Jan 8 2006, 07:01 PM
I went to order a new SR3 BBB and...???
Jan 8 2006, 11:52 PM
They were closing for some amount of time, and then they got bought by another group.
So either eBay it, FLGS it, or find it elsewhere online.
Jan 9 2006, 12:09 AM
QUOTE (tanka) |
They were closing for some amount of time, and then they got bought by another group.
So either eBay it, FLGS it, or find it elsewhere online. |
I'm pretty sure I can find the book. That isn't the problem. I was just curious how long they have been closed.
Jan 9 2006, 12:22 AM
IIRC they "closed" at the end of December. Or, at least, were scheduled to. No ETA on re-opening, but I'd imagine it'll be within this quarter.
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