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Full Version: Twin Cities, MN
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Dr. K
I recently bought SR4 and im looking for people to play with int he twin cities area. I have a lot of 2nd and 3rd Ed. books too if you guys are into that too.


Dr. K
I have books for both 3rd and 4th and live relatively close to you... By that I mean about three hours from the twin cities... Still you're the only player/gm (Whatever you are) that I've seen from around this area.
I am currently running a fledgling group in the Twin Cities.

We currently have me GMing, and two other players. Ideally, I'd like to add one or possibly two more players. Please contact me for more info.
Are you looking to play SR4 or SR3 or both?

I'm back in the TC and might be interested in finding a group again.
We are currently doing SR4.
There are a few more of us out here. Try posting at the Source Comics and Games on Snelling and Larpenteur in Roseville, you may get some interest.

The Source is currently running Shadowrun 4th Edition as their Summer Gaming Event. There's a Shadowrun game going on pretty much every evening all summer long. So you might want to stop by to learn more. Great way to meet players for home games.
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