-King, I knew when the chant hit the berg, I'd be nothing but a bone-box nailed to the leafless tree.

:holds up a lighter:

I've been playing since Dungeons and Dragons in those oh so pretty boxes.

When I was told I was letting Demons into my mind and would be possessed and killed by my characters and we had church meetings about the evil new thing perverting our youth.

'Course, they also preached against Dallas and my mom never missed an episode, so I had good role models.

Seriously, I'm LOVING this new idea of Story over Rules. The old systems were just stupid and overly complex. Gaming hadn't moved past its roots as a Wargame and was saddled with baggage. I'm probably the minority around here, but I love SR4. I love the ease of using rules to determine an outcome quickly, without being overly concerned with realism.

By the way, Mechwarrior 3rd Edition had one of, if not THE best, character creation systems ever made by man. That game was Battletech at its peak. *sigh*

It'll never get better than Planescape, 2nd Edition rules and all, though.

Silhouette core rules by dream pod 9.

Simplest character creation system i know.
You'll always have GURPS.

Just as much crunchy stuff as before.

Bigger and more expensive color books.
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